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Two experiments tested whether exposure to partisan conflict-framed news polarizes news consumers along party lines. Partisan self-categorization and motivated reasoning were examined as potential mediators of this effect. In two samples, path analyses showed that Democrats and Republicans exposed to partisan conflict-framed news adopted more polarized opinions on a disputed issue. This polarization effect was consistently mediated by perceived argument validity, an indicator of motivated reasoning; increased partisan self-categorization also mediated the effect, though less reliably and consistently. Thus, the present study adds to the literature on polarization by providing experimental evidence that exposure to conflict-framed news may contribute to partisan polarization. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

新闻推理与论证的语用逻辑研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抽离语用属性、高度形式化的新闻推理与论证的分析及其评价方式已不能准确刻画、涵盖新闻报道中大量运用的、真实的推理与论证模式。当下非形式逻辑理论正在扩充和修改新闻推理与论证的既有形式化内涵,在并不排斥形式逻辑理性的前提下,致力于发现、分析和发展传受双方在日常新闻报道中所运用的论证标准、程序和模式。这些新闻推理与论证逻辑的语用价值走向对于新闻思维的具体内容和逻辑形式关系的建构有相当的现实意义。  相似文献   

Advances in neuroscience are increasingly intersecting with issues of ethical, legal, and social interest. This study is an analysis of press coverage of an advanced technology for brain imaging, functional magnetic resonance imaging, that has gained significant public visibility over the past ten years. Discussion of issues of scientific validity and interpretation dominated over ethical content in both the popular and specialized press. Coverage of research on higher order cognitive phenomena specifically attributed broad personal and societal meaning to neuroimages. The authors conclude that neuroscience provides an ideal model for exploring science communication and ethics in a multicultural context.  相似文献   

Ethical leadership and ethical decision making in organizations have been the focus of many concerns related to ethics, especially in light of high-profile corporate scandals. The importance of educational preparation for ethical leadership has been highlighted in the general literature and the library and information science literature. This article is based on a meta-analysis of research related to ethics education in business. The meta-analysis considers issues of research design, methodologies used, populations studied and other data analyzed, the nature of the researchers, and the dissemination of the research in the journal literature. It is intended to inform the study of ethics and ethics education in general and in other professional disciplines, such as library and information science. The research results indicate the limited number of research methodologies that have been used in the study of ethics education. Past research has largely focused on undergraduates, particularly in relation to the impact of ethics curricula on their learning/cognitive development and on measures of perceptions and changes in perceptions of ethical issues.  相似文献   

Cognitive mapping is a method typically adopted in ethnographical research to learn about library user behavior and experience in a cross-cultural context. Through reporting practical findings from a case study, where it served as a key method, the usefulness of cognitive mapping in revealing cognitive style and perceptions of the library and in understanding cultural users' behaviors and experiences is explored. Cognitive mapping offers an open exploratory way to help self-reflection of personal contexts regardless of language constraints. As such, it provides for the study of multiple cultural communities. In addition, its potential of usage in a virtual environment is presented. One limitation of this method is the extent to which it can reveal the holistic picture of library experience in isolation. As such, it works well when applied with other data collection techniques to form a flexible yet robust methodological framework to learning about library cultural groups.  相似文献   

While the study of the ethical use of new technologies in journalistic work is imperative given the widespread use of such technology, such studies are few and far between, particularly for the developing world. This paper provides results of an exploratory, qualitative study of Indian journalists’ views about the ethical use of new computer and Internet-based technologies for news gathering and reporting in India. New digital technology was widely accessible to the respondents, but not all journalists were given the tools by their employers. Opinions about ethical news practices using new technology were mixed and revealed a few grey areas. English language national newspapers tended to indicate that their standards were strict and that ethical violations, exacerbated by new technology, occurred mostly in vernacular newspapers. On the whole, respondents had not heard often of other organizations or individuals committing unethical practices such as plagiarism and lack of attribution using new technology. Still, some beliefs indicated uncertainty about ethical practice or breach of ethical principles. The findings of this study have implications for journalism education and on-the-job training of Indian journalists, as well as for formulating ethical codes of journalism, particularly with regard to new media. Indian codes focus more on the roles journalists should play in society and do not provide very specific tactical guidance for everyday news gathering. Coupled with lack of training, this creates a situation where perceptions about journalistic ethics are sometimes vague and variant.  相似文献   

知识图谱研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
漆桂林  高桓  吴天星 《情报工程》2017,3(1):004-025
随着大数据时代的到来,知识工程受到了广泛关注,如何从海量的数据中提取有用的知识,是大数据分析的关键。知识图谱技术提供了一种从海量文本和图像中抽取结构化知识的手段,从而具有广阔的应用前景。本文首先简要回顾知识图谱的历史,探讨知识图谱研究的意义。其次,介绍知识图谱构建的关键技术,包括实体关系识别技术、知识融合技术、实体链接技术和知识推理技术等。然后,给出现有开放的知识图谱数据集的介绍。最后,给出知识图谱在情报分析中的应用案例。  相似文献   

分析关联数据和本体在VIVO系统语义互联中的作用。搭建本地VIVO系统,编辑适应本地数据源结构的当地本体,阐述VIVO本体映射、互操作实现机理,将VIVO作为关联数据的语义互联研究实例,探讨基于关联数据技术和本体互操作的语义互联运行机理及其实现。体现关联数据技术在数字资源的发布、语义互联、语义分析、推理和数据共享方面的重要价值。  相似文献   

As educators and members of the academic community, reference librarians should take a proactive stance toward instructing students about the ethics of information use. The authors summarize the best practices found in the existing library literature, consider the context of ethical information use from a global perspective, and make an argument for the role of librarians. Our goal is to provide a guide for librarians attempting to successfully integrate ethical issues, such as intellectual property and academic integrity, into their reference instruction.  相似文献   

The method of bibliographic coupling in combination with the complete link cluster method was applied for mapping of the field of organic chemistry with the purpose of testing the applicability of a proposed mapping method on the field level. The method put forward aimed at the generation of cognitive cores of documents, so-called ‘bibliographic cliques’ in the network of bibliographically coupled research articles. The defining feature of these cliques is that they can be considered complete graphs where each bibliographic coupling link ties an unordered pair of documents. In this way, it was presumed that coherent groups of documents in the research front would be found and that these groups would be intellectually coherent as well. Statistical analysis and subject specialist evaluations confirmed these presumptions. The study also elaborates on the choice of observation period and the application of thresholds in relation to the size of document populations.  相似文献   


A deliberative democracy is reliant on an informed electorate discussing issues and presenting persuasive arguments. Individuals acquire information from exposure to political messages. Partisan cues, however, undermine learning outcomes. The current study experimentally examines the social cognitive processes that underlie this learning process. Integrating the social identity theory, elaboration likelihood model, and the theory of motivated reasoning to construct the theoretical concept of identity-motivated elaboration, the results indicate that partisan social identities motivate biased processing of new information, which subsequently influences the valence of elaboration. Positively and negatively valenced elaboration are situated as mediating variables in the structural model, which predicts learning from a persuasive political message. The current study extends the partisan social identity hypothesis to the elaborative and learning outcomes of political messages.  相似文献   

The logical tools for formalizing of qualitative sociological data analysis are considered. The capabilities of approaches employing JSM reasoning, a class of cognitive plausible reasoning, and the methods of Boolean algebra are considered and compared.  相似文献   

According to Moral Politics Theory (Lakoff, 1996, 2004, 2006, 2008), a portion of the U.S. population is biconceptual. These citizens subscribe to both the strict-father and nurturant-parent model in their reasoning about ideal families and therefore possess more flexible political attitudes that can shift depending on what family model is brought to the fore of their reasoning through the language used in public discourse. The present study examined whether visual issue framings in terms of a strict-father and nurturant-parent model result in short-term framing effects. Participants were exposed to strict-father and nurturant-parent framings of the issue of bailouts. The results showed that strict-father and nurturant-parent framings led to framing effects and that biconceptuals were susceptible to framings in terms of both models. Furthermore, the author demonstrated that presenting strict fathers with an antibailout argument framed in terms of strict-father values pushed them toward even stronger stances in line with their preheld beliefs (although see Chong & Druckman, 2007; Converse, 1974; Judd & Krosnick, 1982; Payne, 1951; Wehling, 2013; Wehling, Feinberg, Saslow, Melvaer, & Lakoff, 2014). In addition, the results confirmed that subtle changes in visual metaphoric constructions can exert an influence over people's political attitudes.  相似文献   


There are many new methods and ideas for conveying landscape information, particularly over the Internet. While there are very sophisticated tools available, Internet-based mapping packages should nevertheless be both uncomplicated and meaningful. Example map packages inform the argument that principles such as accessibility, format, and interpretation are important to landscape mapping, particularly when it is distributed over the Internet, which is an open and visually efficient medium.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the information literacy (IL) of 310 first- and second-year students enrolled in nine different study programs at the School of Agriculture (Faculty of Agriculture), Novi Sad, Serbia, using an adapted version of a validated IL test (ILT) in an e-environment. Because the school does not provide systematic IL education, another purpose was to raise awareness of the importance of such instruction. ILT results were assessed according to five ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries) standards, as well as three cognitive levels adapted from Bloom's taxonomy. The mean ILT score was 46.35%. Students were most successful in information evaluation and information need identification, and least successful in legal/ethical issues and information use. As expected, IL skills increase from the first to second year of study. Cognitive skills also increase, except for the highest level (applying knowledge), where all student groups are weak. Different study programs attract students with disparate knowledge/skill levels gained during secondary education, where some groups of first-year students may outperform second-year students in both IL and cognitive abilities. It is thus important to offer IL education to all students in order to provide a basis for more balanced academic progress.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new significance for an old method by describing the theory-method fit between complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory and ethnography. Using an example from an ethnographic study of intergroup conflict in joint product development, this paper supports the argument that doing ethnography is necessary to find and analyze empirical evidence for what CAS theory illuminates about the social world. I extend this argument by discussing its importance for communication research. A key question for communication researchers is how system-level events in complex social systems are grounded in and produced by local interactions among individuals. This paper describes and illustrates some important insights that researchers can gain into this question by paying attention to the parallels between CAS theory and ethnography in the investigations of complex communicative phenomena.  相似文献   

In a study of group polarization, Boster and Mayer (1984) found that social comparison information influenced perception of persuasive argument information. In their investigation, however, position of majority was confounded with other of presentation. The present study attempted to replicate Boster and Mayer while varying order of presentation. Results of the present investigation, first, support the persuasive arguments explanation of group polarization. Second, results are inconsistent with an order effect. Finally, results indicate a parallel between the group polarization literature and the cognitive response literature in persuasion.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对国内外多语本体领域映射技术相关研究成果的总结和EuroWordNet案例分析,为国内跨语言信息检索系统映射机制的建立提供借鉴和参考。[方法/过程]选取目前发展较为成熟的多语本体库EuroWordNet作为案例,分别从数据库设计、本体构建、概念存储和多语文化差异的映射处理4个方面对其中间语言索引机制(Inter-Lingual-Index,ILI)进行分析。[结果/结论]嵌入式的数据库结构设计、概念抽取及同义词集对应关系的界定、概念存储的细粒度化和复杂等价关系的建立是建立跨语言信息检索映射机制的关键。  相似文献   

在大数据时代,网购越来越成为人们生活中的一部分,网购中出现的精准广告在给消费者提供便利的同时,也存在着许多伦理问题。本研究通过问卷调查,发现消费者对精准广告中的伦理问题具有较高认知度、低敏感度和较高认可度,总体感知较高,并通过深度访问进一步得出消费者会从安全(Safety)、自愿(Voluntary)、诚信(Integrity)、有益(Beneficial)、多样(Diversity)五个维度进行精准广告伦理感知,并建立消费者伦理感知SVIBD模型。为保护消费者隐私以及解决精准广告的伦理问题,在国家法律、行业自律和消费者三个角度对精准广告的未来发展提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

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