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Collection development analysis in academic libraries typically involves collection-centered and user-centered methods. These approaches focus on building collections that help students with their academic needs but may overlook resources that students need experience with when employed. To address this gap, the authors analyzed early-career advertising agency positions to identify a list of information resources that advertising agencies expect employees to use. This list was then compared against the library websites of 158 universities with advertising programs to see how sufficiently libraries are fulfilling these resource needs. The authors found that overall, university libraries only subscribe to a small number of resources used by advertising agencies.  相似文献   

Objective:This preliminary study examined how personal librarian programs are implemented within medical and academic health sciences libraries. Increasing awareness of these programs and how they are implemented could create a larger and more accessible knowledge base for establishing best practices that similar libraries can look to when creating their own programs.Methods:To characterize existing programs, a twenty-two-item survey was sent to MEDLIB-L, AAHSL-ALL, ARCL-HSIG, and PSS-Lists email listservs in October 2018 to reach a broad audience of medical and academic health sciences librarians. Survey responses were analyzed using Qualtrics and Excel.Results:Of the 2,882 potential email recipients, 49 survey sessions were recorded, and a total of 38 survey sessions were completed (1.3% response rate). Of the 38 completed responses, representatives of 12 libraries (31.5%) reported that a personal librarian program had been implemented at their institution. For implementation, eight libraries involved 1–5 librarians, and four involved 6–10. Librarians were assigned 50–100 (n=6), 101–150 (n=1), or 151 or more (n=1) students each. The identified programs served medical students (n=11), nursing students (n=7), health professions students (n=7), dental students (n=2), and students in other fields (n=4). Services provided and communication methods were also identified.Conclusions:The personal librarian programs identified by the survey were uniquely structured to best meet the needs of their users, though similarities in implementation existed across institutions. Medical and academic health sciences libraries can look to these libraries as practical examples when starting their own personal library programs.  相似文献   

East Tennessee State University has a diverse student population of approximately 12,500 students. Recent statistics have indicated that the student body is bypassing the physical library building, including reference services, and connecting to online sources from off campus. With only six public service librarians whose duties include interlibrary loan, instruction, and other key library functions, librarians are limited in their ability to provide outreach to those students who might never enter the library. In this article, the authors describe the decision process in developing outreach librarian positions for the graduate programs librarian and the undergraduate student services librarian and discuss the specific services that these librarians provide to students.  相似文献   

Projects in undergraduate research programs differ from assignments in courses in that they are independent of an institution's curriculum, and faculty mentoring plays a more important role. These programs can be fertile ground for librarians interested in participating. Whether such librarians would make good mentors for undergraduate researchers depends largely on their experience and education. Texas Tech University has two of these programs, but library support for them has been sporadic. The time is overdue for librarians involved in campus outreach and instruction to examine how they can best support Texas Tech's undergraduate research activities, and, in particular, whether they are adequately prepared to provide effective mentoring to undergraduate research students. This article reports on such an examination.  相似文献   

《解读科学中心与博物馆中的互动:走向社会文化视角》一书运用社会文化视角,以众多实践案例为基础,对科学中心与博物馆中产生的各种互动进行了详细的论述。同时也对互动之于博物馆教育活动的重要性,如何才能开展有益的互动以及展品是如何促进学生学习等问题做了相关阐述。通过此书可以为博物馆教育工作者、学校教师以及在校学生带来一些启发和思考,并在一定程度上促进博物馆开展教育活动的进步。  相似文献   


In this study, researchers used basic qualitative research to understand the spaces, resources, and services available to K12 students in their school libraries. Using observation and semi-structured interviews with K12 teacher librarians, this research allowed for a comparison of the K12 and post-secondary environments through which the authors were able to identify similarities and differences in function and service. In this article, the authors explore strategies to ease the transition of K12 students to the college environment, including collaboration between post-secondary and K12 libraries, robust orientation programs, and alignment of information literacy initiatives. This article adds to the body of college readiness literature and suggests avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Pepperdine University's six international campus libraries are not staffed by librarians. However, the library serves overseas students with small print collections, course specific LibGuides and highly trained student assistants. A goal of the LibGuides and student workers is to make students aware of library resources and services while studying abroad. Students studying overseas were surveyed to determine their use and awareness of library resources. In addition, to determine if the library could have an important role in supporting study abroad programs, students were asked if they had research assignments that required outside resources. While the results of the survey revealed that the majority of students are aware of library resources and services, the library should take additional steps to better serve overseas students.  相似文献   


The tremendous expansion of online information sources has prompted academic librarians to increase their outreach to undergraduates of the “Net Generation” in an effort to more effectively promote their libraries' resources to these students. Such outreach programs involve identifying library resources that support the information-seeking behaviors of Net Generation undergraduates, as well as establishing collaborative relationships with the individuals and groups affiliated with these students. This article describes an outreach initiative conducted by the Reference Department at the Mississippi State University Libraries, in which the Department worked with staff in residence halls to target undergraduates living on campus.  相似文献   


In order to have a successful library program for distance education students, librarians must understand who their students are, as well as what their students want and need. Of course, the best way to get this information is to ask the students. The ACRL Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services emphasize this point, encouraging librarians to regularly survey students involved in distance education and off-campus programs. This paper is based on two student surveys, one conducted by the Coordinator of Library Services for Distance Education at the University of Iowa and the other conducted by the Distance Librarian at University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. The paper focuses on the issues that librarians confront when they conduct a survey of distance education students. In addition, it covers details on writing and developing a survey instrument, including the need to ask the right questions in a proper manner and the need to arrange the questions and information in a user-friendly format. The results of the two surveys are presented, including a comparison of some data between the two programs.  相似文献   

More and more modern academic libraries are turning to student engagement activities designed to welcome students into Academia, join a community of scholars, and avail themselves of the full range of resources and services that a university library can provide. One unusual, but inexpensive and highly effective method of engaging students is bringing therapy dogs into the library. This article begins by explaining how therapy dogs differ from other types of dogs and how to counter objections to library engagement activities involving canines. It then offers a research-based rationale for human-canine interaction that is consistent with an academic library's mission. Next, the article addresses the planning/implementation phase a student engagement event involving handler/therapy dog teams, reviews the literature on successful programs at various institutions, and offers guidance to others seeking to initiate a similar program. A project of this type depends upon collaboration among faculty members, college students, support staff, volunteers, and the larger community. Finally, the article highlights results from a questionnaire administered to 449 students during a sequence of three “de-stress during exam week” events. Overall, the survey data suggest that: (1) social media was the most effective means of advertising, (2) students strongly supported the continuation of the event, and (3) 95% of the student participants considered interaction with the therapy dogs to be a means of stress reduction.  相似文献   


This article discusses the quality of commercial and library-sponsored AskA services and uses this as a prediction for the success of the programs. The authors also explore the idea of the commoditization of information and its acceptance rates in different countries, and use these to predict the success of commercial and library-sponsored AskA services both in the United States and abroad.  相似文献   


The number of electronic books (e-books) that are available is increasing rapidly. Libraries are acquiring them individually, in large groups, and as part of collections. Off-campus librarians perceive them to be the best solution to the problems and expenses related to loaning and shipping print books to off-campus students. This study looks at the usage of e-books by off-campus students at Central Michigan University (CMU) to see if usage patterns can assist librarians with e-book collection development to support off-campus programs.  相似文献   


There are a number of important documents that provide guidance in the consideration of library services supporting nursing programs and students at a distance. Standards are available from the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC), the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). In addition, the Association of College and Research Libraries' (ACRL) Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services offers interested parties another option, as do the more recently published Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. This paper reports on a survey concerning these documents and their usefulness to those planning or enhancing library services in support of distance nursing programs and students.  相似文献   

Archivists in North America have described, discussed, and debated the necessary and optimal content, configuration, and venue for archival education for close to a century but have given little consideration to integrating technology within archival curricula. Increasingly, archivists are faced with a high tech world in which they must understand issues including information systems, the nature of electronic records and databases, record migration, digitization, and web design and creation for provision of access. This paper explores the nature and extent of information technology and information science coursework and knowledge discussed in the Society of American Archivists’ Guidelines for a Graduate Program in Archival Studies and that students have available to them while in archival programs. It concludes with a proposal for Library and Information Science education programs that prepare archivists to explore developing Certificate of Advanced Studies programs in archival management on top of master’s degrees to allow for additional information science coursework.  相似文献   


At a time in our economy when library budgets are strained and staffing is under the microscope, librarians need to reassess and retool their library services for online students to provide quality, depth, and community without causing meltdown. The authors analyze some of the retooling undergone at their library to meet the shifting demographics of students who in 10 years have grown from 1,000 online students to 14,500 and increased to 65% of the students now taking online classes. To meet this challenge, the library centralized library services by closing the regional Library Information Centers and established a Multimedia Department focused on developing tutorials and online training materials, established an outreach librarian position, and worked with reference and instruction librarians to expand their roles as liaisons to the various academic programs. The library is learning to work smarter, not necessarily harder, and much leaner.  相似文献   

The growing number of transfer students on college and university campuses presents a challenge to academic libraries. For years, these libraries have taught students information literacy skills to enhance their abilities to locate, evaluate, and use information in order to be successful students as well as lifelong learners. At many libraries, both direct from high school and transfer students are taught these skills together, without the recognition that either of them has special or diverse needs. Several studies over the years have concluded that the information needs of transfer students differed from those of their native counterparts and stress the importance for separate instruction. A recent survey of some Ohio academic libraries by the authors revealed that the vast majority of these libraries do not provide separate instruction for transfer students. This article, therefore, calls for a dialogue among librarians to continue to discuss this topic and consider developing instructional programs to meet the needs of transfer students.  相似文献   

This article describes empathetic marketing, a new marketing approach that was created by Mark Ingwer and outlined in his 2012 book, Empathetic Marketing: How to Satisfy the 6 Core Emotional Needs of Your Customers. The authors discuss how this marketing theory can be used by academic librarians to transform their marketing endeavors by presenting library services and resources to students in a way that helps them meet core human emotional needs (control, self-expression, growth, recognition, belonging, and care). The authors also include examples of empathetic marketing from their libraries.  相似文献   

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