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Compared with other kinds of fiction, detective story is a kind of fiction with different characteristics,it involves a pro?cess of thinking, analysis, inference, interaction .This passage mainly dis...  相似文献   

侦探小说的翻译是晚清翻译活动中形式最为新颖,影响最为巨大的文学形式。通过呈现历史时代背景,该文探索了影响侦探小说翻译的社会因素,并分析了晚清侦探小说兴起的原因。在文章结尾,作者得出结论,晚清侦探小说的翻译主要受到意识形态,诗学观以及出版赞助人的影响。  相似文献   

季枫吟 《海外英语》2011,(11):246-247
Despite of only producing five ratiocinative tales in the whole life,Edgar Allan Poe is acknowledged as the "father of the detective story".In those tales,Poe portrays the hero Dupin who is the first detective image in the history of the western literature vividly.Based on the stories in which Dupin appeared,concerns on the creation of Dupin,the analysis of his features and the function of the setting fellows,like friend and police,summarizing the traditional image pattern of detective stories created by Poe,revealing the great influence Poe had on the development of detective literature,even on the literature of the whole world.  相似文献   

人性假设是构建学科理论体系的基础,甚至直接决定学科的发展取向。对于高等教育学学科理论体系的探讨,长期以来总是陷于“逻辑起点”的误区,而较少涉及更为根本的人性假设与学科观念问题。历史上,赫尔巴特曾以学生的可塑性作为教育学的人性假设,最终使得教育学成为了一门关注谁来教、教什么和怎么教的次等学科。高等教育学的人性假设对于学科转型至关重要。如果同样以学生的可塑性作为人性假设,高等教育学最终仍然难以避免地会成为高等学校的“教学之学”;如果考虑到大学里高深知识的特殊性,以知性人作为本学科的人性假设,高等教育学便有可能转型为一门专门研究如何在大学里进行高深知识生产、传播与应用的社会科学。  相似文献   

(一) 从小生在农村,没有太多好玩的东西,只能自己"找乐子". 一天独自在家玩得无聊,猛然发现家门口的树上竟然有个不小的鸟窝.现在想来,鸟窝早就长在那儿,只不过那天实在无聊才注意了它.一定是个不错的玩意儿!于是我爬上树,把那鸟窝摘了下来.  相似文献   

This article explores the assessment of professionalism within a cohort of medical students during a sequential 13-week medical school histology and anatomy course. Across seven data points, students were asked to identify a professionalism role model from amongst their peers and to score Likert-structured rationales for their decision. Based on density scores, an initial social network analysis identified six peer-nomination “stars.” However, analysis of these stars revealed considerable variability and random-like “noise” in both the nomination and explanation data sets. Subsequent analyses of both data sets explored the possibility of underlying patterns in this noise using tests of reliability, principal components factor analysis, and fixed-effects regression analysis. These explorations revealed the presence of two dimensions (professional vs. supportive) in how students sought to explain their nomination decisions. Although data variability remained quite high, significantly less variability was present in the professional than in the supportive dimension, suggesting that academic helpfulness rationales are both empirically distinct and more mutable than rationales grounded in professionalism-related factors. In addition, data showed that the greater the stability in one's choice of a professionalism role model nomination over the T1–T7 data periods, the more stable one's reasons for that nomination—both for professionalism and supportive dimensions. Results indicate that while peer assessment of professionalism by first-year medical students may not be very reliable, students can differentiate between more personal and professional factors, even at this early stage in their professional development. Formal instruction within the pre-clinical curriculum should recognize and address this distinction. Anat Sci Educ. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

《霍桑探案》与《福尔摩斯探案》是中西经典侦探小说的代表,而前者是在学习模仿后者的基础上植根中国近现代社会生活、融合民族文化、社会心理而形成的。本文既详细分析了《霍桑探案》对《福尔摩斯探案》的模仿与借鉴,又指出其民族特色、独创性和重要意义。  相似文献   

Robin Campbell 《Literacy》1998,32(1):21-23
The literacy hour is a key facet of the new National Literacy Strategy and its use will be more or less mandatory in English primary schools from September, 1998. Yet there are some problems with the concept and, Robin Campbell argues in this article, it may not in fact go far enough. Is a literacy hour in itself likely to make a significant difference to children’s literacy achievements, or are there other considerations which require some attention?  相似文献   

教育作为一种惠泽人类的文化性事业,对学生而言,是一种启蒙和脱昧的生活、文明和理性的生活、发展和成长的生活、高尚和道德的生活。教育高尚和文明品质的失落,在于教育活动过程中过于强烈的功利化趋向使然。教育是有意义生活的特性对我们的启示为:读书生活是幸福而不是痛苦的,消除功利化倾向为教育体制改革和教育文化建设的重要内容。  相似文献   

知识产权是一种垄断性权利,知识性产品具有很强的外部性,对于私人利益的过度追逐会导致知识产权的侵权行为,由于侵权行为的发生,使研发者不能通过发明从市场交易中获利,为了追求各自利益的最大化,知识产权创造企业与侵权企业会进行一系列的博弈。探寻如何根据博弈均衡的结果寻找一种有效的知识产权保护制度安排,减少侵权的社会成本,抑制侵权行为,使知识产权资源得到有效的配置。  相似文献   

20世纪最伟大的现实主义大师之一鲁迅,将辛亥革命前后的中国历史浓缩进了他的著作,在其《阿Q正传》中,通过小小未庄的博弈,为我们建构了一个博弈模型,为辛亥革命的失败提供了最好的诠释。  相似文献   

知识产权定价过程是买卖双方讨价还价的博弈过程,文章以博弈理论为基础,尝试构建了知识产权交易博弈模型并进行了简单分析,指出在知识产权交易非重复博弈中,买卖双方存在着五种可能的博弈结果,最后给出知识产权质量高或质量低时,卖方选择定高价或定低价出售的判断标准。  相似文献   

文章从文化视角解读王尔德的短篇小说《坎特维尔城堡的鬼》。与18世纪英国哥特小说的特点不同,虽然此小说也是一个有关鬼的故事,但由于故事发生在欧洲和美国文化冲突和融合的新时代背景下,小说中鬼魂出没的场面却不再具有恐怖的效果,变得滑稽可笑但又蕴含深意。文章从3个方面解读这篇小说:首先从文化角度评述小说中"新"、"旧"两个世界的冲突和调和;接着分析达成二者调和的小女孩弗吉尼亚在小说中的作用;然后论证主人公西蒙爵士的鬼魂是堂吉诃德式的形象,而《堂吉诃德》是这篇小说的潜文本;最后,以《坎特维尔城堡的鬼》的双声性作结,揭示出这部短篇的特点。  相似文献   

弹词是明清讲唱文学的一种主要形式,其优秀作品多出自女性之手,这是中国文学史上的一个独特现象。本文从女性作家弹词作品的兴起原因及内容特色等方面进行探讨,认为弹词是我国古代真正的妇女文学的结论。  相似文献   

在得知即将要采访谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学艺术与设计研究中心主管克里斯·鲁斯特教授之前,我就做好十足的准备,非常期待和他的会面。而当工作人员告诉我教授正骑车前来时,我的期待中又平添了几分好奇。因为教授在大家的印象中一般都是严肃的学术研究者,喜欢骑着自行车在大街上乱逛,尤其还是在陌生的国度,实在少见。几分钟后,我就见到了这位年逾花甲,却依旧精神抖擞的可爱教授。  相似文献   

人性本善!每个人都有一种向上、乐善的天性,并且蕴藏着巨大的情感潜能和智慧潜能,但由于环境、条件等多种原因,这些上进心、积极性、创造性,这些情感和智慧潜能往往长期处于沉睡状态,教育的任务就是唤醒人们沉睡的主体意识。有时候,一句温暖的话语,一个鼓励的眼神,一次信赖的微笑……都能唤醒学生沉睡已久的意识和潜能,能使学生天性中最优美、最灵动的东西发挥至致,成为点金石。  相似文献   

A Humorous Story     
An artist has a small daughter.Sometimes he painted women without any clothes on, and he and his wife always tried to keep the small girl out when he was doing this. "She is too young to understand , " they said.But one day, when the artist was painting a woman with no clothes on,  相似文献   

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