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The growing reliance on social media as news platforms may lead to more passive news consumption but also offers greater potential for engaging in news. This study investigates the role of engagement with news content on Facebook and Twitter between news exposure and current events knowledge. An online survey (= 400) tests the relationships between social media news seeking, incidental exposure to news on social media, engagement in shared news content, cognitive elaboration, and current events knowledge. The results show that both active seeking of and incidental exposure to news on both sites are linked to engagement, which is linked to greater cognitive elaboration about the content. Furthermore, engagement mediates the relationship between both types of news exposure and cognitive elaboration. However, engagement and elaboration are not related to knowledge. These results indicate that the key role of social media in news content is not knowledge gain but the ability to engage users who may be passively receiving news on these sites. This study extends the cognitive mediation model of learning from the news in the context of current social media, with updated news consumption norms such as engagement with news on these sites, and incidental news exposure.  相似文献   

Although literature about the relationship between social media and political behaviors has expanded in recent years, little is known about the roles of social media as a source of political information. To fill this gap, this article considers the question of whether and to what extent learning political information occurs via Facebook and Twitter. Theory suggests that social media may play a significant role in the learning of political information within the modern media environment. Making use of a combination of experimental and survey-based studies, the data suggest that the potential for users to learn political information from social media exists but is not always realized within the general population.  相似文献   

Drawing on a national survey of 1,157 South Korean adults, the present study finds that social media use for political news is positively associated with knowledge about political issues, but not with knowledge about political processes. Professional media use for political news is significantly associated with both political issue knowledge and political process knowledge. The impact of social media for news on political issue knowledge increases with the additive role of professional media news use. This study also finds that political talk strengthens the positive association between social media use for news and political issue knowledge.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated a relationship between community attachment and local news media use. Despite calls for panel studies to determine the direction of causality in this relationship, there is little evidence beyond cross-sectional surveys, which are often further limited to single communities. In order to contribute to the debate about causal direction, we conducted a four-wave national panel study with repeated measurement of community attachment and local news media use. Cross-sectional analyses confirmed the expected relationship between news use and community attachment. However, more conservative panel analyses controlling for a lagged measure of the dependent variable failed to produce evidence of causal relationships. The hypothesized role of population density and ethnic diversity as cross-level moderators of this relationship was examined using multilevel modeling. Methodological and theoretical reasons for the results are discussed and suggestions for alternative study designs are proposed.  相似文献   

Using Leeds City Council in the United Kingdom as a case study, we analyse comparatively the changing role of local journalism in the public communications and engagement strategies of local government. Drawing on over 20 semi-structured interviews with elected politicians, Council strategists, mainstream journalists, and citizen journalists, the article explores perceptions of the mainstream news media's role versus new modes of communication in engaging and communicating with citizens. We evaluate the Council's perceptions of its online and offline practices of engagement with different publics, and focus in particular on their interactions with journalists, the news media, and citizen journalists. The article considers how moves towards digital modes of engagement are changing perceptions of the professional role orientations of journalists in mediating between the Council and the general public.  相似文献   

对媒体来说,真正的生命线是什么?是社会责任。能够并勇于负起社会责任的媒体是社会前行的助推器、是社会环境的净化器。在充满机遇与挑战的历史进程中,在构建和谐社会的宏伟目标面前,媒体应该肩负怎样的社会责任?媒体的管理应如何与时俱进?结合辽宁人民广播电台近几年在履行社会责任方面的媒体实践谈谈几点做法和体会。  相似文献   

新媒介生态环境下地方电视新闻节目传播策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对新媒介生态环境下地方电视新闻节目传播策略进行了分析.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):688-703
Social media allow everyone to show off their personalities and to publicly express opinions and engage in discussions on politicised matters, and as political news journalists engage in social media practices, one might ask if all political news journalists will finally end up as self-promoting political pundits. This study examines the way political news journalists use social media and how these practices might challenge journalistic norms related to professional distance and neutrality. The study uses cluster analysis and detects five user types among political news journalists: the sceptics, the networkers, the two-faced, the opiners, and the sparks. The study finds, among other things, a sharp divide between the way political reporters and political commentators use social media. Very few reporters are comfortable sharing political opinions or blurring the boundaries between the personal and the professional, indicating that traditional journalistic norms still stand in political news journalism.  相似文献   

社会化媒体是给予用户极大参与的网络媒体,社会化媒体资源指的是所有形式的社会化媒体工具、网站,以及其中多数由用户生成的信息内容。文章在借鉴现有国内外理论研究与实践探索的基础上,结合社会化媒体资源不同于一般网络资源的特性,从社会化媒体资源保存的必要性、资源的选择、保存主体、保存方法及保存过程中要注意的问题等方面进行探讨,提出对用户产生内容进行加工后保存、让平台运营商参与保存、利用云存储等技术、广泛开展合作联盟、妥善解决法律及成本等问题的观点,为社会化媒体这一特殊网络资源的长期保存与有效利用提供参考。  相似文献   


Venture capital funding is an increasingly common yet understudied management model in the rapidly changing market of news media. Drawing on scholarship in media management and entrepreneurship, this study applies a community ecology framework to analyze the relationship between venture capital funding and digital news media firms. In doing so, this work explores the interaction between legacy news media firms and new entrants as they struggle for scarce resources and seek to grow in the face of rapid change. A dataset tracking funding activity of legacy and startup news media firms is used to analyze resource allocation within the digital news media ecosystem. Results of the analyses provide insights for news media management by furthering understanding regarding venture capital funding models and the generative mechanisms that help drive growth. Specifically, findings highlight the importance of cross-sector engagement and the tension between firm age and position for growth in the digital news media ecosystem.  相似文献   

非典时期新闻传媒的角色审视   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
童兵 《现代传播》2003,36(5):5-8
非典是一场真正的“天灾人祸”。对非典时期中国新闻传媒的角色与政府的传媒安排进行审视与评说十分必要。中国新闻传媒在非典前期不仅缺位 ,而且错位 ,其主要原因是新闻源的垄断和政府信息的不公开。部分官员的主仆易位导致公民的知情权受到侵害 ;只有归权于民 ,才能使新闻传媒拥有一个广阔的天地。新闻传媒的告知、沟通、警示、教化功能在非典期间受到审视 ,新闻工作者的职业素质也从中得到了检验  相似文献   

This article presents 1 approach to constructing a valid national sample of local news outlets. Using designated market areas that represent the dominant geographic area of influence for television stations, researchers can create a nationally representative sample of local media, including television and newspaper outlets. A method for adapting the approach to smaller geographic areas is also discussed. Data are provided to support the validity of the sampling method proposed in this study. The data analysis is based on a 2-year sample of TV newscasts and daily newspapers from across the country.  相似文献   

This study compares U.S. digital news coverage of recent foreign and domestic protests. Differences in coverage’s framing, sourcing, and device emphases were analyzed for two cases: protests that erupted after the death of Michael Brown and protests demanding justice for the 43 missing students from Ayotzinapa, Mexico. Building on protest paradigm literature, content analysis results show that news articles that appeared on Facebook and Twitter emphasized legitimizing frames for foreign protests more than domestic protests. Foreign protests were framed with the spectacle frame more than domestic protests, which were more often portrayed as confrontational. Digitally native news organizations produced content that deviated from expected paradigmatic norms the most. In addition, this research examines the relationship between content and sharing on Facebook and Twitter. Implications of these findings within the theoretical framework of the protest paradigm are discussed.  相似文献   

社会影响力,是媒体赖以生存、发展的基础,是实现新闻价值的终级目标。坚持新闻舆论的影响力标准,就是坚持实践第一、群众第一的唯物史观。在改革开放的新形势下,提高对新闻影响力重要性的认识,以扩大新闻舆论影响力来提高引导舆论的本领与水平,从而为构建社会主义和谐社会提供思想保证和舆论支持。  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(3):117-120
Courses: Introduction to Mass Media, Media Effects, Media Ethics, Broadcast Journalism

Objective: To develop critical awareness of media programming trends such as content homogenization, “infotainment,” and the programming structure of news content, in order to help students develop critical awareness of the public interest obligations of commercial broadcasting  相似文献   

香港的传媒、政治和社会变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回归后的香港存在着影响传媒表现和运作的众多因素,本文认为再国族化、国际化和本土化是一个有助于分析香港传媒和政治变迁的框架,并以此框架分析了近两年来香港传媒如何响应重大社会和政治事件。在传媒和权力结构之间的关系外,香港的社会和经济转变等非非政治性的社会变迁也影响着香港传媒的发展。  相似文献   

Four editing variables were tracked through a content analysis of U.S. commercial network editing that spanned a 36-year period. The analysis revealed that synthetic-montage increased and continuity-realism decreased from 1969 through 1997. Network news editors also embraced faster pacing, shorter soundbites, and more special effects between 1969 and 2005. When taken together, the results suggest that U.S. network television journalism has evolved from more “camera of record” and realistic news techniques in favor of a variety of synthetic editing strategies that convey complex audio-visual arguments.  相似文献   

Social media have opened up new possibilities for news engagement, and one of the important possibilities is news curation, which is defined as the reconstructing, reformulating, repurposing, reframing and sharing of news through social media. Focusing on this news curation concept, this study extends the Cognitive Mediation Model and the Communication Mediation Model (O-S-R-O-R) to the social media context. Drawing on a national survey of 1,135 South Korean adults, the present study finds that news elaboration and news curation are positively related to political knowledge and mediate the association between social media use for news and political knowledge.  相似文献   

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