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African American Literature: An Anthology (2nd ed.). Demetrice A. Worley and Jesse Perry, Jr. (compilers), Lincolnwood, IL: NTS Publishing Group, 1998,495 pages plus 108 instructor's manual pages, $29.95 (softcover), ISBN 0–8442–5924–1 (student edition); $32.66 (softcover), ISBN 0–8442‐ 5926–8 (instructor's edition).

Hispanic American Literature: An Anthology. Rudolfo Cortina (compiler), Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Publishing Group, 1998, 414 pages plus 59 instructor's manual pages, $29.95 (softcover), ISBN 0–8442–5730–3 (student edition); $32.66 (sofcover), ISBN 0–8442‐ 5731–1 (instructor's edition).

Keepers. Jeri Hanel Watts and Felicia Marshall, New York: Lee & Low, 1997, 29 pages, $15.95 (hardcover). ISBN 1–8800–0058‐X.

From Direct Action to Affirmative Action. Paul D. Moreno, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1997, 311 pages, $35.00 (hardcover). ISBN 0–8071–2138‐X.  相似文献   

Windows on Learning: Documenting Young Children's Work. Sallee Beneke, Judy Harris Helm, and Kathy Steinheimer, New York: Teachers College Press, 1997, 216 pages, $19.95 (softcover). ISBN 0–8077–3678–3.  相似文献   

2004年度上海文学的总体状况是稳定。没有特别的事件,没有特别引人注目的作品,也没有引起争鸣的批评文章,但这并不意昧着上海义学没有自己的声音和动向。只不过这种声旨和动向,不冉是由少数作家、评论家或是宣传部门发起、倡导,然后彤成一种社会性的总体思潮,而是变成作家、评沦家以各一的方式表述着自己的思想和立场。  相似文献   


Chinese American poetry, with its socio-cultural and aesthetic values, chronicles Chinese American personal and collective experiences in the past 160 years. The review of Chinese American poetry studies from 1988 to 2018 shows that research on Chinese American poetry has generally progressed through three stages: identity studies, literary aesthetic studies and philosophical studies. From the emphasis on identity studies to the call of aesthetic studies, the critical discourse in Chinese American poetry has developed in the shadow of Chinese American literary criticism and has not yet formed its own critical paradigms. For this, the philosophical study of Chinese American poetry shows its strength and opens up a broader space for the future research. This critical approach must benefit the study of other Chinese (or Asian) American literary genres. Though this paper has divided the studies into three categories, the actual critical practices are usually more complex and comprehensive, thus future researchers should have more profound and interdisciplinary perspectives on the study of Chinese American poetry.  相似文献   

地方志為中國文獻之大宗,其數量之巨,門類之廣,傳承之久和庋藏之富,在文獻領域中,幾無有能與其倫比者。舉凡一地之自然環境、政事舊聞、經濟物產、文化藝術、風俗民情、名勝古迹等,無不包容,實為一百科全書式之地情書,而與文學研究尤多關聯,今擇數例而辨析之,供治文學者之參考與采擇。  相似文献   


This article traces the transformation of an Iranian nationalist poem by Simin Behbahani entitled “I Will Rebuild You, Homeland” (1981) into an expatriate national anthem, and the poem-song’s subsequent incorporation into protests and political speeches by individuals and groups in and outside of Iran. Employing musical and textual analysis, interviews, and a transnational perspective on cultural circulation and reception, I show how exile pop singer Dariush Eghbali’s adaptation of the original poem mobilized the text and opened it to audience participation. The article argues that the poem and its musical–textual permutations exemplify contemporary Iranian practices of national identification in which conflicting parties attempt to motivate “the Iranian people” to political ends. As actors from around the world and across the political spectrum repeatedly turn to nationalist poetry, song, anthem, and political speech, we observe how mass-mediated popular culture reveals ongoing recourse to nationalist forms even in transnational space.  相似文献   

作為學者,在公開場合發表演講有兩種策略,一是"小題大做",一是"大題小做".這有點像寫論文,必須先設定讀者:面對公眾發言,你得乾脆利落,越簡單明了越好,不能雲山霧罩,把聽眾繞糊塗了.  相似文献   

Multicultural literature can be found all across classrooms in the United States. I argue it is more important what you do with the literature than just having it in the classroom. Multicultural literature should be seen as a tool. In this article, I will share how I used multicultural literature as a tool to (a) promote or develop an appreciation for diversity, (b) honor students' voices, (c) connect to students' rich linguistic and cultural backgrounds, and (d) promote critical consciousness. Through this process, students were able to build a foundation toward critical consciousness in order to take action against their oppressors.  相似文献   

五四新文化人对历史上的“平民文学”大加赞美,是为了彻底颠覆旧的文学传统,并为现代白话文的合法性寻求历史根据;而对当下的“平民文学”进行不遗余力的批判,又是为了对民众进行思想启蒙。在新文化人看来,这同样为建设新文学、新文化所必须。胡适等人不过是将历史上的平民文学、白话文学作为打倒贵族文学、文言文学的革命力量、革命工具来看待,一旦文言文的统治地位被颠覆,面对原生态的当下平民文学,新文化人实际上根本不可能全盘接受。对于平民文学,胡适等人最终采取了与传统文人类似的态度:在鼓吹、倡导它的同时,雅化的进程也开始了。由于力主以西方文学为老师,现代白话文经新文化人“雅化”后呈现出明显的“欧化”倾向。这种欧化的现代“白话文”具有强烈的先锋性、革命性与精英色彩,在精神气质上与“平民文学”拉开了距离。  相似文献   

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