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Our content analysis of 2,075 campaign stories aired by 3 broadcast and 3 cable networks during the 2004 presidential campaign revealed that female and non-White reporters at broadcast networks were generally more aggressive in their source use when compared to their male and White colleagues, using a greater number of sources and in most cases also allotting the sources more time. Female and non-White reporters at cable networks also tended, although less consistently and to a lesser extent, to use and give more time to female and non-White sources.  相似文献   

This study examined how race and gender of reporters and community diversity influenced use of women and minority sources in local television coverage of the 2002 governor's race in Michigan. Content analysis of campaign stories broadcasted by four local television stations revealed that women reporters were more likely than their male colleagues to use women and nonpartisan sources such as experts and ordinary citizens. But minority journalists were only slightly more likely to use minority sources and were less likely than nonminorities to use nonpartisan sources.  相似文献   

This study explores content differences in the evening newscasts of the cable all-news networks and compares the evening newscasts of the cable and broadcast networks. A content analysis found strong evidence of product differentiation in the major evening newscasts between the cable and broadcast networks as well as among the cable all-news networks. Each network contributed significantly to adding unique news to the daily television news pool and the topics of the unique stories were diverse.  相似文献   

Safe, clean water is necessary for health and well-being. Water issues affect minority and vulnerable populations at disproportionate rates, including the poor and racial and ethnic minorities. An investigation of the relationships of race, social media use, and informational sources during the municipal water crisis in Flint, Michigan, reflects an instrumental view of communication and uses and gratifications theory in this study. Data from 208 Flint residents in 2016 indicated that African American respondents favored interpersonal networks and resources and were more likely than other racial groups to obtain current information about the water crisis via Instagram. Preferred channels and sources to receive additional crisis information varied on the basis of race.  相似文献   

Considerable research over the years has been devoted to ascertaining the impact of media use on political cynicism. The impact of the Internet has been difficult to assess because it is not a single monolithic medium. For example, the 2008 presidential campaign was the first presidential campaign in which popular social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube were widely available to voters. Therefore, the campaign offered the first opportunity to explore the influence of these social media on political cynicism. In this study, we examined whether the use of such social media influenced political cynicism. We also considered the influence of user background characteristics (e.g., self-efficacy, locus of control, political orientation, demographics, and influence of family and friends), motives for using social media for political information, and users’ elaboration on political content. Several individual differences were stronger predictors of political cynicism than was social media use. In fact, social networking use was a negative predictor of political cynicism. Results supported uses and gratifications’ notions that the influence of social media on political cynicism is more attributable to user background and media-use differences than to sheer use of these popular sites.  相似文献   

努力构建覆盖城乡的广播影视公共服务体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在今年的“两会”上,胡锦涛总书记明确提出:要把共同建设、共同享有贯穿于和谐社会建设的全过程,真正做到在共建中共享、在共享中共建。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国省级卫视公益传播行为进行发展现状扫描,以美国著名学者H.拉斯韦尔关于传播在社会中的结构与功能相关理论为基础,深入分析其存在的误区,并且避一步探讨传播策略转型的基本路径.  相似文献   

抓住发展机遇应对入世挑战全面推进广电事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年中国已正式加入世贸组织,这是中国在新世纪之初的一件大事,一件喜事。入世以后我国的政治生活,经济生活,文化生活将发生怎样的变化,是广播影视系统干部职工都十分关注的话题,在此讲几点意见:  相似文献   

公共图书馆读者服务存在的问题及其解决办法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜秦生 《图书馆》1999,(5):61-63
本文列举了当前公共图书馆读者服务存在的主要问题并提出了解决问题的办法。  相似文献   

这是一个有趣的副标题,咋一看似乎几个关键词:羊肉泡馍.总统套房与陕西电视台的大型人文谈话节目《开坛》风马牛不相及,可是当你看到作家陈忠实不断重复着当今的人们提起陕西除了羊肉泡馍、兵马俑之外还会说《开坛》时的兴奋劲儿;当你读到他以其特有的鲜活语言,形象地将一个电视台的精英文化节目比喻为如同一个五星级宾馆的总统套房一般,开房率可能最低,但是不可以没有时.你就会豁然明了了。显然,《开坛》不仅以其鲜明的地域特色成为陕西文化的新地标,更以其执着的内涵品质无愧于电视精英文化的代表作品之一。在市场经济浪潮中,  相似文献   

为推动我广播电视节目及电影“走出去工程”,考察贝塔斯曼集团的管理经验,参加“第四次中马新闻联委会会议”.应德国贝塔斯曼集团、埃及新闻部和马来西亚新闻部的邀请,国家广电总局副局长赵实同志率领中国广播影视代表团.于2002年6月访问并考察了德国.埃及.马来西亚的广播影视业。通过与三国政府官员和广播影视界高层人士的广泛接触.进一步开拓了双边在广播影视领域的合作与交流.加深了对三国广电企业及综合性传媒集团管理体制及发展现状的了解.出访取得圆满成功。  相似文献   

电视剧是当代中国社会与文化现代化进程中的一个关键脉络,对电视剧事业发展的考察构成理解当代中国社会文化变迁的一个重要的论域.本论文试图对当代中国电视剧体制与生产的发展历史提供一种批判性反思.论文从对传统研究范式的批评出发,将电视剧事业视为由多种社会关系交织而成的"电视剧场",通过考察其体制与生产的发展.旨在揭示"电视剧场"如何结构化为一个自主性的体系,并说明它同当代中国社会变迁的关系.  相似文献   

十六大是党在新世纪召开的第一次代表大会,也是党在实施社会主义现代化建设第三步战略部署的新形势下召开的一次十分重要的会议。大会圆满完成了各项任务,达到了预期目的,取得了重大的、历史性的成果。广播影视系统对举世瞩目的党的十六大的胜利闭幕表示热烈祝贺!  相似文献   

This study explores the interplay of sex, presence, and enjoyment of nonfictional tragic news content; an experiment was conducted in which participants viewed a news story about Hurricane Katrina's devastation to the Gulf Coast on a standard definition television, high definition television, or a video iPod. The results indicate that women reported more sadness regardless of condition, though they seemed especially moved in the iPod condition. Women also reported more information seeking, and reported highest levels of presence in the iPod condition. The results are discussed both in terms of implications for crisis message practitioners, and in terms of what the results may mean for our understanding of the enjoyment of tragedy.  相似文献   

没有很多的鲜花,没有眩目的铺排,2002年4月20日,一个跟“农”字密切相连,以充满生机的绿色为标识的新频道——山东电视台农科频道开播了。它是山东电视台为农业.为农村.为农民,为城乡观众伸出的一只援助之手。  相似文献   

2008年8月,第29届夏季奥林匹克运动会在北京举行。中国国际广播电台作为国际奥委会指定的奥运会持权转播商,秉承"中国立场、世界眼光、人类胸怀"的传播理念,发挥多语种采访、多媒体联动、新媒体应用优势,努力把握奥运报道的国际话语权和舆论引导权,对北京奥运会进行了多角度、多侧面、全方  相似文献   

全面贯彻十六大精神努力开创广播影视工作新局面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、全面贯彻十六大精神的基本要求 当前和今后一个时期,广播影视工作的总的要求是:全面贯彻党的十六大精神,解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进,全面推进广播影视业的繁荣发展。 1、要用“三个代表”重要思想统领广播影视工作 一是要按照“三个代表“重要思想搞好广播影视宣传。广播电视是党和人民的喉舌.广播影视工作者要把“三个代表”重要思想渗透到各项具体宣传工作中去,指引宣传方向,把握宣传思路,完成宣传任务。  相似文献   

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