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认为形象思维既是完整的科学活动不可缺少的一种思维形式,也是整个科学发展不可缺少的一种思维形式.阐释了形象、形象思维、科学形象思维、化学形象思维等概念,讨论了化学认知中的形象及形象思维、化学形象思维的过程机制以及化学形象思维的分析结构.  相似文献   

Governance proposals for higher education in the United States are often promulgated on the basis of some utopian goal or on the assumption that a given proposal is the panacea for multifaceted problems or that it is equally applicable to diverse institutional settings. This paper, rather than promulgating a single proposal, takes a more analytic approach and develops a contingency model for identifying appropriate decision-making structures. First, emergent conditions in American higher education's external environment, in the internal social environment of its colleges and universities, and in the development of higher education management systems are analyzed to establish some long-range criteria for evaluating decision-making effectiveness. Second, a typology of institutional decisions categorized as policy, managerial, and operating decisions is presented. An analysis of the nature and content of each major type of decision suggests divergent patterns of formal and informal decision-making structures and patterns, and differing content and functions for the supporting management information technology which might be appropriate to each of the decision types or categories. Finally, the analysis relates the contingency notions of decision structure and type to the criteria for evaluating the decision-making process and suggests how they are compatible or might be modified to be more compatible. The model is a general conceptual one which the author suggests can be used on either an institution-wide basis or with particular subunits of a college or university.
Types de decision, structures et evaluation des processus: un modele de contingence
Résumé Les projets officiels pour l'enseignement supérieur sont souvent formulés aux Etats-Unis par référence à un objectif idéal ou en supposant qu'un projet déterminé est susceptible de représenter la solution universelle de problèmes multidimensionnels et qu'il est également réalisable dans les différents contextes institutionnels. L'article ne vise pas à présenter un projet particulier; il se place au point de vue analytique et présente un modèle à éventualités multiples capable de déterminer les structures les plus appropriées à la prise de décision. En premier lieu, les caractéristiques nouvelles du milieu social dans lequel fonctionne aux Etats-Unis l'enseignement supérieur, les caractéristiques du milieu interne constitué par les collèges et les universités et les caractéristiques des systèmes de gestion pour l'Université sont soumises à l'examen afin de déterminer une large gamme de critères capables de s'appliquer à l'évaluation de l'efficacité des décisions. En second lieu, on présente une typologie des décisions institutionnelles dont les catégories sont celles de la détermination d'une politique, de la gestion et de l'application. L'analyse de la nature et du contenu de chacun des principaux types de décisions conduit à concevoir des structures et des formes différentes pour les prises de décision, tant explicites que diffuses, ainsi que des caractéristiques et des fonctions différentes pour la technologie de l'information sur laquelle repose la gestion, cela par référence aux différentes catégories de décision. En dernier lieu, l'analyse met en relations les notions variables de structure et de type de décision avec les critères retenus pour évaluer le processus de la prise de décision et examine jusqu'à quel point ils sont compatibles ou pourraient être modifiés afin de devenir plus compatibles. Le modèle présenté est un modèle théorique très général dont l'auteur suggère qu'il pourrait être utilisé tant pour une institution de large envergure que pour les sous-ensembles d'un collège ou d'une université.

The aim of this study is to provide information on the purposes, structure and operation of the process of supervision in the Turkish educational system. In this paper, the historical development of supervision services in the Turkish educational system, as well as the purposes and principles of educational supervision in Turkey and the structure of supervision in the Turkish educational system are defined. Moreover, the organization of sub-systems of the Ministry of National Education and that of supervision at elementary schools, hiring supervisors, their training, duties and responsibilities as well as working principles are presented. In addition, a detailed analysis of the supervision of institutions and teachers by supervisors is included.  相似文献   

优等物化劳动本身不能创造价值,但在价值创造过程中起着重要作用。发挥优等物化劳动在价值创造过程中的作用,要改革现有科技创新体制,提高科学技术转化为生产力的比例;加大资金投入,拓宽科技创新主体特别是企业在技术创新中的融资渠道;尊重科学技术劳动,培养和引进更多具有高素质的科学技术人员。  相似文献   


This article assesses the position of post-colonial societies within a neoliberal paradigm through an analysis of the role of language in education and the importance of adequate academic preparation for social development. Generally, teacher–student interactions constitute the foundational substance of learning processes. Since education revolves around language, omitting the way language affects classroom instruction amounts to omitting a key factor that might impede or facilitate education. Because these interactions tend to happen around textbooks, and given that textbooks are often ideologically saturated, an analysis of interactional patterns and textbook discourses may help to assess how the education system can improve students’ academic development and the external efficiency of the system. The article makes the case for post-colonial societies to define strategic visions that are in concert with their specific needs, as opposed to being strangled into grand narratives such as neoliberalism that may be counterproductive for the growth of their societies.  相似文献   

“玩”的文学:幼儿文学的游戏性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游戏对幼儿来说不是一种剩余精力的简单耗费,而是包含了学习、创造和娱乐层面的多重意义。幼儿文学是幼儿体验游戏的一种特殊场所。幼儿文学从内容、语言、体式到内在精神,都体现了一种与幼儿生活密切相关的游戏性。这种游戏性以语言作为最基本的承载物,其游戏内容主要也是在语言的层面上展开。幼儿文学作品所具有的对于童年内在生命精神的理解和尊重等深层内涵,构成了幼儿文学所独特的游戏精神,这既是一种天然的童年游戏趣味,意味着一种充沛的童年生命能量,也是一种高级的审美游戏,意味着一种严肃的童年内在精神。  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of imposed (picture) and induced (play) imagery on the aural language comprehension of kindergarten children. Eighty children were randomly assigned to two treatment and two control conditions. A one-way analysis of variance indicated no significant differences in recall. It was concluded that further study of mediating conditions was needed across a wide range of skills, abilities, and individual differences. This research was funded in part by a grant from the Auburn University School of Education Research Assistance Program. Drawings included in the article were prepared by John Anglim.  相似文献   

安徽傩戏是以驱鬼疫祈吉祥为目的,以戴面具为表演特征的请神敬祖的一种祭祀性民间戏曲表演活动。文章探讨了贵池傩戏的萌生时间,演出的行当、剧目及唱腔等问题。作者认为,贵池傩戏傩文化对研究古代戏曲、民间文化艺术、民间信仰和皖江地区文化有极大的史料价值。  相似文献   

This article explores the role of philosophy of education in three post-Soviet societies of Eastern Europe: Poland, Lithuania and Slovenia. The characteristic themes and approaches of philosophical reflection about education in these societies are explored with reference to three periods: the pre-Soviet, Soviet and post-Soviet periods.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe our research using a multi-user virtual environment, Quest Atlantis, to embed fourth grade students in an aquatic habitat simulation. Specifically targeted towards engaging students in a rich inquiry investigation, we layered a socio-scientific narrative and an interactive rule set into a multi-user virtual environment gaming engine to establish a virtual world through which students learned about science inquiry, water quality concepts, and the challenges in balancing scientific and socio-economic factors. Overall, students were clearly engaged, participated in rich scientific discourse, submitted quality work, and learned science content. Further, through participation in this narrative, students developed a rich perceptual, conceptual, and ethical understanding of science. This study suggests that multi-user virtual worlds can be effectively leveraged to support academic content learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to qualitatively explore the affordances for risky play in two different preschool outdoor environments, an ordinary preschool playground and a nature playground, based on Gibson (The ecological approach to visual perception, 1979) theory of affordances and Heft’s and Kytte?’s (Heft in Children’s Environ Qual 5(3) 29–37, 1988; Kytt? in J Environ Psychol 22:109–123, 2002, Kytt? in J Environ Psychol 24:179–198, 2004) extended work on this theory. Observations of risky play in two Norwegian preschools, one ordinary preschool (where play took place on an ordinary playground) and one nature and outdoor preschool (where play took place in a nature area) were conducted. In addition, the children were interviewed about their actualized affordances of risky play, their mobility license, and the constraints on risky play. The results show that both play environments afford an extensive amount of risky play among the children, and that the degree of mobility license tolerated by the staff is an important factor for the children to actualize these affordances. Differences in the qualities and features in the two play environments were found to have an impact on the degree of riskiness in the play situations. As such, the nature playground afforded a higher degree of risk in children’s risky play.  相似文献   

Keith Watson 《Compare》1999,29(1):5-22
This article argues that too little attention has been paid to the linguistic diversity of many poor countries by international donor agencies, given that the most plurilingual societies are also amongst the poorest. Now that recognition has been belatedly given to the language issue geopolitical changes are leading to conflicting pressures on governments. On the one hand there has been a steady decline in the number of global languages over the years. This process is likely to increase, especially given the pressures for globalisation and the growth of English. On the other hand there are also pressures to develop local languages. Ultimately decisions about language choice depend upon a mixture of politics, power relationships and cost. The choices facing governments in the poorer countries are becoming more difficult not less, but unless positive action is taken to develop local languages many, along with their communities, will decline.  相似文献   

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