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Learning in nature   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
This paper traces the evolution of a theory of learning in nature in order to explain how people learn in natural settings. The intellectual roots of the theory in informal learning, cognition, affective development, experiential and meaningful learning are described and the synthesis into a comprehensive theory of learning in nature are explained. The evolution of the theory is traced through several iterations describing the addition of organizing concepts as well as efforts seeking simplicity in its conceptualization. An in‐depth case study of meaningful learning about bogs illustrates how the theory can be applied to explain environmental learning experiences. The implications for this theory in terms of environmental education are discussed.  相似文献   

Volcanoes There are thou-sands of volcanoes all over the world. What makes volcanoes? What happens? The inside of the earth is very hot. Be-cause it is very,very hot,the rock has melted like ice.It has become liquid,like water.It is always boiling, like water in a kettle. If you have seen a kettle boiling, you know that the steam and boiling water try to get out. The very hot melted rock inside the earth also tries to get out. Usually it cannot be-cause the outside of the earth is too thick and strong. But ...  相似文献   


Having enjoyed remarkable economic success, China’s natural environment is being increasingly degraded, and with it, the quality of life. Researchers and environmentalists have responded by exploring whether cultural resources can provide a means of understanding ecological systems. This article reviews philosophical Chinese concepts of tian-ren-he-yi and ecological time, and ponders their implications for understanding current ecological challenges. A motif of ancient Chinese thought, tian-ren-he-yi perceives the cosmos as an organic, mutually reciprocal entity in which human beings coexist harmoniously with nature. This entity does not unfold by following a cyclical pattern, but rather through a process of transformative harmony with the flow of time. In contrast to the linear time constructed by community life, this view of ecological time can reveal the new dimension of rhythm. To enhance children’s awareness of their responsibility for caring for the environment, we must protect their rights to a safe and healthy place to live, ensure that they have free access to nature, and demonstrate the pedagogic value of an anthropocosmic worldview and ecological time.  相似文献   


We conducted two field studies to examine whether songwriting retreats held in a natural setting would increase nature connectedness, as well as improve emotional well-being and performance on a creative reasoning task. In the first study, high school students took part in songwriting instruction either in their school or at a national wildlife conservation area. Results showed that the natural setting uniquely increased nature connection, while both settings improved mood and creative reasoning performance. In the second study, we observed similar effects for adults who attended songwriting retreats at the same conservation area and compared this to results from a science-based workshop in another remote natural area to assess whether nature connection effects were entirely attributable to nature contact. The findings of these studies imply that both musical creativity and outdoor education experiences improve well-being, while outdoor education also increases nature connectedness, and songwriting also increases creative reasoning.  相似文献   

网络学习的本质   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在数字化、网络化的背景下,网络学习应运而生.如何把握网络学习的本质成为至关重要的问题.本文认为,网络学习是一种新的学习方式;网络学习不仅是为了获取信息,更是为了理解与运用信息;网络学习不仅是个体学习,更是社会性学习;网络学习不仅是"虚拟学习",更是"真实学习".只有正确理解和认识网络学习的本质,网络学习才不会误入歧途.  相似文献   

本文从数的概念起源、数的基础运算和数学的基本特征等方面来解析数学的本质。数的概念来自理性的抽象,现实中来源于可替代物。基础运算中加法是母法则,减法是唯一的分析判断,加减反映了量的连续性。而乘除反映了量的间断性。乘除的二次抽象性无法反映不确定性关系。数学创造力与艺术创造力完全不同。数学演绎中的理性盲点需要经验来弥补。  相似文献   

马克思、恩格斯在自然观上的革命也像认识论一样,在逻辑上是由于引进了辩证法和实践观点后发生的。"用联系和发展的观点研究、解释自然界"克服了机械论"用孤立、静止的观点研究、解释自然"的方法论缺陷;"用实践的观点解释自然"克服了机械论敌视人的自然主义缺陷,生成了马克思、恩格斯自然观的人本主义特性。本文从历史起源、思想内涵两大方面整理了马克思、恩格斯"用实践的观点解释自然"的人本主义思想。  相似文献   

山水诗在中国文学中源远流长,而完整的山水诗出现在曹操的诗中,到大、小谢之时山水诗臻于兴盛,因此说山水诗脱胎于玄言诗欠准确;山水诗与玄言诗的关系并不是截然分明的前者脱胎于后者,而是相互影响;大谢的山水诗形成有政治失意方面的原因,但更主要的是其佛学思想的体现。  相似文献   

This two-part article considers certain fundamental symmetries of nature, namely the discrete symmetries of parity (P), charge conjugation (C) and time reversal (T), and their possible violation. Recent experimental results are discussed in some depth. In this second part, we discussCP andT violation and arrive at a synthesis.  相似文献   

Among the traditional five sensory perceptions, colour and smell often go hand in hand, along with taste. Among the objects used for worshipping God, for instance, flowers and incenses occupy prime places. The subject matter of this article is the chemistry of musk and related perfumes derived from natural sources.  相似文献   

A、直截了当的美国人 同美国人进行商务活动,要深入了解和掌握美国有关贸易进出口的法律法规和常规做法。如对哪些范围限制与外国人合作,哪些范围的商品必须得到政府有关部门特别许可,哪些商品市场有可能触及反倾销税法,以及美国的反托拉斯、反行贿等等法规,和商户谈判时要特别提及。此外,如商品的广告及代理,批发和零售商,价格和包装等常规做  相似文献   

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