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常江 《编辑之友》2018,(3):70-76
文章对浸入式新闻及其引领的主流新闻编辑理念的转型过程做出全面的考察.通过文献梳理和深度访谈方法,厘清浸入式新闻的编辑理念的内涵,探讨其构建的新的编读关系,同时对这种编辑理念影响下的数字新闻业的发展路径进行归纳.文章认为,浸入式新闻塑造了一种“类导演”的编辑角色,而如何对“新闻导演”的个体创作倾向进行抑制以维系新闻的公共属性,将是浸入式新闻未来发展的基本方向.  相似文献   

卞冬磊 《国际新闻界》2012,(5):21-25,31
新闻与政治息息相关。过去几十年美国新闻思想中,新闻专业主义、社会责任论和公共新闻业的对抗,均可以放置在积极自由和消极自由的框架里看待。建立在消极自由基础上的新闻专业主义,面对积极自由框架内的社会责任论、公共新闻业等理念的冲击,虽屡受质疑却始终不倒,其原因乃是在于整个美国社会及其民主政体对消极自由理念的笃信。  相似文献   


The “topless radio”; phenomenon was briefly widespread— and controversy about such formats continues to appear. This article reviews two important FCC decisions, Sonderling (WGLD‐FM), and Pacifica (WBAI‐FM), to discern and describe FCC policy trends and attempts to define just what obscenity and indecency is and what standards for broadcasting should exist. Dr. Feldman is on the speech faculty at Denison University (Ohio), while Dr. Tickton teaches mass communication and speech at, respectively, Norfolk State College and Old Dominion University, both in Virginia.  相似文献   

从情报检索语言到本体-信息组织的新变革   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
从信息组织的角度,考察本体的实质与特征、本体与情报检索语言的关系,认为本体及其方法和技术为信息组织,特别是网络信息组织带来的新变革主要表现在直接体现语义的网络信息组织,分布式共享,多维、网状的信息组织方式及对推理的支持。  相似文献   

美国是一个由清教徒创建并以清教意识形态为基础的基督教国家,清教在美国历史进程中发挥了基调和底色的作用。目前,学术界尚未对美国新闻业的宗教渊源展开系统性研究。本文采用历史发生学方法,分析清教传统与美国早期新闻业的互动,在清教的视野下关照美国新闻业的起源,目标是呈现出美国早期新闻业的宗教底色,进而揭示出早期新闻业清教传统的变迁和上帝角色转型的深层原因。经梳理发现,现代新闻并不是个彻底理性化的、世俗化的产品,而是有着鲜明的清教渊源,从17世纪-18世纪中后期,美国新闻业中的宗教观经历了从"唯上帝论"到"理性宗教论"的转型。  相似文献   


Trustworthiness is key in journalism, yet some journalists intentionally deceive their audiences by fabricating sources or inventing news stories altogether. Earlier research suggests that deceitful news articles have characteristics that are different from trustworthy news articles. We aimed to confirm and expand on the existing literature by examining the case of Perdiep Ramesar, an esteemed Dutch journalist until it was discovered in 2014 that sources were non-existing in 126 of his articles for national newspaper Trouw (“Fidelity”). Using content analysis, we searched for systematic differences in source use and presentation comparing Ramesar’s deceptive news articles with two same-sized sets of reliable articles, (1) articles on similar topics from other journalists and (2) articles with verifiable sources from Ramesar himself. Results indicate that compared to real news sources, fictitious sources are more often secondary definers, who are presented in more stereotypical ways and through more and longer direct quotations. Furthermore, negations and self-references occur more often in deceptive news articles.  相似文献   

“融合媒介”与“融合新闻”是目前传媒业全球性发展的前沿课题。传统大众媒介的数字化生存和普通公众对新闻传播的“分享,”成为新闻传播发展的必然趋势。本文通过对中外新闻传媒最新变化的观察和研究,分析了“融合新闻”使新闻传播业务正在发生的变化,以及这种变化带来的挑战。  相似文献   

信息失序概念框架的提出始于对“假新闻”术语的反思与批判,通过了解其“三类型”“三要素”“三阶段”,对框架建立基本认识,理解创造、传播和消费错误信息、误导信息、不良信息的复杂动机网络与多重构面。以对抗信息失序为目标,当前复杂信息环境下MIL教育面对两大挑战:从以信息核查能力为重心的技能式培养向提高自我认知、突破认知偏见跨越;建立系统性MIL教育评价体系。  相似文献   

常江 《编辑之友》2018,(4):76-82
文章对自动化新闻的特征、内涵及发展现状做出全面的归纳,并结合对11位美国主流媒体编辑的深度访谈,深入考察这种新型新闻生产模式对新闻编辑群体心态构成的影响.文章认为,新闻编辑针对自动化新闻形成的温和、静止且带有一定盲目色彩的群体心态将成为算法在新闻生产领域全面普及的重要制衡力量.更加宏观的社会文化习俗和道德标准,是包括算法在内的各类内容生产新技术难以逾越的价值鸿沟.如何在行业内建立起一套适用于算法机制的专业、经济和伦理标准,则为自动化新闻发展的一个基本方向.  相似文献   

BROADCASTING: AN INTRODUCTION. By John R. Bittner. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1980. 454 pages plus index, glossary, and appendix.

THE POWERS THAT BE. By David Halberstam. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979. 771 pp.

AS IT HAPPENED: A MEMOIR. By William S. Paley. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1979. 418 pp.

INSIDE ABC: AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANY'S RISE TO POWER. By Sterling Quinlan. New York: Hastings House, 1979. 290 pp.

FUNDAMENTALS OF RADIO BROADCASTING. By John Hasling, New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1980.

SOUND AND VISION, THE HISTORY OF BROADCASTING IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, VOLUME IV. By Asa Briggs. Oxford, New York, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1979. xiv 1082 pp. $65.00.

WORKBOOK FOR RADIO AND TV NEWS EDITING AND WRITING. By Arthur Wimer/Dale Brix. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company Publishing, 1980 (Fifth Ed.). 302 pp.

ALL IN THE FAMILY: A CRITICAL APPRAISAL. Edited by Richard P. Adler. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1979. 322 pp.  相似文献   

邱凌 《编辑之友》2016,(7):108-112
美国纯数字新闻业从2005年起迅速崛起,该行业在新闻理念、采编技术、受众行为、职业技能等方面都在影响和改变着美国的新闻业态.皮尤研究中心从2014年起在新闻业年度报告中对该行业进行单独分析,甚至对“新闻机构”的称谓也引入了“News Outlet”这个新词.鉴于美国纯数字新闻业巨大的商业潜力,一些商业巨头和传统媒体集团不断注入新的投资,但该行业目前两极分化严重,多数是投资大于回报,该行业模式是否会成为新闻业的一个新商业模式尚无定论.  相似文献   

本文通过对"客观性"这一概念的深度辨析,以"客观性1.0"与"客观性2.0"为历史分期重新审视新闻专业主义,并以此为思想基础对当前的美国新闻业进行分析。本文认为,新闻业以客观真实为原则组织起生产行为,这构成了新闻客观性的基础维度;然而,如何将记者本身的价值融入新闻生产之中,探寻一种更稳定、更具阐释力的新闻业,成为当前新闻业的另一核心任务。以这两种生产原则为基础,新闻业或许能够为我们理解并改善当前价值混乱、情感化的社会有所助益。文章进而提出新闻业应当在"后特朗普时代"的观念分裂中致力于坚持自身的专业信念。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(7):834-852

This paper examines the impact of the digital transformation on broadcast practices from a producer/studio participant perspective with a focus on sports journalism online. More specifically, the study targets changes in sports talk and interaction as producers re-shape their communicative activities to fit audiences’ new contexts of reception. It discusses how these changes in practices relate to some of the fundamental assumptions in current broadcast talk theory. The textual studies are complemented by interviews with six prominent Swedish media industry representatives in order to shed light on their perceptions of the broadcast to online shift given their respective experiences. The results show how producers/participants adapt to a more casual and relaxed interactional style and tone online than in ordinary broadcasting. The studied sportscasts also largely abandon the traditional broadcast address, as expressed in direct discursive address and looks-to-camera, for an orientation to screen devices where social media active audiences are to be “found,” although still having a traditionally positioned audience to attend to. Although sociability is still the structural principle for producers’ interactional choices irrelevant of platform, the strategies of how to achieve it are changing due to the digital transformation.  相似文献   

于淼 《编辑之友》2015,(9):69-72
数据新闻在实践中呈现出多样化的发展态势,体现了对传统新闻生产的流程再造和模式创新.文章通过对本领域相关文献的梳理,结合业界实践,对数据新闻的生产流程、世界先进新闻编辑室的组织形式和数据新闻的实践模式进行探讨,展现数据新闻实践的最新成果,预测未来发展方向.  相似文献   


As traditional news outlets decline and corporations cultivate publisher ambitions, brand journalism (i.e., native advertising and content marketing) has grown robustly. This paper examines and critiques the various ways in which those corporations have adopted and mirror news production practices, given the “techno-logics” of convergence culture and the political economy pressures of our media era. The research draws upon 28 in-depth interviews with brand journalism professionals who operate in the United States along with years of trade press coverage of the phenomenon. Findings illustrate how brand journalism is informed by traditional reporting fundamentals and techniques, the affordances and demands of online environments, and industrial shifts in media labor allocation.  相似文献   

张超  钟新 《编辑之友》2017,(11):61-66
近年来数字新闻业正经历“算法转向”:从比特形式走向更为高级的人工智能阶段.“算法转向”让数字新闻与传统新闻的边界进一步明晰,二者的区别不仅在于是否数字化,更在于算法机制.算法广泛、深入地应用于数字新闻生产也带来了变革,包括新闻价值评价由经验判断转向实证测量、新闻内容生产模式由“手工作坊”转向人机协同、新闻叙事由线性叙事转向交互叙事、新闻内容推送方式由大众化覆盖转向个体化定制、表征现实的机制由记者中介转向算法中介.与以往媒介革命以技术为导向不同,这次的“算法转向”不仅与技术有关,更是一种新闻生产方法论和思维方式的大变革,重构着数字新闻生产理念.  相似文献   

美国新闻报道的平民化趋势——对亲近性新闻的解读   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对美国新闻报道的平民化趋势的集中表现方式———亲近性新闻 ,作了较为系统的介绍 ,并进行了一定的解读分析  相似文献   

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