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The recent conference sponsored by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau on "scientific Perspectives on School Readiness" provided an opportunity to assist in the continuing process of integrating applied research and practice with respect to our knowledge base on early educational experiences. Some of the issues raised by one of the symposia dealing with intervention and measurement at that conference are presented. Next, those issues will be highlighted in a discussion of one early education program begun as a research and demonstration effort sponsored in part by Maternal and Child Health Bureau. That project has moved into a statewide program for ethnic Hawaiian children in Hawaii.  相似文献   

The recent conference sponsored by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau on "scientific Perspectives on School Readiness" provided an opportunity to assist in the continuing process of integrating applied research and practice with respect to our knowledge base on early educational experiences. Some of the issues raised by one of the symposia dealing with intervention and measurement at that conference are presented. Next, those issues will be highlighted in a discussion of one early education program begun as a research and demonstration effort sponsored in part by Maternal and Child Health Bureau. That project has moved into a statewide program for ethnic Hawaiian children in Hawaii.  相似文献   


This essay examines how the 1977 International Women’s Year Conference (IWY), a historic gathering of women in Houston, Texas—tasked to put forward a series of policy recommendations, many informed by a feminist perspective—undercut its own intersectional impulse by leveraging collective memory of U.S. suffrage activism. I analyze the conference program, a document distributed to every conference attendee, that called up early woman’s movement history and suffrage memory in its language, ephemera, and image to constitute a certain narrative for the 1977 IWY audience. I argue that by linking the IWY conference to a specific narrative of women’s rights and suffrage activism, the planners made the conference more explicitly political and feminist, and imbued the event with historical significance and legitimacy. At the same time, the deployment of suffrage memory ultimately positioned white women as mobile and engaged in social movement while effacing Black women and women of color who had been involved in suffrage activism, thus rendering them immobile, invisible, silent, and locked in the past. I conclude by examining a concurrent counter-narrative, one not included in the program, as a productive, intersectional rupture in suffrage memory at IWY.  相似文献   

Deaf children from ethnic, linguistic and racial minority backgrounds demonstrate significantly depressed achievement levels relative to their White deaf peers. Educators of deaf children and youth have had a tendency to accept the erroneous proposition that deafness in some ways precludes ethnic and racial minority group membership and status. This article describes some of the unique social and educational realities faced by Black and Hispanic children and their families in the northeastern United States and the similarities experienced by deaf Black and Hispanic children and their families. Implications concerning educational assessment, placement, student expectations, curriculum development, staffing and policy making are noted as are recommendations that resulted from the first national conference on Black and Hispanic deaf youth held in March 1989. Demographic data are also presented showing the growth and distribution in the population of minority deaf children, as well as the results of a survey indicating the dearth of minority personnel, board members and specialized programs in schools.  相似文献   

Conclusion Given the way today's students want information, career centers must develop some outreach programming to remain viable on campus. While it raises the critical issues of staffing, budget and time constraints, there are ways to expand our outreach efforts without severe impact. By assessing the programming needs of students on your specific campus and exploring cost reduction measures such as student staffing and multi-use materials, you can create an impressive outreach program that will provide just in time information to students when and where they will find it beneficial.  相似文献   

In August 1977, the Ministry of Education called together people from education bureaus from eleven provinces and municipalities for a work conference to discuss the teaching program for elementary and secondary education.  相似文献   

This article describes an undergraduate preparation program in rehabilitation education that has both terminal and preprofessional characteristics. In an era of heightened concern for differentiated staffing and effective use of manpower in and out of the helping professions, such a curriculum provides a structure by which a career ladder in counselor and subcounselor roles can be created.  相似文献   

新生头年计划是美国高校入学教育的有效途径和重要形式,各高校形成了特色鲜明、运作成熟的操作模式。以新泽西大学为例,研究新生头年计划基本模式,分析新生头年计划的基本目标、人员配备、管理模式、多种类型的活动等,为我国高校新生入学教育的研究和实践提供参考。  相似文献   


In the spring of 2002 we conducted a structure-focused case study at 4 North Carolina community colleges to understand how selected senior campus leaders assessed a new legislatively-mandated institutional-accountability program. Using confidential interviews and document analysis we collected, analyzed, and interpreted data that revealed clear differences in how leaders regarded the accountability program. These distinct, campus-specific perspectives are characterized as “bureaucratic meddling,” “benign intrusion,” “an opportunity to demonstrate accountability,” and “the divided leaders.” Despite these distinct perspectives, however, we also found 2 overarching themes that illuminated common reactions to the accountability program. First, leaders at 3 of the 4 institutions reported that performance ratings under the accountability program were instrumental in prompting changes in instructional programs or staffing. Second, faculty leaders at 3 institutions exhibited an apathy or unawareness of state indicators, even though some state funding was linked to measures regarding student performance.  相似文献   

人员编制核定是办好开放大学的重要人才保障措施。开放大学人员编制的制定有办学性质和办学职能两个内在依据及政策法律和电大系统文件等外在依据,其制定需遵循复合性、客观性、效益性及发展性四项原则。开放大学人员编制的制定宜采用固定编制和流动编制(政府购买)相结合的配置标准,同时,通过相关措施使其编制工作实现科学化、制度化和信息化。  相似文献   

介绍了外业碎部测量中在任意点设站进行数据采集,然后通过联测控制点的办法采集数据并转换坐标,对坐标数据的计算机处理程序进行了设计。  相似文献   

This study identifies adult education program characteristics associated with learning disability (LD) prevalence through statistical analyses of data from a single U.S. state (Kansas). Data indicate that several variables at the adult education (AE) program level are linked to LD prevalence, including disability incidence, educational background of learners, and learner age. In addition, after participation in AE services, learner outcomes associated with LD prevalence are adult basic and secondary learning gains, GED outcomes, and entering employment. Learner skill level on entering the AE program, learner outcomes of retaining employment, and program characteristics related to staffing and funding did not consistently associate with LD prevalence. These results have implications for AE program staff and policy makers and suggest a need for further research of individual characteristics of adult learners with LD.  相似文献   

设立学生公寓辅导员是当前为适应新时期学生教育管理工作发展,从在校学生中选拔优秀学生参与学生公寓管理的重要举措。经过探索和实践,学生公寓辅导员建设取得显著成绩,但也面临角色定位模糊、激励机制缺乏、人员配备紧张等问题,亟需引起重视和加以改善。只有通过更新人才管理观念、完善制度管理体系、落实后勤保障等有力措施,才能有效发挥这一岗位在提升大学生思想政治教育工作科学化水平中的重要价值。  相似文献   

迄今,课程与教学论专业研究生培养历经30年的改革与发展,逐渐形成了比较丰富的经验和培养模式,主要有"4+2"模式、"集散集"模式、"四定位"模式和"实践导向"模式等。然而,随着研究生教育的发展,给课程与教学论专业研究生培养带来了新的挑战,并逐渐暴露出培养目标定位不清、培养质量不高等一系列问题。全国教学论专业委员会专题研讨了我国课程与教学论专业面临的挑战、存在的问题,并在未来课程与教学论专业研究生培养上达成了共同合作、协调行动的共识。  相似文献   

人员编制是直接关系图书馆管理效益的重要因素,一直以来缺乏定编依据和具体标准。高校图书馆人员编制可分为读者服务岗人员编制和后台支持岗人员编制。反映读者服务人员数量的指标主要有员生比、员师比、员书比、人均管理面积。确定合理的指标数值区间和比例.是测算读者服务人员编制数量的关键。后台支持岗人员的数量应根据岗位特点,本着精简、高效的原则予以配备。  相似文献   

A passing comment at a chance meeting led to students from the University of New Mexico's (UNM) Organization, Information, and Learning Sciences (OILS) program participating in the University Case Study Competition (CSC) at the 2013 ISPI international conference. The teams’ involvement in the contest resulted in many lessons learned and in the transformation of an academic program. This article discusses the benefits accrued from CSC participation by a student team, one of the team's professors, and the OILS program. The article also illustrates the impact that a single individual can have on others, a program, and a community.  相似文献   

1918年1月8日,第一次世界大战硝烟未尽,美国总统威尔逮在国会两院发表了“十四点和平纳领”的演说,其中关于民族自决和弱小国家权利的诺言,使中国知识界为之振奋。1919年1月,威尔逊订自出席巴黎和会,更加鼓舞了知识界对美国及和会的信心。中国人希望在和会上运用“民族自决”的原则解决山东问题。然而,威尔逊在最后关头放弃了他的原则。笔者试就山东问题的由来、和会前后期威尔逊总统对山东问题的不同态度来分析威尔逊放弃“民族自决”原则的原因。  相似文献   

Mentoring is a powerful and often effective tool in supporting the work of new and experienced teachers. It can also be a means of attracting and retaining talented teachers in schools which face challenges in staffing and turnover. In this article we describe and analyze the first 2 years of a mentoring program designed to support teacher retention and growth. The program, planned between a Jewish education agency and university faculty, was implemented in several Orthodox Jewish day schools. Mentoring was provided by university faculty and the relationship between the mentor and teacher was non-evaluative and fully collaborative. Data collected from mentors, teachers, and principals are analyzed and presented, and implications for Jewish day schools are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of the 2nd-year evaluation of an after-school program designed for an extended school day program serving African American middle school students in the city of Baltimore, Maryland (ACCESS-West). This study describes the effects of schoolwide reform especially as it relates to single-gender schools, educating African American males, and extending the school day. The ACCESS-West program goals included improving academic achievement, improving student attitude toward school, decreasing chronic truancy and absenteeism, and increasing parental engagement and involvement. Second-year results reveal that three of the four goals were met but that the interplay between schoolwide reform and implementing the extended-day program had mixed effects on the program. Staffing and administrational changes and high percentages of special needs students adversely affected the program and results. Dedication, commitment, and implementation positively contributed to the outcomes of the 2nd-year results. The results contribute to the growing body of literature and research that continues to investigate the effects of single-gender schools on minority males. The results suggest that the schools need a number of years to establish their areas of staffing, administration, curriculum, and student enrollment before the results they can expect positive results. These results also suggest that providing African American males with an extended-day program that is flexible, yet structured, can provide positive results academically, behaviorally, and with the challenges of parental engagement and involvement.  相似文献   

在利用前期数据分析预测大型会议与会人数的基础上,从经济、便于管理和与会代表满意的角度,建立了如何选择宾馆和在宾馆内有选择性预订各类满足与会代表要求客房的目标规划模型,形成了大型会议筹备工作的整体优化方案,使办会过程务实合理。  相似文献   

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