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This study examines whether professional journalists reason differently about moral problems when primed with their professional identity. This between-subjects experiment (N?=?171) used the Defining Issues Test, a much-used and validated instrument that measures moral reasoning. The results show identity priming does not affect how journalists apply ethics. The study also found that journalists score far lower in moral reasoning than they did 13 years ago. These results are interpreted through the lens of social identity theory.  相似文献   

This study is a chapter in a larger work, in which the authors explore how eight college-educated Asian American professional men negotiate the model minority image to present the performative constructions of their multiple identities within the racialized and gendered context of U.S. organizations where they work. The authors first discuss the participants' perceptions of how others view their social identities as part of a homogenized concept, regardless of their diverse Asian American subjectivities. Then, they examine how the participants engage in performative aspects of the model minority image to promote positive impressions on others and to empower themselves in U.S. organizations. Exploring the subjective standpoint of being the model minority in the context of mainstream organizations, the authors aim to further reconsider the concept of identity as relational in the context of intercultural interactions.  相似文献   

新闻史人物(如名记者、名报人)研究过去30年成果显著,但多集中在对各个人物新闻实践、新闻思想和历史贡献的介绍、概括与评价层面,缺乏对其职业心灵的研究,因而导致研究中没有人,也难以发现真正的记者。本文主张引入职业社会学中的职业认同概念,通过对新闻史人物职业动机、情感、态度、认知、身份等认同要素的考察,呈现其从业过程中的动机、追求、情感甚或苦衷,以还原历史情景,展示历史研究的丰富性。  相似文献   

本文区分了当下我国记者的四种职业角色及其特征:宣传者、参与者、营利者和观察者。勾勒出我国记者职业角色的变迁及其趋势。这四种职业角色共存,共同影响着我国新闻界的现状及走势。  相似文献   

上世纪九十年代以来,由于体育新闻报道专业理性的缺失,相当多的中国体育报道唯感性化,甚至媚俗化,这在体育记者的采访提问中表现得非常明显,本文将目前中国体育记者提问的误区归纳为四个方面:专业素质缺乏,难以触及核心新闻事实;诱导倾向明显,采访对象无法畅所欲言;追求猎奇效应,记者人文关怀意识淡漠;八卦问题泛滥,娱乐功能异化媚俗风行。  相似文献   

A syllabus study was conducted to gain insight into the library use expectations of faculty for undergraduate accounting students. The findings were compared to the professional competencies articulated by Canadian professional accounting association competency maps, and there was an expectations gap. All three competency maps referred to a set of professional skills that, when mapped to the Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, were equivalent to information competence, yet the majority of courses taught required very little library use. This study contributes to the literature as the first to map the ACRL's standards to Canadian professional accounting association competencies.  相似文献   

Italian soccer clubs in the first division have individually sold broadcasting rights for their home matches, until new laws imposed pooling and joint-selling those rights through the league and established a mandatory sharing rule to redistribute revenues in order to improve on-the-pitch competitive balance (CB). This article compares the two institutional designs. While reducing revenue inequality, the new regime distorts allocative efficiency and informational rent appropriation, opens up costly ex post renegotiations and antitrust litigations, and does not improve CB.  相似文献   

论礼仪与图书馆职业道德的辩证关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
礼仪,对于一个图书馆来说,它是一种代表群体形象的道德表征;而对于一个图书馆员而言,则能真实透视出他的文化修养、理想追求、审美观念的差异和整个内心世界的真善美。礼仪与图书馆职业道德的关系是辩证的。较高的礼仪素养有助于树立良好的图书馆员形象,有助于提升图书馆员的人格魅力;有助于实现图书馆职业道德的社会价值,有助于形成图书馆职业道德的重要准则。为处理好礼仪与图书馆职业道德的关系,应着重解决三个方面的问题。首先,制定有效的图书馆礼仪规范,提升图书馆员整体素质;其次,加强图书馆礼仪教育,建立具有时代精神的新型礼育体系;再次,注重培养图书馆员健全的人格,优化性格品质。因此,礼仪是当前加强道德建设,加快实现和谐社会,提升和完善图书馆职业道德的基本途径。  相似文献   

This article seeks to shed some light on the nonprofit business model by considering empirical data from one area of the media industry where nonprofits make up a sizable segment: periodical publishing. The primary context for this study is the body of economic research into the effects of organizational structure on firm behavior, which is used to propose hypotheses about nonprofit periodicals. The results highlight management challenges that nonprofits face.  相似文献   

The author received a ten‐month Fulbright grant to lecture in Ukraine on digital library concepts. In this article she shares her observations and experiences gathered by visiting libraries and librarians all over the country. After 17 years of Ukrainian independence, the libraries are generally in a better situation than they were immediately after the breakup of the Soviet Union. However, they are also in a state of great transition as they rethink their role in society and grapple with new information technologies.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):331-353
Throughout much of the twentieth century, the image of the organization man dominated the cultural imagination and undergirded capitalist organizing. Yet, in the last 20 years, there has been a signal shift away from the organization man and toward the entrepreneur as an ideal. Although scholars have suggested that entrepreneurship in the new economy is rooted in neoliberal ideology, I argue that neoliberalism alone does not account for the ease with which entrepreneurialism has become a dominant discourse. By critically examining entrepreneurial discourse as communicated through US business periodicals from 2000 to 2009, I present a case for the “entrepreneurial man” as formed at the partial inclusion and/or rejection of aspects of the self made man, organization man, and neoliberalism. Ultimately, this analysis critiques the entrepreneurial man archetype as a rejection of the social contract and the embracing of a privatized, entrepreneurial American dream.  相似文献   

"Moral treatment" designates a period in American psychiatry in the first half of the nineteenth century when retreats and asylums, following the example of the York Retreat in England, began to offer humane care to the mentally ill. Patients had a close and personal relationship with the hospital superintendent or the resident physician; positive behavior was rewarded and patients were expected to exercise self-control. Moral treatment was marked by a well-ordered daily routine in which patients followed a therapeutic regimen of work and leisure activities. Reading was regarded as both therapeutic and recreational, and was highly recommended. For this reason, retreats and asylums maintained book collections and considered library services an important aspect of the patients' therapeutic program. This paper examines patients' library activities in eight early nineteenth-century mental hospitals where moral treatment was practiced.  相似文献   

文章对涉及信息共享空间的会议作了全面清点,对其研究现状与实践进展进行分析,旨在全面了解信息共享空间的发展历程、现状进展,希望对今后的研究与实践有所裨益.  相似文献   

论文在回顾职业道德之由来的基础上,着重对美国图书馆职业道德的形成与发展进行了探讨,介绍了其基本守则及演变,指出社会的发展与图书馆环境的变化是其发展变化的根本原因。  相似文献   

赫伯特·普特南是美国公共图书馆运动的杰出领袖,为美国图书馆事业的发展做出了突出的贡献。在明尼阿波利斯图书馆和明尼阿波利斯公共图书馆,他注重为读者购买图书并把读者吸引到图书里来;在波士顿公共图书馆,他重视图书馆与社区民众的关系,开展了一系列卓有成效的读者服务工作;在国会图书馆,他致力于馆藏建设,创立国会图书馆分类法,开展联合编目和馆际互借,领导美国图书馆协会战时服务工作。参考文献23。  相似文献   

美国新闻集团是当今世界上规模最大,国际化程度最高的综合性传媒娱乐集团之一。根据其网站提供的最新数据,截止2005年6月30日,其总资产接近550亿美元,年总收入接近240亿美元。作为一个综合性的传媒集团,新闻集团如何建构自己的业务?这些业务有哪些特点?本文拟对这些问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

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