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We were shooting on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum one night. It was lit romantically, and Jennifer was wearing an evening gown, looking incredibly stunning. Suddenly there must have been a thousand people screaming her name. It was like witnessing this icon. (Ralph Fiennes in the New York Times, 2002, p. 16, emphasis added)

This stamp, honoring a Mexican artist who has transcended “la frontera” and has become and icon to Hispanics, feminists, and art lovers, will be a further reminder of the continuous cultural contributions of Latinos to the United States. (Cecilia Alvear, President of National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) on the occasion of the introduction of the Frida Kahlo U.S. postage st& 2001; emphasis added)

“Nothing Like the Icon on the Fridge” (column about Salma Hayek’s Frida by Stephanie Zacharek in the New York Times, 2002 Zacharek, S. 2002. The New Season/Movies; Nothing Like the Icon on the Fridge. The New York Times, : 41 Sep.8.Section ZA [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

From a sociolinguistic and discourse-analytic perspective, news stories have often been considered as operating within a similar structural framework to oral narratives (Labov, 1972 Labov, W. 1972. Language in the inner city, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.  [Google Scholar]), sharing formal elements with narratives produced in other contexts (although as Bell (1991) Bell, A. 1991. The language of news media, Oxford: Blackwell.  [Google Scholar] has demonstrated in relation to print news, these elements occur in temporal disorganization). In this paper, in line with other recent treatments of news stories, we suggest that news does not conform to this kind of “narrative” structure as such. Examining data taken from print and live-broadcast TV news through a Sacksian (1995) lens, we argue that it is possible to simplify the analysis of news structure by approaching the news as “stories,” where the story elements are organized around the notions of category, action, and reason rather than as a series of narrative clauses involving orientation, complicating actions, evaluation, and resolution (Bell, 1991 Bell, A. 1991. The language of news media, Oxford: Blackwell.  [Google Scholar]; van Dijk, 1988 Van Dijk, T. A. 1988. News as discourse, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Female friendships are significant to many Black females because they represent a homeplace, or a safe space. This study uses Baxter and Montgomery's (1996 Baxter , L. A. , & Montgomery , B. M. ( 1996 ). Relating: Dialogues and dialectics . New York , NY : The Guilford Press . [Google Scholar], 1998 Baxter , L. A. , & Montgomery , B. M. ( 1998 ). A guide to dialectical approaches to studying interpersonal relationships . In B. M. Montgomery & L. A. Baxter (Eds.), Dialectical approaches to studying interpersonal relationships (pp. 116 ). Mahwah , NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum . [Google Scholar]) relational dialectics theory and Collins’ (2000 Collins , P. H. ( 2000 ). Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment ( ed.) , 2nd . New York , NY : Routledge . [Google Scholar]) Black feminist thought to understand the interplay of contradictions in the stories that Black females tell in their friendship groups. The contradictions embedded in the stories were finances (spending/saving), language (“good”/“bad” English), appearance (satisfaction/dissatisfaction), and race (acceptance/rejection of otherness). The interaction of these tensions showed that the friends engaged in group segregation and integration, which ultimately enabled them to freely express their culturally based truths without fear of marginalization.  相似文献   

This study investigated the communication strategies used by divorced individuals who did not wish their marriages to end (non-initiators). Participants were 270 divorced persons drawn from divorce recovery and support groups as well as network sampling. An adaptation of Buss's (1988 Buss , D. M. ( 1988 ). From vigilance to violence: Tactics of mate retention in American undergraduates . Ethology and Sociobiology , 9 , 291317 . [CROSSREF] [CSA] [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) taxonomy of partner retention tactics served to capture the communication strategies of non-initiators during marital dissolution. A factor analysis revealed that four disengagement resistance strategies—commitment, alignment, negativity, and harm—are used by non-initiators during the process of marital dissolution.  相似文献   

This article examines the usability testing of a responsively redesigned library Web site. Responsive design provides a unified user experience regardless of the device used to view a site. The study's aim is twofold: to determine if the responsively designed site and its external online services support users’ information seeking needs, and to discover if there is a singular experience across different devices. A cognitive walkthrough was the main testing instrument used in gathering input. Over two rounds of testing, students of various class years and technological skill from the New York City of Technology (City Tech), CUNY participated in the study. The first round of testing for this usability study on the library Web site was previously documented (Tidal 2015 Tidal, J. (2015) “One Site to Rule Them All: Usability Testing of a Responsively Designed Library Web Site.” In Creating Sustainable Community: The Proceedings of the ACRL 2015 Conference, edited by D. Mueller. Paper presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries, Portland, OR, 25–28 March (pp. 593–604). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. [Google Scholar]). This article presents the findings and comparisons between the first and second round of usability testing. The study found not only numerous improvements that could enhance the library Web site, but also the lack of a unified experience between tablet, smartphone, and desktop users, despite using a responsive design. Smartphone users were at a disadvantage in utilizing library resources. The study also found there was a significant usability impact in using a mobile-optimized discovery tool among users in comparison to its Web OPAC predecessor.  相似文献   

A multiple methods study was conducted over three academic terms during the 2015 fiscal year at Santa Clara University Library to assess the impact and value of overnight library hours. A survey was conducted after midnight during times the Library was open 24 hours, five days a week (24/5), the last two weeks of the quarter. The survey was further informed by patron counts conducted hourly by library floor and type of activity. Survey questions were based on Sowell and Nutefall's study (2014 Sowell, S. L., &; Nutefall, J. E. (2014). Mysteries in the night: An exploratory study of student use and perceptions of 24/5 hours. Public Services Quarterly, 10(2), 96114. [Google Scholar]); activity counts used categories similar to Johnson and McCallister's overnight study (2015 Johnson, K., &; McCallister, K. (2015). Assessing the 24/5 library: A case study in data and perspectives. Journal of Access Services, 12(3–4), 7590. [Google Scholar]). This SCU research queried service needs in overnight hours, finding, as others studies have, that late-night users are primarily seeking a quiet space with comfortable amenities conducive to concentrated study. This conclusion was supported by patron count data that documented user activity between midnight and 7 a.m. showing patrons overwhelmingly working on personal laptops (53%) or library PCs (14%). Over 90% of respondents strongly agreed (66%) or agreed (27%) with the statement that “having the ability to use the Learning Commons/Library during the overnight hours (midnight-7 a.m.) has made a positive difference for me academically.”  相似文献   

Godard has consistently voiced his disapproval of Spielberg's Schindler's List. Critics have noted this antipathy yet there is currently no detailed analysis of Godard Godard, Jean-Luc and Youssef, Ishaghpour. 2005. Cinema: The Archeology of Film and the Memory of a Century. Trans. JOHN HOWE, New York: Oberg.  [Google Scholar]'s specific objections. This article attempts to remedy this omission. In the first half, the author focuses on the motivation and logic that underpin Spielberg's film, paying particular attention to the qualms expressed in Godard's Éloge de l'amour over the moral and philosophical dubiousness of employing witness testimony as a means of recreating the past in the present. Then, in the second half, the author analyses the politics of identification in a selection of Godard's films to argue that Schindler's List is made ethically palatable for mainstream audiences through the use of manipulative erotic imagery. There, two critiques are brought together to suggest that Godard's primary objection to Schindler's List is that it constitutes an uplifting consideration of the Shoah that precludes a more serious rumination on an event that ruptures the histories of both the cinema and the twentieth century.  相似文献   

This research contributes to the growing body of literature exploring employee perceptions of workplace communication monitoring and surveillance by developing an explanatory model based on predictions derived from communication boundary management theory (CBM; Petronio, 1991 Petronio , S. ( 1991 ). Communication boundary management: A theoretical model of managing disclosure of private information between marital couples . Communication Theory , 1 , 311335 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar], 2001 American Management Association . ( 2001 ). 2001 AMA survey: Workplace monitoring and surveillance . Retrieved September 27, 2003, from http://www.amanet.org  [Google Scholar]). Specifically, this study explores the perceptions of workplace e-mail monitoring from a cross-section of 155 workers. The data suggest that when employees feel that there is a large amount of e-mail monitoring and believe that the monitoring is inappropriate, they respond negatively to top management. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Snickers’ “you’re not you when you’re hungry” (YNY) campaign premiered in 2010. Ad agency BBDO, New York (2017 BBDO, New York. (2017). Retrived from http://www.amvbbdo.com/work/campaign/snickers/yourenotyouwhenyourehungry [Google Scholar]) designed the ads as the centerpiece of an expensive, celebrity-filled Super Bowl promotion. This rhetorical analysis interprets the ads in terms of celebrities serving as intertextual messages that not only sell nut-filled chocolate bars but also reinforce identity stereotypes. In particular, the ads reinforce stereotypes of traditional sex roles. The ads reward viewer knowledge that plays into these stereotypes.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):287-310
Collaborative partnerships developed via text-based computer-mediated communication (CMC) commonly shift interactions to alternative formats. Extant research indicates that shifting from one modality to another, or “modality switching,” can have profound positive and negative effects on relational outcomes. Drawing on social presence theory (Short, Williams, & Christie, 1976 Short, J., Williams, E. and Christie, B. 1976. The social psychology of telecommunications, London: Wiley.  [Google Scholar]) and social information processing theory (SIPT; Walther, 1992 Walther, J. B. 1992. Interpersonal effects in computer-mediated interaction: A relational perspective. Communication Research, 19: 5289. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 1996 Walther, J. B. 1996. Computer-mediated communication: Impersonal, interpersonal, and hyperpersonal interaction. Communication Research, 23: 343. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the present study examined the influence of meeting FtF after varying lengths of time interacting via CMC on relational communication. Consistent with predictions, remaining online yielded greater intimacy and social attraction than the other conditions in which FtF contact occurred. With respect to the CMC conditions, modality switching modestly enhanced relational outcomes in the “early” switching partnerships but more strongly dampened those of “late” switching ones.  相似文献   

This article responds to recent calls for conceptual and methodological refinement, issued by uses-and-gratifications scholars (Rubin, 2009 Rubin, A. M. 2009. “The uses-and-gratifications perspective on media effects.”. In Media effects: Advances in theory and research , 3rd ed. Edited by: Bryant, J. and Oliver, M. B. 165184. New York, NY: Routledge..  [Google Scholar]; Ruggiero, 2000 Ruggiero, T. E. 2000. Uses and gratifications theory in the 21st century. Mass Communication & Society, 3: 337. doi: 10.1207/S15327825MCS0301_02[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), for studying emergent media. Noting that studies on the uses of the Internet have generated a list of gratifications that are remarkably similar to those obtained from older media, it identifies two measurement artifacts—(1) measures designed for older media are used to capture gratifications from newer media; and (2) gratifications are conceptualized and operationalized too broadly (e.g., information-seeking), thus missing the nuanced gratifications obtained from newer media. It challenges the notion that all gratifications are borne out of innate needs, and proposes that affordances of media technology can shape user needs, giving rise to new and distinctive gratifications. A sample of new gratifications and potential measures for those are provided.  相似文献   

Controversial media representations of the female body can reflect, reproduce, and even challenge ideological systems or Discourses (Jones, 2003 Jones , A. ( 2003 ). Introduction: Conceiving the intersection of feminism and visual culture . In A. Jones (Ed.), The feminism and visual culture reader (pp. 17 ). New York , NY : Routledge . [Google Scholar]; Louw, 2001 Louw , P. E. (2001). The media and cultural production . Thousand Oaks , CA : Sage. [Google Scholar]). This article interrogates the discourse surrounding TIME Magazine's recent cover regarding attachment parenting, which featured a mother breastfeeding her toddler. The analysis of 1 online comment board shows that, although multiple meanings were present, the talk regarding the cover was overwhelmingly informed by the Discourse of (Hetero)Sexuality, which defines breastfeeding as a sexualized act only appropriate in private and for children of a certain age. This backdrop of sexuality for breastfeeding is significant not only for mothers’ choices and practices regarding nursing, but also for policymakers who seek to support breastfeeding. In addition, the findings reinforce the importance of attending to the interrelations within and between macro- and microlevels of discourse in investigating symbolic systems through which meanings are constructed.  相似文献   

HIV remains a significant health concern entering the fourth decade of the epidemic [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2014. HIV basics. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/index.html], and people living with HIV continue to grapple with stigma. This study uses Leary and Schreindorfer's [1998 Leary, M. R., &; Schreindorfer, L. S. (1998). The stigmatization of HIV and AIDS: Rubbing salt in the wound. In V. J. Derlega &; A. P. Barbee (Eds.), HIV and social interaction (pp. 1229). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [Google Scholar]. The stigmatization of HIV and AIDS: Rubbing salt in the wound. In V. J. Derlega &; A. P. Barbee (Eds.), HIV and social interaction (pp. 12 Lekas, H. M., Siegel, K., &; Schrimshaw, E. W. (2006). Continuities and discontinuities in the experiences of felt and enacted stigma among women with HIV/AIDS. Qualitative Health Research, 16, 11651190. doi:10.1177/1049732306292284[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]29 Lekas, H. M., Siegel, K., &; Schrimshaw, E. W. (2006). Continuities and discontinuities in the experiences of felt and enacted stigma among women with HIV/AIDS. Qualitative Health Research, 16, 11651190. doi:10.1177/1049732306292284[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage] conceptualization of stigma to explore prior stigmatization on reasons for and against future disclosures. We interviewed HIV+ individuals (N?=?59) and used a combination of deductive and inductive coding to analyze participants’ responses. Deductive codes consisted of four stigma characteristics (pose a threat to others’ health and safety, deviate from group standards, create negative emotional reactions in others, and failure to contribute), experiences of feeling stigmatized due to HIV status (yes or no), and the degree to which HIV stigma was a concern (major, minor, or no concern). Inductive coding identified examples of perceived and experienced stigma and stigma concerns on future disclosure decision-making. Practical implications discuss individual, institutional, and societal stigma-reduction interventions and programs.  相似文献   

There are many instructional design theories to assist librarians in creating effective instructional modules for student learning. ADDIE is a generic instructional design model that has been in existence for more than 30 years and is known for its flexibility in application (Molenda, 2003 Molenda , M. ( 2003 ). In search of the elusive ADDIE model . Performance Improvement , 42 ( 5 ), 3436 . doi: 10.1002/pfi.4930420508 [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Using instructional design theories such as ADDIE helps to better serve students, librarians, and faculty because it adds efficiency and cohesion to the designing and learning process (Bell &; Shank, 2007 Bell , S. J. , &; Shank , J. D. ( 2007 ). Academic librarianship by design: A blended librarian's guide to the tools and techniques . Chicago , IL : American Library Association . [Google Scholar]). In this article, the author writes about using the ADDIE model of instructional design to successfully incorporate new technologies into existing and new library instruction modules. The author outlines how the ADDIE model can be modified to fit specific technological needs of a library instruction program.  相似文献   

This study offers a critical analysis of ways women were represented during the peak of protests associated with the Tunisian civil resistance campaign in North Africa from late 2010 through early 2011 among newspapers, wire services, and blogs—launch of the Arab Spring (or Arab Awakening). Theoretical underpinning includes norm theory (Kahneman &; Tversky, 1982 Kahneman , D. , &; Tversky , A. ( 1982 ). The simulation heuristic . In D. Kahneman , P. Slovic , &; A. Tversky (Eds.), Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases (pp. 201208 ). New York , NY : Cambridge University Press .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and gender role congruity theory (Eagly &; Karau, 2002 Eagly , A. H. , &; Karau , S. J. ( 2002 ). Role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders . Psychological Review , 109 , 573598 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), as well as Gans's (1979 Gans , H. J. ( 1979 ). Deciding what's news . New York , NY : Pantheon . [Google Scholar]) concept of social order as an enduring news value. Enjoined, these frameworks facilitate interrogation of print and visual texts to reveal characterizations of women and how the outcomes may have shaped public opinion on the global stage. Seven themes describe media representations of women among written and photographic reportage: Female Victims, Comparatively Lucky Women, Frivolous Girls, Female Culprits, Invisible Women, Women as Agentic Leaders, and Female Patriotic Citizens. Results underscore how print and wire media consistently clung to traditional female gender stereotypes, representing women as emotional, communal, and nurturing mothers and wives, whereas blog content represented women as fully engaged agentic leaders and citizens.  相似文献   

Teaching in an online environment is not without its barriers. Time for course preparation, a need to engage students, and the need for near-constant accessibility make teaching online more difficult than might be the case in a face-to-face environment. However, changes in society, the need for students to interweave scholarship with their lives, work, and families, and continuing competition among higher education institutions are some reasons to do so. This article presents the reasons I believe it is important to teach online and offers a few suggestions for course development as a counterpoint to Dr. Holley's (2017 Holley, R. P. (2017). Thoughts on online teaching with a focus on management. Journal of Library Administration, 57(3), 367374. doi:10.1080/01930826.2017.1288966[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) column on teaching management.  相似文献   

Recently, a new model of intercultural communication was proposed and later empirically tested (Arasaratnam, 2004 Arasaratnam , L. A. ( 2004 ). Intercultural communication competence: Development and empirical validation of a new model . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association , New Orleans , LA . [Google Scholar]; Arasaratnam & Doerfel, 2005 Arasaratnam , L. A. & Doerfel , M. L. ( 2005 ). Intercultural communication competence: Identifying key components from multicultural perspectives . International Journal of Intercultural Relations , 29 , 137163 . [CSA] [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The present study was designed to further test the model and address the limitations of the previous test. Survey data were collected from participants (N = 400) and analyzed using regression analyses. The results mostly supported the previous model. These results plus some new findings in the relationship between empathy and intercultural communication competence are discussed.  相似文献   

Engaging in non-mainstream behavior can be challenging to negotiate communicatively, especially when it involves the simple but necessary task of eating, a lifelong activity that is often done in others’ company. Through face-to-face, semi-structured interviews of 20 vegetarians, this study used a multiple-goals perspective (Goldsmith, 2004 Goldsmith , D. J. ( 2004 ). Communicating social support . Cambridge , England : Cambridge University Press .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Goldsmith, Gumminger, & Bute, 2006 Goldsmith , D. J. , Gumminger , K. L. , & Bute , J. J. ( 2006 ). Communication about lifestyle change between cardiac patients and their partners . In R. M. Dailey & B. A. LePoire (Eds.), Applied interpersonal communication matters: Family, health, and community relations (pp. 95117 ). New York , NY : Peter Lang . [Google Scholar]) to examine the communicative dilemmas faced by vegetarians. This investigation suggests unique self-presentational challenges for vegetarians (e.g., being true to oneself yet fitting in; talking about vegetarianism without judging others) and identifies strategies that “healthy deviants”—people who violate society's norms in relatively healthy ways—can use to discuss their lifestyle choices. Findings offer practical implications for how communication can help people enact or sustain potentially stigmatized healthy lifestyles while maintaining their relationships.  相似文献   

This study investigates disposition-formation processes in entertainment by predicting perceptions of media heroes and villains by their behavior in specific moral domains. Participants rated self-selected heroes and villains from television and film along the moral domains of care, fairness, loyalty, authority, and purity (Haidt & Joseph, 2007 Haidt, J. & Joseph, C. (2007). The moral mind: How 5 sets of innate moral intuitions guide the development of many culture-specific virtues, and perhaps even modules. In P. Carruthers S. Laurence & S. Stich (Eds.), The innate mind (Vol. 3, pp. 367391). New York, NY: Oxford.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) as well as along dimensions of warmth, competence, and duplicity used in impression-formation research (Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002 Fiske, S. T., Cuddy, A. J. C., Glick, P. & Xu, J. (2002). A model of (often mixed) stereotype content: Competence and warmth respectively follow from perceived status and competition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 878902. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.82.6.878[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Results show that heroes violate moral norms in domains of authority and purity, whereas villains violated moral norms in the domains of caring and group loyalty. Furthermore, these moral violations are associated with personality dimensions of warmth and competence differently for each character type, such that impressions of heroes are driven by their work in the care domain (i.e., saving or protecting people), whereas for villains, violation of purity norms is most strongly associated with subsequent impression formation processes.  相似文献   

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