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This paper presents an analysis of ways in which pedagogy with information and communications technologies (ICTs) may need to adapt to accommodate to a major shift in our conceptions of knowledge and learning. A holistic approach to this analysis based on Checkland’s “systems thinking” suggested changes in pedagogy needed for 21st century learning and suggested ways of managing the complexity in order to support teachers in developing their pedagogical practices. The examination of how learning is conceptualised while learners are in contact with vast arrays of knowledge through Internet access and how this understanding can be reconciled with current views of knowledge acquisition in formal education suggests a need for rebalancing in most phases of education between individual work and group participation. Furthermore, opportunities need to be increased for learners to develop expertise in their chosen domains and to make links between their formal and informal learning. Examination of scenarios in which people learn through peer interaction rather than any formal teaching suggests a need to recognise and not underestimate young people’s capabilities. The paper proposes incorporating opportunities for students to engage with self-organizing social systems into pedagogy. This would complement an emphasis on develosping and understanding both individual and shared expertise.  相似文献   

以拼音为主的汉字教学,给幼儿的汉语学习与认知带来很多困难。在常用的增强汉字学习与记忆技巧中,依汉字演变规律,从追溯字源、再现汉字生成语境入手,通过揭示汉字形体内在机理,建立音、形、义三者内在关联的字源识字法值得关注。因此,研究旨在探索字源识字法对提高幼儿汉字理解、记忆的长期影响,以及对幼儿汉语言认知及思维发展的促进作用。参加者(N =99)按年龄差异,被分到大、中、小三个班级,实验结束后随机选择24名幼儿后测。尽管实验组和控制组的幼儿都认识一些汉字,但实验组的参加者接受了一个短期的字源识字法训练。结果显示,字源识字法提高幼儿汉字学习中的理解与记忆效果;字源识字法对幼儿汉语言认知及思维发展有促进作用。  相似文献   

西方文学对外语学习者思辨缺席症的诊疗作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在外语教学中注重西方文学的教育,是把提高学习者的语言能力和培养其思辨能力这两个看似互不相容的任务结合起来一道加以解决的有效途径。文学理论能让学习者掌握在观察研究一个问题时做到多角度观察、整体性思考、共时性对比、历时性考究、批判性质疑、综合性分析以及新视角切入等思辨能力和技巧,但传统的外国文学教育疏忽了这一重要使命,所以必须对其进行改革以诊治中国外语学习者的思辨缺席症。  相似文献   

In computational modeling activities, learners are expected to discover the inner workings of scientific and mathematical systems: First elaborating their understandings of a given system through constructing a computer model, then “debugging” that knowledge by testing and refining the model. While such activities have been shown to support science learning, difficulties building and using computational models are common and reduce learning benefits. Drawing from Collins and Ferguson (Educ Psychol 28(1):25–42, 1993), we conjecture that a major cause for such difficulties is a misalignment between the epistemic games (modeling strategies) learners play, and the epistemic forms (model types) a given modeling environment is designed to support. To investigate, we analyzed data from a study in which ten groups of U. S. fifth graders (n = 28) worked to create stop motion animations and agent-based computational models (ABMs) to discover the particulate nature of matter. Content analyses revealed that (1) groups that made progress—that is, that developed increasingly mechanistic, explanatory models—focused on elements, movement, and interactions when developing their models, a strategy well-aligned with both animation and ABM; (2) groups that did not make progress focused on sequences of phases, a strategy well-aligned with animation but not with ABM; and (3) struggling groups progressed when they received guidance about modeling strategies, but not when they received guidance about model content. We present summary analyses and three vignettes to illustrate these findings, and share implications for research and curricular design.  相似文献   

In the last decades, students increasingly have been placed in the role of active learners with responsibilities for their own learning. Students have to be able to plan their learning activities and execute them in a systematic and orderly way and to monitor and to evaluate their learning and to reflect on it. All aforementioned skills are components of metacognitive skillfulness. The first objective was to gain insight in the development of both quantity and quality of metacognitive skills in young adolescents (aged 12–15 years). The second objective was to establish whether development of metacognitive skills is intelligence related or relatively intelligence independent. Finally, the generality vs. domain specificity of developing metacognitive skills was investigated. In a 3-year longitudinal study, participants performed two different tasks (text studying and problem solving) in two different domains (history and math), while thinking aloud. Results show that between the age of 12 and 15 years, metacognitive skills do not develop linearly or at the same pace. Furthermore, metacognitive skills contribute to learning performance, partly independent of intellectual ability. Finally, the results show that metacognitive skills appear to be predominantly general by nature over the years. Although a smaller domain-specific component was found as well in the first 2 years, this component disintegrated in the third year. The age around 15 years appears to be a relevant point in time during the developmental trajectory of metacognitive skills: Growth is (temporarily) put on hold, while the nature of these skills becomes fully general.  相似文献   

All primary school children in England are required to write computer programs and learn about computational thinking. There are moves in other countries to this effect such as the U.S. K-12 Computer Science Framework (CSF) for development. Debates on how to program and what constitutes computational thinking are ongoing. Here we report on a study of programing by children aged 7 – 11 using Java and elements of computational thinking they experience. Our platform comprises a novel Story-Writing-Coding engine we have developed. We compare novice (children’s) processes of coding an animated story with that of experts (college students) and evaluate the differences using four measures based on the progressive coding of a complete program. We also analyze the use of novice (children’s) computational thinking in this coding process. This research is set against a backdrop of approaches to teaching programing and concepts of computational thinking in recent educational literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to share ideas from 5x5x5=creativity, a research initiative established in Bath (UK) in 2000, with the aim of developing and embedding a creative and reflective pedagogy in schools and early years settings. 5x5x5=creativity research, in partnership with schools, educators, artists, creative professionals, mentors and cultural centres, aims to raise the aspirations and improve the life chances of children and young people as creative learners. In our research we want to develop creative reflective practice and influence systemic educational change. This research defends the special role of the arts in developing a more flexible concept of education through curiosity and creativity, together with the capacity for the arts for allows ‘possibility thinking’ through a creative and critical pedagogy. In this article we analyse the impact of the artists’ involvement on the development of a creative, reflective pedagogy in schools. As both artists and educators we believe it is necessary to challenge current orthodoxies and establish creative and critical thinking at the heart of learning for both children and adults.  相似文献   

This article investigates the possible role of children's literature in the education of adult learners of English. This three-year study on adult learners of English from the People's Republic of China shows that children's literature can be effective in teaching linguistic skills such as pronunciation practice and improving language acquisition. Using and reading children's literature is an initial step to developing literary competence, critical thinking, increasing knowledge, and multicultural understanding as well as exposing learners from developing countries to effective innovative educational methodology. Despite the limitations of children's literature—identification with child protagonists—it paves the way to developing literacy in adult literature.  相似文献   

Educators, government bodies and employers have acknowledged the need for modern learners to acquire 21st century skills using information and communication technologies, to personalise student learning. Students need broader skills than the 3Rs (reading, writing and arithmetic) to operate in the 21st century. These broader skills known as the 4Cs include: creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. The use of information and communication technologies is crucial in developing the 4Cs in conjunction with understanding how learning takes place. However, simply using technology does not guarantee that deep learning will occur. The use of technology needs to align and adapt with our knowledge of learning to be able to operate in a transformative space. This paper is designed to link the understandings of deep learning, 21st century skills and appropriate use of information and communication technologies to provide direction to educators who wish to lead in a technological environment of change.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether a geospatial information technology (GIT)‐supported science curriculum helped students in an urban middle school understand land use change (LUC) concepts and enhanced their spatial thinking. Five 8th grade earth and space science classes in an urban middle school consisting of three different ability level tracks participated in the study. Data gathering methods included pre/posttest assessments, daily classroom observations, daily teacher meetings, and examination of student produced artifacts. Findings indicated that content knowledge about environmental issues associated with LUC and spatial thinking skills involved with aerial and remotely sensed (RS) imagery interpretation increased for all learners. In most content and skill area clusters, effect sizes were larger for lower and middle track learners than for upper track learners. Achievement for spatial thinking items increased for all ability level tracks. The curriculum implementation appeared effective for enhancing spatial thinking skills involved with RS image interpretation to identify objects and investigate ground cover features. Learners at all ability levels had difficulty interpreting time‐sequenced images. Influencing learning contexts including curriculum design principles and instructional strategies are discussed. The findings from this study provide support that spatial thinking can be learned, can be taught formally to all students in an urban middle school, and can be supported by appropriately designed tools, technologies, and curriculum. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 281–300, 2011  相似文献   

当前,高校以学习者为中心大力推进教育教学改革,传统的教学方法难以满足学习者对编程课程学习的个性化需求.传统课程实践环节中的编程练习较为单调乏味,很难激发学习者学习编程的兴趣,学习者甚至会对编程学习产生负面的情绪.本研究面向培养计算机编程能力提出一个基于计算机游戏的学习模型,该游戏模型以"面向对象程序设计"课程为例面向在...  相似文献   

以信息网络技术、移动通信技术为代表的新技术在教育教学中发挥着越来越重要的作用,然而国内外的大量研究表明,这些技术并没有如人们预期那样带来教育教学的本质提升。片面注重物化形态的信息技术、忽视意识形态的思维技术是造成这一尴尬的主要原因。思维能力培养及学习力提升是数字化时代教育教学的根本目标。直接思维训练和学科思维训练是思维技能教学的两种方式,二者相辅相成、相互促进,有助于对学习者进行全面完善的思维能力培养。积极性思维、批判性思维和创造性思维是思维训练的三大导向,可通过“隐性思维显性化——显性思维工具化——高效思维自动化”三大训练阶段提升。  相似文献   

A potential method for teaching geospatial thinking and reasoning (GTR) is through geospatially enabled learning technologies. We developed an energy resources geospatial curriculum that included learning activities with geographic information systems and virtual globes. This study investigated how 13 urban middle school teachers implemented and varied the enactment of the curriculum with their students and investigated which teacher- and student-level factors accounted for students’ GTR posttest achievement. Data included biweekly implementation surveys from teachers and energy resources content and GTR pre- and posttest achievement measures from 1,049 students. Students significantly increased both their energy resources content knowledge and their GTR skills related to energy resources at the end of the curriculum enactment. Both multiple regression and hierarchical linear modeling found that students’ initial GTR abilities and gain in energy content knowledge were significantly explanatory variables for their geospatial achievement at the end of curriculum enactment, p < .001. Teacher enactment factors, including adherence to implementing the critical components of the curriculum or the number of years the teachers had taught the curriculum, did not have significant effects on students’ geospatial posttest achievement. The findings from this study provide support that learning with geospatially enabled learning technologies can support GTR with urban middle-level learners.  相似文献   

丁瑞锁  王娟  李巍  郑浩 《教育技术导刊》2021,19(12):217-220
随着人工智能、区块链、5G等技术的迅速发展,计算思维成为信息时代数字公民的必备技能。高中信息技术教师是计算思维培养的主体,其知识、能力等综合素质决定了计算思维培养的有效性。首先分析计算思维培养下的高中信息技术教师胜任力,其次挖掘出面向计算思维培养的高中信息技术教师胜任力的主要影响因素是知识体系、教学模式、项目设计和合作意识,最后提出了计算思维培养下高中信息技术教师胜任力提升策略,即采取学习计算思维教育系统知识、探索计算思维教育教学模式、创建符合计算思维教育项目、增强与其它学科教师及相关企业合作意识等策略。  相似文献   

杨军  张弢 《教育教学论坛》2020,(17):149-150
大数据时代已经到来,随着"微课"的不断发展以及教育技术的飞速进步,学习者的学习方式正在慢慢发生改变,"微学习"正成为新型的学习方式。虽然与传统学习方式不同,但为提高学习效率,"微学习"的目标应和传统学习目标基本一致,应以知识积累和思维认知能力的共同提高为最终目标。该文将引入传统理论如布鲁姆的教育目标分类学、米特斯特拉斯和米勒的知识观以及鲍姆加特纳的思维理论等进行阐述,阐明"微学习"首先应该完成基于思维思考过程的个人知识管理和个人知识构建,达成一种思与知双位提升,最终上升至智慧的层面。  相似文献   

New learning approaches are now required to meet changing needs and develop appropriate skills and capabilities, often addressed as 21st century skills. In the last decade, design thinking has gained in popularity in higher education. This article describes the design thinking approach, its principles and models, various design thinking tools and their application in pedagogy. It presents the findings of an international study evaluating the creation and implementation of a culture‐based blended‐learning course for adult learners who are developing their 21st century skills by applying innovative teaching/learning methodologies, such as case studies, webquests and design thinking tools. Two hundred and twenty‐seven learners participated in the course and responded to a questionnaire to evaluate the learning platform, the English course developed, the teaching/learning methodologies applied and the development of their 21st century skills applying innovative learning tools. The findings highlight the benefits of the design thinking approach to skills development and point to the impact of the course content and layout and certain design thinking tools applied in developing 21st century skills.  相似文献   

Computational thinking is one of the skills critical for successfully solving problems posed in a technology driven and complex society. The limited opportunities in school settings to help students develop computational thinking skills underscores the need for helping teachers integrate it in their practices. Besides developing the knowledge of technology, content, and pedagogy, teachers need to recognize the relevance of computational thinking to their teaching, a factor influencing their future practice with it. Drawing from the literature on problem-solving and TPACK framework, this paper discusses strategies, including content-specific examples, problem-solving nature of computational thinking, and the methods of teaching problem-solving for enabling teachers to make the connections between computational thinking and their practices.  相似文献   

The current impetus for increasing STEM in K-12 education calls for an examination of how preservice teachers are being prepared to teach STEM. This paper reports on a study that examined elementary preservice teachers’ (n = 21) self-efficacy, understanding of science concepts, and computational thinking as they engaged with robotics in a science methods course. Data collection methods included pretests and posttests on science content, prequestionnaires and postquestionnaires for interest and self-efficacy, and four programming assignments. Statistical results showed that preservice teachers’ interest and self-efficacy with robotics increased. There was a statistically significant difference between preknowledge and postknowledge scores, and preservice teachers did show gains in learning how to write algorithms and debug programs over repeated programming tasks. The findings suggest that the robotics activity was an effective instructional strategy to enhance interest in robotics, increase self-efficacy to teach with robotics, develop understandings of science concepts, and promote the development of computational thinking skills. Study findings contribute quantitative evidence to the STEM literature on how robotics develops preservice teachers’ self-efficacy, science knowledge, and computational thinking skills in higher education science classroom contexts.  相似文献   

New Pathways into Robotics: Strategies for Broadening Participation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper suggests new strategies for introducing students to robotics technologies and concepts, and argues for the importance of providing multiple entry points into robotics. In particular, the paper describes four strategies that have been successful in engaging a broad range of learners: (1) focusing on themes, not just challenges; (2) combining art and engineering; (3) encouraging storytelling; (4) organizing exhibitions, rather than competitions. The paper describes a new technology, called the PicoCricket, that supports these strategies by enabling young people to design and program artistic creations that integrate light, sound, music, and motion. The paper concludes with an analysis of robotics activities in three educational environments, examining how these new strategies and technologies can engage young people with diverse interests and learning styles.  相似文献   

英语阅读与批判性思维能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
批判性思维能力是创新思维能力的前提,也是人才培养的重要组成部分,本从英语人才培养的需要出发,论证了英语学习在进行课外阅读的同时培养批判性思维能力的必要性及可行性。  相似文献   

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