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Two recent movies, Invictus and The Infidel, concern finding ways to negotiate coexistence between intensely opposed subcultures and are used to expand the meaning of multiculturalism. New, emergent cultures that are universalistic, practical, and accommodative are among the many cultures that are given place amid the diversity of modern complex societies. Although purity of culture is often held up as a goal, the blending of cultures in search of daily survival and convenience remains valuable to modern people looking to define their identities.  相似文献   

This study explores the narratives of 20 members of “The Work,” a polygamist community in Centennial Park, Arizona, to better understand the ways in which religious minorities cope with the stigmatizing discourses of the larger United States culture. This paper examines (a) how participants understand and interpret public discourse surrounding plural marriage, and (b) participants’ communicative strategies for coping with this stigma. Grounded theory analysis revealed that the discursive cultural de-legitimation of plural marriage motivates co-cultural members to engage in network management. Four network management strategies were reported by participants: (1) withdrawing from mainstream society, (2) establishing ingroup solidarity, (3) concealing cultural identification, and (4) educating cultural outsiders.  相似文献   

Subcultures can appear in multicultural societies not only by the contact of existing cultures but also by cultures that remain constant while the larger society changes. A recent movie, Dark Waters, is an example of this process. Parasite and Joker, two other recent movies, both Academy Award winners, differ from the first in the ways they present the process of subcultural development. Dark Waters shows a marginal community getting effective assistance from an established law firm, while Parasite and Joker show marginal subcultures that develop their own illegitimate methods of responding to marginalization, with disastrous results. The people with legal help remain bitter and pessimistic, while the people resorting to deviant resistance become cheerful and amused, untroubled by the mass homicide their comic attitude brings.  相似文献   

The popularity of adolescent fantasy movies about cosmic war and the enjoyment of military adventures that we find in World War II movies suggest the unique importance of war-themed culture in fostering solidarity in large, complex, and factionalized societies. War movies offset the power of sub-cultural movements by emphasizing the togetherness to be found in patriotic attachment to the whole society. A review of the history of recent war movies such as Ender's Game and The Monuments Men raises the possibility of a new militarism among young people. However, the persistence of war-weariness indicates that young people may differentiate fantasies of combat from the recognition of the horrors of real war.  相似文献   

In this article Abraham Lincoln is considered as an alternative to the usual type of patriot's hero. He reminds us of our great historical failings. He remains a figure of controversy, a national hero in only some corners of society. He is the heroic President who serves as the first compassionate defender of the downtrodden, and he is a hero in those subcultures as well. Lincoln's treatment in the movies is discussed, focusing particularly on the recent movie Lincoln. Lincoln is seen as a match for the usual movie hero. His famous immunity to casual treatment in popular culture is discussed as well.  相似文献   

Red Tails, a recent movie about the Tuskegee Airmen in battle, is the latest in a line of movies that seem to petition for admission to the fellowship of the mainstream American society by showing stories of groups overcoming discrimination and proving their strength and their patriotism. As the most excluded and longest-lasting pariah group, African Americans have enacted this scenario in real life and in the popular culture many times. Movies about war and the military are a powerful means of showing minority group worthiness. Those who will risk their lives in battle on behalf of the homeland and will fight with extraordinary skill should be worthy applicants for inclusion.  相似文献   

This article considers the representation of global events in The Onion, a satirical news publication. Drawing on a content analysis of headlines and news stories, the article offers a set of general conclusions about the publication’s geographical and topical focuses. When considered in aggregate, the headlines offer an implicit critique of the mainstream media and coverage of international events. The idea that The Onion is a critical voice is, however, subject to interrogation. The Onion should be recognized with other satirical outputs as a profit-oriented enterprise, with appeal to key demographics and growing connections to multinational corporations. Yet The Onion’s position is further complexified through its direct engagement with international actors who do not get the joke.  相似文献   

The contributions to this edition of the Journal are viewed as identifying two roles of culture in intergroup conflict. One is that culture separates people into an in-group and out-group based on the criterion of whether or not they share a common culture. According to social identity theory, this division creates the necessary condition for intergroup (intercultural) conflict. The second role is that culture shapes the individual's perception of conflict and how he or she will respond to the conflict. It is argued that embedded within the history and myths of a culture are stories that identify specific out-groups as likely protagonists. A model for achieving peaceful co-existence between cultural groups is presented. Peaceful co-existence has three components: cognition (acceptance of the right of the out-group to exist), emotion (low fear of the out-group), and behavior (willingness to engage in cooperative interaction with the out-group). It is argued that in order to achieve peaceful co-existence between cultural groups, intergroup contract must promote the security and identity of the ingroup, reduce the perceived threat of the out-group, and promote the perception of diversity within the out-group. The difficulties of achieving positive relations between cultural groups is recognized, and that a focus on intercultural relations should be prevention of hostility rather than reducing violent conflict after it has occurred.  相似文献   

America is identified as a nation of immigrants. These immigrants are thought to be the source of its subcultures. It is also a nation of individual explorers and inventors. Their activities are also a source of diverse subcultures. Many notable movies have made heroes of such innovators in different fields of endeavor. Michael Moore's movie Who to Invade Next is a documentary about his trips to other countries in search of more successful institutions of work, education, health services, and incarceration. The premise of the movie is Moore has come to invade the other countries and steal the secrets of their successes in order to reform similar American institutions. Moore finds only mild amusement rather than amazement from his “victims.” He discovers the advances he attributes to other countries were originally American innovations, adopted in other societies but abandoned in America, which has become strangely timid about progress and reform.  相似文献   

“Culture” has tended to play a central role in the nomenclature and operationalization of popular frameworks for attending to matters of diversity in education. These frameworks include multicultural education, culturally responsive pedagogy, culturally relevant teaching, cultural proficiency, and cultural competence. In this article, I argue that too tight a focus on “culture,” the meaning of which remains intensely contested, stunts the possibility of real progress toward educational justice. As I will show, although some culture-centric frameworks are grounded in commitments to educational equity, they often are implemented in ways that essentialize marginalized students and mask the forms of structural injustice that feed educational outcome disparities. I argue for a new commitment to centering equity rather than culture in conversations and practices related to educational justice—recommending the equity literacy framework as one way to enact that commitment.  相似文献   

Most immigrant adolescents in Western Europe seem to feel well despite social-economic-cultural disadvantage. Researchers tend to relate the well-being of these youths to immigrants’ distinctive experiences associated with their background culture, i.e., relatedness. Combining insights from resilience and acculturation perspectives in light of an ecological perspective, we tested the hypothesis that communal (e.g., school) and individual resources (e.g., autonomy) that highlight mainstream culture and values of independence are also conducive to the well-being of immigrant youth, especially when these youths are high on mainstream culture adoption. A questionnaire study among immigrant and nonimmigrant vocational school students in Belgium (N = 290) revealed that not only relatedness but also school engagement and autonomy were predictive of a high well-being of immigrant youth, particularly of those who adopted mainstream culture. Results suggest that in different cultural contexts acculturating youth rely on multiple resources to cope with social adversity and use acculturation orientations to maximize their benefit from these resources.  相似文献   


What happens when we try to understand art as a commons? Elinor Ostrom [(1990/2012). Governing the commons. Cambridge University Press] challenged Hardin’s “The tragedy of the commons” [(1968). Science, 162(3859), 1243–1248] demonstrating that the governance of common pool resources is not always destined to failure. Ostrom’s analysis was initially applied to the management of shared natural resources; however, over time the term “commons” has also been used to describe non-tangible resources, specifically knowledge. Can Ostrom’s theory of the commons inform artistic practice? This article investigates some challenges presented by these research questions and their implications for cultural policy. In order to provide an empirical ground for the discussion of this topic, this paper will analyse the case studies of two cultural spaces in Italy, Teatro Valle (Rome) and Asilo Filangieri (Naples), which were occupied by groups of cultural professionals and managed as commons between 2011 and 2016; the outcomes of these occupations indicate possible ways to develop a commons-oriented approach to culture.  相似文献   

This research was to determine whether the large differences in scores on the F scale found in previous studies (Bradburn, 1963; Kagitcibasi, 1970; Kinnis, 1977) were due to cultural differences in personality characteristics or due to differences in language and/or structure of measuring instruments.The subjects were three groups of university students from the United States and Turkey. The Turkish/English (T/E) sample attended a Turkish University where all classes were in English. The Turkish/Turkish (T/T) sample attended a Turkish University where all classes were in Turkish. The American/English (A/E) sample attended a Midwestern University.Each of the samples were administered three Scales measuring authoritarian personality characteristics. They were: Rokeach's (1960) Dogmatism scale (D scale) the standard F scale (Adorno et al., 1950) and a multiple choice format of the F scale called A scale (Neel, 1977). For the T/E and A/E subjects these scales were in English and for the T/T subjects in Turkish.For each cultural group the composite scores on each scale were obtained and used for inter-group comparisons through one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Within-group correlations across the three measures, the means and standard deviations of individual items and T tests were also computed. Interculture and language comparisons resulted in two significant differences on both the Dogmatism and F scales. Analysis of group, composite scales shows that these differences are due to disparities between the A/E and T/T culture/language groups. Differences across language and culture groups for the A scale were not significant. The A measure behaves differently from D and F for the two Turkish culture groups. For the A/E group, D, F, and A measures are almost undifferentiable. The results suggest the effect of measurement instruments on inter-cultural differences in inter-measure comparisons. This indicates a response format effect (agreer bias or acquiescence set).  相似文献   

Mutual attitudes among immigrants and ethnocultural groups in Canada   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The domain of intercultural relations comprises two parallel sets of phenomena: acculturation and ethnic relations. These have usually been studied in isolation from each other, but their intersection is of increasing importance for understanding intercultural relations in plural societies. Although this mutual view of intercultural relations has long been recognised, there has been an imbalance in the research carried out: acculturation studies have been predominantly done with the non-dominant groups, and ethnic attitudes have been studied mainly among dominant populations. Beginning in the 1970s, we began a program of research to redress this imbalance with studies in Canada. We examined the acculturation expectations held by the dominant population with respect to immigrants and ethnocultural groups, using the concept of multicultural ideology; we also examined the ways in which dominant groups change and respond to the presence of such groups using concepts of security (both cultural and economic), tolerance, and ethnic attitudes. More recently, we have developed a research instrument to continue this program. The International Study of Attitudes Towards Immigration and Settlement examines the views of members of various ethnocultural groups in a number of countries. This paper reviews the research framework and some findings from these studies among various members of the larger society. The role of a number of demographic and psychological variables related to attitudes toward the kinds and numbers of immigrants are presented. Some conclusions and implications are then discussed.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at investigating the relationships between autonomy-connectedness and adherence to independent and interdependent values in second-generation Dutch immigrant women with a background in countries labeled as collectivistic, and same-aged indigenous Dutch women (N = 180 and N = 157, respectively). Both groups completed the Autonomy-Connectedness Scale (ACS-30; Bekker & Van Assen, 2006) and the Self-Construal Scale (Singelis, 1994). Additionally, those with an immigrant background filled out the Acculturation Questionnaire (Arends-Tóth & Van de Vijver, 2003). Contrary to expectations, both groups had similar levels of self-awareness, whereas the indigenous Dutch women were - after controlling for educational level - more sensitive to others. In both groups, but even more in the group with an immigrant background, adherence to independent values appeared to contribute substantially and positively to self-awareness as well as capacity for managing new situations, and negatively to sensitivity to others. In addition, adherence to interdependent values contributed, for both groups, positively to sensitivity to others, and, for those with an immigrant background, negatively to self-awareness. The ACS-30 appeared to be useful for assessing autonomy-connectedness in the immigrant groups that participated in the study. The results confirm that a simple distinction between native and immigrant Dutch groups in terms of being self- or other-focused should be rejected, and give rise to further, clinically relevant research questions.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the issues of identity crises caused by transcultural exchange, the political unconscious of the rise of China, and the cultural politics of transnationality in Ha Jin’s The Boat Rocker. The Boat Rocker is a novel which reveals the betrayal, displacement, and conspiracy lurking behind such concepts as national loyalty, trust in traditional values, and identification with one’s roots. The Boat Rocker is also a timely reflection of the momentous election year of 2016 in which it was written, addressing fears of foreign-sponsored sedition, propaganda and the manipulation of media, the malleability of public opinion, the unholy alliance between the U.S. and Chinese state governance, and the post 9/11 political environment which led the U.S. to that point. The novel takes the form of a self-reflexive dialogue in which China sees itself reflected in America and America in China. In the process of exchanging languages and culture, the Chinese characters adapt to the American way of life, producing a unique form of Americanness with special Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

Four recent movies, Hidden Figures, The Zookeeper's Wife, Their Finest, and Colossal exemplify a new cultural version of the movie heroine. This version combines feminism with commitment to solving an overwhelming problem. These heroines, thus, display the character virtues of Wonder Woman and Mrs. Miniver. This new version reflects changing concerns about the cultural understanding of women and a new direction for women moviemakers.  相似文献   

This article considers hikikomori as willful subjects. The hikikomori are a portion of the Japanese population who withdraw into their homes. These are mostly young people (between the ages of 15 and 35) and mostly young men. The focus of this article is how hikikomori constitute a challenge to dominant national imaginaries of Japan as a “corporate-family system.” This article analyses popular media and psychiatric representations of hikikomori, particularly from Saitô’s work as exemplifying Ahmed’s notion of “willful subjects.” It is argued that the hikikomori’s apparent willfulness produces them as Queer subjects who are out of place and pace with the dominant heteronormative, masculinist culture of contemporary Japan.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the influence of queer and visual culture in South Korea by concentrating on the example of Project L, the first exhibition organized by self-proclaimed lesbian artists and curators in South Korea in 2005, followed by the group's second exhibition, Gender Spectrum, in 2008. Conflicts between the dominant curatorial approach toward feminist arts and the identity politics of the Project L team are investigated in order to illustrate major theoretical predicaments in which lesbian activists and artists find themselves in feminist organizations and art exhibitions in Korea. As the title “Globalizing Korean Queer” suggests, this paper also examines contradictory circumstances related to the influence of queer theory in non-western countries. A close analysis of Gender Spectrum sheds light upon how a non-western lesbian group utilizes queer theory to understand the distinctive cultural conditions underlying homophobia, beyond merely importing “advanced” theories from the west.  相似文献   

Popular culture includes stories that define and justify the existence of groups and nations. Among those stories are creation accounts, especially stories of the forming of nations through struggles for liberation from oppression. The useful liberation myths are exemplified by two recent films: V for Vendetta and Children of Men. Another recent film, The Wind That Shakes the Barley, gives a sober and nuanced account of the Irish Rebellion. It includes the ambiguities of liberation events and the problems that arise and continue after the glorious moment of liberation.  相似文献   

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