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The Kite Runner is being marketed as not just the first novel by its author,Khaled Hosseini,but the first novel of its kind:an Afghan novel written in English.The novel describes the story of Amir who,after experiencing jealousy and betrayal,finally chooses to face up to his mistakes and achieve personal growth.By analysing how Amir betrayed and how he achieved self-redemption,the theme of growth will be better explained.  相似文献   

李曌  杨萌萌 《海外英语》2012,(4):199-203,205
The Merchant of Venice is one of the most contradictory plays of William Shakespeare.Through presenting and studying the tragedy nature of Shylock,this thesis attempts to illustrate the tragic nature of Merchant of Venice.In this paper the author tries to reveal the significance of its tragic nature through thorough analyzing.Shylock’s tragedy is the tragedy of individual struggling,which shows in the aspects of family,money and religion.The profound reason for Shylock’s tragedy is his Jewish identity.Therefore,the author of this paper is enlightened hereby,turning to a lot of books and data,and then analyzes the origins of Jewish prejudice from two aspects,society and history.Christianity has dominated the west,with its doctrine mainly derived from the New Testament.Meanwhile,Judaism derives its doctrine from the Old Testament.Therefore,the pious Christians will be misled by the contents of libeling Jews and the murdering of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.So a kind of instinctive hatred toward Jews is generated.This kind of tendency is rather clear in the play The Merchant of Venice.In this play,Shylock mentions several times that Antonio has insulted him physically and mentally in the Rialto.Almost all the characters in the play humiliate Shylock.But,he just endures all these insults quietly,and then looks for the chance to revenge.In the end,under the delicate trap set by the authority,Shylock loses again.He loses everything he could lose,both materially and mentally.Nothing is more frustrating than that.However,the author of this paper believes that it is worth paying attention to in the present day.In this paper,the author chooses this topic,presents and analyzes the tragedy of Shylock,and reveals the positive significance of the tragic nature of the play for our time.  相似文献   

田鹏 《海外英语》2011,(13):234-235
Tragedy is an everlasting theme of Hai Mingwei’s literary works,every character can not save themselves from defeat and death.The article will probe the reasons of Catherine’s tragic fate to make people rethink life and reveal the aesthetic significance of tragedy.  相似文献   

《追风筝的人》是美籍阿富汗作家卡勒德·胡塞尼的第一部作品,一经面世就受到了文艺批评领域和市场的广泛关注,其热潮让文学界震惊。该作品聚拢了一个庞大的读者群体,即有一定知识教养和赏析能力的人。那么这个群体被吸引的根本原因就在于作品对人性揭示的深刻、主题意蕴的丰富、文化社会背景的真实。基于此,从认知诗学角度入手对《追风筝的人》进行解读,从隐喻的角度出发来探析主人公的心路成长历程,分析人性的背叛和救赎,以期能挖掘出作品的艺术内涵和价值,从而对作品的文学研究和推广起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

刘淑洁 《海外英语》2014,(8):197-198
Scarlett,the heroine in Gone with the Wind,is always the disputed figure in the academic world.She gathers kinds of traits in herself,including contradiction intricacy and diversity.Then,Scarlett is a person not only selfish and rebellious,but also in the pursuit of equality and independence.What she eagerly seeks in her life is genuine love.To begin with her unique thought and conception,this thesis analyzes the characteristics of her self-assurance and self-reliance represented behind her selfishness and rebellion.It makes emphasis on the profound changes Scarlett has in terms of belief and self-value when she experiences the baptism of the Civil War.The process that she changes from a spoiled noble belle to an independent and confident businesswoman indicates the self-awareness of women has wakened up.  相似文献   

翻译适应选择论认为翻译的实质是译者适应翻译生态环境的选择活动。本文拟以The Kite Runner的两中文译本为例,从语言维的两个层面对比分析两位译者在各自翻译生态环境中的适应和选择。  相似文献   

Mr Xu Yuanchong puts forward the translation theory of "three beauties" which defines that poetry translation should reproduce the sense beauty, sound beauty and form beauty of original poetry. This thesis analyzes Mr Xu’s translated work on the Height from "three beauties" theory and explains the concrete realization of three beauties in his translation work.  相似文献   

池秀芝 《海外英语》2012,(24):193-194
The play Death of a Salesman is undoubtedly the most influential play of Arthur Miller which depicts a tragic life of Willy Loman, a travelling salesman, induced by his false American Dream of making a fortune out of business. Unlike many other essays focusing on the hero Willy, this one tries to explore Willy’s dead brother Ben’s function in this play so as to demonstrate that Ben plays an important role in Willy’s life by making Willy’s life more tragic in terms of Aristotle’s tragic theory. The first part of the essay illustrates Ben’s importance to Willy and the second part centers on the way Ben pushes Willy to a more tragic situation.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the reading and interpreting of the voice of gender in Emily Dickinson’s poems.The gender,the 1yric poem and the reading constitute the performance.Dickinson succeeded in constructing alternatives to a traditional,fixed binary gender system(woman/man) and opens opportunities for the reader to perform alternative gendering.Analysis of voices of gender in and of Dickinson’s poems shows that her variant performances of gender are crucial to the general construction of her poetry.Through the analysis of the voice of gender in Dickinson’s poetry,the paper discloses the crucial function of poets construct in women’s rebellion and self-salvation and subverting patriarchy,which also demonstrates her uniqueness in her life and literary creativity.  相似文献   

徐苏 《海外英语》2013,(19):226-227
As one of renowned English novelists,Thomas Hardy concerns about the nature and the living environment.In his sixth published novel,The return of the Native,Thomas Hardy puts human being’s fate into nature,sets the heroine’s fate into her attitudes to nature and suggests that just like nature’s destroy and tragedy,nature and women are ruled and conquered by pa triarchal society.  相似文献   

No masterpiece by great writers is single-sided.It is always polyhedron and is bound to show new sides if we read it in a different perspective.Traditionally,"the Mayor of Casterbridge",one of the important novels by Thomas Hardy,is an illustration of the inevitable doom of the patriarchal economy in the English countryside in the 19th century England due to the merciless squeeze by industrial expansion.However,considering the widespread accepted theory of Adam Smith’s economic man and moral man,we could find that man are always in conflict between the two.Someone who are very rational and perfectly informed to pursue their own profits and wealth regardless of others’ interests could always successfully gain their wealth with the cost of losing their own happiness,while others who always care about someone else,put themselves in someone else’s places,and regard someone else’s happiness as their concerns could eventually get their real happiness and sweet life with a sympathetic heart.Adam Smith thinks that the egoism(economic man) and the altruism(moral man) are both human’s natural instincts.Only a moderately prudent balance and union between the two could both develop the economy and gain the happiness.In "The Mayor of Casterbridge",Henchard’s tragedy just lies in the abundance of egoism but the shortage of altruism.That’s to say,he possesses too many characteristics of economic man but too little of moral man.Then Henchard inevitably begins his tragic way with no repentance.  相似文献   

乔璨 《海外英语》2013,(5X):203-204
Pangs of Love tells the experiences of Chinese American immigrants, and especially the pangs the narrator, as a second generation, feels in family, love and social affairs. Based on the analysis of the narrator’s pangs, this paper argues that it is mainly the uncertainty of cultural identity that leads to the pangs of the narrator, and of the second generation Chinese Americans. This paper shows that the second generation can take advantage of their dual but conflicting cultural heritages to develop a renewed and specific cultural identity.  相似文献   

袁彩荣 《海外英语》2013,(9X):217-218
The novel, The Grass is Singing, written by Doris Lessing, describes the tragic life of a white woman Mary living in South Africa. The article tries to explore the factors resulting in Mary’s tragedy from the perspective of interpersonal ethics so as to reveal the suppression and distortion of traditional ethics over men’s spirit and Lessing’s humanistic feelings.  相似文献   

赵冰冰 《海外英语》2011,(12):273-274
Kensuke’s Kingdom is a highly readable British survival novel written by Michael Morourgo. It is not only a survival novel, but also a realistic novel for the children. By the two disparate characters, the writer wants to discuss the effects of the war, which is the deeper meaning of this novel. Writing war and the effects of the war is a heavy but necessary topic for children’s literature. Books like Kensuke’s Kingdom can be woven into young readers’ developing senses of themselves, extending their imaginations and helping them to understand the world from unaccustomed points of view.  相似文献   

瞿宁 《海外英语》2013,(15):128-129
Since the main purposes of translation lies in expressing to the target readers both the message and the aesthetic value of the source text and making the readers ideologically inspired and aesthetically entertained,Lin Yutang conclusively sum up that the aesthetic criteria in translation should be faithfulness,expressiveness and beauty throughout his translation practices.This thesis mainly focus on the aesthetic criteria of Lin’s translation as well as the aesthetic reproduction in his translation which illustrates the unity reached in Lin’s translation in terms of both the aesthetic features and the loyalty to the meaning.  相似文献   

胡爱洁 《海外英语》2014,(5):176-177,206
Thomas Hardy is an outstanding novelist in the nineteenth century.He has produced numerous works including novels and poetry.His tragic novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles has a great impact on the world literature.The paper is focused on the exploration of Tess’s tragedy through her life experiences.Tess’s tragedy can be illustrated by three factors—her family aspects,love experiences and her social images,which also contribute collectively to poor Tess’s destiny.The social background of the period provides a basis for the novel,and the deformed social values and morality is the root of her tragedy,together with her personal temperament and the Christian religious influences.Christian mores of self-sacrifice,wide love and purity have a great effect on characters in the novel.In the fourth part,there is some enlightenment from Tess’s tragedy.It is believed that women play a crucial role in society.Tess is a woman with good qualities and her experiences give a warning to women today:the proper treatment of one’s behaviors and the social rules is critical.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to show one of the ways history of chemistry can be teachable for chemistry teachers, it means something more than an undifferentiated mass of names and dates, establishing a temporal framework based on chemical entities that all students use. Represents a difficult equilibrium between over-simplification versus over-elaboration. Hence, following the initial proposal of Jensen (J Chem Educ 75:679–687, 817–828, 961–969, 1998), reconstructs the history of one of chemistry’ dimensions (composition-structure) in terms of three revolutionary moments. These moments are considered in terms of the Kuhnian notion of ‘exemplar,’ rather than ‘paradigm.’ This approach enables the incorporation of instruments, as well as concepts into the revolutionary process and provides a more adequate representation of such periods of development and consolidation. These three revolutions are called by the chemical structural entities that emerged from the same: atoms (1766–1808); molecules and isomers (1831–1860); electrons and isotopes (1897–1923).  相似文献   

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