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This is a study of schools as professional learning communities, defined by nine characteristics and their relationship with the schools' level of effectiveness. The study was conducted within three schools in Iceland. It was designed as a mixed methods study, conducted in two phases: a correlational study of survey data on schools as professional learning communities and an experimental study, where effort was made to improve the level of the professional learning community and evaluate its effects on pupils' outcomes. In both phases relatively strong evidence was obtained on the relationship between a school's level of effectiveness and its level as a professional learning community. In the experimental school, interventions resulted in higher scores on national tests, especially in mathematics.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to explore the empirical fit of two PLC models, using Singapore as a case. Insights emerged from documentary analyses and interviews with state-affiliated agents from the Academy of Singapore Teachers. The proposed DuFour–Fullan model, despite policy aspirations, remains largely DuFour-predominant in practice. Aspirations for a Fullan-inspired approach are evident, but still rest in the stage of conceptualization.  相似文献   

近几十年,世界范围内教育改革研究关注的焦点,从教学与课程等局部层面的改革,转向关注学校整体的革新.在这个大背景下,专业学习共同体不仅仅被当作教师发展的一种途径,而且成为一种崭新的学校变革方式,它将教师发展、领导角色、学校改善统整为一体,形成以学生学习提高为中心的整体学校发展模式.走向专业学习共同体的学校变革历程是一场深刻的革命,制度与文化的完善是一个不断磨合的过程.  相似文献   

A social revolution is occurring in the way information is shared, knowledge is generated and innovation takes place over the Internet and there is renewed interest in the social concept of ‘community’ to support online learning. This article describes action research conducted in the context of an eTwinning Learning Event (LE) that provides useful insights into how an online learning community can support the continuous professional development (CPD) of school teachers. Using the Community of Inquiry framework (Garrison et al., 2000), it offers empirical evidence of how cognitive, social and teaching aspects impact competence development. It suggests that online learning communities offer an appropriate environment for teachers' intellectual and emotional reflection, characterised by trust, mutual respect and shared values centred on improving pupils' learning. It also suggests that the educational experience within such a community is significantly influenced by the tutor's design and moderation of activities aimed at fostering critical thinking. The article concludes that online learning communities offer a valuable alternative to traditional teacher training by supporting teachers to learn in the context of their everyday practice, whilst collaborating and reflecting on their experience with peers across regions and countries. Concerning the wider use of social networking for learning, it suggests that educators still have a valuable role to play in ensuring that collaboration leads to an effective educational experience.  相似文献   

教师职业学习团体:教师职业发展的有效途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师职业学习团体在国外教师职业发展过程中起到重要作用。反思我国当前教育改革背景下的教师职业发展问题,认为在校内、校际建立、维系和发展教师职业学习团体乃是促进我国教师职业发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

This paper explores the dual and seemingly contradictory potential of self-study research to illuminate our fears, anxieties, tensions and uncertainties as teacher educators, whilst acting as a catalyst for community building. This self-study research was conducted during the founding year of a new school of education, drawing data from surveys and interviews with faculty about their own self-study research and participation in one another's studies. Through these collective self-studies, faculty members constructed and negotiated their identities as teacher educators and as a school of education. As researchers and researched participants, the faculty of the new school of education moved during that first year between vulnerability and community, a process illuminated by their self-study research.  相似文献   

一项跟踪某高校大学英语教师学习共同体的个案研究表明:以课堂教学研究为核心的教师学习共同体,从情感和知识技能两个维度促进了大学英语教师科研成长及身份转变。教师学习共同体打破以往自上而下的教师团队建设形式,有利于促进教师师徒传授和同伴互助,是普通大学英语教师专业发展的有效途径。  相似文献   


Lesson study is a form of professional development where a group of teachers identifies a problem of practice on which they would like to make progress in their teaching. Over an extended period of time, the teachers study the topic and plan a lesson together. One member then teaches the lesson while the others observe; the group reflects afterwards on student learning. The cycle repeats, building teachers’ professional knowledge and their shared views of pedagogy over time. In this article, we argue that lesson study is a collaborative form of practitioner research and we show how this is so by sharing an example of a lesson study cycle conducted in a synagogue school.  相似文献   

教师专业学习共同体:理念、原则与策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师专业学习共同体强调共识与分享,但并不刻意追求同质化。在共同体的实践中,应当克服简单的加法逻辑,以免造成学校组织机构大量增生、功能冲突、效能低下;应当在教师学习、学校深度变革和学生学业成就提升等多重目的之间实现有效聚合,而非离散设计。构建教师专业学习共同体,要求教师建立清晰的专业自觉,重构自我与共同体之间的关系;教师自我和外部支持性环境应致力于保护教师的独立思考,拒绝教学实践的技术化和平庸化;鼓励不同的参与者通过跨界学习促进精彩观念的诞生。  相似文献   

高校教师专业发展必须从外部驱动的"目标—结果"范式转向教师的专业自觉行为,使教师成为教学的行动研究者和反思者。教师在线学习共同体的出现,为教师专业发展开辟了一条新的途径。依据在线教师发展的内涵,高校教师专业发展的在线学习共同体机制的结构体系有交互层、媒介层和资源层三层,其具有共同的文化认同,共同的学习氛围、共同的学习机制、共同的学习资源、共同的行动研究及共同的愿景等特征。  相似文献   

安洪涛 《成人教育》2009,29(9):24-25
基础教育骨干教师国家级远程培训的实践表明,由相似的工作体验、共同的职业追求自觉结合而形成的教师网络学习共同体,对教师个体心理成长具有独特的支持功能.从心理成长视角对这一独特功能展开深入分析,探索其内在机制,可以更有效的促进教师教育的信息化进程.  相似文献   

相对传统教师发展的范式,即自上而下的发展模式——校本教师发展强调教师为改革的中心,教师发展应立足于教师工作的环境和脉络之中,以课堂和学校为本位。教师专业学习共同体则关注教师发展的脉络化,强调通过在学校中建构专业学习共同体,实现教师学习和实践的共享,从而提升教师质素,并实现学校向学习型组织的转变。校本教师发展与教师专业学习共同体在学校脉络这一平台上实现融合,教师在学校的专业学习共同体之脉络中,借由分享领导、集体学习、共享实践,并最终形成教师发展的学校本位之系统建构。  相似文献   

专业学习共同体与教师合作文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为高校教师专业学习共同体三种主要形式的教研组、学科组及课题组,是集教学、科研及日常管理于一体的教师基层组织,是教师专业发展的现实载体,具有自愿性、同一性及发展性的特征,呈现出完善知识建构、实现知识共享、提升教师效能感、改善心智模式、建立共同愿景及生成学习动态环境等诸多价值功能.教师共同体合作文化是教师在教育教学活动中形成与发展起来的职业群体的思维方式、价值取向与行为方式的综合反映.建立完善开放的校本研究制度、建构人文化的发展性评价体系、实施师徒教师教育模式、营造开放的学校环境氛围及确立"共识"的核心价值,对于构建和培育教师专业学习共同体合作文化,促进教师专业发展具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

西北农村中学教师专业发展对促进西北地区基础教育发展具有举足轻重的作用。西北地区特殊的地域特征导致西北农村中学教师在专业发展上存在一定的问题,而教师网络学习共同体为促进西北农村中学教师专业发展提供了新的途径和方法。利用IM即时通讯工具的特点,建立教师网络学习共同体可以促进学习者间的协作和交流,可以为教师的专业发展提供技术、资源和服务的支持,同时其学习过程注重学习者非智力因素的培养,通过双向交互实现共同学习、共同进步及知识重构,促进教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

移动学习和学习共同体是当前教育技术领域两个研究的热点,但是对移动环境下的教师学习共同体的研究却不是很多。在移动学习和学习共同体的涵义基础上界定了移动环境下教师学习共同体的涵义,指出了目前教师专业发展的现状,分析了移动环境下教师学习共同体的组成要素,构建了移动环境下教师学习共同体的模型,论述了此模型构建的教师学习共同体内部成员的互动方式以及教师学习共同体的特点。  相似文献   

促进教师专业发展的网络学习共同体创建研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
已有的众多研究和实践均表明,网络学习共同体的有效建立和应用能够促进教师的专业发展.本文采用文献分析与实证检验方法,首先分析了教师专业发展和网络学习共同体之间的关系,以及网络学习共同体的成员、工具、主题、资源、活动等必备要素,并提炼出系统性地创建优秀网络学习共同体的实践策略,主要包括清晰界定共同体的主题和目的、建立共同体领导团队、建立共同体成员记录档案、界定共同体成员行为准则、组织策划周期性的学习活动等.最后,文章简要阐述了基于博客平台的网络学习共同体(天河部落)应用上述策略所取得的实践效果,并进行了总结.  相似文献   

专业学习共同体作为幼儿教师专业发展的重要载体,对幼儿教师深度学习的生成具有重要的支持功效,具体表现为能够通过专业引领,激发深度学习;情境创建,生成深度学习;协同合作,推动深度学习;问题驱动,达成深度学习。构建基于专业学习共同体的幼儿教师深度学习模型具有重要的价值意蕴,该模型由参与者、共同愿景、赋权、合作共享、实践与反思等要素构成,具体包括提炼愿景、制作计划、营造文化、发展技能、推动变革以及评价反馈。幼儿教师基于专业学习共同体的深度学习运行过程如下:首先,以幼儿教师的专业学习需求为目标,并成为全体成员的共同愿景,引导其持续投入学习,进入深度学习的状态;其次,构建平等互信的人际关系,促进自主深度学习;再次,建立依赖共生的文化氛围,保障深度学习;从次,以问题为驱动,形成创造性的深度学习成果;最后,形成性评价贯穿于幼儿教师深度学习的始终,是深度学习能力形成的助推器。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,教师专业学习共同体的出现引起了国内外的共同关注,但是我国在实施和构建中小学专业学习共同体方面还存在着很多的问题,为此我们需要重新回归这一概念的含义、实施的形成过程以及影响因素,进而为我国中小学专业学习共同体的建构带来一定的思考与启示。  相似文献   

基于对上海地区四所小学的田野调查,考察教师在“赋权增能”政策条件下,如何处理课程改革中所面临的问题,及其所处教师共同体的影响。研究发现:课程改革给教师造成的压力客观上推进了教师发展和教师专业学习共同体的构建;课程改革在赋权增能的同时赋予教师高度问责,造成教师不愿承担赋权,而教师专业学习共同体以群体分责来支持教师的赋权增能;未来课程改革应当寻求赋权、增能和问责的平衡,并推进教师专业学习共同体的建设,从而支持教师真正成为课程改革的“代理人”。  相似文献   

The focus of the action research reported here is on how leaders and teachers used teamwork in developing a professional learning community in a new compulsory school in Iceland. Collaboration is a critical issue in schools as it can improve practice that supports student achievement. Results from the TALIS 2008 study show that Icelandic teachers are below international averages regarding joint teaching and supporting each other. Findings from this action research study showed signs of an emerging collaborative structure among some teams but also a lack of feedback among peers. Teachers expressed difficulty in putting into practice their growing sense of professionalism. The research findings suggest that peer coaching should be supported to encourage staff to engage in critical reflection and transforming practice.  相似文献   

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