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This paper examines the archives of a major Catholic order, the Society of Jesus. The quality and amount of Jesuit sources allows a very detailed reconstruction not only of how the archives were meant to function, but also of how they were used in daily life. While the Jesuits and their archives resemble many other early modern institutions, the wealth of documentation nevertheless makes them particularly suitable for a case study of early modern archival practice. The paper argues that the order consciously developed a network of archives that closely mirrored the institutional framework of the Jesuit bureaucracy. Ideally, smooth and swift movement of papers within this network was meant to provide easy access to relevant documents for users at all hierarchical levels. In reality, however, Jesuit record keeping remained far from this ideal. Papers were misplaced or simply got lost in the maze of archives.  相似文献   


This article presents a thorough bibliometric analysis of research published in Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS), an India-based journal, for the period 2011–2017. Specifically, it compares this journal’s trends with those of other library and information science (LIS) journals from the same geographical area (India, and Asia as a whole) and with the 10 highest-rated LIS journals worldwide. The source of the data used was the multidisciplinary database Scopus. To perform this comparison, ALIS’ production was analyzed in order to identify authorship patterns; for example, authors’ countries of residence, co-authorship trends, and collaboration networks. Research topics were identified through keyword analysis, while performance was measured by examining the number of citations articles received. This study provides substantial information. The research lines detected through examining the keywords in ALIS articles were determined to be similar to those for the top LIS journals in both Asia and worldwide. Specifically, ALIS authors are focusing on metrics, bibliometrics, and social networking, which follows global trends. Notably, however, collaboration among Asia-based journals was found to be lower than that in the top-indexed journals in the LIS field, showing lesser internationalization. The results obtained present a roadmap for expanding the research in this field.  相似文献   

Knowing what the Communication job market is can be helpful and informative when planning how to build a program of study or research. On the other side, those who are looking for a job or are preparing for future job hunting also need knowledge about the current job market to help make decisions and predictions. To facilitate these processes, this article surveys the entirety of job postings posted on NCA’s CRTNET service and Spectra publication over the course of 2013 and 2014. The analyses provide an in-depth look at what kind of positions are being offered, which have tenure-track options, what degrees are required, if and what research methodological experience is needed, what kind of institution is offering the position, whether grant and/or teaching experience is desired, and what kinds of topical specializations are sought after.  相似文献   


The investigation of materials found in Bacon's studio is reported. The contents of the studio are examined and interpreted to identify the materials and colours most favoured by Bacon, and the range of media used. A small number of colours appear to have been heavily used. Some objects used as tools in the painting process are also investigated and explain textures seen in paint in his works. Samples of selected materials from the studio are analysed to identify the components of paints (pigments, extenders, and binders) used by Bacon. This investigation is part of a wider project examining his materials and techniques. The analytical information obtained here from the studio helps to clarify the statements made by Bacon in interviews regarding his use of materials and is proving useful in the identification of materials in his paintings, in order to help with the conservation and authentication of his works.  相似文献   

This study identifies characteristics of Americans who chose the library as their primary cancer information source over the Internet by examining demographic characteristics, online use experience, concerns of information quality, and perceptions of cancer information seeking. A secondary data analysis is conducted using the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Findings reveal that people who are more likely to choose the library are, compared to their Internet counterparts, people who lack online experience, are distrustful of online cancer information, and are more aware of cancer sources. However, they are not necessarily more adept cancer information seekers and do not have a greater expectation of getting quality information from the library. These findings suggest how the library plays its role as an information source for cancer information consumers in the e-health environment. Implications of the findings are discussed in a way that libraries could invest their efforts to reduce the digital health divide and to advance consumer health information literacy.  相似文献   

Physical activity is necessary for college students as only 20%–40% engage in the recommended amounts (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2010). This article qualitatively examines college-student motivators and hindrances for physical activity in order to develop effective interventions. Although a primary theory in psychology, Self-Determination Theory relies heavily upon social contexts as catalysts for motivation. Communication can cause both within- and between-person differences in motivation. Findings suggest that college-student motivation is greatly influenced by the communication between themselves, their important relationships (e.g., friends, family, and significant other), and societal pressures. Moreover, findings reveal that college students seem to be more motivated through extrinsic means rather than more autonomous forms of motivation.  相似文献   

The conversations surrounding ‘diversity’ in the Anglo-American book publishing industry have increased in recent years, and often centre around the lack of representation of publishing professionals, authors, and characters of colour. This paper contextualises these discussions within British YA, a market that has grown in popularity since 2006. Through an analysis of the corpus of all Young Adult fiction titles published, in the UK, during the 2006–2016 period, this paper will investigate what percentage of the titles were created by authors of colour; to determine whether this number has risen over the years, and to pinpoint any patterns and anomalies that emerge over the time period.  相似文献   

This article compares 4 measurement models for the Watson–Barker Listening Test (WBLT)–Form C and constitutes the first confirmatory test of this listening comprehension measure. Results show that data does not conform to (a) a 5-factor correlated model, (b) a second-order model, or (c) a unidimensional model; and no model was sufficiently better than (d) the independence model. Exploratory analyses provide additional evidence that items are largely unrelated to one another. Given these findings, the use of the WBLT–Form C in assessments of listening comprehension is not recommended. The discussion explores what these findings imply for the conceptualization and measurement of listening and for potential revisions of the WBLT.  相似文献   


This study identified and interpreted an adhesive used in the making of a tiara of the mid-Qing Dynasty (1776–1839 CE), in the collection of the Tang Clan Folk Museum. By performance of mass spectrometry-based proteomics, a sample of adhesive residue was identified as bovine collagen proteins at the molecular level with high confidence. The result highlights the first example of accurate determination of the origin of the adhesive adopted in the tian-tsui craft, providing novel information and contributing to study of the significance, development, and exchange of tian-tsui craftsmanship.  相似文献   

This study examines the development of six state university libraries in the Arab Gulf countries of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. Despite the relatively short history of higher education in these countries, these libraries have made some significant progress. It should be noted that in terms of library organization, size of collections, number of staff, service activities, and computer applications, these libraries are considered by default the main libraries in their respective countries. At present, only Saudi Arabia has a national library.

This study employed a survey questionnaire which was sent to all Gulf university libraries to identify and gather pertinent and current information necessary to establish an accurate profile on each one of these libraries.

The study provides basic information on library organization and analysis of collections, services, staffing, budgeting, expenditures, automation, and information technology. The study findings suggest that further research is needed to examine and evaluate collections, service activities and instructional programs, staff development and training, co-operation among Arab Gulf universities, and library education programs in the region.  相似文献   


Materials from 38 paintings by Francis Bacon (1909–1992), including 21 complete works and 17 partially destroyed canvases are investigated. Observations are made of the artist's technique and details are compiled of the supports used. Samples of paint and priming were taken for analysis using polarized light microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), pyrolysis–GC–MS (Py–GC–MS), and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM–EDX). Analysis of priming layers appears to show that the priming composition correlates well with particular ranges of dates. A fairly limited range of materials are found, with many of the same pigments found in works spanning Bacon's career, though other pigments were introduced at different stages in his career. Oil paints were used consistently for the painting of figures, but household paints were increasingly used in backgrounds from the 1960s onwards. A variety of different synthetic media are found in later works, including household acrylic paints and spray paints. Increased knowledge of Bacon’s materials is expected to be of great value to conservators caring for the work of this highly significant artist, and is already helping in the authentication of works attributed to him.  相似文献   

The Center for Science and Technology Studies at Leiden University advocates the use of specific normalizations for assessing research performance with reference to a world average. The Journal Citation Score (JCS) and Field Citation Score (FCS) are averaged for the research group or individual researcher under study, and then these values are used as denominators of the (mean) Citations per publication (CPP). Thus, this normalization is based on dividing two averages. This procedure only generates a legitimate indicator in the case of underlying normal distributions. Given the skewed distributions under study, one should average the observed versus expected values which are to be divided first for each publication. We show the effects of the Leiden normalization for a recent evaluation where we happened to have access to the underlying data.  相似文献   


The Michigan State University (MSU) Libraries' Website has a case of TMI: too much information organized by librarians for librarians. Finding relevant information about various library services, including the 24/7 Distance Learning Support Line, and access points to scholarly resources is often cumbersome, and given the limited time and staffing available in Web Services, it was impractical to embark on a comprehensive Website redesign. Instead, the implementation of two systems, LibAnswers and the A–Z Database List in LibGuides v2 CMS, served as a means for addressing the TMI issue and improving the usability of the MSU Libraries' Website. This case study will map the MSU Libraries' experience of implementing the LibAnswers and the A–Z Database List from early vision to launching the end product, as a means for resolving the “too much information” issue and improving the usability of the library's Website.  相似文献   

The Republic of Venice was renowned for gathering and preserving from very early on a huge and growing archive. This article analyses the ways in which records were created, stored, and ordered for both immediate and future use. The political system of Venice, at once aristocratic and republican, had an important impact on the production and preservation of large quantities of documents in unbound filze and bound registri. In turn, the volume of this paperwork required the development of strict criteria for the organization of the material. In particular, this article analyses how records were divided at the moment of production, thus enabling a pragmatic combination of chronological and thematic ordering criteria. The latter were reinforced by finding tools arranged by subject matter, in particular indexes inside each volume and more general indexes across several volumes, both known as rubriche. The article suggests that indexing must be seen as a historical process dependent on Venice’s political structures and tied to specific moments in the wider history of the Republic, respectively in the fifteenth, early sixteenth, and early seventeenth centuries. Finally, the article points to some unexpected interactions between political secrecy and indexing.  相似文献   

Departing from the claim that media actively co-construct gender relations in a society, this article focuses on the interwar literary features of the Dutch Catholic radio broadcaster KRO. Similar to all broadcasting organizations in the Dutch Interbellum, the KRO aired these literary features in order to contribute to the cultural elevation of its listeners. Remarkable about the KRO, however, is that it created a division between an official literary feature, which was aired on Sunday afternoons, and a series composed of literary contributions aimed specifically at women, which was broadcast on Tuesday afternoons. Specifically focusing on their repertoires, this article primarily aimed to analyze the differences between these two features. It appears that the books of female writers were underrepresented in the official feature and overrepresented in the women’s feature, which indicates that Dutch radio reflected the hegemonic gender relations in the interwar literary field.  相似文献   

The advent of the Internet and networked communications in the last 15 years has arguably considerably changed the information behaviors of doctoral students, including the discovery process. Information seeking includes initiating a search, constructing search strategies, and locating and evaluating the identified sources. Current research on information-seeking behaviors is focusing on understanding how the Internet, social media, and other technological and communication-based changes, including mobile technologies, have changed the way students seek information in order to understand the information behaviors of the students of tomorrow. This article offers a review of the literature on information-seeking behaviors, with a particular focus on recent years (2010–2015). It aims to determine whether notable changes in the information-seeking behavior of doctoral students have emerged in recent years. The study shows that the information-seeking behaviors of doctoral students follow a steady trend, with some subtle changes, particularly in the (patchy) use of social media and networking sites. There appears to be more similarities than differences across disciplines in the information-seeking behaviors of doctoral students. Considerations to their information literacy skills are given to understand better the role supervisors and library staff can play to support the doctoral students population in the early stages of the research process.  相似文献   

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