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Black and white male schoolchildren covertly evaluated their own performance at a verbal task administered by black and white male experimenters. It was hypothesized that academically successful children would be predisposed to appraise themselves favorably, whereas relatively unsuccessful pupils would be biased toward self-criticism. The covert self-evaluations were assumed to represent at internalization of early experiences of predominantly positive or negative social reinforcement from adult socializing agents. The predicition for self-criticism was upheld in the white experimenter condition but not in the black experimenter condition. Relationships consistent with the theory were found between subjects' self-appraisals and their retrospective reports of positive and negative reinforcements received from parents and teachers in various typical situations. These relationships were more evident for black subjects than for white subjects. The extent to which children's self-praise and self-criticism mediated affect was assessed by means of a color conditioning technique. Contrary to predicition, possibly due to the easy nature of the experimental task.  相似文献   

As the percentage of youth of color in the nation's public schools continues to increase, so, too, does the urgency of preparing a predominantly white, female, middle class teaching force to work with racially and culturally diverse youth. Drawing upon an ethnographic study of an urban, youth-serving HIV/AIDS prevention and supports center, this article describes how two white women staffers engaged culturally responsive modes of care, support, and advocacy in order to address young people's emotional, developmental, and educational needs. Since both women performed motherly personas as they cared for and supported youth at the center, this article builds upon their experiences to develop “further mothering”—an adaptation of the “other mothering” tradition of black women—as a possible heuristic for analyzing white women educators’ culturally responsive work with black youth.  相似文献   


This paper examines the role race and course content may play in the teaching evaluation scores of a black criminologist currently teaching at a predominantly white institution. Making use of a case study design, the author compared his teaching evaluation scores from similar courses taught at both a predominantly white institution and an historically black institution. The data revealed that while race may play a role in the evaluation process, the nature of the course may offer a stronger explanation as to why he received lower evaluation scores on a race-related criminal justice course than a series of other criminal justice courses.  相似文献   

This study examined differential enrollment, survival, progress, and academic success of both black and white first-time-in-college students according to three admission categories (unrestrictive, restrictive, and special) in predominantly white universities in the Florida State University System. Data were extracted from the Board of Regents' student data course files and analyzed. White students were enrolled almost exclusively in the traditional (unrestrictive) category, while black students were almost equally enrolled in all three categories. Although the overall survival rate of white students was higher than that of black students, within each admission category, the survival rate of black students was higher than that of white students.This paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Boston, April 1980.  相似文献   

The structural relation of the seven noncognitive dimensions proposed by Sedlacek and Brooks in 1976 and traditional definitions of academic ability, as indicated by Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores, to first semester grade-point average (GPA) and persistence after three and five semesters was examined in this study. Random samples of entrants at one predominantly white state university were administered the Non-cognitive Questionnaire (NCQ) during summer orientation in 1979 and 1980. The NCQ results and the SAT scores were used to derive structural models (using LISREL) or early academic success for both black and white students. The structural models for the black and white students were found to be very different. For black students, traditional academic ability was related to first semester GPA, but neither GPA nor academic ability was related to persistence. Only the noncognitive dimensions were predictive of black student persistence. For white students, academic ability was the best predictor of first semester grades, and these grades were the major predictor of subsequent persistence. The noncognitive dimensions were not important in white student academic success, whereas they were crucial in black student academic success.  相似文献   

One hundred fourteen matched pairs of black and white children were compared in their performance on the Bracken Basic Concept Scale. It was found that the white children attained scores that were nearly identical with the national average, but the black children performed approximately one-half standard deviation below their white counterparts. The black and white children exhibited similar patterns of performance on the BBCS subtests, suggesting a similar cognitive approach to the tasks.  相似文献   

This article offers a theoretical analysis and phenomenological study of the leadership experiences of black women college students at a predominantly white higher education institution. Existing literature argues that leadership development is vital to the college experience as an opportunity to empower and engage students in social change. However, the implementation of these leadership development models fail to consider how the racial and gender identities of students influence leadership development or student peer interactions (Byrd, 2009; Kezar & Moriarty, 2000). Through black feminist standpoint theory, I present a theoretical framework that highlights the historical traditions of black women's leadership. These historical traditions grounded my qualitative study, which explores the experiences of contemporary black women's student leadership. Participants reported interpersonal interactions with oppression, more specifically: stereotypes, microaggressions, racialized and gendered self-presentation expectations, along with negotiating voice and silencing. A number of social factors were cited as sources of nourishment where women drew from historical traditions of black women's leadership to persist through oppressive challenges. Additional sources of nourishment included mothering, mentorship, allyship from white peers, and the formation of social networks.  相似文献   

Toni Morrison presents how the white culture crashed on the black people and changed their values in The Bluest Eye.The tragedy story of black girl Pecola reveals that the negative impact of white culture is the major reason for distorted and deformed values of black people.Besides exposing the astonishing reality of black people’s existence,Toni Morrison also explores the way to resist pressures from white culture and keep black people’s mental independence.  相似文献   

The primary interest of this study is to discover the extent to which black males are gaining or losing ground educationally relative to other male populations. The findings of this study show that the relative difference in the percent of black and white males with a high school or associate's degree has converged considerably, but the relative gap between black and white males receiving a bachelor's, or graduate degree has remained constant. The data showed much upward and downward intergenerational educational mobility for black males. Finally the data showed that the educational attainment of black males was significantly associated with their age, their father's educational attainment level, and the size of the place in which they lived at age 16.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to broaden our knowledge and understanding of black student experiences in U.S. higher education over the past 20 years. Toward this end, I analyze black student enrollment/earned degree trends in the state of Michigan during the 1965–80 period; examine the institutional experiences of black students who enrolled as freshmen at the University of Michigan between 1975 and 1983; and assess the correlates of access, adjustment, and achievement of 700 black college students who attended six predominantly white public institutions in 1981. The analyses out across four different levels of U.S. higher education (national, state, institutional, and individual) and shed considerable light not only on black student experiences but also those of other minority and white students as well. Based on the result of the multidimensional analyses, I set forth an agenda for action to improve the status of blacks in higher education.  相似文献   

As an unintended consequence of the Civil Rights Movement and the integrationist vocabulary that it engendered, otherwise progressive thinkers have been unable to describe the adverse impact of actions, attitudes and policies that are not necessarily intended as racist, but function that way nonetheless. Because racism has come to be popularly understood as the product of individual irrationality—aberrant behavior that society abhors—supposedly race neutral actions, attitudes and policies that systematically and predictably benefit whites and adversely impact people of color escape effective critique. This has created a problem on college campuses, where many black students continue to feel alienated and mistreated because of their race. This article argues that issues of race and racism remain important considerations in the lives of black students on predominantly white campuses.  相似文献   

The reported drug usage of students attending a large southeastern statewide university system was investigated by use of a 112-item questionnaire and analyzed in terms of racial classification. Of the 24,475 student respondents, 84% reported their racial grouping and were included in this study. Many of the results were not congruent with findings of previously reported research. Black students reported significantly lower usage of alcohol, marihuana, stimulants, and hallucinogens when compared to white students, and furthermore, there were significant differences between most racial groups on five other drug usage levels.The group most often having contact with drugs was the American Indian, and the second highest level was reported by those responding Other to the racial classification item. The Oriental and white/Caucasian group reportedly used drugs to a much lesser degree. The reported usage levels of the black/Negro group was among the lowest of the five racial groups on most drugs. Blacks attending predominantly white institutions reported higher, albeit slightly, rates of drug usage than blacks attending predominantly black institutions.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, United States Department of Justice, under Discretionary Grant #72-DF-04-0037. The study was undertaken while the authors were affiliated with the University of Georgia at Athens.  相似文献   

美国黑人女作家托尼·莫里森的第一部小说《最蓝的眼睛》在声讨种族主义、探讨黑人出路的问题上采取了不同于以往多数黑人作家传统的做法,标志着黑人文学逐步走向成熟和理性.小说主人公的悲剧揭示了白人种族文化观对黑人的残害,而黑人对自身的不幸也有不可推卸的责任,黑人的自我歧视埋下了更加痛苦的种子.所以,黑人自我态度的改变成了他们实现真正自我的关键.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypotheses that the nonverbal behavior of teachers is affected by the race and performance of their students. Fifty-six white college-age subjects, acting as teachers, were led to praise successful or unsuccessful students. The students were either white or black. Stimulus teachers' nonverbal behavior was recorded, and silent samples of their behavior were shown to naive judges who rated how pleased they appeared to be with their student. Results showed that stimulus teachers were more pleased with successful than unsuccessful students, and more pleased with white than black students.  相似文献   


This study examined the effect of school organizational structure on interracial friendships among middle school students. Students evaluated a white friend and a black friend on a modified semantic differential scale and reported the number of their other-race friends. Responses of students in two team-structured schools were contrasted to those of students in three traditionally structured schools. Multivariate analysis revealed that the organization of a school affects number of other-race friends and that whites with even "some" black friends are more positive in their perceptions of blacks than are those who report having "almost no" black friends. Variations in the nature and extent of contact between white and black students in schools does affect the racial attitudes of whites. Black students rated white and black friends the same regardless of the organizational structure of the school.  相似文献   

黑白色作为基本的服装色彩,以其独特魅力占据世界服装流行舞台。通过分析黑白色在当前服装设计中的运用,探讨了如何将黑白色的流行因素、审美意识、色彩情感和黑白面料图案运用在服装设计中,以促进服装设计和服装产业的蓬勃发展,更好地满足人们日益增长的服装审美情趣和追求时尚服装的欲望感。  相似文献   

In July 1963, students from Queens College (QC) and a group of New York City teachers traveled to Prince Edward County (PEC), Virginia, to teach local black youth in Freedom Schools. The county had eliminated public education four years earlier to avoid a desegregation order. PEC Freedom Schools represented the first major effort to recruit an integrated group of outside teachers and students to educate black students in a civil rights battleground over an entire summer. In contrast to the racial and class tensions that arose between black leaders and predominantly white volunteers in other civil rights campaigns, PEC volunteers willingly deferred to the expertise of local and outside black leaders. This paper identifies the relatively modest scope and well‐defined mission of the program, the real‐world experiences of volunteers, and the high quality of black leadership as factors that led to this positive outcome.  相似文献   


A total of 256 black and 3009 white sophomore students in the four large Georgia universities were studied with regard to their reading test scores obtained during the 1982-83 Georgia Regents' Testing Program. Classification analyses showed that white students scored significantly higher on the reading subtests as well as apposite aptitude/achievement variables. The overlap of black and white student score distributions was consistent, though insignificant, on the aptitude/achievement variables as well as the reading subtests. The extant overlap, however, was significantly greater for black students on the reading subtests than with the aptitude/achievement variables, and these results were similar to those obtained with white students. Further, with the reading subtests, approximately 41% of the black students were misclassified as white students, while only 26% of the white students were misclassified as black students, and this difference in overlap was statistically significant. The study was regarded, to a limited extent, as a cohort extension of the NAEP studies and the results were compared to those findings.  相似文献   

黑白装饰画,是以黑、白对比为造型手段,画面主题以黑、白形体的巧妙组合来得以充分表现,具有高度概括的艺术特色。黑白装饰画的空间表现、造型特征、表现方式具体体现在用黑白构成的外在形式美,灵活运用点、线、面多种形式的表现方式,使画面黑、白、灰变化丰富,虚实层次错落有致以及黑白艺术效果单纯、明朗、强烈,自然带有强烈浪漫主义色彩和抒情性。  相似文献   


Drawing on whiteness literature and over fifty years of combined classroom instruction experience, two professors of race and religion—one black, one white—at predominantly white institutions, answer the question, “How do we as religious educators effectively teach white students to challenge racially distorted assumptions and promote racially just outcomes?” In reply, they call into question the idea of “safe space,” dissect “the white gaze,” and offer three pedagogical principles for preparing white students to be allies in antiracist struggle: principled dislocation, supportive relocation, and sustained cultivation.  相似文献   

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