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Students of biology must learn the scientific method for generating information in the field. Concurrently, they should learn how information is reported and accessed. We developed a progressive set of exercises for the undergraduate introductory biology laboratory that combine these objectives. Pre- and postassessments of approximately 100 students suggest that increases occurred, some statistically significant, in the number of students using various library-related resources, in the numbers and confidence level of students using various technologies, and in the numbers and confidence levels of students involved in various activities related to the scientific method. Following this course, students should be better prepared for more advanced and independent study.  相似文献   

Empirical research in Jewish education has found almost exclusive use of transmission pedagogy among Jewish studies teachers. This study hoped to fill out the empirical landscape by studying Jewish studies teachers who prioritize student-driven interpretation. It followed six Jewish studies teachers in four different Jewish elementary schools who all professed a commitment to student-driven textual interpretation. It found that in such classrooms there was a clear pattern of teaching moves. This article offers a detailed portrait of the previously undocumented Jewish studies pedagogy, interpretive facilitation.  相似文献   

Adapting to curriculum change necessitates the evaluation of teaching and learning pedagogies. A new curriculum invites reflection on how knowledge is constructed and operationalised to extend higher order thinking in adolescent learners. This paper reviews contemporary empirical and theoretical literature identifying productive pedagogical practices associated with critical reading competencies in order to design and implement a curriculum intervention in a senior secondary Literature course.  相似文献   

Currently, the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (2009) does not require course work on grief and loss, and it is possible for counselors to practice without any formal training in the area. The purpose of this article is to highlight the need for additional grief and loss education in the curriculum, provide a brief overview of the current literature surrounding grief and loss, and suggest pedagogical strategies for counselor preparation.  相似文献   

科学素养: 学前科学教育的课程目标   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
学前科学教育应将培养幼儿的科学素养作为课程总目标。幼儿的科学素养主要体现在知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个方面。学前科学教育应致力于培养幼儿的科学态度、科学行为与习惯。  相似文献   

希伯来法作为古代东方法中较有影响的一支法律体系,颇为现代人所忽视。由于社会历史原因和教义要求,希伯来法中对民事活动相近条款的规定则更为清晰,其民事权利义务更为公正,民法精神也更为凸显。在所有权、担保物权、债等一系列规定中,都体现了民事活动中诚实、公平、平等的基本思想。希伯来法对民法的基本精神及某些法律部门、法律制度的形成有重大推动作用。  相似文献   

Despite strong political support for the development of sustainability literacy amongst the UK graduates, embedding sustainability in the higher education curriculum has met with widespread indifference, and in some cases, active resistance. However, opportunities exist beyond the formal curriculum for engaging students in learning about sustainability. Previous research has highlighted the potential of the university campus for experiential, place-based learning about and for sustainability. This has been conceptualised as the ‘informal’ curriculum, consisting of extra-curricular activities and student projects linking estates and operations to formal study. However, the impact of the so-called ‘hidden curriculum’ (the implicit messages a university sends about sustainability through the institutional environment and values) has been overlooked as a potential influence on student learning and behaviour. This article reports on a small-scale research project which utilised a phenomenographic approach to explore students’ perceptions of the ‘hidden sustainability curriculum’ at a leading sustainability university. The findings suggest that helping students deconstruct the hidden campus curriculum may enhance aspects of sustainability literacy; developing students’ understanding about sustainability and creating solutions to sustainability issues, enabling evaluative dialogue around campus sustainability and also self-reflection, which could be transformative and translate into pro-environmental behaviour change. This research is transferable to other contexts.  相似文献   

Cross-linguistic studies provide a unique tool for the identification of universal processes in oral and written language, both in development and in breakdown (Annual Review of psychology, 52, 369–396). Examining the differential strengths and weaknesses of children with dyslexia in contrasting orthographies can help illumine both the more universal aspects of reading disabilities, as well as their individual language-specific attributes. The aim of this study, was to investigate the shared and distinctive characteristics of readers with dyslexia on reading and reading fluency across Hebrew and English orthographies. Differences between 60 Hebrew and English-speaking children with dyslexia on a battery of cognitive, linguistic, and reading measures will be discussed along with theoretical implications.  相似文献   

通识教育核心课程是实行通识教育的最好课程模式,以地方性综合大学为研究对象,通过调查问卷、资料分析法,对不同地方性综合大学的通识教育课程建设现状进行分析,指出通识教育核心课程建设过程中存在的问题为:核心课程的核心地位不明显,内容缺乏跨学科性,实施缺乏足够资源、基金支撑。借鉴综合型重点高校通识教育核心课程实施经验,提出构建方案:按学科设置人文科学与文化、社会科学与道德、自然科学与技术、医药科学与健康、艺术科学与审美和创新精神与创业等6个核心课程板块。保障机制为:确立通识教育核心课程体系在通识教育中的地位、推动核心课程纵深发展、加强课程师资队伍建设、设立专门的课程管理机构。  相似文献   

新世纪以来的俄罗斯基础教育课程改革,以以人为本、公平平等为课程理念,以全面协调、循序渐进为课程目标,以人文关怀、务实应用为课程内容,以负担合理、侧重专业为课程设置的依据,以统一考试、结合专业为课程评价的标准,以三级管理、自主赋权为课程的管理模式,以法律规范、财政投入为课程改革的保障。虽然俄罗斯课程改革取得了一定的效果,但在课程标准的规范、实施难度和教师的财政保障方面仍存在问题。新世纪俄罗斯基础教育课程改革的启示是:制定明确的课程质量标准,课程内容生活化、侧重专业式发展,坚持同一性和多样性的课程评价,加强课程改革的管理保障、法律保障和财政保障。  相似文献   

4/ 3/ 2活动是一种以提高学习者口语流利性为目的而设计的活动。本研究采用语速、发音速度、发音时间比、平均语流长度 ,以及平均停顿长度等五项流利性指标 ,考察了 4 / 3/ 2活动对 10个非英语专业学生英语口语流利性的影响。结果发现 :(1)随着重复次数的增加 ,受试者的语速和发音速度提高 ,发音时间比和平均语流长度增加 ,平均停顿长度减少 ;(2 )在 15组讲述对比中 ,有 12组讲述对比具有显著性 ,这表明受试者后一次讲述的流利性大部分都显著高于前一次讲述的流利性。  相似文献   

我国师范院校教育类课程普遍存在缺乏特色与活力、信息量过小,理论深度不够、反映国内外教育教学改革最新成果滞后的问题.理清基本原理、提高理论水平、充实最新成果,强化实践环节是我国师范院校教育类课程进行改造的当务之急.  相似文献   

In this paper, I seek to ascertain whether critical literacy may have an important and realisable place in current English pedagogy, having first tried to establish what is meant by critical literacy, and what its contexts are for my purposes here, including the nature of initial teacher education (ITE). The paper then reports and reflects on some experiences of a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) English group in exploring elements of critical literacy, and focuses especially on two lessons taught by two members of the PGCE group. Whilst acknowledging that any conclusions must be tentative, I go on to propose that a synthesis may be possible between different traditions of English pedagogy to enable critical literacy more easily to flourish.  相似文献   

While fluent reading is recognized as a primary goal of educational instruction, the methods that best promote the development of fluency remain unclear. Two experiments are reported that examined increases in reading fluency of a novel passage following two types of training. In the context training condition, children learned to read a set of target words in a story context, while in the isolated word training condition, fluency with a target word set was gained from a computerized word naming game. Transfer of fluency to reading these words in a new context was then measured by gains in reading speed, accuracy, and comprehension of a novel story. Results indicated that young readers showed speed benefits on transfer stories following both context and isolated word training, but the increases were larger following context training.  相似文献   


While higher education teachers are able to use information in sophisticated ways to learn and communicate within their disciplines, they may not be accustomed to teaching their students to use information creatively and reflectively to support their work in a course. This article introduces informed learning design, a curriculum design model by which teachers specifically enable students to learn course content through intentional engagement with information. Drawing from informed learning pedagogy and the variation theory of learning, the design model outlines an instructional pattern for enabling student awareness of critical aspects and features of the object being studied related to both information use and course content.  相似文献   

阐述了高职高专学生信息素养和课程整合的涵义和必要性,并对如何培养和提高高职高专学生的信息素养和教师课程整合提出了相应的实施方案。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the 2011 conference of the International Federation for the Teaching of English (IFTE), drawing out implications for the theory and practice of English studies at a time when ‘standards‐based reform’ movements are affecting the practice of teachers in several countries represented at the conference. Focusing firstly on a study of the impact of these developments in Australia, the paper then gives detailed, evaluative accounts of the other main conference presentations. These relate to the teaching of writing, literature and discourse generally, and offer productive alternatives to contemporary tendencies by demonstrating pedagogy that respects the agency and cultural formation of both teacher and student.  相似文献   

体育教师应该根据本校的实际开发出符合学生身心健康发展的体育课程,利用可拓学是体育课程资源开发思维策略生成的有效途径,利用可拓规则对体育教学中的各种物元、基元、关系元转换,使原本不相容事件转化为相容,能够开发出较多的体育课程,并能有效解决体育教师创造性思维缺乏的问题。  相似文献   

The growing U.S. Latino dispersal is allowing for more interactions between students of Spanish and native Spanish speakers. By working with Latino community members, Spanish instructors help meet the standards for foreign language education developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. This article describes 2 projects. In the first, students of Spanish and Latinos come together. Students tutor adult Latinos in ESL, math, and GED and citizenship preparation courses, whereas Latinos help students develop their conversational skills. In the second project, students visit local Latino businesses to make cultural comparisons and learn how Latinos enrich the community.  相似文献   

Behavior issues in the classroom directly relate to the teaching style and the type of interactions between the teacher and students. In particular, Latino/a students need to be engaged in the curriculum content if they are to be successful, both academically and emotionally. If this does not occur, then behavioral issues will arise, which will then feed into the school-to-prison pipeline theory.  相似文献   

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