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God created the 1)mule, and told him, "You will be mule, working constantly from 2) dusk to 3)dawn,carrying heavy loads on your back. You will eat grass and lack 4)intelligence. You will live for 50 years."The mule answered, "To live like this for 50 years is too much. Please, give me no more than 20." And it was so.  相似文献   

God created the mule and told him,“You will be mule,working constantlyfrom dusk to dawn,carrying heavy loads on your back.You will eat grass,and youlack intelligence.You will live for 40 years.”The mule answered,“To live likethis for 40 years is too much. Please,give me no more than 20.”And it wasso.Then God created the dog and told him,“You will hold vigilance over thedwellings of Man,To him you will be his greatest c…  相似文献   

耳朵像骡子,尾巴像棉桃;像个小傻瓜,拼命往前跑。Ears like a mule,Tail like a cotton boll,Runs like a fool.兔子  相似文献   

在神秘的动物王国里,各种动物都有不同的形态和特征,因而也被赋予了不同的含义和象征。下面是一些常见的动物及其象征意义: 孔雀(peacock)——美丽骡子(mule)——秉性顽强狐狸(fox)——老奸巨滑鲸(whale)——庞大驴子(ass)——愚笨迟钝狮子(lion)、老虎(tiger)——勇猛凶残蜗牛(snail)——行动迟缓天鹅(swan)——姿态优美  相似文献   

Stick To It!     
Mary Jane McLeod was ten years old.Her grandmother, who lived with the family.said, “She’s no-wisepretty,but she’s strongas a mule(骡子).”Thiswas a perfect descrip-tion(描绘)of the littleNegro girl.  相似文献   

)1.Once,Tylers,an ancientGreek businessman,was drivinga group of mules crossing a river.The mules were carrying salt.一次,古希腊商人泰勒斯,赶着一群驮运食盐的骡子过河。2.When the mules came to the middle of the river,one mule accidentally fell down in the  相似文献   

在中学英语课本中,as多次出现。它的含义较多,且用法灵活。现将其用法分析归纳如下: 1.as作为副词,常与连词as连用,意为“和……一样”。例如:as easy asABC(非常容易),as cool as cucumber(沉着的),as stubborn as a mule(非常顽强的,倔强的),as clear as crystal(非常透明的),as poor as a church  相似文献   

望文生义,是阅读英语文章之大忌,有些学生由于对原文不求甚解,自以为有了一定的语法知识和词汇量,就想当然地去翻译解释,往往闹出许多笑话。虽然有时也有“猜”对的时候,但因此却埋下了错误的种子,误入了岐途,对他们阅读能力的提高是很不利的。避免望文生义,自然是多查、多想、所问。如:‘sea mouse’、‘sea mule’,若从字面译来,自然是海鼠和海骡,而实际含义是海毛虫和小机动船  相似文献   

说到"倔强",最容易想到的英语表达法就是stubborn(固执,执拗,倔强的),还有一个更生动的短语stubborn as mule(像驴一样倔的,非常执拗的),或者可以用mulish(骡子一样执拗的;固执的)。2013年4月8日,前英国女首相撒切尔夫人逝世,媒体纷纷发文的来缅怀这位生前叱咤英国政坛的风云人物,英国广播公司BBC就援引撒切尔夫人生前故交的评论"Thiswoman is headstrong,obstinate anddangerously self-opinionated."(这位女士刚  相似文献   

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