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在语文课文教学中,每篇课文都有重难点,课文重点即一篇课文中要掌握的重点内容、要点;课文难点是课文中不容易理解、掌握、处理的部分。在教学中,教师采用何种教学方式作为课文教学重、难点的突破口,直接影响到学生对课文学习的质量。教学突破方式选择得当,能降低学生学习的难度,充分体现课堂教学的时效性,提高教学质量,充分激发学生的学习兴趣、主动性与积极性,充分体现教学过程中教师的主导性与学生学习的主体性。对语文教学中课文教学的重点、难点,教师可采用怎样的教学方式作为突破途径呢?以下是我在课文教学中的一点经验之谈。1.从课题…  相似文献   

英语课文教学是培养学生听、说、读、写能力的一项重要教学任务.在实施新课程标准中,对传统的课文教学的模式和教法应当扬弃.在课文教学中要突出"以人为本",一切为了学生的全面、协调发展,尊重学生的主体地位,让学生积极主动地参与,心情愉悦地完成学习任务;课文教学要突出学生创新能力的激发和培养;课文教学活动要体现时代特征.只有用新理念、新方法,才能在课文教学中开创出一片新天地.  相似文献   

在低年级语文教材中,绝大部分课文都配备了插图.这些插图色彩艳丽,生动形象,它们不仅能帮助学生学习拼音、认识汉字,还能帮助学生形象地理解词语的意思和课文的内容.因此,在低年级语文课堂教学中,教师应充分利用课文插图,激发学生学习的兴趣,让文本插图在低年级语文课堂教学中发挥作用.  相似文献   

在阅读教学中采用比较阅读的方式,能使学生从两篇或多篇具有一定相似点的课文中发现相同之处和不同之处,在改变以往的学习单一课文的思维模式中激发了学生浓厚学习兴趣,创设了新颖的学习氛围,从而使学生对课文的理解变得更加广阔更加深刻.  相似文献   

高职英语教学方法的创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高职学生英语的学习现状从课前、课中、课后三方面探讨了英语教学方法的创新.该教学方法的创新主要强调课前十分钟的英语活动,在讲授课文时注意导入,课文讲解过程中进行选择性精讲,课文学习后通过听说来检验学生对所学知识的掌握,通过多媒体来刺激学生学习,参与的兴趣.并将这些理论运用到实际教学工作中,取得了明显的成效.  相似文献   

马爱莲 《现代语文》2005,(10):89-91
母语教材的导学系统是指编写者为引导学生自主学习课文而编写的学习目标、预习提示、课文引语、评点注释、学法指导、参考资料、教学图表、课文插图等.导学系统的主要功能是帮助学生理解知识、读懂课文,指导学生掌握学习方法,引导学生自主学习、无师自通.从教材的导学系统,我们可以窥见一套教材的基本理念,教与学活动的基本模式,人才培养的基本格局.因此,它在教材内容结构中占有极其重要的地位,教材编写者无不对此细心揣摩、精心编制.  相似文献   

第二单元是一组侧重于指导“读”的课文,重点训练项目是“抓住课文的主要内容”.训练的主要目的是:通过学习本组课文,使学生知道读文章应抓住文章的主要内容,并使学生学会抓课文主要内容的方法.古诗二首《宿建德江》、《鹿柴》优美流畅,浅显易懂.教学时要计学生在理解词句的基础上. 用自己的话讲解诗的意思.着重引导学生通过反覆朗读体会在这两首诗中作者所表达的思想感情.《赤壁之战》是本单元的讲读课文.教学中要紧扣重点训练项目,使学生学会抓住课文主要内容的两种基本方法.教学时要先布置学生预习,学生初步感知课文内容后,再联系读写例话进行教学.学生可根据例话中介绍的抓课文主要内容的两种方法来学习课文,  相似文献   

第一课时在整篇课文的教学中起到了重要作用,正确处理好第一课时的教学能激发学生学习课文的兴趣,能引导学生从整体上把握课文内容,帮助学生打下坚实的语文基础,养成良好的语文学习习惯.一篇课文首要达成的目标应该是每个学生都能把课文正确流利地读出来,会正确书写每个生字.  相似文献   

一、教学目标 1.凭借课文朴素的语言文字,引导学生在细节中感受父母之间平淡而深厚的真爱,理解爱的内涵. 2.通过对课文的学习,力求拓展学生语文学习的能力及生活中懂得爱、学会爱、表达爱的能力.  相似文献   

在传统的语文教学中,学生过多地听教师对篇篇课文的分析、讲解,而缺少自己对课文阅读、思索、理解的思维过程,从而使学生学习的自主地位被剥夺,学习效果大打折扣.在语文学习过程中,教师应该引导学生自觉地将阅读作为学习的重头戏,使学生自主阅读,成为语文学习的主人.笔者认为,语文学习中的阅读方法具体可以归为以下几种类型.  相似文献   

晚清的翻译小说经常因为不忠实于原文而备受批评,但实际上评价翻译作品时,不应只是对原文和译文进行静态和孤立的对比,而是要考虑到译文背后的制约因素,以及译文对译入语社会文化和诗学发展的积极影响,进而从宏观的角度考察译文在文化交流过程中所起的作用。  相似文献   

文本的类型很大程度上决定了译者对翻译策略的选择,纽马克将文本划分为表达型、信息型和呼唤型三种类型,对翻译实践有着重要指导意义。本文聚焦于信息型文本的翻译补偿,通过翻译补偿的实际案例阐释信息型文本四个层面的翻译补偿。  相似文献   

The study addressed to what extent behavioral engagement and textual integration may differ when undergraduate readers work with identical printed versus digital texts in preparation for an exam versus for pleasure. We expected that working with printed texts would lead to greater engagement and better integration than working with digital texts, but that reading purpose would moderate this effect of reading medium because those reading in preparation for an exam would display greater engagement and better integration regardless of reading medium. Results showed interaction effects of reading medium with reading purpose on the behavioral engagement indicators of reading time and the length of the post-reading written products. For reading time, the interaction involved that students used longer time when reading digital and mixed texts for an exam, compared to reading for pleasure, whereas there were no difference between exam and pleasure oriented reading when reading printed texts. For the length of the written responses, students produced more text when reading printed texts for an exam than when reading printed texts for pleasure, whereas there were no differences in text production between reading for an exam and reading for pleasure when reading digital or mixed texts. Finally, there was an indirect effect of reading purpose on textual integration via text production when students read printed texts: students who read printed texts in preparation for an exam produced longer written responses compared to those who read for pleasure and, in turn, gained a more integrated understanding of the issue in question. These results are discussed in terms of the implications they offer and the avenues they suggest for future research.  相似文献   

世德堂本插图并非仅仅是对语言文本的形象"再现",依据文本而进行的艺术化创作,早已将世德堂本《西游记》"图—文"关系带入相互交织、前后指涉的境界。世德堂本《西游记》图文之间存在着语言文本对图像生成的顺势影响;图像生成对语言文本改造的逆势影响;后期文本对前期图像生成的指涉影响;图像内容受到前文与后文共同指涉影响;以及受文本指涉所形成的图像自身系统的"互文本"等等。世德堂《西游记》图文之间纵横交错式相互指涉所形成的水乳交融般的共融共生现象,借助"互文性"理论将得到有效阐释。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether refutation texts (i.e., texts that explicitly state and refute a misconception) facilitate spontaneous transfer of revised knowledge to new situations. In Experiments 1 and 2, students read refutation, transfer, and non-refutation texts. Transfer texts were either preceded by refutation (Experiment 1) or non-refutation texts (Experiment 2). In both experiments, comprehension of the transfer texts required activation and use of the correct belief. Each text contained a target sentence that was consistent with the correct belief. In both experiments, reading times of the target sentences were collected and compared to provide an implicit measure of transfer. Additionally, a transfer problem test was also administered after reading the texts to assess transfer in a more explicit way. The results revealed that refutation texts are more effective in facilitating revision and spontaneous transfer of revised knowledge than non-refutation texts. These results add to the growing body of evidence for the applicability of using refutation texts in revising misconceptions.  相似文献   

Text as design, writers as designers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acknowledging the changing nature of writing in the 21st century, particularly the increasing significance of visual characteristics in written texts, this paper explores the implications of multimodality for the pedagogy of writing. It considers the potential disjunction between children's life experiences of written texts and the demands of the writing curriculum, particularly in the secondary phase, and whilst arguing for greater recognition of the role of the visual, the paper also notes the importance of ensuring all children also have access to powerful verbal texts. Drawing on two separate research studies, the paper demonstrates how visual characteristics of written texts influence readers' responses to texts, but also how writers are aware of some of the choices they make in shaping verbal texts. The paper argues for a reconceptualisation of the writing process as a design process, and for a pedagogy of writing which encourages, supports and enables writers to become confident and effective designers of texts.  相似文献   

衔接理论认为衔接是所有类别语篇的共有特征,是描绘和分析语篇的有效途径。训练听话者准确识别语篇中各种显性和隐性衔接手段,有助于其在听力理解过程中把重点由词汇、句子结构向语篇转移,关注语篇结构、语篇功能以及语篇与语境的关系,将词汇、句子、段落在语义上联系起来,把握其在语篇中的作用,并根据语境和文化背景推断出语篇的整体意义,把握语篇主旨并获取关键信息,实现对语篇的准确理解。基于衔接理论的听力语篇分析的具体实践和实验数据的统计分析结果表明,衔接理论有助于听话者更加准确地分析、理解听力语篇,从而更为有效地提高其听力理解能力。  相似文献   

文学文本的意义在"本我"的基础上因读者而异。文本的意义有"语码意义""语用意义"和"阐发意义"三个层次,文学阅读也有相应的三层境界。文学文本的传播目标不够精确,其语境也更为开放,这为设计文本召唤机制、激发定向阅读提供了操作空间。  相似文献   

When reading conflicting science-related texts, readers may attend to cues which allow them to assess plausibility. One such plausibility cue is the use of graphs in the texts, which are regarded as typical of ‘hard science’. The goal of our study was to investigate the effects of the presence of graphs on the perceived plausibility and situation model strength for conflicting science-related texts, while including the influence of readers’ amount of experience with scientific texts and graphs as a potential moderator of these effects. In an experiment mimicking web-based informal learning, 77 university students read texts on controversial scientific issues which were presented with either graphs or tables. Perceived plausibility and situation model strength for each text were assessed immediately after reading; reader variables were assessed several weeks prior to the experiment proper. The results suggest that graphs can indeed serve as plausibility cues and thus boost situation model strength for texts which contain them. This effect was mediated by the perceived plausibility of the information in the texts with graphs. However, whether readers use graphs as plausibility cues in texts with conflicting information seems to depend also on their amount of experience with scientific texts and graphs.  相似文献   

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