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目前我国社会体育指导员在数量、质量及等级结构等方面与我国社会需求有一定差距,影响到我国全民健身的开展。通过论述建立网络社会体育指导员系统的设想,从几个方面探讨了建立网络社会体育指导员系统的可行性,并进一步认为网络社会体育指导员系统有着不可比拟的优越性和广阔的发展前景,它将有力地推动我国全民健身计划纲要的完善与实施。  相似文献   

真实性评价:建构性课堂中的评价方式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王凯 《教育科学》2003,19(3):46-50
真实性评价作为20世纪90年代西方基础教育领域出现的一种另类评价方式,从其生成至今慢慢从课堂评价的边缘走向中心,已经成为建构性课堂的中心评价方式。本文中,笔者就真实性评价兴起的历史背景、特点以及在课堂中的应用启示作了探析。  相似文献   

One distinctive requirement of Executive Education is the need to integrate the corporate experiences of participants and frame them within a common body of knowledge wherein experiences can be shared, analyzed, and absorbed by all participants. What might customarily arise out of classroom camaraderie must now be technologically designed and supported from the outset in online executive education. Our research question is: What can be done to develop online executive programs that utilize the richness of executive experiences as the foundation for analyzing, comprehending, and retaining key concepts learned throughout the course? Storytelling is proposed as a method to capture and use corporate experiences of participating executives in meaningful ways while developing a strong social presence among participants online. This study explores organizational stories, identifying unique story elements and their purposes, and discussing how they can be introduced into online executive courses through modeled behavior, a part of social cognitive theory. Storytelling is compared to traditional case studies and chat rooms. While storytelling may be more difficult to implement, there are significant advantages to storytelling, including making the experience more real, increasing comprehension of concepts, and improving the retention of knowledge.  相似文献   


The author reports on social media research in technical and professional communication (TPC) training through a national survey of 30 professional and technical communication programs asking about their use of social media in technical communication. This research forms the basis of recommendations for training online TPC faculty to teach with social media. The author offer recommendations throughout for those who train online TPC faculty as well as for the teachers themselves.  相似文献   

网络媒体议程设置功能的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用定量的研究方法。选择最具代表性的媒体网站人民网作为分析对象,从经济发展、社会主义民主建设、社会保障、教育、科技等11个方面研究网络受众议程与网络媒介议程之间的关系.从而考察网络媒体是否具有议程设置功能?其作用有多大?提出利用网络媒体的议程设置功能,充分发挥网络媒体的舆论导向作用。  相似文献   

教育管理学人的实践转向 ——一个“媒体人”的视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教育管理学科的实践转向已渐成趋势,但学界“自说自话”、将简单问题复杂化而将复杂问题简单化的现象还很普遍,“假问题”、“假研究”亦大量存在。教育管理学人应努力“读懂”基层所需、提升思维层次,实现实践转向。  相似文献   

This three-part article first presents an overview of a Web-based reading-intensive course that introduces work-family scholarship to social work students so that they can integrate the historical, theoretical, and empirical perspectives of this rich body of knowledge into their practice. Second, the authors explore the compatibility of work-family scholarship, collaborative learning, and online course delivery. And third, a continual course assessment based on specific criteria associated with effective electronic discussion is used to illustrate how the teaching environment of this work-family online course is being modified and improved.  相似文献   

当前,"互联网+"技术迅猛发展,正不断推动教育教学改革实践模式的创新。线上线下混合式教学为传统课堂教学改革提供了一种延续性创新的新思路。基于对混合式教学的内涵界定与作用探讨,从基于人才培养思维的课程设计理念,基于迭代思维的线上线下学习任务结构和流程设计,基于用户思维的学生参与式课堂学习活动设计,基于跨界思维的混合教学平台设计,基于社会化思维的学习行为分析与评价设计等五大方面,构建了高校财经专业"资产评估学"教学设计,以期为混合式教学改革提供理论依据与实践经验借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the revision of a literacy workshop from its basis in expressivist philosophy and pedagogy toward a more socially and critically based practice with urban adolescents. As part of a larger research project, a classroom teacher and a university researcher collaborated to include social action projects within a workshop approach to reading and writing. This paper presents both the positive developments brought about by these social action projects and the difficult dilemmas raised by the enactment of the projects in the classroom. Specifically, I use one of the social action performances to examine how discursive and relational practices and individualistic ideologies held by classroom and school participants shaped the projects in disturbing ways. I highlight how the students engaged in interesting—albeit often superficial—dialogues but did not necessarily learn to taken action to challenge structures and systems that marginalize or oppress people. The paper concludes with suggestions for future revisions of literacy workshops in ways that would allow students to develop literacy skills for taking action in multiple social worlds.  相似文献   

The use of online learning and other software-powered technologies is on the rise in the United States, encouraged financially and politically by governmental and commercial entities. Specifically, online courses are gaining ground in K–12 public schools, schools which often purchase from third-party providers. After a decade in the New York City Department of Education as an English teacher and schools official responsible for a large-scale online learning programme, the author asks the question: How does the use of software-powered technologies like online learning affect the teaching of literature? In pursuit of this question, the author draws on concept from the field of software studies while adapting qualitative methods from multimodal studies to examine precisely how the nature of software (and the ideologies of those who create and sell it) are subtly influencing the teaching of literature.  相似文献   

党的十九大要求要打造共建共治共享的社会治理格局。从现实考量来看,新时代社会治理有着其价值诉求:谋求公共利益最大化是其本质、人民是其根本主体、实现社会和谐人民幸福是其目标。不难发现,我国社会治理还存在着多重挑战:转型悖论、新媒体负效应以及治理主体互动缺乏科学机制等问题。为此,需从促进多元主体互动、贯彻依法治国方略、打造网络现实融合以及提高主体治理能力来实现社会治理的社会化、法治化、智能化、专业化。  相似文献   

Rich-media representations of teaching using animated cartoons can be effective at stimulating teachers' discussion about practice and hence help them learn productively from one another about their profession. Our research aims to design web-based interactive rich-media virtual settings for teachers to learn to do the practice of teaching. For that purpose, we seek a set of operational design principles that could be used to optimally exploit web-based interactive rich-media technologies. By operational design principles, we mean guidelines that facilitate decision making in the creation of learning conditions. In this article, we report on a study of the effect of embedded animated clips of instructional practice in online interactive forum/chat to support teachers in learning to notice and interpret critical events of classroom interactions. The study showed that both novice and experienced teachers actively participated in discussion and effectively noticed important events of teaching practice. The main findings include the following: (a) Embedding animated representations of teaching in forum/chat, by serving as a common point of reference, helps both novice and experienced teachers effectively notice and discuss noteworthy events in teaching practice; (b) forum suits novice teachers better than chat; and (c) both forum and chat suit experienced teachers in different ways. This study is a critical step in a design-based research agenda toward the building of more complex virtual settings for teacher education.  相似文献   


The transition from elementary to middle or high school is an important experience common to most adolescents in North America. However, very little research has been conducted to understand the experiences of students with a disability status and the stakeholders involved in the transition. Clearly, there is a need to generate information that views the transition as a process between students and stakeholders that takes place over time. This investigation illustrates the utility of the action-project method for studying the transition to middle or high school. Three cases involving Canadian adolescents with different disabilities (learning, sensory/motor and emotional/behavioural) and their parents, as key stakeholders, are presented.  相似文献   

Many young adults consume news, political, and historical information through social media sites, and yet students do not always connect this information to the academic knowledge they learn in their classes. In addition, while students learn academic writing and presentation skills, they may not feel equipped to present the knowledge that they have learned to a non-academic audience. I detail a class assignment in which students produce a social media project that imparts academic knowledge to a general audience. These have taken the form of short videos, websites, a documentary and even poems and songs. Drawing on a survey of the students, as well as a content analysis of the projects, I find that the project is successful in achieving several teaching goals, including knowledge retainment, critical thinking skills, making real world connections with class material, student empowerment, and improving communication skills.  相似文献   

本文从学校自身发展的经验出发,界定了"自主课题"的内涵,从可操作的角度提供了一种较为理想的适合中小学教师专业化发展的学习方式--自主课题研究,具有针对实用性、灵活可变性、小专短、持续反思性等特征.  相似文献   

College preparation programs are ubiquitous among secondary schools, ranging from bridge programs and summer camps to STEM competitions. High school students have many options in preparing for the academic pressures of higher education. However, an area often neglected in college preparation programs is the teaching of interpersonal customs and norms of university life. High school students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, may enter college with little to no understanding of the social and organizational expectations of being a college student. This study tests a college preparation approach that utilizes college-themed media as a way to educate students on college life that is unintimidating and enjoyable. Six high school students were presented with various forms of fictional college story plotlines, including a movie, two television shows, and a novel. Through observational data and semi-structured interviews, findings showed that the students identified some valuable personal lessons about what it means to be a college student after consuming the media. The findings suggest that incorporating college media into college preparation programs in high school may provide a more holistic college preparation experience by demystifying college stereotypes and relieving some of the pressures that high school students face about what is waiting for them in college.  相似文献   

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