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教育是一个使教育者和受教育者变得更完善的职业,而且只有当教育者自觉地完善自己时,才能更有利于学生的完善与发展。在职教师培训是完善教育者的一种方法。如何让现阶段的教师培训更有效,让教师培训切实成为教师的教育实践与教育教学理论沟通的桥梁,通过从课堂的评价——理论学习——反思教学——校本研修这四个环节入手,对提高培训的有效性进行一定的理论探讨。  相似文献   

As the national teacher education institute in Singapore, the National Institute of Education (NIE) prepares all teachers seeking to be employed within the education service in Singapore. In the last decade, NIE's enrolment for initial teacher preparation programmes has grown significantly, with peaks in numbers during the recession years. There is also some evidence of attrition when beginning teachers complete their 3-year bond with the Ministry of Education, which sponsors their teacher education programme. It is thus important to determine empirically the reasons why pre-service teachers join the teaching profession, to see whether this can inform us about measures that can be taken to ensure they stay on in the profession. As part of a longitudinal study on beginning teachers' attitudes towards teaching and professional development, a research survey, the first of three data collections, was administered to whole cohorts of pre-service teachers entering NIE's three main teacher preparation programmes in July 2004. This paper presents the survey findings on pre-service teachers' reasons for choosing teaching as a career and discusses the differences between cohorts of different programmes. The implications of the study are discussed in terms of informing future policy and practice in the areas of teacher recruitment, retention and professional development.  相似文献   

The Continuing Education System of the American Institute of Architects offers a way for architects to fulfill their US-based continuing education requirements while they are abroad through a network of Providers and the availability of distance education. The American Institute of Architects provides resources and assistance for architects interested in international practice. It recognizes the ways in which globalization trends within the profession will have an impact upon and affect professional continuing education. The Continuing Education System of the American Institute of Architects has the ability to make an impact internationally as it successfully forms partnerships for trade, education, and practice. The Continuing Education System has the potential to be the primary force behind reciprocity of professional development throughout the design profession while serving as a model for other professions.  相似文献   


This paper traces the history of the participation of women in education and the teaching profession to the mid‐nineteenth century when Western education was Introduced in Nigeria. It shows how cultural and religious traditions as well as economic factors prevented the effective involvement of women in teaching. The author then examines the increasing recruitment of women into teaching and the trend in the teachers’ colleges where women's enrolment often outstrips that of men. Research evidence reveals that reasons for this development are due neither to improved teaching service conditions nor to a growing interest in the profession. The main reason is the desire to use certificates from Colleges of Education for easier entry into universities to obtain degrees and Jobs, often outside teaching. The administrative and professional implications of the situation are discussed and recommendations made to meet the challenge.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Each year an overwhelming number of students apply to join teacher training courses to become primary school teachers in Brunei Darussalam. This article analyses some of the factors that teacher trainees find attractive in the teaching profession. Among 25 factors listed in a questionnaire, the factors concerning more opportunity to further education through the BA Education course received the highest score. Other factors considered important were classified under various categories such as status of teaching, salaries, conditions of service and benefits. Under these categories, it was revealed that teacher status, respect by community and salaries were among the dominant factors that influenced teacher trainees’ attraction to teaching. The article concludes with implications for the teaching profession in Brunei Darussalam particularly in issues pertaining to continuing education for teachers.  相似文献   

This article sets out a proposal for raisins quality in teacher education and so for quality in our schools. The current system of teacher education is heavily regulated by CATE — the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education — which has been established by the DES to ensure quality. Paradoxically, these regulations may actually limit quality rather than enhancing it because they are principally concerned with quantity and balance rather than with process. So the paper argues that a better way must be found in which the processes involved in becoming a teacher, and the structures which shape the system, may assist each other. The components needed for raising quality are already within the system, but need nonetheless a radical re‐adjustment if quality is to be raised. The proposals made here concern the potential within CATE to become a national professional council for the teaching service as well as for teacher education; for making it a requirement on teachers to read for the Masters degree as part of their professional qualification; and for the consequent integration of pre‐service and in‐service teacher education.  相似文献   

This study investigated the longitudinal changes in the attitudes of pre‐service primary education teachers towards the teaching profession as they progressed through training. The results indicate that there is a significant difference in pre‐service teachers’ attitudes towards the profession between their freshman and senior years. Moreover, the findings obtained through interview data have shown that both positive and negative changes occur in pre‐service teachers’ attitudes towards teaching throughout their education, and these changes are observed to be related to teaching practice, cooperating teachers, teacher education institutions and teacher educators.  相似文献   

In line with the Ministry of Education's vision of the delivery of twenty-first century competencies amongst all students in Singapore, the National Institute of Education in Singapore employs service learning as a pedagogical tool to develop community outreach and engagement. This paper begins with a review of related literature on service learning as a means of enhancing the quality of pre-service teacher education programmes internationally. It then looks at how the teaching of the English language may be used as a principal means by which students can make an impact on a local community of their choice in the Singaporean context. It draws attention to the nexus of theory and practice via highlighting three service-learning projects where the vital relationship between the pedagogical methods area of study known as Curriculum Studies on English Language Teaching and the opportunity to practise English language teaching outside the traditional clinic field experience offered through practicum posting are presented. The paper concludes with the proposition that service learning promotes active citizenry and moral education of youth and allows student teachers an opportunity to build deep partnerships with the community even before they step into the teaching profession as full-fledged teachers.  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which the development of alternative initial teacher education programs in England and Canada over the last two decades serve to challenge some of the taken-for-granted assumptions underlying established models of initial teacher education in both jurisdictions, and also to broaden the pool of people who have access to the profession. The article offers a brief, initial account of the development of a standard model of initial teacher education in both countries that is characterized as being: university governed and university based; primarily full-time; incorporating a standard curriculum, with admission requirements that generally reflect the traditional academic expectations of the university; and which is funded jointly by the student and the state. Against this standard model the article examines the development of alternative or flexible models in both Canada and England. Three programs are described in some detail – The Brandon University Northern Teacher Education Program, The University of Manitoba’s Weekend College Teacher Education Program, and The University of Nottingham’s Flexible, Modularized Post-Graduate Certificate in Education Program – and each is examined in terms of the ways in which it challenges the assumptions embedded in traditional teacher education programs. At a time when attracting talented and committed teachers constitutes an important issue facing public education systems in both countries, the ability to construct high quality initial teacher education programs that can provide access to the profession to as wide a cross-section of the population as possible will be an important contribution to meeting this challenge.  相似文献   

The physical education teacher education community in Ireland has developed Beginning Teacher Standards for Physical Education (BTSfPE) at the post-primary (secondary) level. This study explored teacher educators' perspectives on how the BTSfPE could be implemented and considered the possible impact on the profession within the discourses of power. Data collection involved semi-structured interviews with teacher educators in physical education (n = 13). Data were analysed inductively and trustworthiness issues were considered. Participants suggested that the teaching standards could serve as a developmental tool to guide individual teacher education programmes and beginning teachers as well as an assessment function to support quality assurance and to hold programmes accountable. The teacher educators were committed to addressing issues of quality and status in physical education in Ireland. However, an agreed vision of how the teaching standards would be used to develop and regulate the profession is necessary to ensure that the intended benefits emerge.  相似文献   

职业道德教育是高等职业技术院校学生德育工作的重点,高职院校面对这一重点工作.应认识到对学生进行职业道德教育的必要性和重要性,明确学生职业道德教育的主要内容,采取有效途径加强对学生的职业道德教育,培养出德才兼备的学生。  相似文献   

When hopelessness and helplessness become recurring themes in teacher education scholarship, this signals a conceptual problem with the question of autonomy in the profession. In this essay, Alice Pitt argues that breakdowns of professional life belong to what is most subjective in the profession. Pitt opens her analysis of this conundrum by examining some earlier formulations of the problem of learning a profession. Next, she explores four orientations to the role of education in modern life and examines an interview with a beginning teacher as a way to think about autonomy in its emotional as well as rational qualities. A reconfigured autonomy suggests that education is more than a site of the failure of the Enlightenment promise to advance reason's dominance in the organization of social life. Education, in its professional, practical, and experiential realms, reveals the dynamic qualities of the limits of reason, according to Pitt. She concludes that a constitutive alterity at the heart of the educational project renders the profession a significant site for ongoing investigation of the human condition and the play of autonomy.  相似文献   

周勇 《北京大学教育评论》2012,10(2):179-186,192
如何界定学科属性与专业内涵、树立学术声誉与专业影响,是教育学院发展的首要难题.哈佛教育研究生院的办学历程显示,由于无法超越大学校长、文理学术界和基金会等外界力量的影响,教育学院只得不断变换教育学的学科界定与专业内涵.教育学院因此而得以发展,其代价却是从未将教育学的学科属性与专业内涵确定下来.不过,只要教育学院在不断完善学科与专业建构的同时,还能在大学、基础教育界乃至社会积累更强大的学术势力,便可以持续推进学科与专业发展,进而争取更好的学术声誉与专业影响.  相似文献   

论高等职业教育公共英语教学的服务性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈水生 《成人教育》2007,(10):86-87
忽视差异,在理想的目标下教学是目前高等职业教育英语教学严峻的现实,其根本在于忽略了公共英语课程在高等职业教育中的核心问题——服务性。公共英语的服务性是高等职业教育的基础要求,公共英语职业性是高等职业教育外语教学的本质。公共外语服务性与职业性在高等职业教育中的融合途径应是:不同生源学习不同的英语;不同的专业学习不同的英语;不同的学习目标学习不同的英语。  相似文献   

作为培养未来教师的主要基地,师范大学教育学院有责任也有义务认真搞好教师教育。但是,通过调查发现,目前我国师范大学教育学院存在人才培养目标定位狭窄、人才培养层次较低、专业与课程设置脱离基础教育、师资构成不合理等问题。在教师教育大学化、专业化等背景下,师范大学应该采取提高教育学院的整体地位,调整教育学院人才培养目标,提升教育学院人才培养层次,按不同任教阶段、不同学科调整专业和课程,合理调整教师教育师资队伍等策略实现转型。  相似文献   

教育就是服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前教育的主要矛盾是人民大众日益增长的接受优质教育服务的强烈需求与教育资源匮乏 ,与低质量、低效益、欠公平的学校教育之间的矛盾。为了获得更多的发展机会和更好的职业前途 ,人们愿意为自己和子女投资教育。这反映了教育市场自愿交易的关系正在形成。教育要为每个愿意接受教育的人提供优质的教育服务。教育是特殊的服务 :知识服务、专业服务、促进人的发展是服务的宗旨 ;文化服务体现服务品味的高尚性 ;精神性是服务产品的显著特征 ;学校的品牌与声誉是服务质量的象征。优质的服务赢得顾客的满意 ,学校在优质的服务中实现增值。  相似文献   

教育是塑造灵魂与滋润心灵的,教育的崛起与完善决定着现代人的成长与发展。正确认识教育的理性内涵与"师道尊严"的文化传统,反观传统教育"师道尊严"的现状与问题,探寻并梳理出构建新时代新型师生关系的必要性与新内涵:"尊师重学"有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

The process and structure of medical education is of continuing concern to the medical profession, governmental agencies and the public at large in most societies. In this context we present the following article, written specially for “Higher Education in Europe”, on the new form of medical training in Israel, which began at the Ben‐Gurion University in 1974. The article was written by Dr. Robert Cohen.  相似文献   

统一司法考试作为连接法学教育和法律职业的纽带,对中国现行的法学教育带来了重大影响。它架起了法学教育与法律职业之间的桥梁,改变了长期以来法学教育与法律职业脱节的现象。它不仅是司法和法律服务走向专业化的第一步,也是法学教育事业赖以生存的基础。  相似文献   

法学教育的目标应当根据教育层次的不同而有所区别。高职的法律实务专业应当定位于辅助性法律职业教育。高职法律实务专业毕业生应当从事为法律职业人提供辅助性法律专业服务的职业或者从事基础性法律事务。如书记官、律师助理、基层司法所工作人员、社区法律服务人员。辅助性法律职业教育的重要特征就是实践性。法律技能培训应成为高职法律事务专业教育的鲜明特色。  相似文献   

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