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Unit1 Where’s your pen pal from?●单元知识点拨Ⅰ.本单元主要谈论国家名称、语言种类和首都。可归纳为下表。国名语言首都国名语言首都C hina C hinese B eijing France French ParisJapan Japanese TokyoC anada E nglish andA ustralia E nglish C anberraFrench O ttaw athe U nitedStates E nglish W ashington Kth ien gUd nomit edE nglish London●课文疑难解析1.—W here is your pen palfrom?—H e s from A ustralia.(P1)①pen pal中的pal为口头语,意思为“伙伴”、“好友”,pen pal意为“笔友”,相当于“penfrie…  相似文献   

U nit3W hy do you like koalas?●单元知识点拨本单元的主要内容是学习用疑问副词w hy提问的特殊疑问句,这种疑问句用来询问事情发生的原因,常用because...作答。例如:—W hy do you like English?你为什么喜欢英语?—B ecause itis very interesting.因为它很有趣。学习becau  相似文献   

英美人彼此相遇,尤其是和陌生人或不熟悉的人在一起,常常以谈论天气为话题。这样双方既有话可谈,又不涉及任何私人话题,既能摆脱彼此间面面相觑、无话可谈的尴尬局面,又可活跃气氛,避免冷场。下面就谈论天气时的常用语简述如下:1.询问天气情况的常用语。What’s the weather like today0(或How is the weather today0)今天天气怎么样?What was the weather like yesterday0昨天天气怎么样?2.谈论“晴天”的常用语。It’s fine today.(=The weather is finetoday.)今天天气很好。It’s sunny today.今天阳光灿烂。It will be fine tomorro…  相似文献   

U nit8I d like som e noodles.●单元知识点拨——可数名词与不可数名词。名词按其所表示的事物的性质可分为可数名词和不可数名词两大类。可数名词有单、复数形式之分,其复数形式通常是在词尾加-s构成。不可数名词没有复数形式,通常用“a/an或数词 bottle/piece/glass等表示计量的可数名词 of 不可数名词”结构表示数量,当这种结构中的数词大于1时,表计量的名词要用复数形式。例如:a piece ofbread一块面包;five pieces of bread五块面包a bottle ofw ater一瓶水;tw o bottles ofwater两瓶水不可数名词或可数名词单数用作句子主语时,谓语…  相似文献   

一、词汇(20分) A .根据句意和所给首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。(10分) 1.W hats the w like today? 2.Itoften s in the north ofC hina in winter. 3.M y sister is a very p girl. 4.In spring the w eathers very w in our hom etow n. 5.I f very wellafter I took the m edicine. 6.C an you see a lotofpeople learning to s in the sea? 7.Itwas r yesterday.Itrained allday. 8.D o you wear a s on your head in winter? 9.The old m an often w in the garden after he gets up every m orning. 10.D oes LiLeiusua…  相似文献   

U nit5H ow old is he?●单元知识点拨Ⅰ.he,she,it的用法he,she只能用来指人,意思分别为“他”和“她”,it可用来指人,也可用来指物,指人时一般指代婴儿或性别不明者。例如:①—W here is the baby?这个婴儿在哪儿?—Itis in the room.在房间里。②—W ho is knocking atthe door?谁在敲门?—I think it is Li Lei.我想是李雷。Ⅱ.疑问句到本单元为止,我们共学了三种疑问句:①像“Is this a car?”那样能用yes或no来回答的疑问句,叫做一般疑问句。②像“W here is thepencil?”那样由w hat,where,how等特殊疑问词开头用来对句子某一部…  相似文献   

Unit 4 I want to be an actor.Ⅰ.词汇A)根据首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。1.An apple a day keeps a d away.  相似文献   

Unit71.How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?How much are these socks?这些短袜多少钱?how much意为“多少”,通常对“钱”的多少进行提问。如果询问某种物品的价格,常用“How much is...?”句式,回答时,常用“It7s+价格”。如果询问多个物品的价格,常用“How much are...?”句式,回答时用“They7re+价格”,其中They指代问句中的那些物品,They7re是Theyare的缩写形式。例如:—How much is your sweater?你的毛衣多少钱?—It7s40dollars.是40美元。—How much are these pants?这些裤子多少钱?—They7re thirty yuan.30元。[…  相似文献   

英美人彼此相遇,尤其是和陌生人或不熟悉的人在一起,常常以谈论天气为话题。这样双方既有话可谈,又不涉及任何私人话题,既能摆脱彼此间面面相觑、无话可谈的尴尬局面,又可活跃气氛,避免冷场。下面就谈论天气时的常用语简述如下:  相似文献   

Unit4 Where's my backpack●单元知识梳理句式(1)—W here is...?—It蒺s in(on/under/behind)....—W here are...?—They're(on/under/behind)....例句:—W here is m y dictionary?我的字典在哪里?—It蒺s in your backpack.在你的书包里。—W here are his books?他的书在哪里?—They are underthe table.在桌子下。句式(2):Can you...?“C an you...?”句式用来请求他人做某事或询问某人是否有能力做某事,意为“你能……吗?”。例如:Can you help m e?你能帮我忙吗?Can he speak E nglish?他会说英语吗?●课文疑难解析1.com put…  相似文献   

other,the other,others,the others与another1.I don’t like this shirt,so I want tosee some.(2003年,宁夏中考)A.other B.the otherC.others D.another2.Mr White has three children.Oneis in London,and are in anothercity.(2002年,北京宣武区中考)A.the other B.otherC.the others D.others3.If you want to book a round-tripticket,you’ll have to pay$30.(2003年,安徽省中考)A.more B.otherC.the other D.another4.Two foreigners are in the readingroom.One is Jack and is Peter.(2005年湖南省中考)A.other B.an…  相似文献   

1.一~一-一一.do youl水e koalas?一Beeause they are eute.(2006北京市) A.wlly B.V门lere C.HowD·Wllen 2.一认币at’5 your brother doing in his room now?一He_a kite.(2006北京市) A.makes B.made C .15 making D.will make 3.一When do you usually get uP every day?一二—一about6:00 am.(2006吉林省) A .Ai B.On C.In D.For 4.一DO you often write_your Pen衍Cnd?一Yes,onee a month.(2006山西临汾市) A .with B.for C.to 5 .1 like koala bears beeanse they arek鱼亘卫f interesting.(2006福建漳州市) A.very …  相似文献   

Unit7Ⅰ.词汇(20分)A.根据句意,从所给的单词中选择正确的答语填空。(10分)1.I like to eat,,and.2.I like to play,,,and.3.I like to wear,,and.B.根据句意和汉语提示填空,完成句子。每空填一词。(10分)4.Let?s(打篮球).5.I have(一本有趣的书).6.—Do you like sports?—Yes.—Please(加入到我们这里来).7.Sue Swanson has a(小的体育集锦).8.Pedrosa eats(许多健康的食物).9.We have(十九件红毛衣)for330yuan.10.Do you need(书包)?Ⅱ.单项选择(10分)11.Let?s.volleyball,broccoli,socks,basketball,tennis,strawberries,compute…  相似文献   

◆词汇、短语大看台:【重点词汇展示】1.hairhair通常用单数形式表示总体。若用作主语,谓语动词也用单数形式,但如果表示若干根头发,则需用其复数形式。例如:His hair is gray.他的头发灰白。He has a few white hairs.他有一些白头发。  相似文献   

Unit7Ⅰ.词汇A)根据首字母或汉语提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。1.You must r the book to the library on time.2.Do you a him to use your bike?3.P you put it in the basket.4.Would you please not d litter?5.Please wash your d after meals.6.You must be(有礼貌的)to the old man.7.We know that China is an(亚洲的)country.8.ItMs better to keep your voice down in(公众)places.9.Would you(介意)opening the window?10.You must wait in(队)when you go shopping.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.After she heard …  相似文献   

一、词义辨析1.good,well与nice (1)good好的,合适的,擅长的,可用在be动词及taste(尝),smell(闻),sound(听)等词后,作表语,也可用在名词前作定语。例如:This cake tastes good.这个蛋糕好吃。(2)well作形容词时,指"(身体)健康的";还可用作副词,修饰动词。例如:He speaks English very well.他英语说得很好。(3)nice美好的,令人愉快的,可爱的,特指取悦感官的事物。例如:She is a nice little girl.她是一个可爱的小姑娘。  相似文献   

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