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Based on the alternation of scenes, awareness of time is analyzed from three perspectives. The common one is to be aware of time flow in the change of scenes. The outstanding ones include the psychol...  相似文献   

索尔.贝娄在《只争朝夕》中文学性地探讨了萨特的存在主义哲学命题:孤独、绝望、痛苦、死亡、自由选择和人必须有的责任。他通过描写中年男子威尔赫姆一天的所见,所思,所行,凸显了现代人生存状态,呼应了萨特思想的核心——存在,表明了它在荒诞的现代社会里具有的积极意义。  相似文献   

QIAN Jun 《海外英语》2014,(5):197-199
In the novella Seize the Day Saul Bellow compacts the significance of the whole life of a person into one day’s experience.In just one day the protagonist experiences despair and obtains redemption.The force of destruction causing one to the despair situation interweaves with that of redemption producing hope.With effort one can recognize his or her true self and survive the absurd and crazy world and lead a new spiritual life without burdens of secular confusions.  相似文献   

《只争朝夕》用细腻和精妙的笔触描绘了犹太裔美国人汤米·威尔汉姆在现代社会中孤独,迷茫无助的生活状态。这部小说着力叙述了威尔汉姆可怕的一天及其对之前生活经历的回想。在这部小说中,主人公汤米·威尔姆,大学时受骗于星探,中年失业,与妻子分居,投资失败,分文无存,并且孤立无援,连父亲也不伸出援手。此论文运用异化理论对威尔汉姆与主流社会价值的异化,与其父亲和妻子的异化,以及与自身理性的异化进行分析,试图得出汤米·威尔汉姆悲惨生活的原因。  相似文献   

Saul Bellow’work mainly describes the human who cannot find the standpoint in American society, and they dangled between the ideal and the reality, insisting the belief of love. Seize the Day presents ...  相似文献   

赵宋华 《海外英语》2014,(18):222-226
Saul Bellow’work mainly describes the human who cannot find the standpoint in American society, and they dangled between the ideal and the reality, insisting the belief of love. Seize the Day presents a several-hour experience of a middle-aged man who had lost his job, was estranged from his wife and children, and deserted by his father. With the double writing methods of narrative and recollection, the author reveals thriftily how individual was threatened by social prejudice and the important position of money. He extremely pays attention to the conflict between emotion and rationality to show people’s anxiety and contradiction in today’s America.  相似文献   

本文对贝娄作品《只争朝夕》中的艾德勒与威尔赫姆父子关系进行了探析。故事中这对父子之间的种种矛盾蕴涵着丰富的文化内涵,揭示了犹太人在现代美国社会的生存境遇,折射出犹太文化与美国文化的冲突和变迁,同时也体现了他们所恪守的犹太性。  相似文献   

This article examines Sarason's (1995) political principle-“if you are going to be affected, directly or indirectly, by a policy, you should stand in some relationship to the decision making process”-in the work lives of teacher-caregivers in a day care center in a small Midwestern town. Based on ethnographic research, the article explores the face-to-face interactions of teacher-caregivers in the larger highly asymmetric and highly regulated relational system within which day care is situated. It concludes that they have little say in the decisions that affect their daily work lives.  相似文献   

《只争朝夕》是美国著名犹太作家索尔?贝娄的代表作之一。本文使用语料库软件对它进行检索分析,总结出其在语言运用、情节发展、人物刻画和主题思想等方面的特点,验证了语料库文体学的优势。  相似文献   

英国文艺复兴时期诗人安德鲁·马维尔 ,作为一位玄学派诗人 ,在《花园》一诗中创造了一个甜美、自然、和谐的“花园”。在这首诗里 ,一个人 ,也许是诗人自己 ,在一座有花木林泉之胜的园林里沉思着人与自然的问题。对美丽的自然的生动描写表明了诗人的理想世界 ,同时又揭示了一个深刻的宗教主题 ,而诗中“圆”和“绿色”的意象更进一步表达了此诗的更深层的含义——“永恒”的主题。  相似文献   

基督教有较为完整和丰富的末日审判理念,不能否认道教也具有相对单薄的末日审判意识。  相似文献   

Trying to do the "right" thing by drinking eight full glasses of water a day may do little more than make a person run to the bathroom, a researcher said. Newspaper articles, health and beauty magazines  相似文献   

海淀走读大学是全国最早创建的国家承认学历的民办公助的高等学校,也是全国唯一的一所民办高等职业试点院校。现有10个学院,88个专业,是一所万人高职院校。《海淀走读大学学报》的前身是《海大教育研究》,创刊于 1988年。 1998年经国家新闻出版署批准为国内外公开发行的学报,更名为:《海淀走读大学学报》。学报坚持正确的办刊原则,以民办高教和高职教育为研究重点,立足海大,放眼全国。本刊注重宣传党和国家的教育方针,着力介绍国内外成功的、先进的教育教学经验,探索我国高等教育特别是民办高等职业教育的发展道路,…  相似文献   

给出了一种年月日时干支纪法和公历纪法换算的算术方法。  相似文献   


The prevalence of on-campus psychological services throughout the country attests to the sympathetic support they receive from key constituencies-faculties, administrators, students, and boards of governors-at their respective institutions. However, on all college campuses there are also normative institutional resistances to the delivery of psychological services with which such programs must continually contend. This article describes those institutional resistances in discrete form using examples from the experiences of the author and some of his colleagues in various parts of the country.  相似文献   

发文周期过长是目前我国科技期刊界一个普遍存在的问题,增强编辑的时效意识是解决此问题的有效途径。科技期刊编辑的时效意识是时间意识和效率意识的有机统一,二者相辅相成,忽视任一方面都不会取得最佳效果。在工作过程中,编辑主体不但要牢固树立时效意识,而且还要注意克服短时效意识及长时效意识带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

中诗英译对形、意、涵的处理一直倍受译者关注.以翻译美学为导向,从"声色美""意象美"和"涵蕴美"三个层面对《你是人间的四月天》的三个译本进行美学透视,从中探寻诗歌翻译的审美趣旨,同时为诗歌翻译实践提供指导性建议.  相似文献   

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