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"为美国而教"计划开辟了美国教师培养的新路径,它招募、选拔、培养并派遣来自一流大学的优秀毕业生到贫困落后地区从事两年的教学工作,一定程度上缓解了美国教师短缺的问题。在20多年的发展历程中,"为美国而教"计划对美国教师教育领域产生了深远的影响,"为美国而教"计划之所以能够吸引一流大学毕业生的参与以及其他国家的效仿,主要在于其社会价值的建构和个人价值的实现。  相似文献   

美国教师生成有多种途径,其中一种是为非师范类的大学毕业生提供培训,鼓励他们从事教学,这当中"为美国而教"计划最为突出。介绍"为美国而教"计划的发展历程,志愿者的招募和遴选,针对志愿者的培训和支持,以及整个计划所取得的成就及其面对的批评,对我国现行的教师培养体制及资格制度有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper situates Teach For America (TFA) within the larger landscape of teacher education research. After discussing the widely publicized research on TFA and outlining the methods of this review, I overview theoretical, qualitative, and quantitative studies that are not highlighted by TFA in its internal review of literature. Next, I discuss how TFA’s emphasis on a limited base of research provides a partial picture of the organization’s practical materiality. To conclude, I theorize a multi-dimensional education research landscape that transcends existing conceptions of teacher/student/school success, which are largely based on the data that we attach to students and teachers.  相似文献   


This paper examines the pressures experienced by teachers as they strive to embody the Teach For America (TFA) motif of ‘relentless pursuit’. It draws on interviews conducted with 36 teachers and uses a Bourdieuian analysis to consider the mechanisms of control manifested through socialization and corps member habituation. The findings suggest that corps members experience both symbolic and self-imposed overt violence as they aim to meet the demands of TFA. This has implications for the increasing number of teachers in programs around like TFA as well as the broader discourses of teacher accountability and the teaching profession.  相似文献   

项目培训具有明确的目标和开始、终止日期,培训资金保障。项目培训个体经济负担轻、针对性强、周期短,极易激发参与者热情、短时间内提高技能、培训成效显著。以英特尔~(?)未来教育基础课程项目培训为例,该培训以全面提高教师"技术素养"、"思辨能力"、"合作能力"为目标,满足了中西部地区农村中小学教师教育技术能力提高的迫切需求;注重理论与过程结合、技术与活动结合、言传与身教结合,在体验中感悟、模仿和提高,促使参培者在短时间内教育技术能力全面提高,从而促进中西部地区教师专业化快速成长。  相似文献   

专业主义与解制主义之争是当前美国教师教育改革的焦点之一。作为教师教育解制路径的重要代表",为美国而教"取得了诸多成就,吸引了大批受过良好高等教育的人才,在一定程度上缓解了部分地区师资短缺的问题,同时也受到了越来越多的推崇。但由于"为美国而教"在教师质量、教师流失率、种族与文化等方面所面临的问题,其当前取得的成就并不意味着它已经成为一种成功的教师培养模式,更无法代表教师教育解制路径的胜利。  相似文献   

英特尔未来教育是一个完整、严密的系统,对教师日常教学有很好的借鉴和启发意义。英特尔未来教育模式可以提高教师的提问技巧,可以使教师重新认识课堂、教材和信息技术,更新观念,有助于加强教师对其自身角色转换的认识。有助于提高教师理论修养。  相似文献   

“Intel未来教育”是旨在帮助学科教师有效应用信息技术于教学中。提高学生学习能力和质量的一项教师培训项目。其很多设计在我国都具有先进性,但教学不会是一个终止的过程,教学再设计就体现了这样一种理念。本文阐述了教学再设计的背景、定义、特点等,并详细分析了在Intel未来教育问题设计模块中的应用实践。  相似文献   

英特尔未来教育是一个完整、严密的系统,对教师日常教学有很好的借鉴和启发意义。英特尔未来教育模式可以提高教师的提问技巧,可以使教师重新认识课堂、教材和信息技术,更新观念,有助于加强教师对其自身角色转换的认识,有助于提高教师理论修养。  相似文献   

Teach For America (TFA), an organization that places college graduates in urban and rural classrooms for two-year terms of service, is lauded by reformers who see its five-week summer training institute as evidence that teachers have little to learn before entering classrooms. Yet, while boosters see TFA as a radical alternative to traditional teacher education, a look at the evolution of their increasingly robust summer training model hardly affirms that perception. In fact, much of what is done in the summer institute parallels the work of traditional teacher education programs in the USA – a surprising state of affairs given the rhetoric of so many TFA supporters. This project traces the evolution of TFA’s summer training institute across two decades, highlighting the growing divide between TFA’s outward-facing image and its actual work. Framing TFA’s summer institute as a case study for examining the relationship between rhetoric and practice in education, the article raises broader questions about how the policy-making context affects the construction and perception of reality.  相似文献   

Teach First works in partnership with government, business organisations, higher education institutions (providers of Initial Teacher Training, ITT) and schools to offer a two-year integrated Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) Leadership Development Programme; the first cohort of students were accepted in 2003. Its delivery of an integrated QTS/leadership programme, recruitment of top graduates who would not otherwise consider teaching, focus on teaching in challenging schools and joint business–Higher Education Institution delivery, set Teach First within a unique position amongst ITT partnerships in England. In 2008, building on its success, Teach First sought to enhance its Leadership Development Programme, relevant to teachers and leaders in all fields, including the development of an optional Masters route. This paper considers the development of the enhanced programme within the Teach First partnership model and explores the merits of the programme in developing teachers. Evidence suggests that the core values, focus on mission and strong ethos have been major contributory factors to its success.  相似文献   

In urban school systems, the percentage of teachers that leave the profession is disproportionally high. Part of the driving force for this high rate of teacher turnover are alternative certification programmes, like Teach For America (TFA) which recruits teachers only for a short-term teaching commitment. This study contributes a novel perspective on these teachers’ decision to stay or exit the classroom after this two-year commitment by analysing extensive open-ended qualitative interviews with 30 TFA participants in Los Angeles. Within this sample, a majority enter the programme without viewing teaching as a long-term career option, though they are willing to extend their initial two-year teaching commitment for several years, though not much longer after that. Only a minority of these teachers entered TFA as a means of becoming long-term classroom teachers. No teachers changed their long-term career plans as a result of their participation in TFA. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

现代教育技术在未来教育中的价值取向分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代教育技术的价值取向是未来现代教育技术教育价值的核心问题,它反映了现代教育技术的发展方向。文章从五个不同的方面对现代教育技术的价值取向进行科学的分析,指出现代教育技术的价值取向必须反映未来教育的本质特征和内在要求,并符合未来教育的人才培养规格和质量标准。  相似文献   

素质教育是当前教育领域的热点,许多教育界人士都在为开展素质教育寻找新的教学手段。英特尔未来教育作为一种新的教育理念,以其“信息化教学设计”、“合作型学习”、“资源型学习”、“以学生为本位”和“以活动为中心”、“信息和网络技术与教学合理融合”的特点为素质教育提供了一种新的教学手段。本文根据英特尔未来教育的特点,结合分析化学教学的特点分别从教学课堂、网上论坛、实验课的开设、作业、以及评价等方面讨论了英特尔未来教育在分析化学教学中的应用及其方案设计。  相似文献   

We evaluate whether the placement of Teach First's inexperienced new teachers into secondary schools with recruitment difficulties in disadvantaged areas in England has raised or lowered pupil attainment at the age of 16. Our matched difference‐in‐difference panel estimation approach compares the experiences of 168 schools participating early on in the scheme to those in the same region who will go on to participate in later years. We find the programme has not been damaging to these schools who joined and most likely produced school‐wide gains in GCSE results of around one grade in one of the pupils’ best eight subjects. Similarly, we estimate departmental gains of over 5% of a subject grade resulting from placing a Teach First participant in a teaching team of six teachers. The estimation approach cannot assert whether these gains arise solely through the greater teaching quality of Teach First participants compared to those they displace, or whether spillovers raise standards across the department or somehow change the ethos within the school.  相似文献   

英特尔未来教育项目实施途径与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对英特尔未来教育的特点和现状分析,指出了英特尔未来教育的开放性和标准化特点、要求和理念,明确了英特尔未来教育项目对我国中小学继续教育的启示是整体的、全方位的。结合我国实践讨论了在教学中使用英特尔未来教育模式的必要性和困难,并对实施中存在的问题提出了具体的对策和方法。  相似文献   

电大远程开放教育的教育质量是关系到电大系统远程开放教育成功与失败的大事。保证远程开放教育的教育质量,课堂是阵地,教学是关键。如何提高课堂教学效果是一个复杂的系统工程,本文提出将"英特尔未来教育"理念引入电大面授辅导课堂教学之中的设想,以期改善电大面授辅导课的教学效果。  相似文献   

互联网技术对教育信息化的促进作用是不言而喻的。但是,互联网对教育观念的影响更需要研究。通过对英特尔未来教育教师培训项目的分析,揭示了互联网对传统教育观念的一些影响,从而有助于教育信息化的进程。  相似文献   

A vociferous policy debate concerning Teach For America (TFA) and alternative certification programs can be heard in many countries where ‘Teach For … ’ initiatives are found. Yet limited scholarship has examined how TFA teachers must negotiate negative reactions from non-TFA teachers. Drawing on interview data with 27 TFA teachers in public schools in the Midwestern United States, this article uses a sociocultural policy analysis framework to explore how these teachers are positioned as embodiments of alternative certification policy and the larger organization, TFA. It further articulates the broad conceptual application of educational ‘policy embodiment’ beyond the TFA case study.  相似文献   

互联网技术对教育信息化的促进作用是不言而喻的。但是,互联网对教育观念的影响更需要研究。通过对英特尔未来教育教师培训项目的分析,揭示了互联网对传统教育观念的一些影响,从而有助于教育信息化的进程。  相似文献   

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