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当我们说起America时,常指“美国”,即the United States。但是,America在广义上所指的范围却大得多,它包括北美洲(North America)、南美洲(South America)、中美洲(Central America)以及许多岛屿(如西印度群岛the West Indias)。读America,自然离不开其  相似文献   

当我们说起America时,常指“美国”,即the United States。但是,America在广义上所指的范围却大得多,它包括北美洲(North America)、南美洲(SouthAmerica)、中美洲(CentralAmerica)以及许多岛屿(如西印度群岛the West Indias)。  相似文献   

一、教学背景1.教学内容:1)词汇:east,west,south,north2)短语:in the east/west/south/north of 3)句型:New York is in the east of America.Los Angeles is in the west of America.  相似文献   

The Statue of Liberty(自由女神铜像)was built to celebrate the birth of the United States of America and to commemorate the friend-ship between the Republic (指美国 ) and the republic of France.  相似文献   

Do you know all the laws in your country? What about America? America has some incredible laws. Do you know that in the state of Alabama it' s illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs? Yes, that's it. You are prohibited from taking your pet donkey and placing him in the bath in order to wash him. This is the start of a new mini-series on some of America's dumbest laws. Here are some from Alabama, Alaska and Arizona (US English spelling)  相似文献   

Arthur Miller was considered as the most famous dramatist in America after the World War II, and his representative work Death of a Salesman was recognized as the best play in America during the post-w...  相似文献   

At a time when America was on the verge(边缘) of Civil War, the O'Hara family lived a life of comfort and privilege特权) in the Deep South.  相似文献   

In the past ten years, America‘s National Basketball Association (NBA) has grown increasingly with the rest of the world to supply players.  相似文献   

于海 《海外英语》2012,(14):266-267,276
America remains a very religious country nowadays,an indication of deep influence from the early forefathers of America-the Puritans,a group of extremely pious people,who has left a rich legacy on the American culture.It is the most materially prosperous country in the world.Puritanism was the dominant religious force in the early colonial America and is held as the root of American culture.Individualism,enterprising spirit,desire for material wealth through hard work are all spirits that make America a special country and their roots can all be traced back to the early Puritanism.Puritanism in shaping the spirit of America is a most important factor we cannot afford to overlook.  相似文献   

刘亚兰 《初中生》2009,(9):91-91
你了解美国吗?下面就是一些关于美国的基本情况。 1.国名:美利坚合众国(the United States of America),简称美国,缩写形式为(the)USA。美国有时也被称为the United States,缩写为US。  相似文献   

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