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This research aims to uncover the strategies/activities that shape the construction of relational identity through analyzing the turning points occurring during the process of intercultural friendship. Forty-five interviews were conducted with members in 15 intercultural friendship dyads. The results reveal that seven types of activities were identified: (1) positivities/providing assistance; (2) rituals, activities, rules, and roles; (3) self-disclosure; (4) networking; (5) exploring cultures and languages; (6) emphasizing similarities and exploring differences; and (7) conflict/conflict management. The strategies of exploring cultures and languages and of conflict/conflict management were thoroughly discussed to advance our understanding of the development and maintenance in intercultural friendship.  相似文献   

姚向奎 《寻根》2009,(5):79-82
小冀背妆的源起 小冀背妆,是豫北新乡县小冀村民众在吸取戏剧、曲艺及舞蹈等多种艺术成分的基础上,创造出的一种民间造型艺术,起源于明末清初。据当地一通民国13年的碑文记载:“镇西南隅坤太街旧有火帝真君圣会,每年新春初七日为帝君寿诞之辰,十六例会扮背妆庆贺。神庥相传此会起自成丰年间……”  相似文献   

李金坤 《寻根》2002,(5):53-57
据初步统计,《诗经》中直接写到的“马”字,《风》诗有18次,《雅》诗有18次,《颂》诗有12次,总计48次。至于带有“马”字偏旁部首而分别表示马之性别、年龄、大小、优劣、颜色等有关的专有名词,那就更多了。《诗经》中对马的种类、马的装束、马的本领、马的作用(尤其是军事作用)等等,都有较为详细的记述。本就此略作探讨,以就教于方家同仁。  相似文献   

Psychologists’ interest in humility has increased in recent years. This paper provides the first review on the role of humility in the context of diversity. The results of the nine studies reviewed here, which were identified through a systematic literature search, show a lack of agreement among researchers on the conceptualisation of humility and how it can be measured. Additionally, humility has been found to be associated with less prejudice towards Syrian refuges, sexual minorities and religious groups. It also seems to play a positive role in the context of religious conflicts, disagreements and conflicting views. These promising findings on humility in relation to various domains of diversity are discussed, and the limitations of this review and recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

周士琦 《寻根》2005,(3):140-141
提起颐和园与圆明园来,可谓尽人皆知,其湖光水色,亭台楼阁,天桃裱李,燕舞莺啼,堪称佳景,令人无限神往。这两处均为清代皇家园林,以一国之财力修筑名园,当然无与伦比了。既然如此,这园名就十分重要了,肯定要皇帝亲自为其赐以嘉名了。然而不然。圆明园确为康熙皇帝所赐名,颐和园却是皇后赐名,因为修颐和园时把持朝政的是慈禧太后。那么这两座名园的园名各为何义?  相似文献   

This study examined how friendship types, levels of friendship, and cultural backgrounds affected breadth of self-disclosure (BSD). BSD was measured with six self-disclosure topic items—in which higher scores indicated greater willingness to engage in conversations about various topics—from three groups with varying experiences with intercultural friendships. Confirmatory factor analysis was used with Multiple-Indicators, Multiple-Causes models to control for the influence of differential item functioning (DIF, groups responding differently to particular items). Findings in this study found significant evidence of DIF. These findings highlight the complex role of cultural backgrounds in the social penetration processes in intercultural friendships.  相似文献   

Takkanot Kandiyah is a collection of Hebrew-written legislative texts regarding the leadership of the Jewish community of Candia, the capital of the Venetian colony of Crete, which were issued by successive generations of communal leaders between the early thirteenth and late sixteenth centuries. The detailed information it provides on many areas of the communal life makes Takkanot Kandiyah a valuable source for historical research into Jewish life in the medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean. Through a study of the texts contained in Takkanot Kandiyah, this article attempts to identify and analyse the ways in which the leadership of the Candiot community responded to the challenges of coexistence with the Greek inhabitants of Crete and the Venetian rulers of the island, as well as with the Jewish immigrants whom the currents of history brought to Crete from various corners of the Mediterranean, and thus to examine the importance of the “Mediterranean dimension” of the life of Cretan Jewry.  相似文献   

The multiracial population increased by 32% between 2000 and 2010 and represents 9 million people in the United States. The author reflects on her lived experiences of being multiracial but with visibly White skin. She details the lessons she learned about her multiracial identity—from her early positioning as a young student to her role as a teacher of other multiracial students. The article presents the complexities experienced by students with multiracial identities and how their self-conceptions of identity may be complicated when they visually appear to be White.  相似文献   

This article first presents a theoretical rationale for investigating the role of communication in reentry relationships, then describes the results of a study investigating student sojouners' (N = 173) perceptions of positive and negative changes in three types of reentry relationships (parent, sibling, and friend). Results of statistical analyses revealed that the degree of positive and negative change reported by the sojourners varied with the particular type of relationship. Specifically, relationships with parents and siblings were perceived to have changed more positively than negatively. This somewhat contradicts previous research characterizing reentry relationships as problematic. Relationships with friends were perceived to have changed both negatively and positively. These results are interpreted from various theoretical perspectives and the author speculates on the specific role of communication in each type of reentry relationship.  相似文献   

Conversations around race have come to the forefront of public discourses in the United States with incidents of police brutality leading to movements such as Black Lives Matter and its opposition, All Lives Matter. Although there is substantial psychological literature focusing on racial attitudes and intergroup relations, much of this research is experimental, failing to capture diverse and evolving viewpoints of people in the United States. In the present study, our aim was to understand folk definitions and diverse perspectives about the role of race in the United States in participants’ own words. We thematically analyzed submissions to The Race Card Project (n = 913), a publicly available platform, and responses from a sample of college students describing perspectives on race (n = 1092). A total of 27 identified themes were organized in four domains: opinions about race, race-based interactions, race and identity, and emotions. Opinions about race ranged from color-blind ideology to racial equality, race as divisive or providing community, and excessive focus on race. References were made to historic and current race relations, assumptions based on skin color, prejudice and discrimination, White privilege, and “reverse racism.” These findings contribute to evolving scholarly understanding of race in the United States, with implications for informing initiatives to promote race relations and reduce experiences of discrimination for individuals of color.  相似文献   

《Int J Intercult Relat》1986,10(3):347-359
The present study hypothesized that the media use and preference of ethnic minorities may not be due solely to language ability or level of acculturation, but rather may be role specific. Individuals assume several different roles in the course of the average day and media use may reflect the expectations associated with these roles. It was further hypothesized that radio, which can be used in a wide variety of situational settings, would yield different typologies of people who preferred ethnic language stations. However, television, which is generally viewed just at home, was conceived of as more likely to yield a homogeneous user group. Data from 993 Mexican-Americans living in the Southwestern U.S. conformed to these expectations. Two distinct profiles of Mexican-Americans who preferred Spanish language radio were created. However, only one profile of Hispanics who preferred Spanish language television emerged. The findings have important implications for theory regarding the role media plays in the lives of immigrants and ethnic minorities as well as for practitioners designing communication messages for ethnic audiences.  相似文献   

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