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This paper starts from an examination of an epistemological framework that underpins practice in particular educational contexts. It examines work-based knowledge, relating this to practitioner research and evidence informed practice. This is followed by an exploration of arguments that call for increased rigour in educational research as well as the use of systematic reviews. The paper examines tensions within educational research located in particular institutional contexts which draw upon ‘post-modern’ conceptualisations of practice, setting these against research concerned with generalisability that veers towards traditional positivist claims. The paper concludes by suggesting that such arguments readily fold back into a conservative empiricism and a more appropriate position should be based upon dialogue across a range of constituents. However, such a notion needs to recognise social antagonism as well as aspirations towards the deepening of notions of social justice.  相似文献   

Women's Content     
This paper describes the progress made by a school of social work toward integrating women's content into the curriculum using a feminist approach to organizing for change. The paper examines the steps taken in involving faculty and students in planning, research, and required institutional change. The resulting program is presented. Suggestions for other program planning integration projects are included.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions in the UK are required, by law, to make anticipatory reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities. Inclusive teaching practice, if adopted across the sector, would ensure that the needs of students with disabilities are considered and provided for, before they even arrive on campus. This paper sets out the background and key findings from an institutional research project at a UK university that aimed to discover if academic staff's attitudes would be problematic or conducive to the implementation of inclusive teaching practice. The paper concludes that there is little evidence of widespread “resistance” but rather, the research discovered a prevailing belief in the rights of students with disabilities to education, albeit a belief which is limited in its practical application in the classroom. The paper also reports on a number of recommendations made to the case study university as a result of this research.  相似文献   

Some colleges have responded to adult students nontraditional scheduling needs by expanding traditional program offerings to Saturday times. In 1984, a survey of Saturday students was conducted at one such college, a two year University of Wisconsin Center in Waukesha County, to generate information useful in institutional planning and scheduling. Results of the survey of 158 Saturday students revealed that participants were older, employed full time and, more often, women. Forty percent were new or re-entry students. Continuing students increased credit loads through the Saturday option. Both continuing and new students realized benefits from Saturday class times. The article concludes with recommendations for further development of UW-Waukesha's Saturday class program.  相似文献   

根据新制度经济学理论,非政府组织实质上是市场经济中一种内在的制度安排。民主政治、市场经济和非政府组织共同构成现代社会基本的制度框架。除民主政治的刚性约束外,市场经济和非政府组织表现为更具张力的制度安排而相互支撑。市场经济的制度需求成为非政府组织发展的动力机制,促使公民社会的成长与发展;而在市场经济中,非政府组织又发挥着内在的制度功能,共同构建市场运行的制度环境。  相似文献   

不管是计划经济还是市场经济都离不开政府服务职能的发挥.市场失灵客观上要求政府对经济发展进行干预和调控,政府失灵的存在表明政府在经济服务职能中的作用是有限的,"有形之手"和"无形之手"的完美结合是政府调控经济的唯一出路.我国的产学科研合作处于起步发展阶段,离不开政府的引导和扶持.政府在产学科研合作的一系列制度创新(立法)中应规范服务机制的导人,建立完善的政府服务机制.  相似文献   

当前我国高校内部评价体系中普遍缺少直接针对学生学习的评估。为此,国内院校有必要构建本土化的学生学习调查。学生学习调查作为院校研究范畴内学生学习评估最常用的范式,无论在理论上还是实践上都已经十分成熟。本研究通过借鉴美国的相关经验,从院校研究的角度出发,利用社会科学的研究方法,构建出符合自身发展需要的学生学习调查问卷,为调查后续的构建工作打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

This paper describes a needs assessment project that implemented two distinctive features to address challenges often faced in the needs assessment process. First, a pre‐assessment planning process was developed that successfully educated clients about the analysis process, generated management commitment, identified and prioritized key performance issues, and established an outcomes‐oriented strategic focus for the assessment. Second, to analyze team performance issues, a theory‐to‐practice process was developed that involved the use of discovery‐oriented inquiry within the project context (an inductive approach) with a deductive approach grounded in existing academic research and theory. The complementary and integrated use of these approaches yielded a more comprehensive understanding of the team performance problems, thorough analysis of those problems, and more focused and refined performance improvement recommendations.  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯规划探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点分析了我校大学生职业生涯规划现状,指出了在校大学生合理规划职业生涯规划的重要性、必要性,并就"应怎样进行职业生涯规划"及"如何有效的实施职业生涯规划"提出了若干建议,对高校培养适应未来社会发展的人才具有现实的指导意义.  相似文献   

以浙江省六所高校为样本,采用问卷调查、深度访谈和文献法等研究方法,分别对大学生医疗保障现状、医疗服务情况、医疗保险等问题进行了调查和研究。研究发现,现有公费医疗保障制度的问题日益明显,已经不能很好地满足当前大学生的医疗需求。研究认为,应以"互助、共济、公平"为宗旨改革大学生医疗保障制度,最终使大学生的医疗保障制度从根本上实现由随机性向制度性、可控性转变,由无保障性向以社会保险为主的有保障性转变。  相似文献   

Fundraising has long been a central activity in four‐year institutions, whereas community colleges have only recently begun to see the necessity for such efforts. Resource development and private fundraising as a community college function have only been marginally understood and often are only instigated in times of financial crises. In today's educational arena, development needs to become a long‐term core function in order to maximize the funding base of community colleges. This article gives a brief look at the historical background of fundraising in community colleges, contrasts such efforts with the four‐year institutions, and discusses the matter of integrating resource development with institutional planning processes. Several examples of successful community college development efforts are given, along with a discussion of several planning models that might be used as guides for integrating resource development efforts with institutional planning.  相似文献   

我国硕士研究生课程设置的现状、问题及改进   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李红英 《煤炭高等教育》2006,24(2):76-77,103
当前我国硕士研究生课程设置存在课程设置过于狭窄,缺乏系统性和整体性,部分课程内容较为陈旧,研究性、前沿性不够等现象。构建合理的课程体系,可以帮助研究生适应学科交叉、拓宽知识面的需要。课程设置要处理好与本科课程的关系,要反映好学科特色、体现个性。  相似文献   

中国的发展方式转型与改革的顶层设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国现有增长模式固有的弊病造成了资源枯竭、环境破坏、腐败蔓延、贫富分化、货币超发、流动性泛滥等一系列严重经济社会问题。在宏观经济两难困境下,只能一方面采取稳健灵活的短期政策维持宏观经济稳定,另一方面把主要注意力放到解决长期发展的问题上来,加快向现代经济增长模式的转型。而转型的成功,有赖于加快全面改革,打破束缚生产力发展的体制性障碍,建立有利于发挥创新精神的体制机制。在改革策略上,要更加重视社会主义市场经济体制的顶层设计和总体规划,同时注意与自下而上的改革试验结合起来,实现顶层设计与基层创新的良性互动。  相似文献   


In this paper, I argue that researcher reflexivity, a common qualitative practice, is a specific tool that institutional research professionals endeavoring to conduct qualitative research studies involving Students of Color can use to unpack issues of power and privilege that exist between the researcher and the researched. This may be particularly useful among institutional researchers working within community colleges that serve a disproportionate number of racially minoritized populations and other vulnerable student groups. I offer a reflexive account of various experiences related to race, gender, and social class that I encountered in a qualitative research study of Black and Latino males I conducted as an institutional researcher. The purpose of this reflexive account from the field is to support the argument for more qualitative approaches to institutional research, while also advancing the argument that critical qualitative research be leveraged with the explicit purpose of advancing racial equity from the context of IR not traditionally associated with equity, advocacy, and qualitative inquiry involving race.  相似文献   

The development of meaningful partnerships with communities is a shared concern of many higher education institutions. However, the building of significant partnerships between universities and communities is still a complex task, which generates multiple tensions. Based on a qualitative study that examined the lived experiences of participants in an innovative university-community partnership in Israel, the article analyzes the concept of partnership from a social constructivist theoretical perspective. The study focused on four research areas: the experience of partnership; the perception of partnership; the barriers to partnership-building, and the impact of participation on participants. Findings challenge essentialist views of partnership and highlight the constructed and discursive nature of the concept. The article found several crucial factors to be acknowledged in the process of partnership management: role perspectives, group affiliation, institutional context, power relations, the organizational culture of the partnership, and the societal perceptions of social problems addressed by the partnership. It concludes with some recommendations for the management of more meaningful university-community partnerships.  相似文献   

This study had three objectives. One was to compare the needs, resources and supports perceived as available and needed by 32 parents of children with mild to moderate intellectual impairments, educated in self-contained special education classes (SCS), and 46 parents of children with general special needs educated in regular classes. A second objective was to compare these perceptions to the rated degree of pupil impairment. The third objective was to examine the applicability of two surveys. Results revealed that parents perceived strong informational needs regardless of educational setting, though the parents of children in the SCS group expressed stronger informational needs. Parents of children in the SCS group tended to be more satisfied with their relationship with schools than parents in the comparison group. Child impairments in the areas of social skills, behaviour, communication, and thinking and reasoning were highly correlated with parental needs and parental perception of school supports and resources. Factors influencing parental self-efficacy are discussed and recommendations are made for enhancing parental involvement in the child's education. Suggestions are also made for utilizing information derived from this study when planning the implementation of inclusive schools.  相似文献   

Universities are coming under increasing pressure to develop and implement Indicators of Performance in order to demonstrate their efficiency and to facilitate institutional planning. In this paper a number of possible indicators for monitoring individual and departmental performance in teaching and research are explored. Preliminary studies indicate that while it is possible to identify both ‘excellence’ and relatively poor performance, it is very difficult, at least in the present circumstances, to effect positive changes in the latter. A sensitive yet economical system of Indicators of Performance could ensure that the professional development of individual academics, as well as departmental and institutional planning, could proceed on a more realistic and rational basis.  相似文献   

聚焦陕西省的工读生,并以西安市普通中学生作为参照组,认为陕西省工读生受教育目的集中,但对教育的认知度和愿望以及接受道德、社会常识和法律法规教育的水平低于普通生。作者认为,办好工读教育需要党和政府的高度重视,需要全社会的支持和积极参与;工读学校要两条腿走路,将行为矫治与义务教育相结合。  相似文献   

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