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《Popular Communication》2013,11(4):193-215
This article focuses on a Venezuelan telenovela, El País de las Mujeres (The Country of Women), broadcast to high ratings in Venezuela, Argentina, Peru, Puerto Rico, and the United States. Drawing on feminist media studies and cultural studies, I conducted textual analysis of the serial and in-depth interviews with the production team and audience members. I analyzed the production, mise-en-scene, and consumption of the representations of sexual harassment, domestic abuse, abortion, and homosexuality that are present in this telenovela's storylines. The analysis suggests that the inclusion of topics that have been part of the public debate for some time are accepted by viewers, whereas those that are controversial or not publicly discussed are not readily sanctioned by the audience. In addition, the study illustrates how telenovelas' stories and themes contribute to the public debate about social issues, and how production and consumption, traditionally represented as opposing forces, are deeply articulated.  相似文献   

With the increase in cultural and economic globalization and technological advancements, the very nature of communication has become more fluid. As a result, communication practices move past defining socio-cultural identity to become intercultural capital from which a more constructive bi-cultural identity can emerge. This study compares immigrant and transnational migrant multiliteracies at the transitional age of pre-adolescence, comparing both global and socio-cultural types. The study utilised ethnographic collective case study observation of three Nepalese families in the United Kingdom. The year-long study comparatively investigated; what types of multiliteracies do immigrant and transnational pre-teens participate in? And do these multiliteracies better enable constructive identity through intercultural capital? The research utilised 150 hours of ethnographic observation, meta-historical narratives and semi-structured interviews with three case study families who were transnational Gorkha and immigrant Nepalese in the U.K. Moreover, the study newly categorized three types of multiliteracies relevant to both transnational and immigrant pre-teens: those that are transnational, global cultural and peripheral ritualised multiliteracies. Findings from this article revealed that while pre-adolescences transnationals participated in transnational cultural and globalized multiliteracies, immigrant pre-teens partook predominately in globalized multiliteracies.  相似文献   

This study utilizes critical race theory and critical language socialization to unpack embedded ideologies regarding language usage and immigrant wives’ heritage language transmission within multicultural families in Korea. Specifically, this study unveils hidden structures and beliefs which hinder or promote immigrant women’s use of heritage languages, and its intergenerational transmission. According to Sizemore, the language used by various ethnic group members often reflects their interethnic relationships. Exploring Asian female immigrants’ experiences of marginalization in Korea, this study uncovers the complex interethnic relationship among Asians, as well as show how immigrant wives’ language usage reflects power relations within Korea.  相似文献   

This article offers a synthesis of the multiple approaches and definitions of multicultural education offered in the literature. The article suggests that the presence of so many similar typologies only serves to confuse the reader and obscure the meaning of multicultural education. This confusion is problematic, as it leaves educators in a place of uncertainty about effective educational practice.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a simple normative content analysis of 11 multicultural education textbooks to determine the extent to which disability and deaf culture are represented. In addition, this study examines multicultural education textbooks to assess the extent to which perspectives of members of the disability and deaf communities are represented in the discourse about disabled and deaf persons. Results indicate that on average less than 1% of the total pages of text reviewed addressed or mentioned disability or deaf culture. Of these, it was found that on average about 6% of the pages addressed disability or deaf culture. In addition, inaccurate information was presented and perspectives were often not informed by a substantial body of literature that has emerged in the field of disability studies. It was found that multicultural education textbooks rely heavily on information about persons with disabilities from Special Education that may not be widely accepted by disabled or deaf persons. A follow-up paper examines the implications of the exclusion of disabled and deaf persons and their perspectives from the discourse about the shared and collective disability and deaf experience in favor of a dominant perspective widely held by the nondisabled professional community. Questions are raised about whether this is consistent with the values and goals of multicultural education and teaching. A rationale and recommendations are proposed for engaging disabled and deaf persons about their shared and collective experience and for promoting cultural competence and proficiency with respect to the disability and Deaf experience in multicultural education.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes and discussing the findings of two content analyses of introductory textbooks to special education and multicultural education conducted to determine the extent to which disability and Deaf culture are represented and discussed. Findings of both studies indicated minimal discussion of Disability and Deaf culture, a heavy reliance on perspectives of persons who are not disabled or Deaf about the Disability and Deaf experience, and inaccurate representations and information about Disability and Deaf culture. This paper is a follow-up discussion of the implications of the findings of these studies. A rationale and recommendations for supporting a cultural understanding of the Disability and Deaf experience are presented. In addition, recommendations are suggested for engaging disabled and deaf persons about their shared and collective experience and for promoting cultural competence and proficiency with respect to the Disability and Deaf experience.  相似文献   

The complexity of learning science rests in the fact that it not only possesses a unique lexicon and discourse but also that it ultimately entails a way of knowing. This article involves a case study that examines the academic engagement and perceptions of a group (N = 30) of high school students regarding their science literacy practices. These students were participating in an Engaging Latino Communities in Education (ENLACE) program whose purpose is to increase Latina/o high school graduation rates and assist them with college entrance requirements. The students were enrolled in different science classes to fulfill the science requirements for graduation. The primary research question—What kind of science classroom learning environment supports science-literate identities for ENLACE students?—was juxtaposed with a corollary question: What does multicultural education mean for the science classroom? We incorporate Banks's (2016) five dimensions of multicultural education as interpretative lenses. Overall findings suggest that when Latina/o students are engaged in meaningful laboratory investigations and inquiry activities and when the teaching resembles that of culturally responsive instruction, they are more likely to develop a science-literate identity.  相似文献   

This article examines a sample of educational source materials meant to be used to foster the inclusion of Arab American components in multicultural curriculum. Even though the materials examined can be thought of as good sources (in that they did not provide outright biased misinformation), the authors identify three general areas of concern: (a) conflating, (b) essentializing, and (c) normalizing. Conclusions and recommendations include the need for more focused source material on limited subject areas, focused curriculum development on particular cultural groups, and the use of multicultural materials to promote cultural self-reflection rather than emphasizing the objectification of other groups. Although the focus of this article is on Arab American source materials, our findings can be generalized to source materials on other cultural and ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Historically, words are powerful! In many cases, they are used appropriately when we value people and used inappropriately when we hate them. As a result, they have become powerful tools in multicultural education and interactions. In today's changing world with demographic shifts in power and paradigm, the society is bombarded with words that hate and words that love. As it appears, words are used to satisfy jaundiced and myopic views, and they are constructs that frequently lead to labels, stereotypes, and illusory generalizations. While we do not advocate policing or legislating words, we advocate words that can help individuals to maximize their fullest potential in our multicultural society. In this article, we advance this premise and suggest ways to increase multicultural education in schools and communities.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined preservice teacher perception on the modeling of principles of multicultural education at a university of predominantly White students. Preservice teachers (N = 79) at the end of a multicultural education course responded to a survey based on the principles of multiculturalism. The students conducted an 8-week evaluation of the modeling or integration of multiculturalism in their teacher education classes. Statistical analysis indicated that 95.4% of preservice teachers perceived an integration of instructional principles of multicultural education, whereas 69% perceived integration of curricular principles of multicultural education. Findings suggested that diversity is a critical element of multiculturalism in the teacher education program needing attention.  相似文献   

The present study considered the reliability and validity of the 78-item revised version of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire, a multidimensional instrument aimed at measuring multicultural effectiveness of expatriate employees and students. The questionnaire includes scales for cultural empathy, open-mindedness, emotional stability, social initiative and flexibility. Participants were native and foreign students of an international business school (N=171) in the Netherlands. The MPQ scales appeared to be more strongly predictive of adjustment of international students as compared to native students. Moreover, the instrument was able to explain variance in students’ adjustment beyond self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Major troubling contours of neoliberalism and high-stakes education have common features. Consequently, the author discusses how multicultural education can serve as praxis for collective empowerment in a globalized context. The author asserts that equitable representation and localized multicultural knowledge production are the foundation of a transformative democracy and engaged citizenry.  相似文献   

张晓涧  萧立广 《寻根》2010,(1):108-110
<正>在远古的历史传说中,有一位君主(部落联盟长)叫做葛天氏,其生活年代约在有巢氏之后、伏羲氏之前(见《帝王世系》),其活动地区约在今河南、山东一带。  相似文献   

Although many commentators emphasize the fact that when the arguments about quality of life in a particular place are brought about, “the value of music is found … in making the city a place in which people wish to live” (Blake & Jeffery, 2000 Blake, A. and Jeffery, G. 2000. Commentary: The implications of “The value of music in London” for local and regional music policy. Cultural Trends, 38: 3540. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). However, there are still only a handful of studies investigating different aspects of the cultural industries in Poland. The research reported in this article aims to investigate Polish musicians' perceptions of their current situation in the music industry, and their opinions on the changing nature of the production and consumption of music in Poland. A series of interviews were done with a cross-section of different generations of musicians. Their analysis shows a number of key themes emerging, which are discussed in the article. They broadly cover four major issues: the current situation of musicians, the music business, education and society. Recommendations for policy makers are indicated.  相似文献   

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