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王振铎 《寻根》2005,(6):27-35
2500多年前,正当西方的哲人受“上帝”的启示,绕着地中海周边的河流、平原和山谷,探索宇宙人生的奥秘,用“神谕的文字”,在泥陶版、莎草纸或兽皮上刻画、撰写后来被称为《旧约》的某些先知故事的时候,东方的哲人接受“圣王”的教谕,周游黄河大平原,寻求三皇五帝积累起来的甲骨、金石、竹木等简版文献,精心编述治世兴邦的文化经典。  相似文献   


I deconstruct the distinctive facets of mediated framing of integration through a textual analysis of Flemish newspapers. Using Entman’s framing theory, I identified four primary integration frames: Fortress Europe, Streamlined Labour, Solipsistic Representation, and Competing Integration Frames. Specifically, I describe the ambivalence of media framing, which intertextually borrows from dominant representation of (im)migrants. The papers simultaneously frame integration as an assimilative social contract to be agreed to by (im)migrants and as a responsibility of the host society to integrate (im)migrants. Counter-framing, present in all four media frames, is critical to both dismantling systemic marginalization and ameliorating processes of integration.  相似文献   

Media help in the formation of identity. For ethnic communities, ethnic media can play a dual role, aiding in the acculturation process and assisting in holding onto ethnic identities. This study examines media and identity negotiation. Specifically, this study analyzes differences in media usage among French-Muslims. The principal researcher interviewed 42 first and second generation French-Muslims to explore their media usage and the relationships between their media usage and ethnic identification. Analysis uncovered two key findings. First, second-generation French-Muslims prefer to use ethnic media more than French produced media as a form of protest against French assimilationist policies. Second, abandoning ethnic media is equated with becoming French, which is something first and second generation French-Muslims resist.  相似文献   

庄子作为两千多年前的大家,集作家和哲学家于一身,作品是作为艺术和理论著作的结合体.在中外独树一帜.他创造的寓言体作品.在中外比较稀有,其故事、人物以及成语警句,流传千年而不衰.历史上,对他的"无为而治"非议较多,有局限,也需作出分析和申辩.他的作品写得漂亮,文采飞扬,在古代堪称第一(王蒙说是"不二奇才").本文分篇理出主要寓言、带出全书的写法,似之前未曾见过.  相似文献   

Ahuman being whose organs have evolved into USB plugs is experiencing a certain state of existence through camera lens, microphones and speakers. In the future, human organs may be replaced by USB organs and human beings tend to receive signals from various electronics. This magic scene is a works of art by Chinese artist Wu Juehui, currently on display at  相似文献   

This paper looks at social media use by the Garifuna people. It explores how they are using social media to create a supraterritorial cyberscape. Despite the claim that global media is marginalising minority cultures and causing global homogenisation, this research found that newer forms of social media are in fact creating virtual cultural cyberscapes that are extending minority cultures. The Garifuna cultural response to social media can be demonstrative of the positive impact of social media minority perspectives. The larger implication, though, is that traditional geographical models of cultural space are becoming obsolete. In this research, a total of 60 Garifuna in locations all across the United States and Honduras were selected for participation. Their access to and use of media were examined.  相似文献   


This article examines how media reports of police court trials played an important discursive role in the workings of summary justice and the emergence of the policed society in Scotland in the first half of the nineteenth century. It argues that the dominant messages that trial coverage conveyed were laden with middle-class social and cultural assumptions concerning the accessibility, usefulness and fairness of the courts, and the character and guilt of the accused. Above all, the reports spoke to the intrinsic value of lay magistrates as paternal agents of community conflict resolution and police courts and, more subtly, the police as firm but trustworthy levers of urban discipline.  相似文献   

The present investigation uses intergroup contact and media systems’ dependency theories to illuminate the relative significance of various sources of information in shaping Caucasian-American attitudes toward African-Americans. It uses empirical data from an exploratory survey of college students to build a chain of related variables that link primary sources of information (face-to-face versus mediated) to stereotypical beliefs, perceived internal causal attributions for African-Americans’ failures, and prejudicial feelings toward African-Americans. Results suggest that face-to-face sources of racial/ethnic out-group information are more effective than mediated sources in prejudice reduction. The discussion includes theoretical and practical implications of the findings.  相似文献   


By surveying 115 social media marketing professionals in 17 different countries and regions, this study extends Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and digital divide research at the organizational level in the cross-cultural context. There are three major findings. First, there are significant differences in perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived usefulness (PU), and behavioural intention (BI) among different types of organizations (U.S. vs. Non-U.S. and global vs. domestic). Second, cultural convergence and cultural divergences theories may complement, instead of contradict, with each other. Finally, second-level digital divide may exist between non-U.S. based domestic organizations and the other three types of organizations.  相似文献   

April 2009 saw the publication of the documents generated by the UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport's museum Peer Review Pilot. This Policy Review offers both an overview of the process and a conceptual critique both of the Peer Review Pilot and the McMaster Review criteria on which the pilot was based. It is argued that the McMaster Review is grounded on a reading of excellence as “life-changing experiences” predicated on an imagined transformative aesthetic moment and that it is only by defining excellence in this way that McMaster could secure peer review as a legitimate means of identifying excellence. When transferred for the purposes of the Peer Review Pilot to the museum sector – with its long traditions of pedagogic and civic reform – this narrow reading of “changing lives” is no longer sustainable. The dislodging of the McMaster grounding assumption within the practice of the Peer Review Pilot creates conceptual fissures that can be traced throughout the Pilot's documentation. Specifically, a reading of the Pilot suggests both a need for a more careful reading of “peer”, a recognition of museums' multiple lines of accountability (including to the public) and the ongoing need for methodologies that might allow for an understanding of “life changing” within a much border frame.  相似文献   


This article examines efforts to document Japan’s Hashima Island following its appearance in the popular film Skyfall. It describes how the film’s commercial success led to an effort by Google to produce images of the island’s built environment using digital navigation technologies. It further describes how this effort led the Japanese government to include Hashima Island in a bid to gain Unesco heritage status for Meiji-era sites of industrialization. Drawing from visual studies, critical media studies, and from interdisciplinary approaches to collective memory, this article analyzes how the circulation of images depicting Hashima Island in popular culture affects continuing efforts to hold Japan accountable for injustices committed there in the past. By narrowing on the moment “after” Skyfall, the article concludes with an assessment of the island’s Google Street View archive in terms of its broader impact on the uses of navigation, spatial presence, and digital heritage.  相似文献   

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