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张成禄 《中学生英语》2007,(7):40-43,96
从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,每小1.5分,共15分。  相似文献   

在学习了课文《〈世说新语〉两则》后,同学们一定对《世说新语》这本书有了一些了解。下面两个片断均出自《世说新语》.都以人物对话为主构造情节。从这些人物的语言中.同学们可以窥见其不同的性格特点。[第一段]  相似文献   

传统的数学练习存在量大、机械、重复、繁杂又缺乏探究、体验的弊端,虽然在培养学生“逻辑思维”方面发挥了比较重要的作用,但在培养学生情感、态度、价值观以及直觉、猜想、创造性等“形象思维”方面却捉襟见肘。因此,开放练习的实践具有了全新的意义。  相似文献   

表达和思维是语言教学的两翼。在语文教学中,这两个方面都要重视。在课堂教学中,教师可通过创新性练习,让学生补一补、演一演、画一画、改一改等,以发展学生的线性思维、形象思维、直觉思维和求异思维,使他们的语文思维能力得到不断的发展。  相似文献   

一、根据下列句子及所给的汉语注释。在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)  相似文献   

当前我国初中化学教学中常见的练习册大多存在一些普遍性问题,如何对初中化学同步练习进行有效设计,是我国初中化学教学中的重要课题。本文立足初中化学教学中采用的练习册现状,对初中化学教学过程中同步练习有效设计的策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

RB 《中学生电脑》2003,(3):18-18
WWW(World Wide Web),中通常称为万维网(或全球网)。创建WWW是为了解决Internet上的信息传递问题。随着本、图像、影像、声音和交互方式应用程序的统一.WWW已经成为信息交换的一种很有效的方式,WWW之所以如此流行.是因为它克服了Web浏览器出现之前许多应用程序的缺点。而Web站点提供信息的基础是网页.下面就是几种常见的网页语言。  相似文献   

I.根据下列句子及所给单词首字母,写出空缺处各单词的完全形式。(10分) 1. He has won many a______ in painting competitions for children. 2. I had no c_______ but to accept his demand.  相似文献   

从沉没辊划伤表面缺陷产生的机理出发,对影响沉没辊划伤的机械设备方面,工艺参数控制,电器控制,设备安装等因素进行了逐一分析,并提出一些解决的措施,以此减少和避免沉没辊划伤缺陷的产生,以取得最佳的产品质量和经济效益.  相似文献   


体育锻炼对人体生理机能的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育是一门科学,必须遵循人体生理的基本规律,从实际出发,因人而异;科学地锻炼身体,能提高人体神经系统、循环系统、呼吸系统、消化系统等功能,从而增强体质,提高人体质量。  相似文献   

由两道循环效率题的解答,总结计算循环效率时应注意的两个问题。  相似文献   

Forecasting the outputs of dynamic systems develops a richer understanding of relevant inputs and their interrelationships than merely observing them ex post. Academic business simulations foster students’ development of this critical competency, but learning outcomes can be significantly augmented with relatively simple, complementary exercises in forecasting. We introduce an in‐class forecasting exercise that is easily added to simulations or in any course where students gain from untangling the determinants of quantitative outcomes. The exercise also enhances opportunities for team‐building and spirited competition. Implementation details, evidence of effectiveness, and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Scratch is a visual programming environment that is widely used by young people. We investigated if Scratch can be used to teach concepts of computer science (CS). We developed learning materials for middle-school students that were designed according to the constructionist philosophy of Scratch and evaluated them in a few schools during two years. Tests were constructed based upon a novel combination of the revised Bloom taxonomy and the Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome taxonomy. These instruments were augmented with qualitative tools, such as observations and interviews. The results showed that students could successfully learn important concepts of CS, although there were problems with some concepts such as repeated execution, variables, and concurrency. We believe that these problems can be overcome by modifications to the teaching process that we suggest.  相似文献   

Science and computational practices such as modeling and abstraction are critical to understanding the complex systems that are integral to climate science. Given the demonstrated affordances of game design in supporting such practices, we implemented a free 4-day intensive workshop for middle school girls that focused on using the visual programming environment, Scratch, to design games to teach others about climate change. The experience was carefully constructed so that girls of widely differing levels of experience were able to engage in a cycle of game design. This qualitative study aimed to explore the representational choices the girls made as they took up aspects of climate change systems and modeled them in their games. Evidence points to the ways in which designing games about climate science fostered emergent systems thinking and engagement in modeling practices as learners chose what to represent in their games, grappled with the realism of their respective representations, and modeled interactions among systems components. Given the girls’ levels of programming skill, parts of systems were more tractable to create than others. The educational purpose of the games was important to the girls’ overall design experience, since it influenced their choice of topic, and challenged their emergent understanding of climate change as a systems problem.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法和文献资料法,对西华师范大学2008级外国语学院、文学院、物电学院、管理学院等参与健美操训练的200名女生的心理健康影响因素进行了专项调查,以期为进一步促进高校女大学生健美操的学习与训练提供参考,为高校健美操课改提供心理学支撑。  相似文献   

吴丽娟 《当代电大》2001,(10):45-49
1 填空题 1)法学是一切以_为研究对象的学科的总称。 2)马克思法学以_为指导思想。 3)法产生的根本原因在于原始社会内部_的发展,以及由此引起的_和_的矛盾运动。 4)马克思主义哲学的_性和_性是一致的。 5)个别性调整是按照针对_人、_事所确定的行为方式,对人们的行为进行的_调整。 6)规范性调整是针对_主体、_情况而使用一般行为规则进行的_调整。 7)国家与法的产生是_历史发展进程的两个_方面的表现。 8)法律是由_制定或认可的。国家强制力知识意志共同。 9)法律是有_作保障的规范。 10)法的内容包含了_和_两个方面。  相似文献   

Questions about joint physical education activities between ordinary and special schools have still to be answered, particularly about the differing attitudes of boys and girls. Previous research in this journal and elsewhere has referred to sex differences in attitudes and interaction. Bob Evans, head of physical education, at Lawn Upton School, Oxford, and Dr Katy Simmons, senior lecturer, Faculty of Educational Studies, Oxford Polytechnic, describe a joint project and look further at attitudes and other issues which arise.  相似文献   

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