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As the most important holiday in China, the spring festival can-ies many cultural meanings. The festival, indicating the Chinese New Year by the lunar calendar, is closely associated with agricultural activities and reflects the relationship between culture and nature. The most important event during the festival is family reunion This shows the cultural reverence for social and domestic harmony. And the celebrations show Chinese core values: way of the heaven, human relations and the great harmony of the world.  相似文献   

I propose that educators construct pedagogical responses to youth in schools in ways that consider classrooms to be the result of and the boardroom for complex global flows. Youth's production of individual and collective identities wherein flows are apprehended, discarded, combined, and recombined, rages against purifying processes of neocolonial classrooms.  相似文献   

任崇岳 《寻根》2005,(5):117-121
双是一年春草绿,依旧十里杏花香。在一个阳光明媚、云淡风轻的日子里,我来到了位于河南省临颍县繁城镇的受禅台。极目四望,我不禁满腹狐疑:这就是延康元年(220年)汉献帝刘协让位给魏文帝曹丕的那个所在吗?这就是终结汉代历史、开启天下三分书面的那个见证物吗?  相似文献   

<正>一中国当代启蒙在全球启蒙话语中的特殊性1全球启蒙话语在启蒙进化史上所处的新阶段西方当代启蒙在内容上已经超越了18世纪的任务和对象,甚至也超越了康德在其《回答这个问题:什么是启蒙?》中所拟定的启蒙目标,如言论自由之类。但启蒙精神并未死去。正如福柯在《什么是  相似文献   

On August 12, “Seeking the Root: Chinese Culture Journey”, an international summer camp for young overseas Chinese, opened in the Tang Paradise in Qujiang New Area, Xi'an City. Dr. Hu Chunyi, Chairman of Malaysia NV Foundation, Ms. Li Peishan, representative for China-Malaysia Friendship and Culture Promotion, Ms. Wang Jing, representative from Qujiang Culture &Tourism Co., Ltd., Ms. Xu Chun from Chinese International Ceremonial Group, and Mr. Li Weimin and Mr. Yao Kaiwen who were responsible for the event's organization, attended the opening ceremony.  相似文献   

冯大北  张秀春 《寻根》2006,(6):11-17
开漳圣王,又称陈圣王,或称广济王,或称灵著王。祭祀开漳圣王的信仰习俗,盛行于今闽南地区、潮汕地区和台湾地区。开漳圣王信仰,根据祭祀场所的不同,主要分为三大类:庙祭、墓祭和家祭。家祭是指陈姓后裔在家庙里祭祀其先祖。属于祖先崇拜系统。庙祭则属于民间信仰的范畴。  相似文献   

This article explores, in the context of prevailing discourses around the value of the arts and culture, the reasons why the UK's Arts & Humanities Research Council launched a research project on cultural value and sets out the character of that project. It is concerned with arts and cultural engagement across the commercial, subsidised, amateur, and participatory sectors; embraces the full range of arts and cultural forms; and seeks to reach beyond dichotomies such as intrinsic and instrumental, high and low art, quantitative and qualitative evaluation, and public and private experiences. The article explains the project's thinking around the components of cultural value and the methodologies for evidencing them, and highlights some of the key research being funded.  相似文献   

Despite studies’ mixed results regarding the construct validity of Hofstede’s (2001) Uncertainty Avoidance (UA) Index and findings linking UA to related psychological, physiological, and behavioral health outcomes at the cultural level of analysis, none have examined the concurrent criterion-related validity of UA. The current study attempts to do so by introducing organizational role ambiguity (ORA), operationalized as an organization’s structured communication strategy about performance expectations between work role, division, and organization, as a correlate of UA. Data on ORA, risk-taking, and organizational satisfaction were collected from over 15,000 respondents in 20 countries and data on cultural values, wealth, sources of guidance, personality, and satisfaction were extracted from published data. Results show that ORA negatively correlates with UA and intellectual autonomy values, as well as organizational satisfaction, but positively correlates with risk-taking, masculinity values, lateral (coworkers as) sources of guidance, agreeableness, and job satisfaction. Thus, ORA, a construct organizations often assess in engagement and climate surveys, appears to be a reasonable correlate of UA. The country’s cultural context of UA is reflected in the collective experience of an organization’s communication structures within a given country. These findings have implications for organization’s accessing their own, already available, ORA data to understand its implications on employee experiences, as well as for intercultural training and global research on occupational stress.  相似文献   

In this article the authors discuss how the perspectives of Paulo Freire were instructive in addressing the challenges of HIV-AIDS education in Guatemalan Maya immigrant communities with minimal formal education and literacy. The forging of a community-based, collaborative, educational program offers several implications for effective teaching and learning among marginalized communities.  相似文献   

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