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In this study, we examined preservice teacher perception on the modeling of principles of multicultural education at a university of predominantly White students. Preservice teachers (N = 79) at the end of a multicultural education course responded to a survey based on the principles of multiculturalism. The students conducted an 8-week evaluation of the modeling or integration of multiculturalism in their teacher education classes. Statistical analysis indicated that 95.4% of preservice teachers perceived an integration of instructional principles of multicultural education, whereas 69% perceived integration of curricular principles of multicultural education. Findings suggested that diversity is a critical element of multiculturalism in the teacher education program needing attention.  相似文献   

The adoption and teaching of multicultural education appears not to have transformed society's responses to difference in any obvious way. Consequently, it is proposed that multicultural education, as it is currently practiced, which focuses on teaching about other cultures, be refocused in favor of moral education, which will provide participants with a set of moral principles they can refer to when confronted by difference. To arrive at this proposal, a context is constructed, in which the disputatious nature of the concept, culture, is presented. This shows its controversial nature, yet it is used as an unproblematised point of departure in multicultural education. Social constructions of culture are then discussed and these are shown to be caricatures of what culture really is; yet these caricatures are often communicated as being representative of people's cultures. Finally, it is contended that the political dimension of multicultural education is not confronted; yet this dimension is crucial to our understanding of the asymmetrical relations of power that continue to characterize multicultural societies, and this is perpetuated by unchallenged assumptions that are made in the teaching of multicultural education.  相似文献   

In this study, I examine the perspectives of preservice teachers enrolled in a multicultural education course at a large predominately White Midwestern university. Past research on the development of multicultural attitudes and knowledge of White preservice teachers is inconclusive. In an effort to examine the multicultural perspectives of preservice teachers, 13 prospective teachers enrolled in required semester-long multicultural education courses were regularly interviewed and observed. Results of the study indicate that preservice teacher perspectives toward diversity were influenced by their social and educational histories; popular culture, such as the news media and movies; and the traditional structure of the teacher education program. The single course had minimal impact on their perspectives. Recommendations include infusing a multicultural perspective throughout the teacher education program and the development of collaborations between the program and culturally diverse schools.  相似文献   

Most teacher education programs today include at least a minimal component of multicultural education. Higher educational institutions are also engaging more broadly in global education in a variety of forms. Though there is significant overlap in the aims of these two fields, they are often not used in complementary ways, or may even be seen as competing fields of study. This article outlines ways in which global perspectives can inform several multicultural concepts used in teacher education. It then explicates the challenges and limitations to this approach, which are not trivial. Finally, it suggests a number of ways in which teacher education programs and institutions can minimize the challenges of a global approach to multicultural education, while simultaneously moving toward institutionally transformative goals of multicultural education.  相似文献   

Attitudes toward multiculturalism in educational contexts – i.e., multicultural attitudes – are desirable qualities for good teaching practices. Unfortunately, little is known about the antecedents of prospective teachers’ multicultural attitudes. Before this backdrop, we argue that prospective teachers’ multicultural ideology, national pride, and intergroup contact are related to their multicultural attitudes. Studying these relationships can offer valuable insights for initial teacher education programs. We assessed prospective teachers’ (n = 72) multicultural attitudes (adapted version of the Teachers’ Multicultural Attitude Survey), multicultural ideology (Multicultural Ideology Scale), national pride (single item from large scale studies) and intergroup contact (experiences in multicultural classrooms and intergroup friendship). Results showed that higher multicultural ideology and lower national pride were related to more positive multicultural attitudes. We found no such relation for intergroup contact. Based on these new insights into prospective teachers’ multicultural attitudes, we argue that initial teacher education programs should reinforce and develop prospective teachers’ multicultural ideology and consider the role of national pride.  相似文献   

As educators who work with preservice teachers on critical multicultural education, we often struggle with our students’ desire for us to provide them with the how-to’s of multicultural education—a kind of “answer list.” In this paper, we share the analogies we have developed and found effective in explaining to our students why the list that they imagine not only doesn’t guarantee success, but could actually result in undermining core principles of critical multicultural education.  相似文献   

This article reports on a narrative inquiry with two teacher-researchers of opposite ethnic, social class, and gender backgrounds about how their oppositions became an asset for their multicultural education. The study calls for educators to consider cultural creativity as a pertinent feature of multicultural education in today's polarized culture.  相似文献   

This account of a 1998 National Association for Multicultural Education workshop suggests how making and discussing art can broaden and deepen multicultural education beyond a tourist survey of food, clothing, and customs. A partnership of artmaking and multicultural education that develops creative behaviors necessary for realizing social justice, through critically reflective art activities, is described. The complexity of creating an equitable, tolerant, and just learning environment with diverse learners is compared to the complexities of making and discussing art. The discussion presents the arts as a metaphoric way of thinking about, a model for developing, and an actual modality for developing multicultural education.  相似文献   

In this article the authors postulate a mutual symbiosis between multicultural and inclusive bi-lingual education. Combining bi-lingual and multicultural education to create a symbiotic relationship can stimulate reform in schools and can promote inclusive educational systems, thereby keeping native languages and cultures alive for minority students and enhancing native English speakers’ language and cultural understandings.  相似文献   

Montana's constitutional commitment to the cultural heritages of American Indians exemplifies the practical application of multicultural education. In this article, the authors explore the goals and evolution of Indian Education for All within a multicultural education framework, and discuss how educators are best prepared to implement this transformative educational policy.  相似文献   

Major troubling contours of neoliberalism and high-stakes education have common features. Consequently, the author discusses how multicultural education can serve as praxis for collective empowerment in a globalized context. The author asserts that equitable representation and localized multicultural knowledge production are the foundation of a transformative democracy and engaged citizenry.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a qualitative study exploring how Israeli teacher educators prepare candidates to address multicultural issues. Background is presented regarding multicultural education in Israel along with a discussion concerning Israel's unique diversity-related challenges. Findings explore multicultural practices that are used by Israeli teacher educators designed to support development of multicultural sensitivity and create deeper understanding of different groups. Discussion of the data and recommendations for Israeli and American schools are presented.  相似文献   

In a 2007 issue of Multicultural Perspectives, Johnson and Nieto highlighted the need for more deliberate, robust, and balanced conversations regarding disability, especially within the context of multicultural education. Although researchers echo the importance of disability-based discussions and related curriculum, disability programming at the elementary and secondary levels is often sporadic or non-existent. This article melds Banks' (2004) five dimensions of multicultural education with disability-based constructs in order to provide a set of tools for fortifying teachers' knowledge base regarding disability and considering how disability can become a more integral part of the multicultural classroom.  相似文献   

This article offers a synthesis of the multiple approaches and definitions of multicultural education offered in the literature. The article suggests that the presence of so many similar typologies only serves to confuse the reader and obscure the meaning of multicultural education. This confusion is problematic, as it leaves educators in a place of uncertainty about effective educational practice.  相似文献   

With the impact of democracy on the system of education in Russia, the education policymakers and teachers have begun to consider and implement the ideas of multicultural education in elementary and secondary schools. To prove it, the author of the article concentrates on a case study and describes some of the multicultural techniques and strategies used by an elementary teacher from the Republic of Bashkortostan (Central Russia) with whom the author has been collaborating over the last decade.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a simple normative content analysis of 11 multicultural education textbooks to determine the extent to which disability and deaf culture are represented. In addition, this study examines multicultural education textbooks to assess the extent to which perspectives of members of the disability and deaf communities are represented in the discourse about disabled and deaf persons. Results indicate that on average less than 1% of the total pages of text reviewed addressed or mentioned disability or deaf culture. Of these, it was found that on average about 6% of the pages addressed disability or deaf culture. In addition, inaccurate information was presented and perspectives were often not informed by a substantial body of literature that has emerged in the field of disability studies. It was found that multicultural education textbooks rely heavily on information about persons with disabilities from Special Education that may not be widely accepted by disabled or deaf persons. A follow-up paper examines the implications of the exclusion of disabled and deaf persons and their perspectives from the discourse about the shared and collective disability and deaf experience in favor of a dominant perspective widely held by the nondisabled professional community. Questions are raised about whether this is consistent with the values and goals of multicultural education and teaching. A rationale and recommendations are proposed for engaging disabled and deaf persons about their shared and collective experience and for promoting cultural competence and proficiency with respect to the disability and Deaf experience in multicultural education.  相似文献   

As multicultural education continues to evolve, better assessments are necessary to provide a holistic measure of the effectiveness of multicultural education in the academy. Unfortunately, as multicultural scholars champion the cause for social justice, equity, and access for school children they remain vulnerable to negative promotion and tenure determinations due to misaligned measures of teaching effectiveness in the academy. In this article, a Black female teacher educator at a Predominately White Institution describes how she utilized a Multicultural Education Teaching Portfolio (METP) as a means to inform the measurement of her instructional quality and effectiveness. This discussion provides an overview of current challenges to assessing quality within Multicultural Education courses and provides an outline of possible components of the METP for further consideration.  相似文献   

This qualitative study systematically documents pre-service teachers' responses to a writing prompt asking them to name a personal “unearned” privilege on an end-of-term final assessment. Findings suggest that typical White/European heritage pre-service teachers can name privileges that have advantaged their own lives, even after one 14-week critical multicultural education course. Categories reveal patterns in participants' responses about their own privilege that are traditionally attended to in critical multicultural education curriculum, such as White privilege. However, student responses show that students are most comfortable talking about inherited privileges related to social class and race is named at a lower rate. Other responses show a range of privileges that students can draw on when they reflect on the structured nature of privilege in society. Overall, our findings suggest that when opportunities are created for students to grapple with complex, personal, emotional concepts, the vast majority of students are willing and able to perform this type of reflection and analysis. This work begins a discussion of what kinds of social privilege are more easily discussed in a high stakes assessment after experiences in critical multicultural education. Our findings provide nuanced understandings of how typical pre-service teachers name their own personal unearned privileges and deconstruct their experiences of privilege. Our findings suggest that attention to privileges associated with social class could provide powerful entry into examinations of other personal privileges in critical multicultural education.  相似文献   

The impact of the election of a new U.S. president and his far right ideology and agenda has reverberated across the entire world. This new reality calls for all critical equity-seeking educators; multicultural, social justice, culturally responsive, and others to be reflective and engage in deep thinking on ways to respond. Within a framework of advocacy and resistance, drawing on lessons of the past, my own experiences and research, this article offers some practical suggestions that others hopefully can build on. It seeks to connect a critical multicultural education framework to identifiable practices in schools and communities that challenges neoliberal approaches to education; xenophobia, racism, and other forms of structural oppression; argues that the actions and practices of multicultural educators must be explicit and generative in ways that make theory usable.  相似文献   

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