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Critical pedagogical approaches are underpinned by the principal that education is an inherently political process which should be concerned with enabling students to be reflective, independent, and critical thinkers. In this paper we argue that facilitating the development of a critical consciousness is an integral part of the teaching of critical criminology in higher education. We contend that it is essential if students are to recognize the broader social and political contexts of their own, and others’, lived experiences and thus be able to challenge political oppressions and domain ideologies. By drawing on a pilot study conducted with final‐year undergraduates from a university in the north west of England, the paper will demonstrate how a critical education (critical in terms of subject content, and teaching practice) can better enable students to develop both academically and, as importantly, with regard to their personal, social, and political consciousness.  相似文献   

Science &; Education - In this essay we argue that science writing from periods of great change in science can be used productively in the classroom to advance scientific literacy. Because the...  相似文献   

从独立战争到南北战争这段时期是美国高等教育发展的一段关键的时期。在此期间,美国的大学不仅在数量上飞速增长,而且基本上确立了美国现代大学的特征,即私立为主、多样化和互为竞争。建立国立大学的倡议的失败及达特茅斯学院诉讼案的判决是这个阶段高等教育发展的最主要推动力,前者限制了联邦政府在美国整个高等教育系统特征的塑造过程中的作用,后者则进一步限制了州政府对私立学院的权力。  相似文献   

罗蒂新实用主义真理观评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗蒂新实用主义真理观认为真理与价值相互渗透;对话和交流是探求真理的一种方式是值得肯定的;但它否定真理的客观性和绝对性,主张一种主观的相对的多元的真理观是错误的。  相似文献   

威廉·福克纳是位嗅觉大师,擅长用气味叙事。本文将从嗅觉的隐含叙事、时空象征及道德倾向上分析《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花》中的气味,探究不同气味的象征意义和叙事价值,尝试证明叙述者是艾米丽的同谋,谋杀荷默一案事实上是作者塑造的美国最后一场南北战争。福克纳对待旧南方的态度复杂:一方面,他谴责旧南方的陈旧制度和观念;另一方面,他怀念旧南方的种植园制度,难以适应新的观念,恐惧机器对生活的侵蚀。  相似文献   

综述了近五年来国内外工作记忆与阅读的相关研究,梳理了工作记忆广度测试的分类和方法。近五年的研究表明,工作记忆与阅读理解能力存在显著的正相关,高工作记忆容量的个体无论在字面意思理解方面还是在推理理解方面都强于低容量者。关于资源分享模型和任务转换假设,有些研究者做了实证研究,但仍有待进一步证实。  相似文献   

The present study tested both the processing and storage of functions of working memory (WM) and whether WM in low-order and high-order writing processes follows the same pattern as in reading. The influence of WM on creative writing was also tested. Forty-seven high school students participated in this study. A test of written language was administered to the subjects, comprising the following subtests spelling, vocabulary, style, logical sentence, sentence combining, thematic maturity, contextual vocabulary, syntactic maturity, contextual spelling, contextual style. A WM reading comprehension test was also conducted. The overall findings of the study indicate significant relationships between WM measures and reading and writing in English as a second language.  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - This systematic review and meta-analysis explores the impact of motivational reading interventions on the reading achievement and reading motivation of school-age...  相似文献   

Both Marital Security War and Desperate Housewives reflect modern Chinese and American women's double pressure and challenges in marriage, career, life etc. This paper made a contrast study on Chinese and American feminism.  相似文献   

对于学习二语的学生来说,阅读被认为是听说读写四种技能中较为重要的技能。本文旨在调查高中英语批判性阅读现状,着重研究在高一英语阅读课堂上是否实施批判性阅读教学及学生在阅读过程中是否使用批判性阅读策略。  相似文献   

Education during World War I has been a relatively unexplored field of research, especially in the case of countries with a neutral stance in that war. The Netherlands is one such country. This article argues that even though the Netherlands was politically neutral, it was and considered itself a part of western civilisation and shared in the experience of a cultural or existential crisis that came over Europe as a consequence of the war. This crisis also caused Dutch pedagogues to reflect on the war. Leading Dutch pedagogues wrote in their journals how education had to be changed in order to prevent a future war or to preserve moral values in their country, which was not (yet) part of the warfare. To characterise this effort, we introduce the concept of cultural mobilisation, following recent developments in the historiography of the cultural dimensions of the Great War. Based on an in-depth analysis of Dutch pedagogical journals, ranging from Protestant, Catholic and socialist to humanist and anarchistic world views, we focus on three pedagogical debates that were influenced by the Great War. The first debate focuses on peace education and shows how pedagogues rejected the war pedagogy of their German colleagues in particular and advised teachers to pass on a peace-loving message to their pupils. The second debate focuses on the reception of Montessori education and the third on Foerster’s and Kerschensteiner’s social pedagogy, both in light of the desire of pedagogues to improve moral education in the school.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, Supreme Court decision was instrumental in initiating monumental change in the ways public schools have operated. The central question addressed by the Supreme Court in the Brown cases (1954, 1955) was whether segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race deprives minority children of equal educational opportunities even when all else is equal. The author suggests that the problems faced by African American students are complex and convoluted when contextualized in traditional notions of effective schooling. Such is the case because African American students are filtered into lower educational tracks at such a rapid pace and are often the unfortunate victims of mis-education. The author uses critical race theory to deconstruct the historical as well as contemporary resistance offered to the full implementation of the Brown decision. How we have arrived at the present state of affairs can be understood only by studying the forces effective in the development of Negro education since it was systematically undertaken immediately after emancipation. To point out merely the defects as they appear today will be of little benefit to the present and future generations. These things must be viewed in their historical setting. The conditions of today have been determined by what has taken place in the past, and in a careful study of this history we may see more clearly the great theatre of events in which the Negro has played a part. We may understand better what his role has been and how well he has functioned in it. (Woodson 1933, 9).  相似文献   

在罗马内战中,建筑发挥了独特的政治作用:罗马广场及附近主要建筑是内战的主战场之一,也是政治斗争的重要工具;神庙是罗马人民与神灵沟通的桥梁,也是政治家利用神灵为己服务的栽体;纪念性建筑与公共建筑是记载历史、传承文化的功臣,也是政治家提升威望、争取民心的武器.  相似文献   

为探讨学校松-紧文化对中学生校园欺凌的关系及作用机制,选取云南省德宏州三所中学的808名中学生,利用学校松-紧文化量表、集体道德推脱量表、集体效能感量表、中学生欺凌量表对其进行问卷调查.结果显示:(1)学校松-紧文化可以显著预测校园欺凌;(2)学校松-紧文化与集体道德推脱呈显著负相关,与集体效能感呈显著正相关,与校园欺...  相似文献   

In polysyllabic languages the assignment of stress is crucial for understanding the reading process. Here we review empirical evidence, drawn mainly from studies on Italian, and discuss critical issues in understanding reading. We first discuss the lexical and sublexical mechanisms responsible for stress assignment and propose that the former is based on item-specific knowledge and the latter on the statistical-distributional knowledge that readers have acquired about their language. Then we examine the idea that stress and phonemes pertain to two dimensions of the word, which can be placed at two different representational levels. Finally, we analyze the effects of stress assignment on word articulation, a promising field for future investigation. These issues are addressed by reviewing the studies conducted in adult and young readers to outline the developmental trajectory of stress assignment and discuss how it operates in the reading system.  相似文献   

中西方不同的文化传统导致对待小费的态度不同。以中西方小费概念、表现形式及特点的差异为基点,主要从文化视角下中西价值观的三个对应方面:集体主义与个人主义、等级观念与平等意识、义利观综合分析中西方对待小费差异的原因,并从跨文化交际角度探讨了中国旅游业小费制度的出路问题,以期规范小费制度,增强旅游文化软实力。  相似文献   

The study reviewed the evidence that persistent pain has the capacity to interrupt and consume working memory resources. It was argued that individuals with persistent pain essentially operate within a compromised neurocognitive paradigm of limited working memory resources that impairs task performance. Using cognitive load theory as a theoretical framework, the study investigated if multimedia materials could be used to support individuals with persistent pain. A 2?×?2 design was used where the first factor was the pain status of the participant (absence vs. presence for more than 6 months), and the second was instructional strategy (written + illustrations vs. written). Fifty-eight full-time teachers from two schools in New South Wales (Australia) were randomly assigned to an instructional strategy to learn about lightning formation. Participants that identified as experiencing pain for 6 or more months demonstrated clinically low levels of pain, but nevertheless performed significantly worse than pain-free participants on retention and transfer tests. For both pain and pain-free participants, there was a significant benefit in learning from multimedia instruction compared to a written text only strategy.  相似文献   

This article is a critical review for Akamatsu' article The Effects of First Language Orthographic Features on Second Language Reading in Text.Akamatsu discusses the results that because of first language effects on basic processing in second language reading,second language readers with a nonalphabetic first language background were less efficient in processing English words than those with an alphabetic first language background.The theoretical background,methods,results,etc.were reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

Reading skills are foundational for daily lives, academic achievement, and careers. In this study, we systematically reviewed literacy interventions in low- and middle-income countries, and estimated their effects on children's reading skills using a meta-analytic approach. A total of 67 studies (N = 213,464) from 32 countries found in various databases (e.g., PsycINFO, ERIC) and sources (e.g., United States Agency for International Development) met our inclusion criteria. The results revealed an overall effect of .30 across various literacy outcomes. Effects varied for different outcomes, such that largest effects were found in emergent literacy skills (e.g., .40) and the smallest effects in reading comprehension (.25) and oral language skills (.20). Effects also varied as a function of other features such as teacher training support.  相似文献   

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