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信息技术吸收界定为IT技术在组织活动、业务流程中内化与融合程度,是研究企业利用IT技术投资获得商业价值这一因果关系链中的重要理论概念.本文以结构化理论中"结构-行为-结果"的分析思路,构建IT协调机制、知识整合活动与信息技术吸收之间关系模型,其中前两者分别对应了组织、个体层面因素.之后,运用问卷调查、结构方程等方法对于理论模型进行实证检验与分析.研究结果表明:个体层面因素-知识整合活动会直接影响企业IT技术吸收程度;在组织层面因素方面,高层正式IT协调、中层正式IT协调以知识整合活动为完全中介变量进而影响企业IT技术吸收;中层非正式IT协调既以知识整合活动为部分中介变量,同时直接影响企业IT技术吸收;此外,高层非正式IT协调对于信息技术吸收影响并未获得实证数据支持.  相似文献   

个人、团队和组织层次知识的资本化过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫武 《图书情报工作》2009,53(16):112-115
知识资本是指组织、团队或个人等各知识主体所拥有的,在一定市场、技术和社会条件下由知识转化而成的,是企业投入经营运作的具有创造价值能力的各种知识总和。基于对有关知识资本概念及其结构的分析,提出组织的知识资本化过程中的主体层次性,认为知识这种无形要素总是依附于一定的资本之上,个人、团队和组织的知识分别将会转化为人力资本、团队资本和组织资本。在此基础上,建立一个不同主体层次中组织的知识资本化概念模型。  相似文献   

More Than a Number: Unexpected Benefits of Return on Investment Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 2010–2011, University of Colorado (CU) librarians implemented a multi-campus pilot study to measure the institutional value of library resources used by faculty in their research. The study incorporated quantitative methods including return on investment (ROI), cost benefit analysis (CBA), and citation analysis of journal articles published by faculty; and qualitative methodologies such as in-person interviews with faculty. The study resulted in a CU ROI model that can be used to measure faculty perceptions of value and the economic benefits of electronic journal collections for faculty research in terms of ROI. The CU ROI methodology provides outcomes beyond a single ROI number and led to unexpected benefits for informing collection development decisions and strategies.  相似文献   

高洁  罗南 《图书情报工作》2012,56(21):138-142
针对从组织保障角度系统研究协同政务主体之间如何进行知识共享的不足,提出协同政务知识共享的组织模式是知识协同网;针对政府知识协同团队、知识型虚拟政府、政府知识社区是知识协同网的具体组织形式,探讨协同政务知识共享的组织保障因素.  相似文献   


Building upon the sociotechnical perspective presented by Lewis and Westlund (2015, “Actors, Actants, Audiences, and Activities in Cross-media News Work: A Matrix and a Research Agenda.” Digital Journalism 3 (1): 19–37. doi:10.1080/21670811.2014.927986), this study examines organizational dynamics, technological affordances and professional challenges of engaged journalism practices by analyzing how Hearken, one of the most celebrated audience engagement companies, and its tools and services are being implemented in 15 U.S. news organizations. This framework identifies Hearken and organizations like it as important “external actors” providing technological “actants” that are shaping how newsrooms report the news by providing ways for audiences to be brought into producing the news, particularly during the earlier phases of the reporting process. Based on in-depth interviews, we find that nearly every news organization in our sample reports some measure of success by using Hearken for involving audience members throughout the production of news. At the same time, we also identify how this implementation is significantly shaped by organizational imperatives and the models particular organizations create for producing audience-centric news work. Ultimately, this study presents a partial update to the decades-long literature on participatory journalism by suggesting that engaged journalism practices actually create opportunities for meaningful audience involvement.  相似文献   

楼俐 《山西档案》2008,(2):43-45
2007年9月20日,绍兴市政府十大民心实事工程之一,首次由政府买单为市区企业退休人员进行健康体检工作在我市全面展开,本院作为老年病防治机构被列入主要承办单位,承担市区20000余名人员体检工作,历时三个月,隔两年一次,循环往复。创建企退人员健康档案,并实行信息数字化管理,是  相似文献   

Gaze direction is a cue that regulates feelings of affiliation in social interactions. Phubbing research suggests that phone-gazing during a copresent interaction hampers the development of affiliation in interactions by signaling that one is not fully attentive. Because the phone represents the “virtual other,” phone-gazing may be more detrimental than gazing at another object. This experimental vignette study explores whether phone-gazing during a conversation harms affiliation more than newspaper-gazing. Additionally, it examines whether the harmful impact of phubbing can be mitigated or aggravated by the phone gazer’s interlocutor role—namely, that of speaker versus listener. The results reveal that phone-gazing during an interaction harms affiliation more than newspaper-gazing. Also, phone-gazing hampers affiliation more while listening than while speaking. These findings suggest that phone-gazing incurs unique judgments of relational devaluation in the interaction partner. The activation of these judgments, however, is contingent upon interlocutor role.  相似文献   

This study attempts to assess the financial literacy level of retail individual investors in the state of Gujarat, India and its effect on their investment decision. The data collection instrument consisted of a performance test and questionnaire. The performance test was used to measure the financial literacy level of investors. The median percentage of correct answer of the sample was considered to frame the financial literacy level. Forty-four variables of investment decision were studied. Out of a total of 385 respondents, 39.20% of the respondents are considered investors with a higher level of financial literacy and 60.80% of respondents are considered investors with a relatively lower level of financial literacy. This study found that financial literacy does have a statistically significant effect on the investment decision of investors.  相似文献   

系统经济观的崛起、传媒产品的模块化生产和传媒业的分解都要求传媒组织通过模块化重构实现传媒资源重组,打造在线社会信息传播系统.在组织模块化重构的过程中,传媒组织可以以系统集成商和模块提供商两种不同的角色来实现组织变革.其中,作为模块提供商为在线社会信息传播系统提供模块化内容是更具可能性的路径.  相似文献   

In 1999–2000 the National Archives of Australia (NAA) adopted a functions-based approach to appraisal. Since that time functional appraisal projects have for the most part been conducted in cooperation with individual agencies. What has been missing is a broad whole-of-government or macroappraisal framework which might assist with the strategic prioritisation of projects, the allocation of resources and the identification of high-value functions, activities and record classes. This article describes a project commenced by the NAA during 2003–2004 to research and develop a functions-based macroappraisal framework for current and prospective appraisal and for retrospective application to records of the past 30 years of the Australian Government. The article compares the Australian approach with macroappraisal strategies pursued in Canada, the Netherlands and South Africa.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the functioning of managerial ideologies in identity-based organizational control. However, less attention has been given to the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and identity defined by a technological discourse in regulating knowledge-intensive work. The purpose of this research is to examine the roles of identity and ICTs in the control of knowledge-intensive work. A case study of a technology service organization reveals that the construction and consumption of a technologist identity operate as organizational control, and that ICTs enable the functioning of a dialectic of technological control. This study also demonstrates the paradoxical nature of work knowledge that both empowers and controls knowledge-workers.  相似文献   

This research investigates how disciplinary contexts, institutional settings, and individual motivations all affect researchers' depositing their articles into an institutional repository (IR). This study employed the Theory of Planned Behavior as its main theoretical framework and proposed six hypotheses to explain how disciplinary, institutional, and individual factors influence researchers' article depositing behaviors through an IR. This research utilized an online survey as its data collection method, and a total of 221 survey responses from researchers in U.S. academic institutions were collected. The hypothesized relationships were then tested by using multiple regression analysis. This research found that perceived community benefit, perceived institutional support, and perceived career benefit significantly increases researchers' article depositing behaviors through an IR, and the perceived career risk significantly decreases researchers' article depositing behaviors through an IR. This research suggests that community benefit, institutional support, and career issues need to be considered to increase researchers' overall article sharing behaviors through an IR.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 了解图书馆界对图书馆组织氛围的认知情况,发掘图书馆组织氛围影响因素,为构建我国本土化的图书馆组织氛围测评体系提供一定依据与参考。[方法/过程] 基于馆员认知进行问卷调研,并结合文献调研对组织氛围影响因素予以分析,形成图书馆组织氛围影响因素体系。[结果/结论] 影响图书馆组织氛围的因素包括组织内部环境、社会外环境、图书馆行业性质以及馆员自身的价值观念与行为方式等,其中我国传统文化中强调人际关系的和谐、集体主义、等级观念等特征因素对馆员的认知与行为有一定正面或负面的影响。此外,图书馆组织氛围建设的重要性还未得到普遍重视,对组织氛围的认知有待加强。  相似文献   


Research shows that autonomous individuals have greater psychological well-being and high-quality relationships. The present study, from a communication perspective, aimed to understand the dynamics between child autonomy, communication competence, and parent-child relationship satisfaction. Participants in this study were 169 parent-young adult child dyads. Results showed that autonomous children reported being more communicatively competent, and both themselves and their parents reported greater satisfaction. Further, mediation analyses showed that child autonomy was positively associated with children’s satisfaction with parents through their disclosure competence, and child autonomy was positively associated with parents’ satisfaction with children through child conflict management competence. Overall, the findings revealed that young adult child being autonomous was beneficial to both themselves and their parents.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对美国国家情报评估影响因素与工作模式进行深入研究,有助于国家情报引领并服务于国家安全,促进国家安全治理体系的现代化建设。[方法/过程]基于政策过程理论及相关研究,本研究从“评估原则”“评估问题”“评估思路”与“评估报告”四个维度构建国家情报评估理论框架,并引入20个美国国家情报评估工作的案例,借助清晰集定性比较分析法(csQCA),探讨美国国家情报评估的影响因素与工作模式。[结果/结论]研究表明美国国家情报评估工作是多种因素组合作用的结果,并在此基础上概化出非组织模式、情报政治化模式和机构协同三种国家情报评估工作模式。  相似文献   

Much is known about the negative consequences of exposure to ethnic/racial stereotypes in the media, on White audiences. However, there is substantially less research addressing the effects of such media content on members of racial/ethnic minority groups. The present study examines this question using repeated cross-sectional national level data alongside a content analysis of top prime time shows between 1987 and 2008. Multi-level modeling analyses reveal that media representations of Latinos and Blacks were associated with Latinos’ and Blacks’ ingroup attitudes, however effects on attitudes towards Whites were not significant.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]描述国家层面政府数据开放共享政策文本的形式和内容,反映国家政策的概貌,并指出当前政策存在的不足。[方法/过程]采用内容分析法对国家层面的政策文本进行分析。通过搜索引擎、专业数据库和政府门户网站检索政策文本,经数据清洗获得有效样本112份。利用Nvivo10对政策文本进行编码,归纳主题内容;利用Excel表格进行描述性统计,计算频次及百分比。[结果/结论]研究发现:我国政府数据开放共享政策起步较早,2015年开始政策数量迅猛增长;初步形成了贯穿数据生命周期的政策框架;国家各部门的政策为国家顶层设计奠定基础;国家在网络安全、基础设施、跨部门统筹等方面成绩斐然。但仍存在不足,表现在:政府数据开放共享的政策体系尚未形成;政府数据及其元数据缺乏统一的组织描述规范;数据创建与汇交、数据归档与保存和数据监管是薄弱环节;政府与公众互动的政策需扩展深化;政府数据开放共享全过程的质量管理政策有待建立;个人隐私保护政策需进一步具体化;政府数据知识产权政策亟待建立和完善。  相似文献   

Binge-watching—the intensive, consecutive viewing of televised series—has become a prevalent usage pattern of entertainment media, which may influence users’ psychological well-being both positively and negatively: On the one hand, binge-watching could increase viewers’ enjoyment, recovery experiences, and vitality through an increase in perceived autonomy. On the other hand, binge-watching can trigger goal conflicts and feelings of guilt, which may reduce well-being. Drawing on an online survey (N = 499), the present study examines the tension between these two mechanisms and their effects on users’ well-being. The data largely support the hypotheses: Binge-watching is perceived as recreational as long as goal conflicts and feelings of guilt can be avoided. Well-being, on the other hand, is positively affected by binge-watching-induced increases in perceived autonomy. These results corroborate the central role of self-determination as a link between media reception, media enjoyment, and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

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