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1.淀jin 绽 qiǒng 2.D。A励——厉(同“砺”,磨砺),消——销;B慢——曼(柔美),由——油;C错——措(处置),头——投,非——匪;D慢——漫(随便),炫——眩,意——诣(指学问等所达到的境界),如——茹(吃),心——辛。[第一段]  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。(10分)1.After class,I have gymnastics____two hours.A.on B.at C.for D.in2.——____do you like music?——____it is relaxing.A.Why,Because B.How,BecauseC.What,Because D.What,/3.We have math____Friday.It!s difficult____interesting.A.on;or B.on;but C.in;or D.in;and4.What!s____favorite movie?A.he B.she C.he!s D.Gina!s5.——Who is your____?——Mr White.A.a science teacher B.science teacherC.science!s teacher D.sciences teachers6.——____do you like biology?——Because it!s …  相似文献   

<正>1数学慢化教育内涵慢教育是一种状态,而慢化教育是一种过程.笔者认为数学慢化教育是一种用闲心慢慢等待数学知识的积累和慢慢丰富生命的实用性教育理念.它是针对"数学现实"相对滞后的学生,采用"六慢"教学(慢节奏、慢引领、慢呈现、慢操作、慢思维、慢生成),让学生能跟上、听懂、学会;借助"慢、降、放、退"的教学策略,让学生易学、易懂、易会;凭借"四读"教学(慢读、审读、品读、悟读),让学生学会思考;建构"高情意学习场"(先行组织者、初始能力、容错和悟错、自然与常规、安全与舒适),让学生想学、善学、乐学,最终实现  相似文献   

最IN口头禅: Don't move!——不许动! No way!——不行! My treat——我请客I promise——我保证Keep it up!——坚持下去! Not yet——还没我什么都好,就是做事太慢(slowly):吃饭慢,写作业慢,穿衣服慢,做什么事都慢。因此,妈妈给我起了一个外号(nickname)——“拖拉机(tractor)”。因为作业(task)做得慢,好好一个数学(math)班委,就被拖拉掉了;因为拖拉被语文(Chinese)老师叫去“加班(work overtime)”也是家常便饭(potluck)。  相似文献   

一、情景交际(根据所给情景选择最佳答案,10小题,20分)1.——I’m sorry to keep you waiting.——.A.I don’t think so;B.Don’t say so;C.It doesn’t matter;D.I’d love to·2.——Have a pleasant trip,Jim.——.A.I’d love to;B.Thank you;C.I’m afraid not;D.Sorry,I  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 1. ——Where do you want me to put ____ flowers? ——It has to be in ____ big vase. Well, please settle them in that one over there. A. the; a B. the; / C. /; a D. the; the 2. ——Go now? ——It$s too late; tomorrow will be a ____ time for you to visit them. A. good B. better C. best D. more 3. ——Could you tell me what he said just now? ——Sorry, I ____ what was going on outside. A. had thought B. was thinking C. thought D. think 4. —…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)1.Millie has____e-dog and its name is Hobo.A.a B.an C.the D./2.——Miss Lin teaches____English this term.——You"re lucky.____is a very good teacher.A.our;She B.us;He C.us;She D.ours;He3.____Mid-autumn Day we usually eat a big dinner and mooncakes.A.In B.On C.At D.By4.I think____of the materials I listened to at the beginning of theexam____easy.A.two,is B.second three,areC.two thirds,are D.two third,are5.——How old is the baby?——He is____.A.six-mo…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(共15小题, 每题1分, 共计15分) 1. ——Mary, ____ you ____ your CD player? ——Yes, I left it in my office. A. did; find B. have; found C. are; finding D. will; find 2. ——How many English words ____ you ____? ——About 2,000 new words since last December. A. did; learn B. are; learning C. are; going to learn D. have; learnt 3. Everyone except Kate and Joe ____ there when the meeting began. A. was B. were C. is D. are 4. Let!s show the rubber toy ____ her, ____? A. for; will…  相似文献   

②中给出凸四边形的一般形式.本文给出另一形式,它不含二重绝对值(符号). 引理若A(a,b),B(c,d),C(e,f),D(g,h)是凸四边形四顶点,令川刊川|川fd人尸‘g 一一 D弓.人,工‘.几bd召心g 一一 D 0. 笋D oD 事实上,因A,B;C,点,D:,D:非零且异号,0}D为凸四边形顶故,上︸.上‘.工11b d fh口c eg 一一 D D一}D,iDZ一}DZ}D,尹0. 定理凸四边形ABCD顶点为A(a,b),B(。,d),C(e,f),D(g,h).则其绝对值方程可写为 }a:x十b,y十‘,1+rlaZ二十饥y+。:}+a3x 十b3少十e3一0.(*) 其中a,,b,,。.,r(i~l,2,3)可由a,b,…,g,h确定. 可仿③定理l的证明.现举一…  相似文献   

一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的4个选项中只有1个符合题目要求)1.函数y一asi二一bcosx的一条对称轴的方程是x一7t/4,则直线ax一勿 。一o的倾斜角为(). A 45“;B 600;C 1200;D 13502.定义在R上的函数f(x)的最小正周期为T,若函数y一f(x),x任(0,丁)时,有反函数y-f一‘(x),x任D,则函数y一f(x),x〔(T,ZT)的反函数是(). ·Ay一f一‘(x),x任D;By一f一‘(x一T),x任D; Cy一f一‘(x十T),x任D;Dy一f一‘(x) T,x任D 「2一‘一1 .x毯0.3.设函数f(x)一代_若f(x。)>1,则x。的取值范围是(). {石,x>o,一“-一’一’一’- A(一1,l);B(…  相似文献   

一、函数单调性的定义1.给定区间D上的任意x1、x2,如果x1f(x2),则函数f(x)为这个区间D上的递减函数.二、函数单调性的理解  相似文献   

一、听力(略)二、单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中.选H{町填人宅h处的最佳答案 I.——I’m taking my English test tomol row. A.()K B.hHi(IlUI·k c.Come lm D.Congratulations2.Excuse me lor being late. 1 llave some HeWS fur you. A.s『1 【{_art(I (:JJul D.vet3.——Yllu haven’t st,i{I a word abmtt mv[1ew coat.Brenda.1)l,Yon like il’ ——I’[1l SttlT~,1 an)rthing about it Soooel.1 eertainlv think∥S pretty on v【Ju.A.wasn’t saying B.don’t say C.WOO’t say D dkht’t say4.——k lI¨hn c…  相似文献   

从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. ——What do you think of the five Friendlies(福娃) for the 2008 Olympic Games? ——I love them. They;re ____. A. generous B. creative C. exotic D. personal 2. ——I tried to ____ you at home several times, but no one answered the phone. ——I was traveling around last three months. A. touch B. reach C. receive D. meet 3. This basket is too heavy for me to carry. Could you please give me a hand? (能代替划线部分的) A. look at me…  相似文献   

1 填空题 (1)理想运放的开环差模电压放大倍数A0d=~,差模输入电阻R。d=——,输出电阻R。,=——,共模抑制比KcMR=——一。(2)完成下列数制的变换:(235)10=(_ )2=( (3)二极管导通时,PN结处于态下,电流由——区流向——电压约为 。 )16 偏置状区,硅管导通 (4)电路如图1所示,判断各电路对于正弦信号有无电压放大作用,并说明无放大的原因:图(a)电路——,图(b)电路 ,图(c)电路,图(d)电路 (c) (d)图l 交流放大器示意图选择题(1)图2所示电路中二极管的工作情况为 )。 图2 直流电路图 A.D1、D2均截止 B.I)1、D2均导通 C.D1截止、D2导通 D.Dl…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. Thanks ____ your computer game. A. of B. from C. for D. to 2. Sarah isn;t my sister. ____ my cousin. A. She;s B. He;s C. She D. He 3. ——Are those your friends? ——____. A. Yes, it is B. No, these aren;t C. Yes, you are D. No, they aren;t 4. ——Is this your family photo? ——No, it isn;t. It;s ____ family photo. A. my B. I C. he D. his 5. Hello, Mary. ____ my friends, Jack and Jim. A. This is B. That is C. These are D. They are 6. Ben is a boy. Your aunt is hi…  相似文献   

王斌  安福全 《高中数理化》2008,(4):43-44,41
一、选择题(每题4分,共48分)1.已知向量a=3,1,b是不平行于x轴的单位向量,且a·b=3,则b=().A32,21;B21,23;C14,343;D1,02.已知O、A、B3点的坐标分别为O(0,0),A(3,0),B(0,3),点P在线段AB上且AP=t AB(0≤t≤1),则OA·OP的最大值为().A3;B6;C9;D123.已知向量a=(2cosφ,2sinφ),φ∈  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(20分)1.The football match was so____that the boy was too____to fallasleep.A.excited;exciting B.exciting;excitedC.exciting;exciting D.excited;excited2.——Could you help me put up the signs on the wall?——____.A.No problem B.I hope soC.That#s all right D.That#s a good idea3.Many visitors come to Beijing every year because it is____city.A.so a beautiful B.very a beautifulC.such beautiful D.quite a beautiful4.I don#t like stories____have unhappy endings.A.who B.that C.where D…  相似文献   


一、函数的奇偶性的定义设函数的定义域为数集D,如果对于任意的x∈D都有-x∈D,且f(-x)=f(x),那么f(x)叫做偶函数;若对任意x∈D都有-x∈D,且f(-x)=-f(x),那么f(x)叫做奇函数.如果函数f(x)是奇函数或偶函数,我们就说函数f(x)具有奇偶性,不具备奇偶性函数叫做非奇非偶的函数.  相似文献   

定义在区间D上的函数f(x),若实数x0∈D满足f(x0)=x0,则称x0为函数f(x)在D上的一个不动点. 例1 对于定义在区间D上的函数f(x),若实数x0∈D满足f(x0)=x0,则称x0为函数f(x)在D上的一个不动点. (1)求函数f(x)=2x (1/x)-2在(0, ∞)上的不动点;  相似文献   

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