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1952—1955年,新中国依托苏联专家和中国人民大学学习苏联档案学高等教育经验,通过培养档案学课程教员、建立课程教学研究组织、编译苏联专家讲义和苏联教材及著作等方法推动新中国档案学高等教育教学体系创建。在这一过程中,苏联专家和中国人民大学档案学教研人员一起不断推进苏联经验与中国实际的结合,强调对中国档案学史、机关工作史等中国档案学的研究,强调课程教学与实验实习相结合,强调档案学学科研究与全国档案工作的相互促进。新中国档案学高等教育教学体系的建立,为新中国培养了第一批高级档案专业人才,为我国档案工作提供了系统的档案学理论和方法指导,成为新中国高校档案学学科建设的重要起点。  相似文献   

闫静 《档案学研究》2021,35(2):136-143
1952年中国人民大学专修科档案班的成立,标志着中国档案高等教育事业的诞生.20世纪50年代上半期,中国档案高等教育伴随着对苏联经验的引进、对初创时期的规划设想而逐步发展.随后的十余年,特殊的历史文化背景、档案高等教育先驱们固有的革命传统以及档案学自身的性质与功能等诸多因素的共同作用促成了中国档案高等教育的应变,在秉承...  相似文献   

边媛 《档案学研究》2022,36(5):102-108
中央苏区革命期间,保留了珍贵的档案文献、革命文物、旧居以及实景遗址遗产。对分属不同机构且形式多样的中央苏区档案进行多源数据整合,既有中央苏区档案自身价值及保存现状、中央苏区各档案资源的内在关联性和时空场景的整体历史叙事需求等内在动因,也有其理论前提、国家政策扶持、各机构资源共建共享的共同目标以及技术赋能的外在条件。本文在分析中央苏区档案数据多源整合的动因、条件的基础上,探讨中央苏区档案以数字人文项目为纽带,通过对不同数据结构进行多源异构整合,再现历史以及场景等方式的实现路径。  相似文献   

本文对近代俄苏在华办报进行了分阶段探索 ,展示了俄苏在华报刊活动的色彩纷呈的图景。以 1 91 7年“十月革命”、1 93 1年“九·一八事变”、1 945年抗战胜利为分界 ,按不同的政治色彩、刊行地点 ,对在华俄文报刊的开创期、繁荣期、削减期、战后期进行了立体式的系统研究  相似文献   


Digitization of archival materials and finding aids can potentially become a powerful tool to provide information about and access to archival collections. This paper discusses the status of digitization of archival materials generally and applies this to the specific case of Russian materials. Digitization can offer benefits for both researcher and archivist, by making documents or finding aids available online, limiting the need to travel or handle delicate papers. However, it is an expensive process and much work needs to be done to ensure protection of intellectual property rights.  相似文献   


This article surveys the collection devoted to the memory of Emperor Nicholas II held at the Museum of Russian Culture in San Francisco. The author describes the cataloged materials of a unique collection of materials passed on to the Museum by Russian emigrants of the first and second waves, many of whom worked to preserve the memory of Russia’s last Sovereign and also made a significant contribution to the creation of the Museum and its archival collections.  相似文献   

本文重点讲述赫鲁晓夫“解冻”时期(20世纪50年代下半叶)苏共中央委员会所关注的部门———苏联内务部档案总局的档案文献开放问题。将这一时期的档案文件开放总结为雏形阶段、立法阶段和执行阶段,这三个阶段所做的努力为档案解密及对外开放开辟了新的视角。  相似文献   


This memoir is my personal story about how I created and came to curate on the International Counterculture Archive collection, which is held in the Global Resources Center of the George Washington University’s (GWU) Gelman library. The first person narrative relates my first encounters with Soviet rock culture and describes how I turned my initial interest into a Ph.D. dissertation on the subculture of Soviet hippies and traditions of Soviet rock music, which subsequently led to my later work as a librarian and curator. I tell the story of my initial encounters with the members of Soviet/Russian rock music subculture and other countercultural personalities and activists during my first trip to Moscow in 1993 to collect samples of Soviet rock music recordings and rock music zines for the European Division of the Library of Congress. During this formative trip I met with a number of counterculture producers and collectors who were instrumental in helping me build the International Counterculture Archive. Upon leaving the Library of Congress, I continued collecting Soviet/Russian countercultural materials on behalf of the Global Resources Center of GWU’s Gelman Library. I talk about the process of creating the Archive at Gelman library, about bureaucratic and financial aspects of this work, and about my many acquisition trips to Moscow, former Soviet republics, and East Central Europe. Much of the narrative centers on my work with Russian collectors and content producers and describes the type of materials that are included in the collection. I also describe how I built the collection of historical Soviet/Russian rock music recordings, focusing on the phenomenon of Soviet/Russian rock music zines and the history of the unique zine collection within the International Counterculture Archive.  相似文献   

学人研究、学史研究和学论研究是构成档案学研究的三要素,三者相辅相承,共同构建具有中国特色的档案学。只有进行档案学术研究活动,并且取得了一定研究成果的人才是档案学人。研究中国档案学人具有四个意义:对档案学人的研究有助于深入了解档案学发展的历史;可以把对档案学人的研究作为档案学史研究的一个特殊视角;对档案学人的研究能够评估和定位档案学术的发展阶段;研究中国档案学人,是打造中国档案学派的重要路径。研究中国档案学人的四个路径,即"个案研究""比较研究""群体研究"和"学术著作评价"。  相似文献   

In this article, the author investigates Alexander S. Gumberg's (1887–1939) pioneering role in the development of US-Soviet print relations between 1917 and 1930. The article is based on analysis of records from Gumberg's personal archive and has two parts. The first considers Gumberg's collection of documents concerning the founding of the Soviet state in revolutionary Russia, their presentation in the American press, and their deposit in the New York Public Library. The second examines Gumberg's establishment of bilateral exchanges of print materials in the 1920s and offers insights into their theoretical and practical aspects from American and Soviet perspectives.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对档案文献编纂成果传播媒介评价的实证研究,为档案文献编纂成果的有效传播和用户满意度的提升提供数据支持和参考。[方法/过程]通过文献搜集、专家访谈以及问卷调查3种方式确立档案文献编纂成果传播媒介的评价指标,运用主成分分析法计算各指标权重,应用MUSA模型和标杆分析法,对4种档案文献编纂成果传播媒介进行满意度实证研究。[结果/结论]获得4种传播媒介的用户满意度测评结果,定位每种媒介在档案文献编纂成果传播过程中的主要竞争优势、主要竞争劣势、薄弱之处以及需优先改善之处,为档案文献编纂成果传播的理论研究以及档案文献编纂工作的实践活动提供借鉴。  相似文献   

"互联网+"时代档案价值与档案利用的关系呈现新态势。文章从主体、客体和价值形态三个方面分析了"互联网+"时代档案价值的演变情况,从利用需求、利用服务和利用环境三个角度研究了"互联网+"时代档案利用的特点,然后分别论述在"互联网+"环境下档案价值演变对档案利用的影响及档案利用对档案价值演变的促进作用,最后从档案价值演变的衍生振动性、增幅衰减性和断裂回溯性提出"互联网+"时代实现档案价值演变与档案利用创新良性互动的策略,以期为推动新时期我国档案管理工作的提升、档案利用服务的优化及档案价值实现的最大化提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

In 1973, the Board for International Broadcasting assumed responsibility for the operation of the joint corporate entity, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc. Broadcasting news, entertainment, and public affairs programs to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union since 1950 and 1953 respectively, RFE/RL, Inc. has also maintained the largest research and analysis activity on these countries in the Free World. This information has been made widely available through serial and monographic publications, notably in the two weeklies Radio Free Europe Research (Eastern Europe) and Radio Liberty Research Bulletin (Soviet Union). Contract and independent researchers make use of rich archival and current affairs library research facilities in New York and Munich. As Federal funding has been maintained and expanded in recent years, facilities and capabilities have been greatly extended.  相似文献   


The recent censuses in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have resulted in an enormous quantity of resources that are freely available on the Internet. These resources include not only census data, but also other census-related materials such as methodologies and questionnaires that are equally valuable to researchers of the region. Accessing these materials online is convenient and free, but at the same time worrisome from a research standpoint in that much of this material may vanish from the Internet. Since this material has largely not yet appeared in published format, librarians and researchers may consider saving an archival copy for research purposes.  相似文献   

文章从论文数量分布、来源分布、涉及国家或地区分布和研究主题分布等方面对2012—2019年档案学研究运用比较研究法的论文进行调查统计,分析档案学研究中比较研究法运用的现状和特征,并与学者对2006—2011年间的研究结果进行对比分析。调查结果表明,比较研究法在成为档案学硕士学位论文采用的重要研究方法的同时,得到了许多档案学者和档案学核心期刊编审专家的重视和认可,其作为档案学重要研究方法的地位得以确立,且横向比较成为档案学比较研究的主要形式,这是档案学研究运用该方法的基本特征。档案学研究运用比较研究法成果的具体特征表现为:档案法规、政策及标准研究范围扩大,电子文件与电子档案成为持续研究的重点,档案服务成为档案工作研究的核心,档案学理论研究的内容更加丰富,档案文化研究出现新的趋向。  相似文献   

The establishment of Finnish television in the mid-1950s was heavily affected by the cold war politics. Both the Soviet Union and the United States were interested in the development of the Finnish television. Regular television transmissions were started by a commercial television station called TES-TV which was balancing between eastern and western interests. The Soviet attempts to interfere with the station were rejected, while the help from the United States was warmly welcomed. Thus the term Finlandization does not apply the early years of the Finnish commercial television. My main argument is that TES-TV became a site of balancing between East and West and, as such, symbolizes, Finland's role in the cold war. My analysis covers the launching of the company and its programming in 1956–1964. The empirical material draws mainly on archival material which is completed by interviews and the TV pages and articles published in a radio and television magazine.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] In order to improve the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age, the paper studies the quality influencing factors of archival document compilation products in the digital age, and proposes a quality improvement strategy.[Method/process] The interpretative structural modeling was used to construct the interpretative structural modeling of the influencing factors of the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age, and the model was analyzed.[Result/conclusion] This paper comprehensively analyzes the hierarchical relationship between the influencing factors of the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age, and establishes the structural model of the influencing factors of the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age. And from the compilation of materials, codification staff, codification process, etc., put forward reasonable strategies and suggestions for improving the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] Through constructing the users' satisfaction model of archival document compilation products, this paper hopes to provide data support and reference for the improvement of the utilization and users' satisfaction of archival document compilation products.[Method/process] The influencing factors of users' satisfaction on the archival document compilation products were established by referring to literature and questionnaires.This paper constructed a hypothesis model and used the factor analysis method to test the data and obtain the principal component.Then,the authors corrected the hypothesis model based on the results.[Result/conclusion] According to the results of the questionnaire, this paper concludes the users' satisfaction model of archival document compilation products, which includes four dimensions and 17 capability factors. This paper can provide reference for the theoretical research and the practical activities of the archival document compilation products.  相似文献   

钱毅 《档案学研究》2022,36(4):108-115
本文旨在探寻档案资源形态迭代的背景和原因,以及与之对应的基于人的和机器的语义需求,从而把握档案资源形态与语义表现相互作用的规律,丰富档案信息化的战略研究内容。文章采用文献调研与案例分析等方法,立足档案资源各态别特征,归纳面向机器处理的向下破析和面向人的理解的向上融合两个阶段中语义含量变化的U型曲线现象,总结档案从数字化到数据化、从语义化到故事化的全链路业务轨迹。U型曲线集中体现了资源形态发展中语义含量富集—稀疏—富集的回归律,总结出人与机器、资源形态与语义表现之间的矛盾主导了档案资源形态在不同态别之间的跃迁,对档案信息化建设与发展具有指导意义。  相似文献   

周文泓 《档案学研究》2019,33(2):104-110
充分诠释社交媒体平台的档案特质有助于形成更加成熟可行的社交媒体信息档案化管理方案,亦可推进档案管理理论与方法的数字转型。本文以理论构建的方法从社交媒体档案库的形成基础、档案特性、新特征三个层面逐级推导社交媒体平台作为档案库的内涵及特点。本文论证了社交媒体平台可被视作档案库这一提法,并提出形成的社交媒体档案库是基于社交媒体活跃的信息活动构建的信息资源库,因其具有档案价值和日益普遍的档案化管理行为而实现档案库的建构,这个档案库亦从时空、主体、关联性以及价值等方面呈现新特征,由此成为档案管理数字转型的重要阵地。  相似文献   

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