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Sixty-two kindergarten children from three cultural/language backgrounds (Anglo, English-speaking; Mexican-American, English-speaking; and Mexican-American, Spanish-speaking) were screened for school readiness with three techniques: a series of Piagetian-based mathematical tasks, a number proficiency measure, and kindergarten teachers' ratings. One year later, first-grade performance was assessed through standardized tests and teachers' ratings. The predictive accuracy of kindergarten measures varied according to ethnicity and language background of the children. Kindergarten measures were significantly predictive of Anglo English speakers, but were somewhat less accurate for the Mexican-American English-speaking group. Importantly, the kindergarten measures, including the teachers' ratings, were generally nonpredictive for Mexican-American Spanish speakers, although the tests were not language or culture specific. The importance of language as a factor in school screening is underscored. Findings raise serious questions as to the appropriateness of early screening of children from different language and cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

Relations between children's peer play competence and other relevant competencies were investigated using two samples of urban Head Start children. Dimensions of peer play were examined concurrently with emotion regulation, autonomy, and language. Children exhibiting high levels of peer play interaction were found to demonstrate more competent emotional‐regulation, initiation, self‐determination, and receptive vocabulary skills. Assessments of positive engagement in play early in the year were associated with lower levels of aggressive, shy, and withdrawn adjustment problems at the end of the year. Children who successfully interacted with peers early in the year evidenced greater cognitive, social, and movement/coordination outcomes. Disruptive and disconnected peer play behaviors were associated with negative emotional and behavioral outcomes. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 323–336, 2004.  相似文献   

The classroom is both a social occasion and a learning place. In this study of a developmental kindergarten, this dual classroom agenda and the impact on teacher and student behavior is explored. Among the at‐risk children in this study, these two classroom purposes did not peacefully coexist. Social‐participation goals took precedence for the children. The teacher, frustrated in her need to “get through the lesson,” interfered with group formation, causing students to work even harder at social connections. The implications of the recognition of these two agendas for young children with special needs are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of parenting styles, parent–child academic involvement at home, and parent–school contact on academic skills and social behaviors among kindergarten-age children of Caribbean immigrants. Seventy immigrant mothers and fathers participated in the study. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that fathers’ authoritarian parenting style was negatively associated with and father–school contact was positively associated with receptive skills, vocabulary, and composite scores over and above that of mothers’ contributions in these areas. Fathers’ authoritative parenting style and father–child academic interaction at home were positively related to children's social behaviors. Mothers’ authoritarian parenting style was negatively and mother–school contact was positively associated with children's social behaviors. Analyses indicated that fathers’ parenting carried the weight of influence over mothers’ parenting for facilitating both child academic skills and social behaviors. The roles of parenting styles, parent–academic activities, and parent–school contacts in early schooling are discussed.  相似文献   


A programme for training social skills to a group of 6‐year‐old children was developed and evaluated. The group consisted of eight children, four boys and four girls; three of these were considered to be at risk of developing emotional and behavioural problems. The targeted skills were supporting, cooperating, establishing social contacts, participating, reducing aggression and handling conflict situations. The theoretical framework underlying the social skills intervention programme was based on cognitive‐social learning theory and scaffolding. The programme consisted of nine, 30‐35 minute, training sessions which were presented over a one and a half month period. Pretest/posttest assessment indicated that the intervention programme was effective in increasing some positive and reducing some negative behaviours. The sociometric assessment, however, showed few changes from pre‐training to posttraining.  相似文献   

The study investigated a scale developed to measure parents’ satisfaction with experiences of various aspects of their child's early education program. The Parent Satisfaction with Educational Experiences (PSEE) scale was co-constructed with parents and teachers in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade programs in a large urban school district. Demographic and PSEE data were collected from a representative sample of 648 parents. Factor analyses yielded three dimensions of parent satisfaction with teacher contact experiences, classroom contact experiences, and school contact experiences. Multivariate analyses showed that parents with children in Head Start or kindergarten were more satisfied in all three dimensions than were parents of children in child care or first grade. Married parents were more satisfied with their teacher contact than were single parents and parents who were not employed full-time were more satisfied with their contact across all three dimensions than were parents who were employed full-time. Implications for fostering parent involvement were discussed.  相似文献   

Nearly one in four students residing in the United States is from an immigrant family and these children's school readiness is related to their parent's nativity and other sociodemographic characteristics. Social‐emotional skills are an important conduit for academic development, yet these relations have not been explored for children from immigrant families. This study utilized the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study—Kindergarten Class of 2010–2011, a nationally representative sample of 13,400 students in the United States, to compare the social‐emotional development of kindergarten students from immigrant and nonimmigrant families, and to determine the relations of social‐emotional functioning to kindergarten achievement. Results indicate elevated social‐emotional functioning among children from immigrant families, particularly those who emigrated immigrated from Mexico, compared with children of U.S.‐born parents. Parent nativity predicted reading achievement, but not mathematics performance, even when controlling for sociodemographic factors and social‐emotional skills. This study suggests an immigrant advantage in early social‐emotional development. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

A critique of research examining whether early experiences with primary caregivers are reflected in adaptation is that relevant longitudinal studies have generally not employed genetically informed research designs capable of unconfounding shared genes and environments. Using the twin subsample (N = 485 pairs) of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort, the current study provides evidence that early parental support (derived from observations at 24 months and around age 4, in prekindergarten) is associated with academic skills (r = .32), social competence (r = .15), and externalizing behavior (r = -.11) in kindergarten. Crucially, the shared environment accounted for virtually all of the correlation between parenting and academic skills, roughly half of the association between parenting and social competence, and approximately one fourth of the correlation between parenting and externalizing behavior.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the extent to which kindergarten children's performance on the Bender-Gestalt Test is related to sex and sociocultural variables on the one hand, and to children's social behavior on the other hand. Two distinetly different Israeli populations were included: (a) The Druze—representing the traditional-authoritative culture, and (b) The Jews—representing the Westernized democratic society. Generally, the Jewish children were more socially active, and could differentiate and integrate the neutral elements of the Bender-Gestalt Test much more often than did the Druze children. Significant correlations between perceptual indicators and social behaviors were found and suggest that the Bender-Gestalt Test can be used for assessing and understanding the nature of the child's social interactions and struggle for a position within the constraints of his/her culture.  相似文献   

Early academic perceptions are critical to undergraduate students' success in college. This 3-phase study examined stability of and links between academic comparative optimism (ACO; positive expectations about future performance) and perceived academic control (PAC; sense of influence over academic outcomes) among 68 undergraduate students. ACO and PAC were assessed at the start, midway through, and at the end of a semester and a cross-lagged panel analysis tested which academic perception better predicted the other. We also examined early ACO and PAC as predictors of later achievement. Students' ACO and PAC were fairly stable throughout the semester. Regression analyses (controlling for course load, prior achievement, and prior ACO or PAC) indicated ACO predicted PAC more so than the reverse, suggesting students may boost their PAC via optimistic social comparisons. Early ACO predicted later performance. Implications for enhancing ACO and PAC early in the academic year are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the extent to which parent involvement in education was directly and indirectly (via school engagement) related to academic outcomes in an effort to more fully understand the school experiences of urban adolescents. Participants (80% racial/ethnic minority; n = 108) were in grades 6, 7 or 8. In the Fall and subsequent Spring youth completed in-school surveys with items on parental involvement in education, school engagement (affective, behavioural, cognitive engagement) and perceived academic competence. Grades were obtained from official school records. Findings showed that parental involved was positively associated with behavioural and cognitive engagement, which in turn contributed to academic competence and achievement. Results underscore the importance of parental involvement in adolescents’ engagement and academic success and highlight the importance of examining the multiple components of school engagement simultaneously, as we found differential effects for affective, behavioural, and cognitive engagement on academic competence and achievement.  相似文献   

This study sought to examine distinctions in social competencies between children with learning disabilities (LD) and other children who also experience academic difficulties. Eighty-five children with LD (54 male, 31 female) in Grades 3 through 6 from a large urban school district were compared to a group of low achieving (LA) peers matched on achievement as well as sex, race, and grade. The samples were 42% black, 39% Hispanic, and 19% Anglo. Both groups completed two self-concept questionnaires, a loneliness scale, and a measure of their social relationships outside of school. In addition, their classmates completed a peer rating scale and their teachers completed two ratings of the child's social skills. The results indicated that children with LD and LA children were comparable on most measures, although children with LD reported themselves as being less lonely than LA children. In addition, regular-class children rated children with LD as more likable than LA children. The results highlight similarities in the social competencies of children with LD and LA children and suggest that special education classes may offer some social advantages to children with mild handicaps.  相似文献   

Roles and competencies of academic counsellors in distance education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Academic counsellors or tutors are engaged as a link between learners and distance teaching institutions. They perform various roles such as facilitating learning of subject matter content, assessing assignments, providing motivation and encouragement, and supervising research/term papers/project work. Each of these roles requires specific competencies to enable them to perform satisfactorily. This paper identifies the roles performed by academic counsellors at the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and the competencies required for each role. It also provides a generic list of competencies required to perform as an academic counsellor. Based on self‐rating of the competency of a group of academic counsellors, the paper recommends the training of academic counsellors and the development of distance teaching materials for use in competence‐building.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - Early adolescent girls’ (6th grade) academic achievement was examined using parenting styles as predictors and parent involvement and early...  相似文献   

In this study 149 kindergarten children were assessed for knowledge of letter names and letter sounds, phonological awareness, and cognitive abilities. Through this it examined child and letter characteristics influencing the acquisition of alphabetic knowledge in a naturalistic context, the relationship between letter-sound knowledge and letter-name knowledge, and the prediction of Grade 1 phonological awareness and word identification from these variables. Knowledge of letter sounds was better for vowels and for letters with consonant–vowel names than for those with vowel–consonant names or names bearing little relationship to their sounds. However, there were anomalies within each category reflecting characteristics of the individual letters. Structural equation modelling showed that cognitive ability, comprising receptive vocabulary, non-verbal reasoning, rapid automatized naming of colours, and phonological memory significantly contributed to alphabetic knowledge and phonological awareness. In turn, letter-name knowledge but not phonological awareness predicted letter-sound knowledge and subsequent reading skill.This research was supported by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to the first author. Thank you is extended to the participating schools and children and to Ian Newby-Clark for his orientation to AMOS. Michelle Bell, Shelly Moretti and Jodi Page have since graduated from the University of Guelph  相似文献   

I use Danish administrative data to investigate the consequences of summer camp participation combined with a one-year follow-up program for disadvantaged boys on academic, personal, and social competencies. My identification strategy relies on individual-level panel data that enable me to observe outcomes before and after summer camp participation. Using a difference-in-differences strategy, I find overall positive effects on academic and personal competencies that reduce the gap to a matched group of boys with similar background characteristics by 40 to 80 percent. Further, I exploit a structural change in the follow-up program to evaluate how different mentoring strategies affect outcomes. In 2017, the follow-up program was changed from individual mentoring to group mentoring. Using a triple differences strategy, I find that group mentoring in the follow-up program improves personal and social competencies, suggesting that the format of the follow-up program is crucial for effects on personal and social competencies.  相似文献   


The study presented in this article examines mediatization processes in an American kindergarten. The kindergarten is considered as a social world in which forms of communication, as well as the identities of those involved (children, teachers, parents), evolve through the use of digital technologies. The relationships between the different stakeholders are intensified through increased exchange. The role of children in this exchange process undergoes a particularly significant shift, since they come to be seen as active learners. Such developments are only possible if the teacher is prepared to be transparent and to invest a great deal of time. Parents warmly welcome the inclusion of such technologies in the kindergarten classroom and the contribution they make to the children’s learning and family life. Digital technologies, however, are not entirely free of exclusion mechanisms.  相似文献   

A latent variable structural model was constructed to test the relations among mothers’ and fathers’ parenting self-efficacy (PSE), their loneliness, and their child’s peer-evaluated social competence, self-evaluated loneliness, teacher-evaluated motivational orientation, and academic skills. In order to do this, first the Self-Efficacy for Parenting Tasks Index (Coleman & Karraker, 2000) was applied to a sample of mothers (n=876) and fathers (n=696) to test the relevance of these parenting task categories to Finnish mothers and fathers. The results of the latent variable structural model indicated a strong relationship between both mothers’ and fathers’ loneliness and their PSE, consisting of Nurturance, Discipline, Recreation, and Participation factors. Moreover, there was a modest relationship between parents’ PSE and their child’s social competence and consequently between social competence and child’s loneliness. The relationship between PSE and child’s academic achievement were mediated via child’s social competence.  相似文献   

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