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台湾技职教育现行体系与学制剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾技职教育对台湾经济奇迹扮演着主要推手的角色,其体系与学制除了受国际教育潮流影响外,主要是呼应经济发展及社会变迁的需求,并依循上述轨迹而演进.目前台湾技职教育体系从广义来说包括"国中"义务教育阶段一、二年级生涯试探课程,三年级技艺教育学程,后期中等教育职校课程及综合高中专门学程,以及技职校院五专、二专、二技、四技及研究所课程.  相似文献   

台湾高等技职教育现状述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾高等技职教育是典型的"立交桥式"体系,为提升高等技职毕业生就业能力,教育部门实施了"建教合作方案"、"最后一哩学程"、技职教育再造方案等一系列措施。分析台湾高等技职教育的校外实习课程产学合作多赢机制,摒弃其机制的不足,对大陆有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

台湾50年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在台湾地区经济发展的过程中,技职教育一直扮演着人才培育的重要角色;技职教育所培育之各级专业技术人力,促进了充分就业,促进了经济增长(林金田,2000)。台湾技职教育的宗旨在于协助学生探索职业性向与兴趣,教授职业知识与技能,培养职业道德,养成健全之技术,并辅助其生涯规划与就业准备(台湾省政府教育厅,1994)。其技职教育包含三种阶层:高级职业学校、专科学校以及技术学院与科技大学。职业学校学制分为日间部、夜间部、建教合作班、实用技能班、特殊教育实验班、综合高中职业学程及补校等。专科学校学制分为二年制、三年制及五年制三种。二、三年制同时设有夜间部,其修业年限比日间部至少增加一年。技术学院/科技大学学制分为学士班、硕士班、博士班。学士班又分二年制、四年制,均设有进修部在职班。此外,在国民中学阶段则透过技艺教育方案的办理,将技职教育向下扎根,希望能让中学生及早进行职业性向、兴趣的试探、陶冶。台湾技职教育从中学的技艺教育开始,衔接高职、五专、技术学院、科技大学,到研究所阶段尚有硕士班、博士班;所提供的类科高职、专科都在百种以上,以提供社会经济建设所需之多元化人才(江文雄,1999;杨朝祥,1991)。本文纵向分析了自1949年以来,台湾地区技职教育政策与实务执行之发展历  相似文献   

<正>组织形式:自中等教育后期,分为"普通教育"与"技职教育"两大体系。台湾技职教育已形成了职业学校"→专科学校技术学院→科技大学的"→贯体系",建立了完整的包含专科、本科、硕士与博士研究生各个层次的职业技术高等教育体系。在技职教育系统内部,纵向通达且自成体系;在整个教育体系中,技职教育与普通教育横向沟通,平等平行。文化特征:台湾的技职教育体系与台湾的文化有着紧密联系,台湾是  相似文献   

高等技职教育对于推动台湾地区社会经济转型和产业结构调整发挥着重要的作用,其课程开发既贯彻技职体系一贯课程原则,又强调系科本位课程自主设计。本文介绍台湾地区技职体系一贯课程规划和系科本位课程开发模式和程序,讨论了台湾技职教育课程开发的特点。  相似文献   

梁燕 《基础教育参考》2007,(2):38-40,47
1947年,台湾第一所专科学校台北工业专科学校改制成立:1974年台湾第一所技术学院台湾技术学院成立:1997年台湾第一所科技大学台北科技大学成立。经过近60年的发展,台湾高等技职教育从层次上已经发展为硕士、博士研究生教育,在规模上已经占据技职教育的主体,并与中等技职教育共同构成一贯完整的台湾技职教育体系,成为台湾教育发展的“第二条高速公路”。台湾技职教育体系与普通教育体系之间弹性构架、相互贯通,是台湾技职教育的重要特征,  相似文献   

近年来,在博士毕业生严峻的就业形势及教育主管部门缩减博士招生名额等情势下,台湾各大学的博士生培养亟待转型发展。台北科技大学在“技术导向”博士生培养方面进行了有益探索,显现出与“学术导向”博士培养不同的特征:兼具学术研究能力、实务技能和管理能力的培养目标,依托产学合作、注重学生实践经验与管理素质的培养方式,严格并具有应用导向的培养标准,学术与技术双重体现的毕业论文答辩等。这不仅在台湾技职教育中开创了博士培养转型的先河,也对大陆职业教育体系内高学历人才的培养具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

职业教育信息化的迅速发展急需大批具有教育技术应用能力的职教师资.调查显示,无论是职校教师还是即将走向工作岗位的职技高师学生,其教育技术应用能力都严重不足.鉴于此,职技高师院校有必要明确教育技术应用能力培养目标,建立以现代教育技术和教学资源设计开发课程为核心的教育技术公共课程体系,并建立教育技术应用能力实训体系.  相似文献   

通过分析台北科技大学技职教育研究所的《学生应备能力与课程手册》,发现台湾技职教育博士生的一般能力与专业能力的培养分别由基础课程与专业课程来承担。认为注重探究能力、整合能力以及应用能力的培养是台湾技职教育博士生多元能力培养的特色。  相似文献   

台湾高等技职教育发展始于1974年创设的第一所技术学院——台湾工业技术学院,将技职教育提升至与大学平行的高等技职教育层次,是台湾普通教育体系之外另一主流学制。随后,技职教育层次不断提升,逐步形成了硕士研究生、博士研究生在内的体系。目前台湾高等技职教育科技大学29所、技术学院46所,专科学校仅有17所。教育评鉴既是教育质量监控与行政管理实施的重要途径,更是提升教育机构办学质量和发展办学特色的渠道。  相似文献   


From its inception, social work education has consistently embraced the position that field learning is an essential element of professional education. It is through field work that the student has the opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom and to learn the skills necessary for effective social work practice

A study conducted by Fortune et at. (1985) on student satisfaction with field placement revealed that the field instructor or supervisor was a link to student satisfaction with the field practicum. Much has been written on the concept and principles of field education, with discussions on the field instructor's functions in field instruction. However, it seems that such discussions vary greatly in their degree of specificity in spelling out the field instruction tasks. On the other hand, relatively little has been reported on how social work students perceive the roles and tasks of field instructors. It seems obvious that students, with first hand experiences in field work practice, can contribute much to the formulation of knowledge in field instruction

Hence, it is vital and essential to study what social work students actually expect of the roles and behaviors of field instructors as contrast to what is written in the theories of field instruction.

This paper attempts to identify the set of behaviours and tasks perceived by students as important to the work of a field instructor. In the process, it is also envisaged that the “anatomy of field instruction” can be better understood through a clear specification of the activities involved.  相似文献   

Teachers’ personal self-efficacy about their ability to motivate students and encourage learning has been shown to affect the classroom they create and student achievement. Therefore, research has been conducted on ways to increase teacher efficacy for in-service and pre-service teachers. One area of research that has been explored is the impact of field experiences on pre-service teachers. This review explores the research on field experiences and tutoring as well as the role these different experiences may play in pre-service teacher efficacy and knowledge of teaching reading. Overall, researchers have found that field experiences have varying effects on efficacy; however, researchers have found that tutoring field experiences in particular have been found to have a positive impact on pre-service teachers’ abilities to teach a particular content (e.g., reading) to the individual student and to put theory into practice. On the whole, this literature review suggests that we currently lack research exploring the possible benefits of simultaneously impacting efficacy and reading knowledge in pre-service teachers through tutoring.  相似文献   

本研究通过对14名实习生的访谈,了解了他们经历实习后对大学所学理论性知识作用的实际认识。研究将理论性知识分为三类:学科内容知识、教育方法类知识、教育原理类知识。访谈发现:实习生普遍认同学科内容知识的价值;关注教育方法类知识但大多不能从大学的学习中受益;本科生对教育原理类知识的价值认可度低,硕士生的认可度相对较高。可见,教育原理类知识和方法类知识更易和实践脱节,但这种脱节并非不可避免。大学和中小学在教师培养过程的沟通与合作、实习生本人的反思意识与能力以及对不同理论性知识的合理定位,对沟通教育理论和实践具有重要作用。  相似文献   

There has been a considerable amount of work on what knowledge student teachers need to develop to become effective teachers. The purpose of this study was to look at the development of knowledge of student physical education teachers in England. Six secondary student physical education teachers completed a journal on a monthly basis throughout their one‐year course. The student teachers and their mentors were interviewed in school towards the end of their course in June. Responses were analysed inductively. Results showed that knowledge important to develop, knowledge developed and knowledge which still needs to be developed at the end of the course was all related to content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge which they could apply in the immediate practical teaching situation. The results are discussed in relation to the development of student physical education teachers knowledge for teaching.  相似文献   

新时期大学生恋爱观的调查与思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究采取分层取样的方法,对583位在校大学生进行问卷调查.结果表明:大学生的恋爱认知存在一定偏差;大学生获得婚恋知识和性知识的途径多样化,无师自通占主导方式;恋爱比例在不同性别、不同年级、不同来源上存在差别;恋爱态度总体是严肃认真的,但也存在着随意的不负责任的态度;大学生抗恋爱挫折能力欠缺.帮助大学生正确认识和评价自我,建立自信是基础;帮助大学生理解爱情的真正涵义,进行恋爱艺术、技巧教育是关键;提高大学生心理承受能力是必修课,性教育应走进高校课堂.  相似文献   

In Sweden and many other countries, the academisation of teacher education goes along with increased emphasis on a student thesis, in Sweden formally entitled the final degree project. This study deals with students’ writing trajectories in Early Childhood Education and Care aimed at work in the preschool or the recreation centre. The study indicates that student writing, shaped by a variety of academic literacies, is primarily based on values of the vocational field, parallel to an emerging critical academic approach. The study suggests that academic writing is largely perceived among the students as a means to underpin the vocational field with theory, and see critical thinking and reflective practice as relevant to their future career.  相似文献   

It is expected that that pre-service teachers are adequately equipped to meet the needs of diverse students. This article discusses the choices that teacher educators must make in designing inclusive education courses. The first choice is whether inclusive education will be infused into the curriculum or presented as a stand-alone course. If the latter, the second decision is what determines the content of courses – teacher need, policy directives or the authority of the field where knowledge is produced. If teacher educators look to the field of knowledge production, they might choose among inclusive education as an issue of student diversity; teaching competence; and schools and societies. We animate these choices as we describe an inclusive education course taught in a South African university. Our conclusion suggests that pre-service teacher education for inclusive education would be strengthened by more critical appraisal of the assumptions and orientations informing the design of courses.  相似文献   

试析建构主义知识观及其教育意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张杨 《天中学刊》2004,19(3):107-109
建构主义是教育心理学中的一场革命。建构主义下的“知识”具有动态性、主体主动建构性和新旧经验相互作用等特征。这种知识观要求我们在教育中确定学生的主体地位、激发学生的学习兴趣、为学生呈现结构良好的学习内容、培养学生创造性的学习能力和多种学习思维方式。  相似文献   

This paper describes a case study focusing on the subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and beliefs about science teaching of student teachers in Turkey at the start of their university education. The topic of interest was that of teaching chemical reactions in secondary chemistry education. A written test was developed which used the research literature on potential student misconceptions with regard to different aspects of chemical reactions. Thirty beginning science student teachers were tested, with an additional eight interviews from the student teachers in the same sample. The interviews focused on student teachers’ views about how to best teach chemical reactions in lower secondary chemistry classes. The results revealed deficits in the subject matter knowledge of the student teachers. It also became obvious that the teachers in this sample held very traditional and teacher-centred beliefs when it came to chemistry teaching at the secondary level. Their teaching attitudes were geared mainly towards the acquisition of facts by pupils, and often ignored the development of process-oriented skills. Implications for science teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

蔡敏 《教育科学》2012,28(1):22-26
随着基础教育学生评价改革的深化,学业考核已经向关注学习过程的形成性评价扩展。课堂评定作为形成性评价的一种重要方式,对于提高学生学习质量和改进教师教学方法具有重要的作用。课堂评定能够考查学生的知识理解、分析与推理、综合与批判、问题解决、学习方法和学习情感。教师可以通过书面反馈、课堂观察、学习日志和学生同伴检查来开展课堂评定。要提高课堂评定的有效性,教师应当清楚确定评价内容,运用多样化评价手段,精心组织评价活动,及时反馈和使用评定结果。  相似文献   

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