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This is a brief report highlighting the key elements of an information literacy training workshop jointly organized by UNESCO and the University of the West Indies in Montego Bay, June 1–6, 2008, providing information giving the background of why the workshop was mounted and what the expected results and outcomes were, how it was organized and structured, including the programme/agenda, who the expert-presenters were, a list of participants, and some conclusions, and some recommendations.  相似文献   

This is a brief report highlighting the key elements of an information literacy training workshop jointly organized by UNESCO and the University of the West Indies in Montego Bay, June 1–6, 2008, providing information giving the background of why the workshop was mounted and what the expected results and outcomes were, how it was organized and structured, including the programme/agenda, who the expert-presenters were, a list of participants, and some conclusions, and some recommendations.  相似文献   


Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2016 takes place every 2 years, and was held this year at the University of Zadar, in Zadar, Croatia, from June 13–17, 2016. Each LIDA, two themes are chosen in advance. This year, the themes were “Digital Curation and Preservation: Current Trends and Research” and “Use Studies, Education, and Training for Digital Library Collections.” A presentation of each theme by university professors and subsequent keynotes relevant to each theme by two world-renowned experts provided context and ensured a shared perspective among LIDA attendees. Conference-goers were presented a balanced approach to theoretical and practical questions in a number of areas of digital libraries, including the presentation of research on information seeking practices among special communities, data mining projects, the exploration of platforms and experiences, and digitization. Additionally, a number of the contributed papers, panels, demonstrations, and workshops spanned the two themes, making for not only an informative conference, but also a particularly rich and coherent experience for attendees. Opportunities for junior researchers were numerous, with the conference priding itself on the mentorship opportunities available. In 2018, you might find yourself tempted to see what LIDA is all about; if you do, you will no doubt find yourself in a breath-taking venue along the Croatian coast surrounded by engaged, supportive, and collaborative researchers and professionals from around the world – in my opinion, you won't regret it.  相似文献   

Different ways are explored of organizing acquisitions work for multilingual public library collections, on the local, national and international scale. The respective technical pros and cons of three methods—decentralized acquisitions, centralized acquisitions to rotating deposit collections, centralized cooperative acquisitions—are set forth. Mention is also made of some external demographic and social factors which influence the library's choice of an acquisitions method. Flexibility and responsiveness to reader needs are stressed.  相似文献   

新媒体广告对传统媒体的冲击,是现阶段广告业研究的重要命题,近年来争论的焦点,往往集中于新媒体广告对传统媒体的广告预算分流。对于广告的跨媒体迁移,不能简单地将之理解为新旧媒体之间的替代性竞争,因为广告传播的核心目标是与消费者形成良性沟通。随着消费者生活质量的不断提升,新的消费需要会  相似文献   

随着企业改革的不断深化和社会主义市场经济的迅速发展,职工的思想和心理都发生了显著变化,呈现开放、多元、多变等特点,既增加了思想政治工作的难度,也对政工干部提出了更高的要求.如何做好新时期职工思想政治工作,是企业各级组织和政工干部面临的新课题.  相似文献   

报纸广告的概况 我国西汉时的《邸报》应为世界上最早的报纸。距今四百多年前的1525年,世界上最早刊登新闻的小册子在德国创刊。在它里面夹带着一页用几种文字印刷的可以散发的广告,推荐一本医书。有人认为世界上第一个报纸广告,就是乔治·马赛林所写的一本书的介绍。刊登在1625年2月1日英格兰出版的《每周新闻》封底上。“广告”一词最早出现在1645年1月5日英国出版的《每周报导》上。比较正规运用“广告”一语是从1655年11月1日—8日的英格兰《政治读者》报开始的,从此便沿用下来。  相似文献   

习近平总书记在党的新闻舆论工作座谈上指出,做好党的新闻舆论工作,事关旗帜和道路,事关贯彻落实党的理论和路线方针政策,事关顺利推进党和国家各项事业,事关全党全国各族人民的凝聚力和向心力,事关党和国家前途命运.学习总书记重要讲话,笔者认为当下新闻工作应该“志于道,据于真,依于信,展于融”.  相似文献   

不错,你看到的是一台主机,安全的透明塑料,大小相当于一个面巾纸盒,外带一条显示器连接线、一条电源连接线、一条Internet连接线。如此简洁的外形设计,带给你的却有可能是对计算机、电视、游戏机或家庭影院的革命性全新认识。 这是苹果电脑CEO乔布斯在2000年纽约Macworld Expo上给世人展  相似文献   

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