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美国科学史学会每年颁发各种奖项,在国际科学史界有巨大影响,对科学史的研究起到了积极的推动作用。文章对2007—2009年所颁发奖项的获奖者和获奖作品,包括萨顿奖、菲泽奖、戴维斯奖、罗西特科学中的妇女史奖、普赖斯/韦伯斯特奖、内森·莱茵戈尔德奖、海泽教育奖八个奖项作了述评。  相似文献   

近年来由于互联网创新的推动,互联网在中国经济中扮演越来越重要的角色,随着携号转网和5G牌照发放等新举措推出,中国移动互联网将会迎来跨越式发展,也会对金融发展产生更深远的影响。在这个背景下,本文对互联网技术发展趋势进行了研判,分析了互联网技术对金融发展的影响,为了分析互联网后发地区如何缩小与发达城市的差距,本文调研了常州市互联网科技与金融耦合发展情况,分析了该地区的金融发展存在的问题,并根据调研情况给出了促进科技金融发展的具有可操作性的对策建议。  相似文献   

科技进步法修改建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技进步法的实施,把科技进步工作纳入了法制轨道,为科技发展提供了法律保障,国家也依靠科学技术进步推动了经济建设和社会的发展。但是,随着社会和科学技术自身的发展,科技进步法在实施过程中逐渐暴露出一些弊端。从定性与定量的明确界定、权力与责任的明晰确认以及如何扭转科技进步法的尴尬地位等几个方面对现行科技进步法进行了分析,提出了修改建议。  相似文献   

This article focuses on different means of constructing a scholarly on-line debate related to the field of science, technology, and society. The study shows how scientific interactions are reproduced in a new medium while, simultaneously, some users take advantage of new possibilities offered by the medium. The first section analyzes how the debate emerged, was constructed, and subsequently revealed the heterogeneity of goals and ideas among the participants. The second section discusses the practices that the participants explored to make the debate evolve. Two attitudes, identified as strategic and tactical, were observed. The tactical practices were to enable the emergence of a sense of community. From this perspective, the way some participants sustained mobilization and stimulated participation are analyzed. The strategic attitude is illustrated through the behavior of those who tried to be the leaders in the debate.  相似文献   

聚焦2000-2019年广东省获得的国家级和省级科技项目成果,从获奖项目的专业领域、创新主体性质、地域来源等信息分析了新世纪以来广东省科技奖励工作的特征.研究发现,广东省科技奖励工作存在地域分布不平衡、个人奖励制度建设缓慢、科技获奖项目后评估缺乏可操作性等问题,因此建议优化个人奖励设置、引导社会力量参评科技奖励、建立符...  相似文献   

本文通过在CNKI数据库中搜索了来源期刊为《科技管理研究》(2003-2016.9)的相关文献,运用科学计量分析方法,对其现状和研究热点进行了分析。研究发现,技术创新、影响因素、知识产权、产业集聚、指标体系、科技创新等都是近年来研究的热门话题。  相似文献   

引文环境下对《科学学与科学技术管理》的科学计量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用CSSCI(1998-2004)排除著者自引后的数据,从期刊被引的规模——频次、学术影响力、被引半衰期等角度对《科学学与科学技术管理》进行引文计量分析。得出,期刊影响力日益扩大,被引半衰期约3.5年,有一批高频被引著者和高频被引论文。  相似文献   

刘渝琴 《科研管理》1996,17(3):12-16
本文依据近五年贵州省全社会科技投入的宏观数据,对投入状况进行了结构分析和综合评价,结合存在的主要问题,提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

Research on the Internet's role in politics has struggled to transcend technological determinism--the assumption, often inadvertent, that the technology simply imprints its own logic on social relationships. An alternative approach traces the ways, often numerous, in which an institution's participants appropriate the technology in the service of goals, strategies, and relationships that the institution has already organized. This amplification model can be applied in analyzing the Internet's role in politics. After critically surveying a list of widely held views on the matter, this article illustrates how the amplification model might be applied to concrete problems. These include the development of social networks and ways that technology is used to bind people together into a polity.  相似文献   

以科技管理创新为研究视角,对江西省实施科技创新"六个一"工程进行系统总结。分析江西省科技管理观念、体制、机制和方法的根本性变革,在此基础上构建全新科技管理模式,为破解欠发达地区加快创新驱动发展提供思路。  相似文献   


This is an advance notice of a new research programme, supported by Britain's Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), investigating the restructuring of practices and institutions in the digital age. The call for applications is planned for November 2001; first projects are expected to commence in October 2002. The ESRC is currently preparing the recruitment of a Programme Director.Further information on the process will be published in due course and will be available on the ESRC's website at: http:/ /www.esrc.ac.uk/E-Society.htm. Below is the text of the proposal on the basis of which the ESRC decided to fund a research programme in this area. This proposal was developed through a consultancy led by Professor William H. Dutton. Please note that there might be changes to the programme outline once the Programme Director is appointed. Contact: Angelika Hamilton, angelika.hamilton@esrc.ac.uk, with any comments or recommendations.  相似文献   

德国是世界创新大国之一,已在各项高科技战略的创新政策引导下形成了由联邦政府部门、学术协会、高等教育机构、产业组织及中介部门等共同参与合作的多元化国家创新系统。德国科学委员会对科研机构绩效评价制定了总体框架,四大研究机构则在各自职责范围内对其下研究所进行有针对性的同行评价。而对国家创新系统的评价则有不同机构发布的创新能力报告,每个指标体系都对德国总体、各地方以及世界主要国家的创新能力做出分析,已达到为创新政策的制定提供参考的目的。本文认为,应根据评价对象设定评价方法,提升评价结果的国际性与综合性;兼顾评价成本与评价质量,促进评价的标准化与信息化建设;将科技创新能力评价的组织部门纳入国家创新系统中,形成联动的创新体系,使科技评价成为国家创新体系建设中的辅助性与常规性事项。  相似文献   

This article reviews accounts of the origins and growth of the global Internet with an interest in their implications for the future. Many accounts take overly restricted views of technical development. For instance, the Internet is often seen simply as the outgrowth of U.S. Defense Department work and popular enthusiasm. Recent interdisciplinary studies of technology present a more complex picture of how innovations are developed. They highlight technical alternatives, contributions of diverse groups, variety in meanings of technologies, and the overall surprising character of technology development. They suggest that the Internet has multiple origins and numerous particular reasons for its spread. Current discussions of the entry of Internet technologies into consumers' homes and the convergence among computing, media, and telecommunications enterprises represent examples of more complex accounts of technology development. Such accounts will likely provide more powerful bases for policy, management, and design.  相似文献   

国内外农业科技政策进展及我国新兴农业科技政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在厘清典型发达国家农业科技政策重点,梳理其为加快农业科技革命制定的政策措施,分析中国在新农业科技革命和产业变革中已有科技基础和政策制度,并与发达国家相关政策对比,进而总结不足并提出提升中国农业科技创新能力和产业竞争力政策建议。  相似文献   

农村科技服务超市是在市场化经济背景下,江苏省适应自身经济发展需要探索出的新型农村科技服务形式.农村科技服务超市设立了完整的组织架构,明确了政府管理部门和各级店面的职责与服务功能,形成了特色明显的科技要素传递机制和多元化的资金投入机制,并在农业科技资源整合、服务内容、服务方式和发展模式等方面进行了积极创新,形成了高效的运行特征,对我国农村科技服务体系的建设具有启示和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

融资难问题已成为制约科技型初创企业发展的最大难题,杭州市于2009年创新推出基于政府支持的科技担保——"天使担保"模式,通过国有担保公司担保、银行贷款、风险共担的市场机制将财政科技投入与金融资本有效对接,降低了科技型初创企业贷款门槛。对2009年获得天使担保的66家科技型初创企业的问卷调查结果显示,天使担保已取得较明显成效,有效地解决企业发展的资金缺口,降低企业融资成本,提高了企业发展速度和质量。  相似文献   

从企业"走出去"的视角,分析在农业科技创新中应用PPP的合理性,并重点探讨PPP在农业科技创新中的应用方式,包括应用条件、步骤、合作结构和风险等。  相似文献   

近年来,随着全球创新网络的不断发展和城市功能体系的日益复合,国内外创新型城市纷纷转变科技园区的发展战略,以“多元、交互、融合”为发展理念,推进科技园向科技城的转型。本文在借鉴国际先进经验基础上,认为科技园向科技城的转变,需要重点在“要素与联动、空间与功能、规划与管理”三大领域,率先探索发展战略转向。最后,以某科技城战略规划为实证,提供了对三大战略转向的思考与实践。  相似文献   

The Internet Backbone and the American Metropolis   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Despite the rapid growth of advanced telecommunications services, there is a lack of knowledge about the geographic diffusion of these new technologies. The Internet presents an important challenge to communications researchers, as it threatens to redefine the production and delivery of vital services including finance, retailing, and education. This article seeks to address the gap in the current literature by analyzing the development of Internet backbone networks in the United States between 1997 and 1999. We focus upon the intermetropolitan links that have provided transcontinental data transport services since the demise of the federally subsidized networks deployed in the 1970s and 1980s. We find that a select group of seven highly interconnected metropolitan areas consistently dominated the geography of national data networks, despite massive investment in this infrastructure over the study period. Furthermore, while prosperous and internationally oriented American cities lead the nation in adopting and deploying Internet technologies, interior regions and economically distressed cities have failed to keep up. As information-based industries and services account for an increasing share of economic activity, this evidence suggests that the Internet may aggravate the economic disparities among regions, rather than level them. Although the capacity of the backbone system has slowly diffused throughout the metropolitan system, the geographic structure of interconnecting links has changed little. Finally, the continued persistence of the metropolis as the center for telecommunications networks illustrates the need for a more sophisticated understanding of the interaction between societies and technological innovations.  相似文献   


Governments in a number of developed countries have repositioned their public research agencies to support economic objectives and to alleviate fiscal pressures. This has been accomplished through various strategies, including private-public partnerships and purchaser-provider arrangements. In the 1980s, the Australian Government introduced external earnings targets of up to 30% per annum for its public research agencies, as a means of strengthening their responsiveness to national economic needs. A case study of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization is presented in this article to discuss the impacts of the external earnings policy. Impacts on the type of research being undertaken by public research agencies, the quality of public research-industry relationships, the nature of scientists' work and the role of stakeholders are considered. A number of dilemmas are raised relating to the role of public scientific research.  相似文献   

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