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美国、新加坡网络色情管制比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
龚文庠  张向英 《新闻界》2008,(5):131-135
美国和新加坡的网络色情管制模式各有鲜明的特色。美国强调尊重公民言论表达自由,数次网络色情管制立法均以违宪裁定告终,目前采取以业者自律为主的引导式模式,宽松而灵活;新加坡则重视维护公共道德,制定法律管制色情信息,采取强制性的立法介入模式,严格而务实。本文从管制宗旨、原则、主体、标准和措施等方面比较两国网络色情管制异同,从而为文化背景相似的国家提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文将第三人效果假设放在网络意见形成的过程中进行分析,发现第三人效果存在延时现象,并就此现象进行解释。  相似文献   

In this study, we report the results of a meta-analysis concerning the third-person effect's perceptual hypothesis. The hypothesis predicts that people judge the media to exert greater persuasive influence on other people than on themselves. Thirty-two published and unpublished studies with 121 separate effect sizes were examined. The overall effect size between estimated media effects on self and on others was r = .50. Among the 8 moderators investigated (source, method, sampling, respondent, country, desirability, medium, and message), 3 (sampling, respondent, and message) yielded significant effect size variations. Third-person perception in nonrandom and college student samples was significantly larger than in random and noncollege student samples. From a theoretical perspective, these findings may have been due to student participants perceiving themselves to be smarter than other people. A more disturbing explanation would attribute these findings to researchers relying on student samples.  相似文献   

Representative studies on Internet pornography exposure and women's sexual behavior are needed. National data were utilized to explore the association between 1,077 U.S. women's exposure to Internet pornography and number of sexual partners. Internet pornography exposure and number of sexual partners were positively correlated. This association remained after controlling for age, marital status, ethnicity, education, and religiosity. However, the association was moderated in theoretically predictable ways by women's confidence in media and perceived life dullness.  相似文献   

第三人效果是一种受众认为媒体对其他人的影响大于对他们自己影响的现象。本研究旨在探索不同年龄阶段的受访者对广告负面影响是否存在第三人效果认知,并探索年龄和社会距离与第三人效果认知之间的关系。对447名学生调查发现:初中、高中和大学各年龄阶段的受访者都存在显著的第三人效果认知;受访者认为小生学最容易受到广告的影响,其次为同龄其他人,最小为中老年人;第三人效果认知并没有随着受访者的年龄增大而增强。本研究结果意味着年龄可能并非是受访者判断自己与他人差距的标准,而可能是专业知识或社会经验。  相似文献   

新媒体的发展带动了社会文化的变迁和信息传播方式的变革,传统的视听信息传播方式——电视,正受到越来越强烈的冲击。本文考察了网络时代政治经济、社会文化以及传播技术等方面的变革,并以此为基础探讨视听信息的接收者在此过程中发生的转变。本文认为,视听信息的接收者正在从被动接收、单次接收信息的"受众"(receiver)变为表现出主动选择和多向传播的信息"使用者"(uSer),而这种转变将带动视听信息传播路径的多级化和传播效果的多元化。  相似文献   

The perceived effect of the media on the self when compared to others has been adequately established over the last 25 five years. Rather than a third-person effect where individuals perceive a greater effect for self than others, first-person effect perceptions, where individuals perceive a greater effect for self than others, have been considered by scholars recently. Findings indicate support for first-person perceptions. However, research is limited and the behavioral consequences of first-person perceptions are almost nonexistent. The current analysis discusses the evolution of the first-person perception and details the findings of each study as well as the psychological mechanisms used to explain first-person perceptions. Methodological considerations for future studies of first-person effect behavioral consequences are also proposed.  相似文献   

For decades following independence, informational media in Indonesia developed parallel with the interests of the state that made use of the media as a means to legitimize and maintain its identity as a progressive ‘‘developmental state’’. The Internet, which came to Indonesia during the early phase of the political crisis in the 1990s, economically and politically has risen to become an alternative media that is no longer under state control, thus bolstering civil society in its resistance to state and corporate domination. Based on Indonesia's experience, this paper describes how the Internet provides means for popular resistance to the dominant paradigm.  相似文献   

本研究在网络情景下分析了中学生及家长在社会水平距离与垂直距离方面的第三者效果,发现在水平距离上,第三者效果作用明显。垂直距离对于第三者效果的影响要受到很多因素的制约,最主要的就是个体垂直距离主观感受强度会影响第三者效果。  相似文献   

This paper examines the current trends, challenges, and issues facing all libraries, and discusses the strategies that academic libraries, in particular, are taking to transform their services, manage their organizations, and preserve their digital assets. It demonstrates how a network of distributed services, resource sharing, co-investment, and access integration contributes to sustainable library development.  相似文献   

This study ties the third-person effect phenomenon to social comparison research by positing that a downward comparison is made when people regard “others” as more influenced than themselves by persuasive messages. A likely consequence of the downward comparison is prevention behavior, which refers to the attempt to avoid undesirable outcomes. Hence we can expect a negative relationship between perceived influence of messages on others and actual influence of the messages on self. This negative relationship should be particularly likely to exist among less efficacious individuals. Utilizing a survey experiment (N = 800), which examined both the perceived and actual influence of opinion poll findings on people's issue opinions, this study shows that the prevention effect does not exist across the board, but there is enough evidence showing its existence among less efficacious people on certain issues.  相似文献   

For decades following independence, informational media in Indonesia developed parallel with the interests of the state that made use of the media as a means to legitimize and maintain its identity as a progressive ‘‘developmental state’’. The Internet, which came to Indonesia during the early phase of the political crisis in the 1990s, economically and politically has risen to become an alternative media that is no longer under state control, thus bolstering civil society in its resistance to state and corporate domination. Based on Indonesia's experience, this paper describes how the Internet provides means for popular resistance to the dominant paradigm.  相似文献   

陈邦武 《编辑之友》2017,(12):19-22
以跨屏、跨界、跨时空为主要特征的“互联网+”应用极大地开拓了出版的空间,体验出版因此而成为新潮.主要表现在:其一,“终端+”:人机一体模式;其二,“平台+”:产消一体模式;其三,“场景+”:线上线下一体模式.因此,在“互联网+”时代,出版机构应该加快内容的创新应用,包括技术格式、商业模式、移动模式、社区模式等,从而真正实现从专业模式到用户模式的转变.  相似文献   

Abstract When the Chicago History Museum re‐opened its doors on September 30, 2006 after a 21‐month‐long renovation, the debut included a new interactive history gallery for families. The exhibition, Sensing Chicago, was designed primarily to appeal to and communicate effectively with eight‐ and nine‐year‐old children. Since this was a new target audience for the museum's exhibition program, the team followed a course for this project that departed from the museum's typical exhibition development. The process was informed by audience research that has broadened our understanding of how a collections‐based history museum that traditionally caters to adult audiences can create meaningful and memorable experiences for children. This article focuses on one aspect of the research, a three‐month concept‐testing phase conducted by in‐house staff, which provided the team with useful information that, in turn, impacted the development and design of the gallery.  相似文献   

网格:从WWW到GGG——关注第三代互联网的浪潮   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈树年  李青华 《图书馆杂志》2002,21(7):17-20,29
简略介绍网格概念及其发展、网格的结构、网格的标准、网格的商机与竞争。  相似文献   

College textbook costs increased at three times the rate of inflation between 2002 and 2012 (United States General Accounting Office [GAO], 2013). One solution to high textbook costs is Open Educational Resources (OER) and institutional librarians, because of their reach throughout the institution and particular skillsets, are keenly positioned to make the business case for OER and become leaders of the OER movement. This article discusses the issues most relevant to OER adoption and provides an environmental scan of OER resources currently available to institutions, faculty, and students.  相似文献   

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