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伴随着中国市场经济的发展,出版产业的概念开始被广泛认可和接受,市场营销的诸多理念和手段也越来越多被运用到图书这种特殊商品的市场运作之中,随之衍生出图书营销的概念,那么怎样来理解这个概念?业内的许多理论和实践专家都曾从多个角度撰文详解,笔者也想从出版社营销管理的角度出发,结合图书出版业的实践特点,用图书经营运作中十种常见的概念关系做一点比较研究,不敢以偏概全,但求能从全新的视角来诠释对图书营销的理解.  相似文献   

《中图法》四版使用心得   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
简述了使用《中图法》第四版类分析图书时出现的一些问题及解决办法。  相似文献   

当前图书馆理论与实践若干热点问题述评(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国图书馆理论与实践发生着重大变革,图书馆学和图书馆事业发展面临着一系列的重大问题,正视、适应这个现实,才能有助解决问题,实现观念上、技术上、管理上、方式上的转型,使图书馆服务既与传统不脱节,又与信息高速公路接轨,满足社会知识信息需求。  相似文献   

当前图书馆理论与实践若干热点问题述评(下)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前我国图书馆理论与实践发生着重大变革,图书馆学和图书馆事业发展面临着一系列的重大问题,正视、适应这个现实,才能有助于解决问题,才能实现观念上、技术上、管理上、方式上的转型,使图书馆服务既与传统不脱节,又与信息高速公路接轨,满足社会知识信息需求。  相似文献   

对《中图法》(第4版)美术类目问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了美术的定义,分析了<中图法>第4版优势及不足,指出美术类目设置与绘画理论不合理、类目设置有过粗、遗漏、欠完善、混乱等问题,提出了细化类目、新增设类目、统一类目、顺应时代需求修改类目等具体措施和建议.  相似文献   

本文列举了《中图法》第四版音乐类目中存在的一些问题,并提出了具体改进措施和建议。  相似文献   

This paper tests the extent to which social media is shaping civic engagement initiatives to build trust among people and increase trust in their institutions, particularly the government, police and justice systems. A survey of 502 citizens showed that using social media for civic engagement has a significant positive impact on trust propensity and that this trust had led to an increase in trust towards institutions. Interestingly, while group incentives encouraged citizens to engage online for civic matters, it is civic publications through postings on social media that intensify the urge of citizens for civic action to address social issues. Post-hoc analysis via ten interviews with social activists was conducted to further examine their perceptions on trust towards institutions. The overall findings suggest that institutions, in their effort to promote a meaningful and trusting citizen engagement, need to enhance trust among the public by fostering social capital via online civic engagement and closing the public–police disengagement gap.  相似文献   

This essay draws together deception detection research and explains its relevance to decision‐making in today's social milieu. Major areas of research focus are described including the differential effects of observational conditions, the correspondence between perceived and actual signs of deception, training observers to detect deception, and communicating with suspected deceivers. Communicator relationships, observer characteristics and observer professions are considered in relation to accurate deception detection, as is overall confidence in the ability to detect deception. Implications are drawn for legal, organizational, sales, medical and relational settings.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(37):129-142
In the composition classroom, writing teachers regularly communicate different ideas about library research - a necessary component of the research paper - than reference librarians do. The contradictions confuse the student. And a lack of mutual understanding limits the dialogue between composition teachers and reference librarians. A survey of pedagogical theories about the research process in the composition classroom and the reference library illustrates the discrepancies. Although no one soulution for this rift in communication is possible, understanding the different approaches is necessary to restore the dialogue between the two fields.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how to use IT to deploy trust-based regulation in the government-to-business (G2B) relationship, with the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification in the Netherlands between the Tax and Customs administrations and the businesses as a case study. Specifically, based on the theory of institutional economics, the article discusses how to implement the AEO by utilizing the modern ICT, at lower transaction costs, in the meanwhile enhancing the trust and reputation between the government and businesses. We illustrate the benefits of trust-based regulation by presenting a qualitative comparison of the transaction costs under the two different types of regulations (control-based vs. trust-based). Further, with the AEO case study, we emphasize on the role of IT in facilitating this trust-based regulation design, in following three perspectives: competence trust signaling, competence trust screening, and goodwill trust enhancing. The article concludes with policy recommendations on how to further improve trust-based regulations (in our case, the AEO certification) by enhancing the reputation effect of the regulation in four aspects, which are influenced by the popularity, reliability, effectives and international recognition of the policy. Governments should strongly promote AEO certification in order to exploit the network externalities and make it a worldwide standard.  相似文献   

编制中文机读目录应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据编目实践,分析了编制机读目录应注意的几个问题  相似文献   

As Hong Kong prepares for a political transition in 1997, neither the existing colonial British government nor the impending People's Republic of China (PRC) has established a strong historical foundation for political trust within the territory. In this study, we examine the level of distrust towards the existing and future political regimes, as well as attitudes towards Hong Kong's future. Based on a representative telephone survey of Hong Kong residents (N = 512), we find a high degree of political distrust among respondents, particularly towards the PRC administration. Although initial bivariate analyses establish some association between distrust and media exposure, channel preference, and demographic variables, further multivariate analyses suggest that many of these factors are highly interrelated. One central finding is that among men and those with middle to high socio‐economic status, television news exposure is associated with trust in the PRC. Conversely, women and younger people tend to distrust the PRC, regardless of their news exposure.  相似文献   

The growth of eGovernment applications has initiated profound re-engineering of numerous citizen-government interactions but has not yet provided significant impacts on internet-based voting (iVoting). This study examines the role of trust and the technology adoption model (TAM) in influencing citizen intentions to adopt iVoting, and whether a social identity perspective may play a role in this individual decision process. The study is based on the integrated trust and TAM model. TAM posits that people choose to adopt a new Information Technology (IT) because they perceive it to be useful and sometimes also because it is perceived as easy to use. Trust plays a central role in building that sense of perceived usefulness in cases where the IT is a conduit to the trusted party, as we propose for iVoting. In support of this social identity extension to the trust and TAM model, our results show that citizens' perceptions that they share the same values as the individuals affiliated with providing eGovernment (and internet-based voting) services are especially instrumental. The perception that the agency is made of “people like me” is associated with increased trust in the agency, which in turn is associated with increased levels of other factors that contribute to the intention to vote electronically over the internet. Implications for theory and practice are identified.  相似文献   

Over 660 Chinese researchers were questioned about their scholarly use, citing, and publishing and how trust is exercised in these key activities. Research showed few signs of new forms of scholarly usage behaviour taking hold, despite multiple opportunities afforded by Science 2.0 developments. Thus, for determining trustworthiness for usage purposes, the most important activity was reading the abstract. In terms of citations, citing the seminal source was the most common activity. In contrast, citing non‐peer reviewed sources, such as the social media, was not thought acceptable. For publishing, relevance to the field was the most important factor when choosing a place to publish. Comparisons were made with a study of 3650 international researchers, which employed the same methods and questions. The main differences between Chinese and international researchers were that the former (a) rated abstracts more highly, (b) took into account impact factors more when citing and publishing and (c) were much more likely to be influenced by institutional directives when placing their articles.  相似文献   

郁青 《图书馆界》1999,(3):29-35
发现和提出问题在图书馆学研究中意义重大.图书馆学的问题存在于图书馆实践活动和图书馆学理论中.怎样才能发现和提出问题?一、关心图书馆事业和图书馆实践活动;二、认真工作,勤于思考,不放过异常;三、注意各种分歧、不一致的理论和观点;四、应用逻辑方法;五、运用辩证法思考问题.  相似文献   

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