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当今社会的孩子多生长在“温室”,受到众星捧月般的呵护,生活中家长唯恐孩子吃一点苦、受一点委屈。他们在物质方面尽其所能地给孩子提供优越条件的同时,却常常忽视必要的意志品质教育和心理素质的培养,从而导致孩子心理承受能力的减弱,无法面对失败、挫折。如何协助学生正确地对待挫折,培养他们坚强的意志力,让他们挑战成长中的一切风雨,直至成为真正的强者,是值得每位教育工作者思考和亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

近年来,整个社会普遍感受到学生克服困难、承受挫折的勇气和能力越来越弱,挫折反应极为强烈.在目前激烈的社会竞争中,帮助孩子学会克服困难,正确面对失败与挫折十分迫切和重要.家长应发挥家庭教育的针对性、个体性和完整性,通过改变自身教育观念、为孩子树立榜样、创设挫折教育情境和培养良好心理素质等对孩子进行挫折教育.  相似文献   

未来的竞争不仅是智力的竞争,也是心理品质的较量,孩子们将来面对社会,不可能总是一帆风顺的,而是会经历无数的困难和挫折。因此,我们要引导孩子面对挫折,帮助他们战胜挫折,培养其适应能力,成为生活的强者。一、将挫折留给孩子人生道路坎坷不平,挫折、困难、失败、痛苦,是任何人都无法避免的。让孩子从小吃点苦,跌几个跟头,在逆境中锻炼意志,才能使他自如地面对一切挫折、困难,保持乐观与自信。如在游戏中孩子们常会遇到磕磕碰碰的事,教师要教孩子学会忍受碰到的伤痛,头上碰到的紫包可以渐渐退去,但受了伤的勇气却难以恢复。所以我们要让孩…  相似文献   

随着现代社会生活水平的不断提高以及教育改革的不断深化,越来越多的家长更加重视孩子的身体与身心健康,也对小学体育教学工作提出了更高要求,体育可以"益智、强体、塑魂",培养学生的抗挫折能力,使他们能勇于面对失败,主动调节好自身心态,适应学习和生活中的各种压力,努力追求身心健康成长.培养学生抗挫折能力的教育无法一蹴而就,教师...  相似文献   

初中英语教学中渗透挫折教育是从学生最反感与最厌恶的学科入手,帮助学生建立学习乐趣与正确的学习观念,提升学生本身的学习动力,培养积极主动的学习态度,使学生在英语学习中敢于面对学习中的失败和挫折,让他们的抗挫能力有所增强,能够勇敢面对生活中的挫折,从而健康快乐地成长。  相似文献   

幼儿园是孩子离开家庭、接触社会的起点.这里的生活对孩子来说是一种颇具挑战性的全新的生活。孩子不但要学习如何适应环境、如何待人接物。而且还要全面地学习知识.因此.孩子经常有面对挫折与失败的时候。在我们的日常教育工作中.常常会见到孩子面对挫折.心情极其恶劣:或哭泣。或发脾气,或退缩……每当看到孩子们出现这样的状况。我都很着急,也意识到失败是过集体生活的孩子不能回避的问题。  相似文献   

教孩子学会面对失败   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现实生活中,人难免会碰到失败和挫折。尤其是幼小的孩子,他们由于受身心发展水平的限制,能力十分有限,经历和经验缺乏,更容易遭受失败和挫折。有时成人看来是很微小的一次失败,对于孩子来说,可能是一次不小的危机。在遭遇失败和挫折时,孩子可能会不知所措,失望退缩,丧失热情和信心。因此,幼儿期的孩子必须尝试着去学会面对失败和挫折。  相似文献   

人的一生将经历无数困难和挫折,孩子要长大,将来必定要自己去面对社会、人生和生活中的一切。因此,有意识地让幼儿受“苦和累”,受点挫折,让幼儿品尝一点生活中的磨难,从而使其懂得人生道路的坎坷,并学会从挫折中接受教育,培养吃苦耐劳的精神和独立意识,以及应对困难的勇气和决心,增强心理承受能力是非常必要的。那么如何来对幼儿进行挫折教育呢?  相似文献   

黄家丽 《教师》2012,(23):9-10
社会越来越进步,人们越来越重视教育,我们的孩子问题为什么却越来越严重?心理承受能力为什么越来越薄弱?青少年自杀率为什么在不断攀升?面对这些严峻的问题,我们不得不提出:请允许我们的孩子失败,给孩子失败的机会,让他们学会在挫折中成长。因为失败是孩子成长中的一部分,这种失败、这种挫折教育在孩子的成长中起到非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

唐生梅 《湖南教育》2003,(16):20-20
生活中不可能没有挫折,面对挫折,作为一个生活的强者,应该勇于克服障碍,增强耐挫能力。但是目前学生的耐挫能力普遍令人担忧,其主要原因是:一方面,学校对学生耐挫能力的培养没有引起高度重视;另一方面,尤其是许多家庭(特别是独生子女家庭)对孩子过分宠爱,不仅没有对孩子进行耐挫能力的培养,还唯恐孩子受到挫折。他们只要求孩子学习成绩好,一切事情都替孩子做得周周到到,让他们免受一切挫折,以致使孩子缺乏生活的锻炼,养成依赖心理和养尊处优的不良品格,交往能力和适应环境能力极差。还有些离异家庭,父母双双外出打工的家庭,他们的孩子根本就…  相似文献   

生活是对人的存在方式的一种最为关切、最为明了的概括,人是经由生活实现成长的。作为生活着的儿童,其生活的异化,即意味着儿童远离了符合自己缪斯天性需要的生活,丧失了滋养自身健康成长的基本条件。系统探究阻碍儿童健康发展的异化生活的实质、表现及其成因,有助于唤醒人们对儿童生活现状的反思和对儿童的理解与尊重,并为其提供适宜的帮助。  相似文献   

It is about time somebody exploded1 that hoary2 old mythabout childhood being the happiest period of your life.Childhood may certainly be fairly happy,but its greatestmoments can’t compare with the sheer joy being anadult.Who ever asked a six-year-old for an opinion?Childrendon’t have opinions,or if they do,nobody notices.Adultschoose the clothes their children will wear,the books they willread and the friends they will play with.Mother and father arekindly but absolute dictators3.This have to be manipulated4 so  相似文献   

The Importance of Ideals in Education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The article argues that it is important to offer children ideals. Ideals are defined as imagined excellences, which are so desirable that people will try to actualise them. These characteristics show the importance of ideals for people: ideals give direction and meaning to their lives. The motivating power of ideals can, however, also lead to fanaticism. Education should therefore involve several worthy ideals that children can commit themselves to as well as critical reflection on the ways in which people are committed to and try to actualise them.  相似文献   

Self-determination is an outcome typically associated with adolescence and adulthood, yet unless there is a solid foundation established during the early elementary years, children will not be prepared to assume greater control over their lives when the time comes to do so. This article provides an introduction to and overview of self-determination and its development, and provides recommendations for instruction during the preschool and early elementary years. We also describe a model of instruction designed to promote self-determination for students from Kindergarten through third grade, and provide suggestions for supporting families to promote this outcome.  相似文献   

Early childhood professionals can play an important role in helping divorced fathers to be more involved in the lives of their children. They can include involving fathers in all school and classroom activities from parent conferences to class celebrations. Educators can also serve as child care consultants to help fathers become better caretakers. By taking these measures, teachers will not only improve the emotional health of children and their fathers, but will also improve the educational experiences of children  相似文献   

农民工子弟既不能融入城市社会,又不想回归农村社会,他们成为了“漂泊的一族”,并因此产生了身份认同的危机。身份认同的危机使他们对社会产生了强烈的不满意感,他们经常用一些消极的方式来倾泻其不满情绪。身份认同危机产生的根源在于他们认为自己不能同城市人及其子女进入到同一的运行“通道”,感到不公正、自由被剥夺。应对身份认同危机的现实策略是尽快取消农民工子弟学校,使农民工子弟同样能够进入城市的公立学校就读,使教育走进农民工子弟的生活世界,并使农民工子弟和城市同龄人进行正常交往。  相似文献   

Self-determination is an outcome typically associated with adolescence and adulthood, yet unless there is a solid foundation established during the early elementary years, children will not be prepared to assume greater control over their lives when the time comes to do so. This article provides an introduction to and overview of self-determination and its development, and provides recommendations for instruction during the preschool and early elementary years. We also describe a model of instruction designed to promote self-determination for students from Kindergarten through third grade, and provide suggestions for supporting families to promote this outcome.  相似文献   

Despite 50 years and more of ‘progressive education’ in the United Kingdom, classed patterns of educational success and failure stubbornly prevail. So how, where and when does it all go wrong for the many children who continue to fail or underachieve? Drawing on the work of Basil Bernstein, this article centres processes within early years education which are claimed to help launch children into careers as either educational successes or failures. Our data suggest that children more or less happily play their lives away in the progressive play pedagogies of early years education, in the process learning their position in social and ability hierarchies that help define their future careers inside and outside schools. That such hierarchies prevail is the fault of neither teachers nor parents. Indeed, it is what early years education settings are legitimised to do: sieve and sort, and make children ‘school ready’, pliant and prepared for a lifetime of learning to succeed or fail.  相似文献   

生活是艺术的源泉,是儿童艺术教育的内容,也是儿童艺术学习的重要途径。儿童艺术课程不能脱离儿童的生活而独立存在,艺术课程必须生活化。新课程背景下儿童艺术课程生活化的途径是:建构源于儿童生活的艺术课程目标,采择贴近儿童生活的艺术课程内容,选择围绕儿童生活的人文主题组织艺术课程内容,实施引导儿童生活的艺术课程评价。  相似文献   

我国幼儿园学科课程在实施过程中出现了较多的生命价值缺失,表现为对课程内容的挖掘游离于幼儿生活、对幼儿发展价值的单一化倾向以及幼儿生命的物化等。而“发展一互动”课程对幼儿生命个体的发展价值集中体现在课程目标追求幼儿生命个体的完整性、课程设置追求幼儿生命个体发展的连续性、课程内容体现幼儿生命的个性化等方面。鉴于此,幼儿园学科课程应体现幼儿生命发展的完整性,反映幼儿真实生活,体现幼儿生命发展的本真。  相似文献   

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