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Technology plays an integral role in the lives of the majority of the US population. As technology becomes integrated into young people’s lives, questions arise regarding its effects on learning. This exploratory study draws on interviews with students who attend university in the United States to determine how separating students from technology deepens experiential learning. Participants were interviewed following a study abroad course to New Zealand, during which they were disconnected from technologies such as cell phones, the Internet and social media. In the interviews, students discussed their feelings of being disconnected and describe how disconnecting impacted their overall experience. Participants agreed that disconnecting from technology had positive effects on experiential learning and the global experience. Major themes that emerged include students’ enhanced immersion and engagement, the value of disconnection in providing opportunities for personal growth and the difficulty of initial separation from technology as a result of conditioning.  相似文献   

This evaluative?Cexploratory case study reports pedagogical experiences with using mobiles phones, wikis, and other mobile learning approaches such as podcasts and walking tours as educational tools in the context of an undergraduate course on Chinese Entrepreneurship and Asian Business Networks taught at a university in Singapore. Conceptualized as mobile learning, the paper argues that information and communication technologies (ICT) devices used by Gen Y students as part of their everyday life such as hand phones in combination with social media platforms such as course wikis and other proven pedagogical methods such as mini lectures, field visits, and walking tours can greatly enrich learners?? experience and produce valuable learning outcomes on the basis of blended learning provided their usage is easy and effectively integrated into the respective instructional strategy.  相似文献   

目前ARM嵌入式系统教学存在的教材理论知识偏难、学生实验时间太少、缺乏创新能力等现状,在该课程的教学改革中将书本理论知识、仿真实验和项目化教育三者结合,教学内容循序渐进,让学生真正学懂,学以致用,提高了学生的学习兴趣,培养了学生的动手能力和创新能力,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

工学结合是目前解决高职学生实践能力培养的方法之一,但是在实践中存在着学习不是实践的主要目的、学习效果无法保证、实践安排学校无主动权等问题,解决的办法是借鉴"服务学习"理念,创新工学结合理论认知、加强职业教育制度建设和完善工学结合体系建设,从而切实提高工学结合的效果。  相似文献   

大学生接受移动学习的影响因素实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着无线通信技术的飞速发展和移动设备的深入普及,移动学习作为一种新的学习方式逐渐进入大学生的校园生活。但实践中大学生对移动学习的应用情况与其对移动设备的热情并不匹配,大学生对移动学习的接受和运用不足现象严重。到底哪些因素影响着大学生接受移动学习?关于移动学习的采纳与接受,已有的研究主要采用技术接受模型(TAM模型),试图探究影响一般社会群体接受移动学习的因素。TAM模型应用存在一定的局限性,拓展的技术整合和接受理论模型(UTAUT模型)在信息接受模型中具有更好的解释力。以UTAUT模型为基础,利用问卷调查和多元回归分析对北京师范大学学生的研究发现,成就价值、绩效期望、使用经验、感知娱乐性和社会影响等因素对大学生接受移动学习有显著性影响,因此应从加强校园宣传与环境建设、改进移动学习资源设计等方面,提升大学生对移动学习的接受水平。  相似文献   

电大开放教育是一种"以学生业余学习为主,通过网络提供的多媒体资源,根据教师的引导,基于多种媒体进行自主学习"的新型教学模式,需要注重对学生自主化学习能力的培养。文章从探讨自主学习的内涵出发,分析了自主学习的必要性以及开放教育学生自主学习的现状,从转变观念、激发动机、培养能力、构建体系、人文关怀等方面,阐述了有效促进开放教育学生自主学习的初步构想。  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育生活化已经逐渐成为学界的共识,其成效受到教育对象、教育媒介、教育者等因素影响。提高高校思想政治教育生活化实效应把握“三结合”原则,通过创新教育方法、加强情商教育、丰富教育栽体、提升教育者综合素养等优化路径来实现。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to design reflective writing mechanisms in a web-based portfolio assessment system and evaluate its effects on self-regulated learning. Participants were two classes of juniors majoring in data processing and taking a course called “Website design” at a vocational high school in Taiwan. One class was randomly selected and assigned as an experimental group (41 students) reflecting on learning processes through a web-based portfolio assessment system, whereas the other class was assigned as a control group (41 students) reflecting on learning processes through a paper-based portfolio. The result revealed that students who were highly satisfied with online reflective writing mechanisms significantly outperformed students who were less satisfied with online reflective writing mechanisms in self-regulated students reflecting on learning processes through a web-based portfolio assessment system significantly outperformed students reflecting on learning processes through a paper-based portfolio in self-regulated learning.  相似文献   

针对通信原理课程实验教学的现状和存在问题,提出构建基于SystemView的实验教学体系。新实验教学体系设置了基础验证型、综合设计型和研究创新型3个层次的实验,并以正交幅度调制(QAM)的实现为例给出仿真实例。实践表明,该实验教学体系增强了学生的学习兴趣,有利于大学生的创新能力和实践能力的培养。  相似文献   

Will student users prefer media presentation rooms specially designed, built, and equipped according to well-established and accepted environmental design and display system engineering principles to other, non-environmentally controlled media classrooms? The 503 university students questioned in this study did. The author concluded that given the proper instrument, students are capable of reliably evaluating factors in their learning environments — such things as acoustics, thermal conditions, visual display systems, and lighting — and that such factors are important to them.  相似文献   

“剑桥商务英语”课程以现代商务活动为素材,具有自身的鲜明特色。文章结合教学现状,指出当前“剑桥商务英语”课程教学存在的问题和遇到的困境,探索提升课程教学效果的可行性措施:整合课程内容、增强学生学习信心,丰富教学手段、激发学生学习兴趣,仿真商务情境、培养学生岗位能力,利用校外实践、提升师生商务经验,合理修订计划、突出课程实用性,进一步完善课程教学。  相似文献   

‐ Many studies have reported positive effects of cooperative learning methods on student achievement. In all such cases, cooperative learning experiences were initiated and structured by teachers, and designed according to special task and reward structures. The present study discusses a different kind of cooperative learning, Spontaneous Collaborative Learning (SCOLL), which is not structured by the teachers, but is student‐initiated. The characteristics of such a learning experience are described, and its effects on the learning strategies adopted by students, the quality of the students’ learning outcomes are examined. Quantitative and qualitative data from 39 Hong Kong tertiary (physiotherapy) students showed that SCOLL, as compared to individual preparation, promoted the engagement of a deep approach incorporating high level cognitive strategies, and in turn learning outcomes reflected in a higher structural complexity of assignments than those approaches and outcomes of students who worked individually.  相似文献   

高职综合实践课程是融合了技术知识学习和技术实践培养的综合性课程。基于体验学习理论,高职综合实践课程的教学应以工作项目为核心,采取由具体体验、反思观察、抽象概括和行动应用四个阶段构成的体验学习圈模式,使学生在做、思、学、再做的循环过程中生成经验。  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of an integrated video media curriculum enhancement on students' achievement and attitudes in a first-year general high school chemistry course within a multiculturally diverse metropolitan school district. Through the use of a treatment-control experimental design, approximately 450 students in Grades 9–12 were sampled on measures of chemistry achievement and attitude over the period of 1 academic year. The results revealed significantly higher achievement scores on standardized measures of achievement as well as on microunit researcher-designed, criterion-referenced quizzes for the treatment students who experienced a general chemistry course enhanced with an integrated use of a structured chemistry video series. Correlation of student achievement with logical thinking ability revealed that students with high levels of logical thinking ability benefited most from the video-enhanced curriculum. Treatment students also scored significantly higher than control students on the chemistry attitude instrument. These results along with qualitative supportive evidence suggest that this integrated video media curriculum intervention can positively affect student chemistry achievement and attitude across ability levels and across a diverse multicultural population. Furthermore, the data suggest that educational science video media in general, and the World of Chemistry video series in particular, are instructional tools that can be used effectively to bring the often abstract, distant worlds of science into close focus and within the personal meaningful realm of each individual student. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 617–631, 1997.  相似文献   

目前网络已成为远程开放教育最主要的知识传播与接收系统。在网络环境下,学习效果与网络学习行为直接相关。调查显示,目前开放教育学生网络学习行为存在着主动意识不强、抗干扰能力偏差、信息处理能力较弱等问题。转变思想观念、开展媒介素养教育、加强网络学习资源建设、净化网络环境等是改善网络学习行为,提高学习效果的有效手段。  相似文献   

社会事件融入教学是指以真实存在的社会事件为媒介开展社会科学课程的教学。它有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生批判反思、独立思考的能力,增强学生的责任感和使命感。社会事件融入教学的流程可分为确认教学背景、事件聚焦、自主学习与协作学习、检讨与反思四个阶段。在此过程中,社会事件不仅仅是获取知识的手段;教师是一个积极的引导者与分享者;学生是教学的真正主体;讨论的场域与气氛是保障教学质量的关键。  相似文献   

Social media hype has created a lot of speculation among educators on how these media can be used to support learning, but there have been rather few studies so far. Our explorative interview study contributes by critically exploring how campus students perceive using social media to support their studies and the perceived benefits and limitations compared with other means. Although the vast majority of the respondents use social media frequently, a “digital dissonance” can be noted, because few of them feel that they use such media to support their studies. The interviewees mainly put forth e-mail and instant messaging, which are used among students to ask questions, coordinate group work and share files. Some of them mention using Wikipedia and YouTube for retrieving content and Facebook to initiate contact with course peers. Students regard social media as one of three key means of the educational experience, alongside face-to-face meetings and using the learning management systems, and are mainly used for brief questions and answers, and to coordinate group work. In conclusion, we argue that teaching strategy plays a key role in supporting students in moving from using social media to support coordination and information retrieval to also using such media for collaborative learning, when appropriate.  相似文献   

电子传媒对当前初中生语文学习影响的调查研究显示,众多形式的电子传媒对语文素养的影响不尽相同,电视和电影对初中生口语交际能力的影响大于网络,而网络对阅读能力和写作能力的影响大于电视、电影。调查既显示了电子传媒对青少年审美情趣养成的积极意义,也关注了各种消极影响。在改进语文教学的过程中,既要充分认识电子传媒对学生语文素养形成的积极作用,又要因势利导,指导和引导学生合理利用电子传媒。  相似文献   

自2011年微信出现后,微信平台的发展势头迅猛,并在大学生网络通讯方式中占有很大比重。在微信平台的影响下,当代大学生的学习习惯也随之发生了变化。主要呈现为:倾向短小简洁的学习材料;倾向快速浅显的学习方式;倾向直观有序的学习任务;倾向互动参与性的学习方法。微信平台在大学英语隐性课程构建中具有传播方式的多样性、传播速度的即时性、传播信息的生动性、信息交互的时效性、消息内容的丰富性等优势。基于微信平台构建大学英语隐性课程,可从"微"化课堂构建、"微"材料资源、"微"团队任务、"微"竞赛、"微"评体系、"微"资料库及"微"生活平台等方面实施,最终将隐性课程学习延伸到师生的"微"生活中。  相似文献   

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