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Seed libraries are a relatively new innovation in the library field, offering seeds, gardening information, and the opportunity for community and ecological engagement to members. While they are increasingly popular in public libraries, they have not yet established a foothold in academic libraries. This paper defines the nature and role of seed libraries, the current state of seed libraries in North American universities, and offers recommendations for the establishment of seed libraries in academic libraries.  相似文献   


As libraries continue to grow and change in the 21st century, we are seeing an increased emphasis on outreach, engagement, creativity, and innovation for academic libraries. These ideas are crucial to the future of academic libraries and makerspaces are one way for academic libraries to realize these ideas. Makerspaces can be affordable, don't need to take up a lot of space, and have potential to be catalysts for creating partnerships within one's community. Engaging making events can stimulate broader conversations among library patrons and library employees as well as a way for library liaisons to connect with their faculty, students, and staff.  相似文献   

The Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine’s (OUWB) service-oriented mission and vision is reflected in all aspects of the school including its culture, curriculum, research, community engagement, and the OUWB Medical Library. Though starting informally, the OUWB Medical Library’s outreach program has matured and now sustains a wide array of activities each year. This outreach program has blossomed into a three-pronged model that is inclusive of activities and endeavors engaging the institution and local community: integrate, partner, and create. Among its successes and challenges, the library’s ongoing outreach efforts have showcased the value of libraries in promoting community health and meaningfully contributing to the institutional mission.  相似文献   


Using Etienne Wenger’s concept of a community of practice, UH Libraries’ Liaison Services Department developed departmental members’ emotional intelligence. The social learning structure of the community of practice mirrors the emotional intelligence learning model theorized by Daniel Goleman. This case study demonstrates how this approach can benefit a unit within an academic library. Using a community of practice approach to build a space for social learning creates an environment in which library workers are able to learn and practice the skills of emotional intelligence among their colleagues and within the context of the norms and values of the work environment.  相似文献   


One of the six strategic planning goals of Northern Arizona University (NAU) is to strengthen its relationship with Native Americans and to become one of the nation's leading universities serving Native American students. Considering its close geographic proximity to several tribal communities—particularly the Navajo Nation, which represents 44% of Native American Students at NAU—several programmatic and collection management activities have been instituted at the university's Cline Library as a response to this broader university goal. The library's outreach efforts, though, extend beyond the university's Native American student population and include activities designed to collaborate with tribal communities in a more direct and inclusive manner. Furthermore, incorporating concepts of critical librarianship into the library's teaching, learning, and public programming helps provide a progressive theoretical framework for improving relationships between the university and Native American communities. This case study provides an overview of existing programmatic and policy-based initiatives at the library and discusses where improvements could be made to help foster a closer and more meaningful relationship with Native American students, faculty, and patrons.  相似文献   

This paper aims to discuss the incorporation of reference services into a trending service point model called the Unified Service Point (USP). Driven by organizational shift, the model was recently adopted by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library of San Jose State University. An anonymous survey was conducted to understand student perspectives on reference services, including the USP. The survey also asked questions about student motivation for seeking help from a librarian, and their level of satisfaction with the reference services. The authors offer recommendations to improve reference services at the USP based on the results of the study.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为体现对毕业生的人文关怀,加深图书馆与毕业生的情感,提升图书馆服务品质,暨南大学图书馆通过数据挖掘与分析技术,利用数据平台为毕业生们打造个性化、实时化、便捷式的毕业季服务。 [方法/过程] 通过介绍暨南大学图书馆基于数据平台的毕业季服务概况、服务特色、"时光网站"界面设计、服务宣传推广及实践效果,分析数据平台的关键要素,为我国高校图书馆开展毕业季主题活动提供参考。[结果/结论] 数据平台的应用,将为图书馆在众多方面提供新的创新与思路,从数据的个性化、多元化、可视化以及建立校友专区4个方面总结活动启示,为数据管理在图书馆日常工作中的应用提供理论研究和实践工作依据。  相似文献   

This report is a case study of the Alcuin Society's use of Flickr as a digital image collection host. It covers the selection, implementation, and promotion of Flickr as the place for its photographs and images.  相似文献   

While the topic of community engagement in public libraries has been researched in urban public library systems, little research explores community engagement in rural library systems. The Canadian province of Nova Scotia is largely rural and sparsely populated, with a dwindling and aging rural population. This report examines how community engagement can connect Nova Scotia’s rural public libraries with their communities. Librarians from eight predominantly rural library systems across the province were interviewed regarding the community engagement practices currently being used within their libraries and how their patrons (particularly youth) were reacting and responding to these practices. This article synthesizes the information derived from these interviews and provides a summary of the community engagement efforts being made throughout Nova Scotia. This study ultimately determines that while librarians in rural communities face a number of challenges when attempting to implement community engagement (e.g., small budgets and low staffing numbers), they remain extremely passionate about the topic and dedicated to serving their communities in the most meaningful and relevant way possible.  相似文献   

The J. D. Williams Library at the University of Mississippi launched a pilot program during the 2010 National Novel Writing Month, hosting related events to determine community demand and how such efforts could be quantified. Using participant-submitted word counts and the event's own tools, researchers were able to ascertain that such events had a positive impact on participants’ writing output, at least by the standards of National Novel Writing Month itself, and that there is sufficient community interest to hold future events in an academic library setting.  相似文献   

In 2005, representatives from Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), the Universities at Shady Grove (USG), and the University of Maryland Libraries, explored a potential partnership between their libraries. With different patrons and missions, merging the two library cultures and functions presented challenges and opportunities to administrators and librarians.

This study examines the dimensions and impact on both libraries. It will inquire whether it resulted in a limited, primarily administrative arrangement, or whether the libraries were able to achieve true collaboration. The findings highlight some issues libraries could take into account before embarking into a merger process.  相似文献   

Background:Public libraries serve as community centers for accessing free, trustworthy health information. As such, they provide an ideal setting to teach the local community about health and health literacy, particularly during public health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 2018, an outreach partnership between an academic medical library and public library has developed, delivered, and continuously evaluated a health education program targeting public library users.Case Presentation:Health education activities were integrated into three existing public library programs: adult workshops, child and family programming, and circulating family activity kits. Prior to COVID-19, events were held at the public library, which then pivoted online during the pandemic. An interprofessional team approach combined the expertise of academic medical and public librarians, medical school faculty and staff, and medical students in developing the educational programs. Twelve in-person and five virtual programs were offered, and five circulating health education family kits were launched. Activities were assessed using program evaluation surveys of the adult and children''s programs and circulation statistics of the kits.Conclusions:This case report showcases the lessons learned from implementing a longitudinal outreach partnership between an academic medical library and public library before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The interprofessional team approach and flexibility in program design and delivery in both the in-person and virtual environments proved critical to the success of the partnership. This partnership could serve as a model for other libraries interested in pursuing interprofessional collaborations in educating local communities on healthy behavior and health information–seeking practices.  相似文献   


Outreach services provided by rural public libraries are crucial to fulfilling their mission to provide information access to the widest array of user groups. Particular socioeconomic and geographic factors in rural areas present challenges of access to information resources, yet there exists only a limited amount of published scholarly work examining outreach services provided specifically by rural public libraries. This case study of outreach services to elder users offers contextual evidence for the centrality of social equity and access to the larger work of rural public libraries. Primary data were collected through four semi-structured focus group meetings conducted with elder users of the agency’s outreach services as well as through narrative interviews with six agency staff members. Principal findings showed that elder users had particular information needs related to entertainment and intellectual stimulation, challenges of transportation, and a limited access to technology and internet service. WCPL outreach services were found to positively impact the lives and general well-being of elder users by providing vital social and community connections and serving as a key link for elder users to an institution understood to be central to the life of the community in general.  相似文献   

Assessing library resources and services at a distance holds unique challenges in gathering data needed to make informed decisions. This article describes the complete process of piloting virtual focus groups—from planning and implementation through the analysis of results for a completely online student population. The virtual focus group method proved effective in getting qualitative feedback to spur library improvements, and it is transferable to many different library settings.  相似文献   


A well-established postgraduate researcher development program has existed at De Montfort University for many years. Library and Learning Services include modules on literature searching skills and critical appraisal. However, we recognized that researchers seemed to be disengaged with the services on offer. This concern informed a research project that considered the ways we could communicate better with researchers based on their needs. This paper explores the essential components of successful communication, such as context, timeliness and communication channels. An action-research approach was taken including focus groups and online surveys. The outcomes highlighted three significant crisis points, emphasizing the key times when researchers might need some intervention. The findings of this research identified the distinct needs of Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) and how relevant and timely communication from the library can meet these needs. It also considers the impact of how communication has improved with researchers as a result of some of our interventions.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(1-2):199-203

Small city libraries often face pressure to join county systems, but the flexibility of being independent permits opportunities for service that bigger entities cannot offer. In addition, the personal touch helps distinguish libraries from other information providers such as book stores or internet services. Programs can be developed and offered on a few days' notice, without a lengthy approval process. Individual attention, such as delivering books to the doorstep of a shut-in patron, is routine. This article makes a case for independent libraries to remain that way.  相似文献   

A case study was conducted within two Faculties in the University of Ulster during academic year 2010–11. Its aims were: to assess levels of undergraduate ebook use; how, why, and for what purpose undergraduate students chose to use or not use e-books; assess barriers to use; and consider promotional strategies.

Data were collected by means of a desk-based usage comparison and self-completion online questionnaire. Findings were considered using Diffusion of Innovation theory and Roesnita and Zainab's Ebook Use Model.

Ebooks are used thirty times more than print counterparts. Users expressed a definite preference for print books; format choice is dependent upon study need. Usage has not yet reached self-sustaining take-off. Ebooks cannot be considered interchangeable with books; promotion should take account of how ebooks are considered “different” from print.  相似文献   

Your Health® Radio is a weekly one-hour radio show about consumer health produced by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Family Medicine. It provides practical, health-related news and information to listeners in an easy to understand style. Hosted by a family medicine physician faculty member and co-hosted by other health professionals, it airs on a local radio station. Since 2009, Health Sciences librarians have collaborated on the show, bringing their expertise in information discovery and organization, consumer health, and health literacy to this consumer health endeavor. In the process, the librarians and libraries have also benefitted.  相似文献   

Common reading programs have become increasingly popular on college and university campuses as a means for increasing student engagement, retention, and success. This article describes the characteristics, goals, and benefits of common reading programs and provides examples from the literature of academic library involvement in them. Finally, an example is provided of how one academic health sciences library participated in its institution’s First-Year Summer Reading program.  相似文献   

This article is written by Kris Turner is the Associate Director of Public Services at the University of Wisconsin Law Library. He holds a MLS from the University of Wisconsin. He is currently attending University of Wisconsin Law School part-time and expects to receive his JD in 2020. Special libraries must effectively communicate value to prove the library’s worth to stakeholders making budgetary decisions. The University of Wisconsin Law Library embarked on a campaign of aggressive helpfulness to better serve existing patrons and reach under-served populations. The library implemented a three-pronged strategy that used formal workshops, informal events, and social media to emphasize the value the library provides. This article discusses the techniques used by the law library to better communicate value through aggressive helpfulness and provides tips on how other special libraries can successfully implement their own proactive outreach.  相似文献   

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