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During several of the sessions of the Council of Jewish Education at the annual Conference of Jewish Communal Service held in Baltimore, June 2–5, 1985, the critical relationships of the central agency for Jewish education were examined. The symposium that follows represents three of the papers delivered at the conference with an introduction by Dr. Elliot Schwartz, who coordinated the CJE sessions.  相似文献   

This paper describes and analysies the use of a delphi research methodology to assess faculty perceptions of institutional needs and goals in an osteopathic medical education program. Use of the delphi to educate faculty in the administrative and political functioning of the institution as well as to involve all faculty in the refinement of specific needs and goals is discussed. Full‐time clinical and basic science faculty of the New Jersey School of Osteopathic Medicine provided an example of the varied uses of the delphi research methodology in higher education and specifically in profesiional higher education. The three rounds of the delphi procedure produced faculty consensus on the following institutional variable items: (a) the philosophical and functional orientation of the curriculum; (b) location and design of the physical campus facilities and environment; (c) faculty issues of tenure, promotion, salary and merit; (d) teaching, and the evaluation of teaching; (e) student characteristics and admissions policies; and (f) administrative structure and communication networks.  相似文献   

For a couple of years now, because of a lot of stories shared over a lot of late night cups of coffee and bottles of wine, I have believed strongly that the future of central agencies is in jeopardy. This forthcoming crisis has been forthcoming for a while. It does not stem from any new situation, rather it was embedded in self-definition of the original, primordial central agency — the one founded by Benderly and then diffused by his disciples. In the long run, a system that began by seeing synagogues as competitors, parents as enemies, funding sources in general (and philanthropists in particular) as necessary evils, and the system of American public education as the epitome of educational excellence — that system and that process was due to wear out its welcome. Three to five generations of Americanization have eroded much of the top soil and bared the weakness in those foundations. The identity crises, the funding crises, the political instability of today's agency are rooted in its origins.  相似文献   

论中国政府与教育中介组织的互动关系:一个法学的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育中介组织是指通过教育审议、咨询、评价和鉴定等手段参与政府与学校教育管理过程的非政府公益组织:教育中介组织具有非政府性、非营利性、公权性和中介性的特点、西方的教育中介组织主要有半官方型、民间组织型和学术组织型三种类型、教育中介组织是世界各国社会参与教育管理的主要形式,它们是政府与学校之间沟通的桥梁。我国教育中介组织的主要功能是缓冲教育行政部门与学校之间的紧张。我国政府与教育中个组织应建构良性互动关系——政府对教育中介组织进行培育与管理,教育中介组织对政府实施监督与制约;教育中介组织与学校之间也应该构建一种良性互动关系。  相似文献   

Jewish Educational Planning at the Communal Level There has been a great deal of discussion lately about the future of central agencies. Much of it focuses on central agency/federation relationships in general, and planning roles in particular within the communal setting. That setting, at both local and continental levels, is comprised of a multidimensional matrix of organizations and bodies which under the best of circumstances work together in a synergistic way. When that happens, the community as a whole is stronger and all involved, including Jewish education, benefit. When that does not, unfortunately, the opposite is true.  相似文献   

Socrates Programme:文化多元背景下欧洲的教育对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当下文化多元的世界格局,对教育提出了新的挑战,如何应对这前所未有的文化碰撞成为了人们关注的焦点之一。Socrates计划是欧盟推出的一项跨国教育交流项目,其目的是强化“欧洲域”意识、加强教育的交流与合作、鼓励教育创新。这是欧洲在处理多种文化间关系、应对全球化挑战、促进欧洲一体化进程中所采取的一项积极措施,当中的系列措施能够给中国的跨文化教育带来些许启发。  相似文献   


How can we understand human agency, and what does it mean to educate character? In this essay Klas Roth develops a Kantian notion, one that suggests we render ourselves efficacious and autonomous in education and elsewhere. This requires, among other things, that we are successful in bringing about the intended result through our actions and the means used, and that we act in accordance with and are motivated by the Categorical Imperative. It also requires that we are or strive to become virtuous and that we engage in moral reflection, and, furthermore, that actions are done for the sake of duty, that is, out of respect for the moral law. We accomplish such aims by developing our predispositions, namely the technical, the pragmatic, and the moral predisposition in a society. The extent to which we achieve this, Roth contends, demonstrates what we are prepared to make of ourselves.  相似文献   

本文论述了目标教学的各个环节,以及在热学等课程中实施目标教学所取得的成果。实践证明:实行目标教学。不仅能克服教学中的主观随意性,调动学生的积极性,有利于学生能力的培养,而且为教学质量的评估和检测提供了客观标准,促进教学质量的提高。  相似文献   


The propositions advanced and defended in this article are: (1) that it is more urgent for educators to reach agreement on their general purposes and goals than to specify in detail the outcomes they seek; (2) that insistance on detailed statements of educational objectives is questionable; (3) that teachers should be more concerned with developing a pupil's cognitive resources than with changing his behavior; (4) that criterion-referenced measures should supplement, not supplant norm-referenced measures; and (5) that conventional test statistics are appropriate for criterion-referenced tests if they are based on appropriate test responses.  相似文献   

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