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This study suggests a revision of the community pluralism model used in mass communication to include a dimension of leadership diversity, which would examine the influence of ethnic leaders within communities, along with the traditional structural indicators. Using confirmatory factor analysis, results indicated that a 2-dimensional model was more appropriate for capturing the dissemination of power within a community. Findings and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

试论公共图书馆博客与不博客的理由   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
博客的私人性与开放性决定了其分享和参与的社会特性,博客精神与公共图书馆精神的天然耦合,使博客成为公共图书馆时代精神的技术表达,公共图书馆博客对公共社会价值的实践全面诠释了公共图书馆博客的理由,而对不博客理由的反讽进一步预示了公共图书馆博客的兴盛.  相似文献   

阐述公共文化服务体系的概念,并论证它是一个文化生态系统。体系中文化主体是由公共文化产品与服务的生产者、消费者和供应者这三大功能类群组成。图书馆是是供应者。基于生态学群落生态原理它与消费者之间是互利共生的关系;与其它供应者之间是以原始合作为主的关系;与生产者之间是以原始合作和互利共生为主的关系。在体系中,公共图书馆的总体定位为文化消费者获取公共文化产品与服务的重要门户。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]协同传播为政务微博应对突发公共事件提供了一种新的信息传播策略,深入探究政务协同传播效果的影响因素,有助于提高政务微博传播效果,增强其对突发公共事件的应对能力。[方法/过程]以江苏响水3·21特大爆炸事故为案例,运用网络爬虫工具收集江苏省各政务微博协同传播的相关数据,以转发数、点赞数和评论数为协同传播效果的衡量指标,构建政务微博协同账号特征和协同传播特征对传播效果的多元线性回归模型。[结果/结论]粉丝数量、粉丝质量、协同数量、协同类型对政务微博协同传播效果有显著的正向影响;行政级别仅对传播效果中的转发数有显著的正向影响。认为今后应该重视政务微博协同传播,提升单个政务微博的影响力,合理组织政务微博协同形成资源互补,从而提升政务微博协同传播的效果。  相似文献   

结合洛阳市图书馆展览场馆管理工作实际,论述了公共图书馆展览场馆管理的目标、类型及方向。从不同的方面阐述了公共图书馆展鉴场馆的管理方式和途径。  相似文献   

本文针对当前公共图书馆建设所面临的问题,提出了应采取的相关对策.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):511-534
The study reported here explored the social dimension of health-related blogs by examining blogging as a means to marshal social support and, as a result, achieve some of the health benefits associated with supportive communication. A total of 121 individuals who author a blog dedicated to their experience living with a specific health condition completed the study questionnaire. The number of blog posts made by respondents and proportion of posts with reader comments were positively associated with perceived social support from blog readers. The relationship between blog reader support and two outcomes related to well-being depended upon the support available in bloggers' strong-tie relationships with family and friends. Consistent with the social compensation (i.e., “poor get richer”) perspective, blog reader support was negatively associated with loneliness and positively associated with personal growth when support in strong-tie relationships was relatively lacking.  相似文献   

This article critically reviews scholarship on structural pluralism (Tichenor, Donohue, & Olien, 1973 Tichenor , P. J. , Donohue , G. A. , & Olien , C. N. ( 1973 ). Mass communication research: The evolution of a structural model . Journalism Quarterly , 50 , 419425 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 1980 Tichenor , P. J. , Donohue , G. A. , & Olien , C. N. ( 1980 ). Community conflict & the press . Beverly Hills , CA : Sage . [Google Scholar]) in journalism and media studies. Relying partly on a concept explication and theory construction process (McLeod & Pan, 2004 McLeod , J. M. , & Pan , Z. ( 2004 ). Concept explication and theory construction . In S. Dunwoody , L. B. Becker , D. M. McCleod , & G. M. Kosicki (Eds.), The evolution of key mass communication concepts honoring Jack M. McLeod (pp. 1376 ). Cresskill , NJ : Hampton . [Google Scholar]), the article explicates structural pluralism as a multifaceted concept with multiple dimensions and indicators. While reviewing relationships or hypotheses between structural pluralism and various outcomes, the article then discusses and proposes issues and agendas for future studies.  相似文献   

陈婧 《图书情报工作》2012,56(15):19-24
认为公共信息资源多元化开发是一种由政府、赢利性机构、第三部门多方合作、多元管理的开发形式,其顺利实施需要一系列的保障机制,从权利分配机制、利益协调机制、监督机制、控制机制4个方面探讨公共信息资源多元化开发的保障机制。  相似文献   


This article examines the current phenomenon of blogging from an archival point of view. To better understand the nature of blogs, the author conducted an informal survey of bloggers at Princeton Theological Seminary. The results of this survey show that blogs represent a dynamic but ephemeral new form of electronic record and writing practice. This article concludes that blogs have archival value and that archivists should proactively preserve them along with other electronic records.  相似文献   

The development of Latino USA, a news and information public radio program about Latino issues, is the focus of this paper. From a Gramscian theoretical framework three primary factors-economics, demographics and technology-are examined which may have contributed to the creation of Latino USA. The need for public radio, at both the network and local level, to increase its funding in the 1980s led to more diverse programming. Simultaneously, a redistribution of income within the Latino community in the U.S. created a segment of the Latino population attractive to public radio managers. Finally, changes in communication technologies made possible the production of a magazine format program at lower costs.  相似文献   

清末民间媒体关注“公共事务”与晚清社会变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚清十年(1900-1911),中国内陆城市涌现出数量较大、覆盖广泛的民间媒体。从新闻内容上看,地方新闻的激增成为普遍趋势——媒体的视角从国政朝纲开始扩展到地方社会的日常领域,公共事务成为其主要关注对象。这一现象背后有深层的原因——清末地方社会的巨大变迁(公领域的扩大)是主要因素。  相似文献   

I studied the development of advertising within the national economy. Contrary to the relative constancy hypothesis, time-series analysis of aggregate-level data generally support my hypotheses that expenditures on advertising as a proportion of the national income increased from the 19th to the 20th century and that structural pluralism, not just national income, predicts absolute changes in advertising expenditures. I argue that the need for information and advertising grows as a social system becomes more structurally pluralistic and that general economic conditions (i.e., national income) alone are insufficient to explain changes in relative and absolute spending.  相似文献   

我国《政府信息公开条例》实施初期曾产生了一定的轰动效应。然而公众的这种热情,没有保持多久就逐渐冷却了。同时媒体对突发性公共事件的报道,也时常受到各种阻扰。对于一些急需公众知晓的信息,一些部门却以各种理由和托词拒绝公开,其中一个重要原因,就是一些政府部门以国家秘密为借口阻挡了公民获取政府信息的步伐。  相似文献   

村民借助移动互联网从私人领域走向网络公共空间,就共同关注的问题展开商讨和行动,实现从“村民”到“网民”再到“公民”的转化.村民通过网络公共生活复兴,使分散在不同时空中的个体再聚合,密切社会交往,重构社会连接,实现“网络共在”.村民通过网络公共参与重建乡土舆论,重构乡约民规,重兴乡土精神,达成“舆论共识”.村民通过网络动员、组织共同参与乡村公共事务,促进“共同行动”.网络公共空间建构了新型村民参与公共事务的平台和机制,经由传播实现了村民从“共”到“公”的转化,在讨论和行动中拓展了“公”的边界,再生产了乡土公共性.传播构成了网络公共交往,传播生成了网络公共舆论,传播促成了网络公共行动,因此传播生成公共性.  相似文献   

公共图书馆与社区文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对社区与社区建设的概念和内涵以及公共图书馆事业发展趋势的分析,提出了公共图书馆如何为社区文化建设服务的建议:为社区教育服务,建立社区分馆;为社区提供文献信息服务;为社区大众的健康休闲服务。从而更好地推动图书馆事业的发展,提高全民族人口素质。  相似文献   

张松道 《图书馆》2007,(4):46-47
本文提出“社区图书馆现象”一词,并从哲学意义上,分析其与公共精神的渊源联系;指出社区图书馆现象闪烁着的是公共精神的光辉。  相似文献   

公共图书馆与社区发展刍议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从社区发展概念,公共图书馆为社区发展服务的必要性,公共图书馆为社区发展服务的途径三个方面,探讨了公共图书馆与社区建设的互动关系。  相似文献   

The medium-sized public library has an important role to play in providing information to local officials. This role can be achieved on a minimal levcl by development of the collections, contacts with municipal leaders. and the use of specialized databases. The provision of such a service to local governments has two primary objectives: first, to heighten the visibility of the public library in the community, particularly among those controuing tax dollars; second, and most importantly, to provide information services to a level of government closest to the people.  相似文献   

While the topic of community engagement in public libraries has been researched in urban public library systems, little research explores community engagement in rural library systems. The Canadian province of Nova Scotia is largely rural and sparsely populated, with a dwindling and aging rural population. This report examines how community engagement can connect Nova Scotia’s rural public libraries with their communities. Librarians from eight predominantly rural library systems across the province were interviewed regarding the community engagement practices currently being used within their libraries and how their patrons (particularly youth) were reacting and responding to these practices. This article synthesizes the information derived from these interviews and provides a summary of the community engagement efforts being made throughout Nova Scotia. This study ultimately determines that while librarians in rural communities face a number of challenges when attempting to implement community engagement (e.g., small budgets and low staffing numbers), they remain extremely passionate about the topic and dedicated to serving their communities in the most meaningful and relevant way possible.  相似文献   

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