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古村落社区旅游的另一种思路--借鉴台湾社区营造经验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综合国内外社区旅游研究文献,借鉴台湾社区营造的经验,提出了古村落社区旅游的另一种思路.从社区发展的角度来理解旅游,并不是所有的古村落都宜于把旅游业作为社区发展的增长点,而应通过社区自主能力的培植,结合科研机构和学术专家的积极参与,政府构建社区旅游整合的平台,将社区发展与旅游发展相融合.形成社区和旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

提出一个具有集团性质的合作网络模型,其演化机制不仅包含新演员与集团内的演员合作,还包含新演员与集团外的演员之间的合作.根据主方程方法和平均场方法,证明了该模型生成的演员合作投影网络的度分布具有幂律尾部,演员参与电影数量的概率分布律也具有幂律尾部.该网络呈现无标度特征.  相似文献   

世纪之交美国社区学院的发展动向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪末期,随着经济全球化、知识经济及学习化社会的到来,美国的社区教育面临经济和社会发展的极大挑战。为了应对新的形势,各社区学院纷纷进行改革,先后开展了重建社区、服务性学习、合同培训等实践,社区学院的职能和使命不断变化和拓展,充分体现了社区教育的实用性、适应性、灵活性等特点和为社区服务的宗旨。  相似文献   

社区学院是最早在欧美应运而生的成人高等教育机构,其主要职能是高等职业教育、大学转学教育、补偿教育、社区教育和人文素质教育。20世纪90年代中期以来,我国许多省、市、区主要依托电大相继成立了社区学院,并取得了良好的社会效益。近年来,在我国创建学习型社会,构建终身教育体系的过程中,社区学院发展遇到观念、定位、管理等许多问题,必须通过加大宣传、加强管理等策略加以解决。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的发展,知识管理正逐步成为高等学校教师教育研究的新视角,并成为促进高校教师共同体发展的另一条新途径。文章主要以知识管理对高校教师共同体的知识分享与创新为着眼点,立足于高校教师共同体发展,并从组织和个人双纬度层面探讨高校教师共同体的知识管理及其达成。  相似文献   

目前网络社区已经成为继宿舍社区之后的又一大学生主要学习和生活社区。大学生网络社区的出现已经引起各高校的关注,尽管网络社区在高校中日益引起关注,但是至今并没有相关的思想政治教育措施来管理和协调网络社区。此次问卷调查是为了充分了解网络社区对当代大学生的影响,以期通过网络更好的建构和谐学习和思想政治环境,用正确的思想政治教育引导网络社区的发展。  相似文献   

周阳 《安阳工学院学报》2011,10(1):23-24,42
我国社区建设的兴起,一方面是我国社会经济、政治发展到一定阶段的必然产物;另一方面又是政府出自管理需要推动的结果,它的路径选择更多是自上而下,这样就必然导致社区行政化的产生。要改变这一状况,必须引入治理理念。  相似文献   

赵向华 《成人教育》2012,32(9):85-87
目前,我国正在如火如荼地进行新农村建设,农村社区教育应根据人的发展规律为新农村建设培养人才。但是,培养"臣民"或"人民"的传统东方式社区教育,以及培养"市民"或"公民"的现代西方式社区教育,都有其无法克服的巨大弊端。我们应跳出这两种极端化取向,设想一种旨在培养现代"公众"的新型公社教育,从而克服农村社区教育的尴尬境遇,为我国农村社区教育提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

语言演变的过程模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
演变的主要过程模式有 :个体无意识变异——部分人有意识 /无意识模仿变异——群体有意识 /无意识模仿变异——泛群体无意识自然变异——全社团无意识自然变异。另一种过程模式的第一步是个体有意识变异 ,其他与第一种过程模式相同。并不是所有的语言演变都会完成 ,有的演变在中途就中断了  相似文献   

This study examines part-time students' perceptions of collaborative community in a graduate, multidisciplinary, education department where courses are offered on multiple campuses. Perceptions of community are synonymous with friendship, involvement, cohesion, communication, and trust. These feelings are affected more by campus location, program area, and credits earned than by age, race or sex. The knowledge students gain fuels the trust, communication, and cohesiveness that in turn, facilitate the collaborative process. Students value this as part of their professionalization process, desire opportunities to build relationships with one another outside the classroom, and suggest ways to facilitate community.  相似文献   

中国共产党在延安局部执政时期创造出比较和谐的社会氛围,其中群众社团在构建延安的政治文明、经济文明、精神文明、社会文明"四位一体"的和谐社会方面扮演了十分重要的角色。其中政治性社团在构建延安和谐社会的政治文明;经济性社团在夯实延安和谐社会的物质文明;文化性社团在营造延安和谐社会的精神文明;社会性社团在发展延安和谐社会的社会文明等方面都起了积极的作用,给我们留下很多宝贵的经验。总结这一时期的成功经验,对我们今天在改革开放关键期如何减少、规避群体性社会冲突事件的发生,构建和谐社会意义重大。  相似文献   

Children today live in different cultural settings. The pre-school culture is one of them and the media culture outside the pre-school another. These cultures are in different ways characterised by opposite and often even conflicting traditions. This article shows how educators and children handle this dilemma by using interaction as a tool to bring changes into the discourse in an educational setting while making stories in the pre-school by means of the multimedia functions of the computer. The interactional processes from three observations are described. In the discussion a comparison with another study with a constructivist point of departure is made. The comparison between the two studies showed contrasting results. The use of a socio-cultural perspective in the presented project make the context and the community visible, while the other study with its underlying assumptions of individually constructed knowledge make context and community invisible.  相似文献   

苏珊·雷诺兹是当代英国著名史学家,她从集体行为和集体意识的角度重新界定了共同体概念,因而扩大了共同体的含义。从这个角度,她把中世纪看作是由诸多共同体构成的社会。按这一认识,中世纪的领地、城市、王国本身,都是某种共同体。这种意义上的共同体与中世纪社会基本制度的关系并非二元对立,而是内在统一的。共同体在不同程度上维护着共同体成员的共同利益,体现着共同体成员共有的价值观念,但共同体并不是挣脱了封建制度和权力强制的自由、平等的小社会。中世纪人对王权的认同和对王国的归属感,以及王国政府对社会成员的集体行为和集体意识的依赖,表明各王国也呈现出共同体的很多特点。雷诺兹的诸多认识挑战了有关中世纪共同体问题研究的整个学术传统,向人们展现了另一个中世纪,富有启发意义,同时也留下了一些有待进一步探寻的问题。  相似文献   


This study was designed to explore the relationship of selected attitudinal variables among community college faculty members, using a framework derived from symbolic interaction of theory. A survey questionnaire was administered to 627 faculty members in five Pennsylvania community colleges in autumn of 1973. Attitudinal variables are operationally defined through the use of factor analysis, and are related to one another and to socialization experience and reference group identity proxy variables through multiple and partial correlational analysis. Hypotheses concerning variations in attitudes toward the community college philosophy and orientations toward education as consequences of differences in socialization experiences and reference group identities are supported.  相似文献   

This paper describes results of a five‐year statewide follow‐up study of first‐time, full‐time community college students and documents the academic and career progress of these students from first entry into college to subsequent experiences after leaving the community college. Results detail students’ success in reaching their personal, academic, and career objectives and describe the variables affecting progress in achieving those objectives. Over 75% had achieved their original educational objective and, if starting again, 80% would attend the same community college. Lack of funds, change in life‐style, or a change in goals were most often cited as the reasons for not achieving educational objectives. One surprising finding was that 27% of respondents transferred from one Kansas community college to another during the course of the study. Additional studies are indicated to identify continuing educational pursuits of students who formerly may have been assumed to be community college dropouts.  相似文献   

Community college presidents face an uphill struggle in preparing their institutions for the rapidly changing technological learning environment. Visionary presidents in rural community colleges are presented with yet another challenge: that of finding themselves on the wrong side of the digital divide. This article describes how presidents of 12 rural community colleges in the mountains of western North Carolina formed a technology consortium to collaboratively address critical technology issues. Integral steps in the joint venture were a combined assessment and planning process authorized by the presidents, formation of the Western North Carolina Technology Consortium, and an e-commerce project designed to meet the needs of small busi-nesses and entrepreneurs in the region. Lessons learned and implications for practice are presented for community college presidents seeking ways to collaborate.  相似文献   

Recently, community coalitions have grown in size, scope, and popularity in response to increasing demands for community-based involvement. Despite this trend, little is known about the ubiquitous role communication plays in the creation of community coalition missions, goals, and enactment practices. In addition, few studies have focused on the symbolic discourse of vital, active community groups. This study examines how coalition members have symbolically converged around a shared vision, which has unintentionally affected group sustenance. Fantasy theme analysis identifies two distinct visions in competition with one another, highlighting possible group dysfunction and decline. This communicative analysis of the group's symbolic life, coupled with a practical look into group effectiveness, bridges the gap between functionalist and interpretive approaches to studying organizational groups.  相似文献   

This study explored psychological factors in the context of a community college population purported to impact decisions to remain in college from one semester to another. Researchers examined results from 1191 responses from students attending a community college in the Mid-Atlantic United States. The study further explored the predictive power of four factors—career decision self-efficacy, career locus of control, education-employment connection, and intent to return—on both intent to return and on actual return to the college. Results indicated that intent to return was significantly predictive of actual return among this community college population. Additionally, age and gender differences, along with differences in the various psychological factors had differential impacts on each other, as well as on intent to return and subsequent return. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

张爱玲围绕男女争战故事中的女性,铺写了月、花、饰物、颜色、音响、戏曲六个意象群落,它们彼此关联,形成一个更大的女性意象群落。就后三个群落而论,它们从不同侧面展示了“意象化”客观叙事的复杂性与多样性。颜色因其存在广泛,在小说中随处可见,承担的叙事功能最多;音响中的贩声是一个独特的叙事时间意象;戏曲则给小说带来互文性特征。  相似文献   

冲突与合作:主权国家与非政府组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家是国际社会的主要行为体,国家的基本特征是拥有主权。在相当长的一段时间内,国家不允许自身的权威受到挑战。但是,这种状况在全球化背景下发生了改变。非政府组织作为国际社会行为体出现,并以日益强大的力量影响着其他国际政治行为体,包括国家行为体。于是,国际社会就不可避免地构成一对矛盾:国家与非政府组织的矛盾。这对矛盾由于全球化趋势的干预显得与众不同。一方面非政府组织是作为国家的对立物出现,也就是说非政府组织是政府失灵的产物,另一方面非政府组织常常借助国家而运转;国家一方面并不喜欢非政府组织的指指画画,另一方面还是默认非政府组织的存在,甚至有时借助非政府组织达到政府的目的。双方既冲突又合作,构成了国际政治的独特景观。  相似文献   

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